This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Monthly Horoscope and Predictions – December 2016

By Kshitij Sharma, November 19, 2016

The monthly horoscope for December 2016 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided.

The planetary positions for the month of December 2016 are as follows.


  • Sun is in friendly rashi of Scorpio till 16th of December. It then moves to its friendly rashi of Sagittarius
  • Saturn is conjunct Sun when in Scorpio.
  • Mercury will be conjunct Sun during 2nd half of month.
  • Rahu will have its 5th house drishti on Sun while in Sagittarius.


  • Mars is in enemy sign of Aquarius from December 12th onwards.
  • Saturn and Mars will continue to be closely related as they exchange signs, but this will be more dangerous since Mars is no longer in exaltation, but a little flustered in Aquarius.
  • Jupiter will have its benign aspect on Mars when in Sagittarius.
  • Ketu will be conjunct Mars when in Aquarius


  • Mercury will spend the month in Sagittarius.
  • It becomes retrograde on 19th December.
  • Mercury will be conjunct Sun when Sun enters Sagittarius.
  • Rahu will have close aspect on Mercury through the month.


  • Jupiter is moving through Virgo
  • Mars has 8th house aspect on Jupiter.


  • Venus will spend most of the time during the month in Capricorn.


  • Saturn continues to be in Scorpio.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through Leo/Aquarius axis.

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Aries – Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through inauspicious 8th and 9th during the month. Saturn is going through the eighth house transit – Ashtama Shani that has been causing a problem of support from others. Mars is going through inauspicious 10th house transit and then auspicious 11th house. Jupiter’s transit through 6th house is difficult. Rahu is going through a 5th house transit. Ketu is also going through a favourable 11th house transit. Venus will also go through unfavourable 10th house. Mercury is transiting through 9th house.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Stress can be caused between family members. Too much ego between partners and partners family will cause such issues. This is the prediction for the 1st half of the month. In the 2nd half, take care of your father well. During the 2nd half of the month, cooperation will improve within family members. You will maintain curious relationship with an off/on switch with your social network. You are likely to be very helpful to them, but may not get much in return.

Travel: Religious travel in 2nd half of the month will be good. Travel in 1st half should be avoided.

Health: This will be a month of stress problems rather than physiological issues. Blood pressure could be on the rise. Take care of eyes, ear problems as well.

Finance, Business & Job: You need to somehow negotiate through choppy waters of December and half of January at the place of work after which things will turn to positive. During this month, build on the teamwork and cooperation of your team members. Think about big picture and work with your colleagues to align their thinking with yours. Expenditure will be high. Bonuses could be postponed. New projects in business will not yield results. Real estate income will become better in 2nd half of the month. Agriculture income will also be good.

Chandrashtama days: 26-Dec, 27-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 8-Dec, 9-Dec, 12-Dec, 13-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Taurus – Vrishabha Janma Rashi

This will be an average to good month for Taurus rashi borns. Sun goes through unfavourable 7th and 8th house transits. Jupiter moves through 5th house transit and this month has no vedhas. Saturn’s adhayia shani seventh house transit indicates problem in married life and relationships. Mars is going through adverse 9th and 10th house transits. Lagna lord Venus is going through 9th house transit. Mercury moves through 8th house in transit. Rahu and Ketu are now moving through the 4th and 10th houses respectively in the janma rashi chart.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The month indicates conflict with spouse and partner and if your communication is proper, it can indicate good romantic relationship and comfort of home. There could be problems with neighbours and close friends as well. The root cause of the problem would be your hardnosed and understanding attitude towards problems faced by others.

Travel: Journeys will be good in 1st half. Avoid travelling in 2nd half of the month.

Health: 1st half can bring abdominal pain. If you cannot avoid stress, you should take preventive measures to keep blood pressure down, otherwise, it can mark the start of long term problems.

Finance, Business & Job: People at the place of business should be careful with cracks in partnerships. At the place of work, be careful with statements you are making. If you are reckless in dealing with others and/or frugal with truth, it can cause embarrassment and loss of honour. Expenses will be on the rise. This is a good cycle for financial planning, but be careful with outrageous ideas during 2nd half of the month. Plan and strategize, but do not implement without taking help from others. It will be a good time for students. Knowledge will increase.

Chandrashtama days: 1-Dec, 2-Dec, 28-Dec, 29-Dec, 30-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 10-Dec, 11-Dec, 14-Dec, 15-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Gemini – Mithuna Janma Rashi

December will be an average month overall. Sun will be going through favourable 6th and unfavourable 7th house transit. Jupiter moves through 4th house. Mars is transiting through manglik 8th house and then will move through 9th house. Saturn’s transit through 6th house continues to be favourable, but Mars causes vedha in 2nd half of the month. Mercury is going through 7th house transits. 8th house transits of Venus is unfavourable. Rahu’s transit is favourable, while Ketu’s transit is not.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Sun’s transit through 6th house gives comfort of home. Problem will start happening at home. Mars’ manglik transit doesn’t help with spouse and in-laws, but then it moves to 9th house and will cause some relief on this front. Disagreement with spouse is flavour of the month. Those not yet married can find this period fairly fiery, including meeting someone new with a possibility of lasting relationship.

Travel: There are no major indications about travel in this month in the first half. In the 2nd half, journeys will be good provided you plan well ahead.

Health: Accidents can cause muscle and bones problems. Stomach ailments, food poisoning, indigestion is also indicated.

Finance, Business & Job: Be careful with legal language when taking loans. You may be short-changed and get into legal difficulties along the way. Paperwork in this month has to be proper as well as you have be careful about unethical behavior on part of others around you. There will be undue emphasis on your communication aspects. Check your spouse’s horoscope and decide if you want to go through with joint property purchase.

Chandrashtama days: 3-Dec, 4-Dec, 5-Dec, 31-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 12-Dec, 13-Dec, 16-Dec, 17-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Cancer – Karka Jamna Rashi

December 2016 will be a better month for Cancer borns compared to last one, with 2nd half being more favourable than 1st half. Sun is going through unfavourable 5th and then favourable 6th house transits. Mars will move through unfavourable 7th & 8th house manglik transits. Venus would  be in the 7th house unfavourable transit. Mercury is going through your favourable 6th houses in transit. Saturn is moving through 5th house. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 2nd and 8th houses. Jupiter is going through inauspicious 3rd transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Manglik transit will indicate that disagreements with spouse and his/her family side will occur. Keep your comments in check and do not speak unless you are doubly sure. Kids will bear the brunt of your anger as well. 2nd half of the month will bring some relief to entire family.

Travel: No major indications of travel are there in this month.

Health: Addictions are indicated whether it is tobacco, alcohol or food itself. Food poisoning, stomach problems can affect you. BP can go up due to stress in 1st half.

Finance, Business & Job: Research angle in job will be very good and rewarding, even if results are not visible immediately. Stay below the radar at the place of work and do not make noise just to gain visibility. Those in business can mute their marketing campaigns down. Do not criticize people much. You will be courageous, but you are advised not to rub it in on others. This can lead to successful completion of projects by taking help from others. This is also a good period to settle lawsuits.

Chandrashtama days: 6-Dec, 7-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters:14-Dec, 15-Dec, 18-Dec, 19-Dec, 20-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Leo – Simha Janma Rashi

December will be a tougher month for Leo rashi borns. Jupiter’s favourable 2nd house transit is in progress. Sun is going through adverse 4th and 5th houses in transit. Mars is undergoing through favourable 6th house transit and then manglik 7th house during the month. Venus is moving through 6th unfavourable transits. Mercury moves through inauspicious 5th house transit. Saturn’s ardha-ashtama is an unfavourable transit, which is further tougher on you at emotional level. Rahu/Ketu are in 1/7 axis, which indicates stressful situations.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Spend time with your children and family otherwise they feel neglected and move away from you. Cooperation with family and partner is also required and will not come easy. You can be creative and think of novel ways to spend quality hours with your family. Do not be lazy and think only about yourself.

Travel: Long travels will not be comfortable and be very hectic. Accidents, losses during travels are also indicated.

Health: Be careful with fever, infections and injuries. Stomach and abdominal region could give problems.

Finance, Business & Job: There are obstacles in new partnerships and undertaking during the month. You may not be thinking clearly. During the 1st half, you will win over your adversaries, e.g., court cases can be solved in your favour or you may prevail over other competitors at the place of work or in business. In the 2nd half, compromise will be required. Disputes with partners also can arise. You can benefit from association with superiors, higher officials in government, etc.

Chandrashtama days: 8-Dec, 9-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 19-Nov, 20-Nov, 23-Nov, 24-Nov, 25-Nov

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Virgo – Kanya Janma Rashi

December is average month for Virgo rashi where 1st half is better than 2nd. Virgo rashi borns are supported by good transit of Saturn through 3rd house. Mars is transiting through 5th house and then favourable 6th house. Jupiter is going through adverse 1st house transit. Sun’s transit houses will be auspicious 3rd followed by inauspicious 4th. Rashi lord Mercury will also be going through auspicious 4th house, but Saturn’s vedha prevents good results. Venus will go through favourable 5th house transit. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 12/6 transit and Ketu’s 6th house transit is auspicious. There is no vedha for Ketu.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Romantic time is indicated in 1st half. You can meet someone new or rekindle the romance with your partner. 2nd half will show both tendencies – that of problems and arguments, and at the same time good companionship. The final environment will to your choosing and you can indeed bring some entertainment and amusement to your live

Travel: Short travels will be useful. Long travels can cause problems.

Health: Fever is indicated. Wife and mother can have sickness as well.

Finance, Business & Job: 1st half will be good to work with superiors and government of the day. 2nd half is not that great. Be careful with stock market in the 1st half. 2nd half indicates problems with real estate, but then the Mars’ transit saves. Students and teachers alike will have good time. Watch out for too much confidence, study well and see the growth in intellectual realm.

Chandrashtama days: 10-Dec, 11-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 18-Dec, 19-Dec, 20-Dec, 23-Dec, 24-Dec, 25-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Libra – Tula Janma Rashi

Sun is going through 2nd house inauspicious transit followed by auspicious 3rd house transit. Saturn is in Scorpio and this means that the last part of last leg of Sadhe sati is going on for Libra rashi borns. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 12th house transit as well. Much pondering, thinking and reflection will be required in this one year. Rashi lord Venus is going through auspicious 4th house transits. Mercury is going through adverse 3rd house transit. Mars is going through manglik 4th house transit when in exaltation and then move to 5th house transit. Rahu is going through a favourable 11th house transit (but there is vedha of Mars in 2nd half of the month), while Ketu through an adverse 5th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Relationship problems will bother you throughout the month. While it will be manageable within your close immediate family, there can be problems during dealing with friends, neighbours and extended family. You will need to deal with your children carefully and not be aggressive. Temper your expectations and do not put too much pressure on them. A break and travel alone can do you some good. Take long walks alone or meditate if you are feeling claustrophobic in relationships.

Travel: Short travels will be good.

Health: Eye, face, mouth problems are indicated. Stress will cause emotional problems.

Finance, Business & Job: Be careful with recovery of bad loans. Not everyone you are dealing with during this period has the best intentions in mind. 2nd half of the month is better that way, as you will have clearer mind to deal with problems. Gambling will not work. Real estate deals, agriculture could be good for you. Students will have hard time remembering their lessons.

Chandrashtama days: 12-Dec, 13-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 21-Dec, 22-Dec, 26-Dec, 27-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Scorpio – Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through your janma rashi is the second of the three part Sadhe sati for you. This will be an adverse to average month. Jupiter’s transit is the most favourable one, through 11th house. Rashi lord Mars is going through favourable 3rd house transit and the manglik 4th house transit. Mercury is going through favourable 2nd house transit. Venus is going through favourable 3rd house transit but had vedha of Saturn. Sun will move through unfavourable 1st and 2nd houses in transit. Rahu/Ketu are going through 10th and 4th houses respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment:  You will still continue to neglect others during the month and focus on yourself. Hence, your due diligence with people during the month is a little low. Bad communication can cause regret in relationship later on. Moody behavior and recklessness should be avoided. Parties, get together with friends may be hampered due to too much work and responsibility.

Travel: There are no major indications about travel during the month. Travels continuing from previous month will be there, otherwise, new plans will not be formulated.

Health: Health problems are indicated only due to fatigue and general discomfort. Diseases in top part of the body are indicated. Be careful with chest problems as well.

Finance, Business & Job: Losses are indicated during the month. Financial prudence is required. Its a good time for negotiations during the month. During the 1st part of the month, you will have successes and gain of wealth. However, during the 2nd half, there will be opposition at the place of work. Competitors will be working overtime against you in business. Real estate deals will not go down so well. Your expenditure will be high. Purchase of luxury items in order to improve your life style is also indicated.

Chandrashtama days: 14-Dec, 15-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Dec, 2-Dec, 23-Dec, 24-Dec, 25-Dec, 28-Dec, 29-Dec, 30-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Sagittarius – Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Scorpio indicates that Sagittarians are going through the first leg of Sadhe sati. The Jupiter 10th house transit is adverse. Sun is going through 12th and then 1st house transits. Mars is going through 2nd house manglik transit and then favourable 3rd, but the results will be muted due to vedha of Saturn. Mercury will be moving through 1st house. Venus moves through 2nd house favourable transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is now operating  from 9/3 axis. Ketu’s favourable transit will have Saturn’s vedha throughout, which will bring down the quality of the results provided by the transit. This will be an average month for you.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Dominance over others is the flavour of the month. It will put you in situations where others might become irritated due to your attitude. Be kind to others. Listen to a mentor. Do not neglect your immediate family and attend parties outside.

Travel: Plan the travels well. Travel for learning, short courses will be good.

Health: Eye infection can be a problem. BP should be kept in control. Anxiety will cause more problem that physiological issues.

Finance, Business & Job: Losses in investments are indicated. Paternal property, inheritance or simple sale of immovable property can attract litigation. Dull intellect can cause problems with project execution. You have likely bitten much more than you can chew. Do your research on any topic and do not change your view points too often. This is a good time to take loans.

Chandrashtama days: 16-Dec, 17-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 3-Dec, 4-Dec, 5-Dec, 26-Dec, 27-Dec, 31-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Capricorn – Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn’s 11th house transit continues to be good, but will come to an end in Jan. Jupiter is transiting through your 9th house and is an auspicious transit. Sun’s transits through 11th house will be good, but will be adverse in 12th house. Mars is transiting through 1st and then 2nd house as a manglik transit. Venus is transiting through 1st house. Mercury is transiting through 12th house adverse transit. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 8/2 houses. It will be an average month and 1st half will be better than 2nd.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: This is exactly from the previous month. Gains from social network, friend, co-workers are indicated in 1st half. Continue to develop friendship with good powerful friends made during this period. It is important to keep a cool head and not lose temper on yourself, friends, family and in-laws. Sarcastic remarks should be kept in check. Sharp comments can land you in soup and cost you a relationship or two. You should avoid contests during the month, otherwise it will cause you stress.

Travel: Travel to foreign location are indicated. Good time to take a vacation in the 2nd half.

Health: Eye infection, sleeping disorder and headaches are indicated during the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Last couple of months have been favourable and hopefully have lifted you up in your professional career. It is time to get back to drudgery and fight once again. Be careful with choosing new ventures. Also, during the past month or two, you have built expectations around yourself. It is going to be quite a job to live up to these expectations. Be careful and do not stress out a lot. Also, there are people around you who are jealous with your recent success. Do not let your guard down and let them take any advantage. Expenditure will be high. Income through land, agriculture is also indicated. This is a good time for students. They will have interest in learning new subjects.

Chandrashtama days: 18-Dec, 19-Dec, 20-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Dec, 2-Dec, 6-Dec, 7-Dec, 28-Dec, 29-Dec, 30-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Aquarius – Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through 10th and 11th house transits, both of which will help professionally. Jupiter is going through inauspicious 8th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 1/7 axis. Saturn’s transit is adverse too in the 10th house, but will move to 11th in Jan. Mercury goes through 11th houses in transit, but has vedha of two planets throughout the month. The results will be muted. Mars transits through 1st house. Venus will go through a favourable 12th house transit. Overall an average month.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Social network will start to help immensely. Still, Mars’ transit indicates that some of the past actions will catch up. Do not get into unnecessary arguments as you will be hot headed. Dating advice: You can meet someone new during the month, but there is also likelihood that you will miss the signals and let that person go. Too much partying can mean that you are not getting time to spend with your family.

Travel: No major indications about travel are there in the month. Go out and have an aimless vacation…

Health: Infections, boils and accidents can occur. Otherwise, you will have good food and comfort.

Finance, Business & Job: Hopefully you paid heed to advices given on this blog in past month and waited for your time to make a mark on professional sphere. Now is your time. Hard work will start to pay off. Success in professional field is indicated. Again, the problem could be lethargy and you may miss obvious signs of opportunities. Expenses could still be high. It will also be a good time to plan your investments for long term.

Chandrashtama days: 21-Dec, 22-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 3-Dec, 4-Dec, 5-Dec, 8-Dec, 9-Dec, 31-Dec

Horoscope for December 2016 for Moon sign Pisces – Meena Janma Rashi

The month will an average month for Meena rashi borns. Saturn is going through 9th house transit. Jupiter’s 7th house transit is good. Sun’s 9th house transits is not favourable, but 10th house transit would be. Mars moves through 11th house favourable transit and then through 12th house manglik transit. Venus is going through 11th house beneficial transit. Mercury moves through favourable 10th house. Rahu’s 6th house transit is good for money, but Ketu’s 12th house transit is not good for general health. However, Rahu’s transit has Saturn’s and vedha for long term and hence auspicious effects are not directly visible. This will change in Jan, when Saturn prepares to move to Sagittarius.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: 1st half of the month is good, but then there will be clashes in 2nd half within the immediate family. Help and support will come from outside. It is a good time to take a break from work and think about future.

Travel: Good time to take a vacation to religious places.

Health: Physiological health will continue to be good. Do not take lot of stress – exercises, meditation will help.

Finance, Business & Job: Wait for your time. It is coming in couple of months and good results will start to become visible in 2nd half of December. It is good period to start talking to your superiors about your promotion. Be a leader and take others along with you.

Chandrashtama days: 23-Dec, 24-Dec, 25-Dec

Days of caution on financial matters: 6-Dec, 7-Dec, 10-Dec, 11-Dec

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