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Monthly Predictions for September 2017

By Kshitij Sharma, August 25, 2017

The monthly horoscope for September 2017 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided.

The planetary positions for the month of September 2017 are as follows.


  • Sun is in Leo at the beginning of the month and will move to Virgo on 17th September. 
  • Mars, Mercury and Sun will be close together in the month till Sun moves out of Leo.
  • Saturn will have very close 10th house aspect on Sun in 1st half.


  • Mars will be in Leo throughout the month of September.
  • Mercury, Mars and Sun will be close together when Mars is in Leo.
  • Mercury and Mars will continue their conjunction through the month.
  • Venus and Mars will be together when Venus moves to Leo.
  • Saturn and Mars will be in mutual drishti.


  • Mercury moves through Leo during the month and moves to Virgo by the end of the month.
  • Mars and Mercury are closely conjunct.
  • Saturn has close 10th house aspect on Mars.


  • Jupiter is moving through Virgo.


  • Venus will be in Cancer for the 1st half and then move to Leo in 2nd half.
  • Saturn will start to have 10th house aspect on Venus in Leo.


  • Saturn is moving through Scorpio.
  • Mars and Saturn are in close mutual drishti.
  • Rahu will also have a close 5th house drishti on Saturn.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through Cancer/Capricorn axis.
  • Depending on whether you follow mean nodes or true nodes, the changeover happens on either in August or in September 1st week.
  • Saturn will have aspect on Ketu.

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Aries – Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through inauspicious 5th and auspicious 6th house during the month. Saturn is going through inauspicious 8th house. Mars is going through adverse 5th house in transit. Jupiter’s transit through 6th house is difficult for Aries born. Rahu is going through a 4th house transit. Ketu is going through a unfavourable 10th house transit. Venus will go through favourable 4th and 5th house. Mercury is transiting through 5th and later 6th house. Overall, September will be an average month for Aries borns.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Ashtama Shani will continue to indicate lack of support from family members. Problems with family members, especially kids are also indicated. Trouble with enemies will cause mental anguish. 2nd half of the month will be better for peace of mind and mental satisfaction. Aries men should be careful not to get into affairs and cheat on their partners.

Travel: There are no major indications of travel during the month. 

Health: Emotional problems can create anxiety/stress and hence other related health problems. Be careful with illness to children. 2nd half of the month will be better for health, but stress will not go away completely.

Finance, Business & Job: Authorities related to financial sector can cause grief. These can be tax officials, bank officials, etc. 2nd half of the month is better in dealing with them when projects will be executed well and pending loans can be realized. Be careful in stock market. You may not think through all the decisions required for speculation to work and may be victim on indiscipline. Do not criticize others unnecessarily. During the first half, gains from agriculture, land deals is indicated. 2nd half of the month will be good for students, for people undergoing professional training, etc.

Chandrashtama days: 25-Sep, 26-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 7-Sep, 8-Sep, 11-Sep, 12-Sep, 13-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Taurus – Vrishabha Janma Rashi

This will be an average month for Taurus rashi borns. There are favourable transits, but there are obstacles in form of vedha too. Sun goes through inauspicious 4th and 5th house. Jupiter moves through auspicious 5th house transit, but there is vedha of Sun and then Mars. Saturn is going through inauspicious 7th house transit and indicates adhayiya Shani, which is tough on married life. Mars will be going through manglik 4th house transit. Mercury moves through 4th and 5th houses in transit, but has vedha of Venus during 1st half of the month. Rahu and Ketu are moving through the 3th auspicious and 9th inauspicious houses respectively in the janma rashi chart. Lagna lord Venus is going through 3rd house.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You can appear moody and restless to people around you. You will also lack diplomacy. While you can be compensate for this behavior with family members, you cannot keep this attitude towards your children, who will feel neglected. Spouse can also feel the heat. In order to avoid any unpleasantness, take help of little rest and recreation. Host parties for others and this will surely improve the atmosphere.

Travel: There will be discomfort during travels during the 1st part of the month. 2nd part of the month is better for vacations and pleasure trips. Do not spoil it by being moody and restless.

Health: Fever, body ache, chest and stomach problems are indicated. Wife and mother may have problems during 1st half of the month. Kids will suffer during 2nd half of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Real estate investments will be in pressure during the 1st half of the month. There is opposition at the place of work, working against you. Coworkers can demand a lot, while you can tend to be arrogant and short tempered. In the 2nd half, your decisions will go awry in the stock market and losses are indicated. Gain from agriculture and profession is indicated in 2nd half of the month.

Chandrashtama days: 1-Sep, 27-Sep, 28-Sep, 29-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 9-Sep, 10-Sep, 14-Sep, 15-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Gemini – Mithuna Janma Rashi

For Mithuna rashi persons, this will be a good month. Sun will be going through favourable 3rd house followed by 4tt house transits. Jupiter moves through unfavourable 4th house. Mars is transiting through favourable 3rd house. Saturn’s transit is auspicious 6th house transit for next couple of months. Mercury is going through 3rd house unfavourable transit but then will move to favourable 4th. 2nd and 3rd house transits of Venus are favourable. Both of Rahu and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: A dominating nature can create a problem in family setting. You will regret making rash comments and hasty decisions later. Avoid confrontation with siblings. 2nd half of the month is better in dealing with them. Communication is important for all around you.

Travel: Short travels will be beneficial through the month.

Health: Health will be good during the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Good research can be done through the month. Information gathering, etc. will be good. Overall, the month is good for demonstrating aggression and passion at the place of work. 2nd half of the month will be good for students and teachers alike.

Property transactions, especially in the 2nd half of the month will not be good. Be careful with paperwork and the kind of people you are dealing with. This can cause stress and affect health.

Chandrashtama days: 2-Sep, 3-Sep, 4-Sep, 30-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 11-Sep, 12-Sep, 13-Sep, 16-Sep, 17-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Cancer – Karka Jamna Rashi

September 2017 will overall be an adverse month for Cancer borns. Sun is going through adverse 2nd and then favourable 3rd house in transit. Mars will move through manglik 2nd house transit. Venus would be in the positive 1st and 2nd house transits. Mercury is going through favourable 2nd and then unfavourable 3rd house in transit. Saturn is moving through unfavourable 5th house. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 1st and 7th houses. Jupiter is going through inauspicious 3rd transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: In the first part of the month, you can get into dispute with people outside of immediate family. In the 2nd half, relationship with siblings can be strained, but otherwise home surroundings will be comfortable. Any communication problems due to rash behavior should be solved immediately. In general, try not to get competitive in home environment. Avoid contest and be ready to compromise.

Travel: Travel during the 2nd part of month will be fruitful.

Health: Control your temper in 1st half. Mouth diseases, e.g., gums, teeth, mouth ulcers can occur. Avoid oily, spicy food.

Finance, Business & Job: 1st half of the month indicates problems with loans and recovery of loan. Avoid bad company. Any major project related execution should be postponed to 2nd part of the month when you will have better luck and sympathy of people around you. 1st half of the month is good for negotiations and planning though. Therefore, the correct course of action for you would be to plan to the minutest levels during the 1st half and put the plan to action during 2nd half of the month.

This will be a better period for students.

This is a time to keep your spending under control.

Chandrashtama days: 5-Sep, 6-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 14-Sep, 15-Sep, 18-Sep, 19-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Leo – Simha Janma Rashi

September will an average to adverse month for Leo rashi borns for 2nd month running. Jupiter’s favourable 2nd house transit is in progress, but there is vedha of Venus. Sun is going through unfavourable 1st and 2nd houses in transit. Mars is now moving through 1st house transit during the month. Venus is moving through 12th and 1st favourable house transit. Mercury moves through inauspicious 1st and then 2nd house in transit. Saturn’s 4th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 12/6 axis, which indicates unfavourable and favourable transits respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Due to Mars and Sun both affecting 1st house, you will be hotheaded and egotistical during the month. As a result, you will be difficult to deal with. You will need to keep a check on your speech. Diplomatic approach is very much required in order to avoid any strife with family members. There is a possibility that you will not want to deal with family members and try to look for company of friends, classmates, etc.

Travel: Travel is indicated in 1st half. These travels may not be fruitful and may not achieve desired results.

Health: Fatigue and general discomfort is indicated. Be careful with infections and accidents. You may be moody and restless.

Finance, Business & Job: Financial prudence must be exercised. Expenditure must be kept under control, especially in 1st half. There may be litigation regarding paternal property. At the place of work, you will be aggressive and maybe its a good thing. Be aware and use aggression to your advantage. Cunning and shrewd people can cause harm.

Chandrashtama days: 7-Sep, 8-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 16-Sep, 17-Sep, 20-Sep, 21-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Virgo – Kanya Janma Rashi

September will be an average month for Kanya rashi borns. For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through 3rd is not giving results mainly because there has been continuously some vedha or the other. Mars is transiting through manglik 12th house. Jupiter is going through adverse 1st house transit. Sun’s transit houses will be adverse 12th and followed by 12th. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through 12th inauspicious and then 1st house transit. Venus is going through favourable 11th house, followed by 12th, but Saturn will cause a vedha. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 11/5 transit and Rahu’s 11th house transit is auspicious.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be misunderstanding with spouse. Do not keep any secrets, otherwise there is a chance of past catching up with you and you getting caught. Maintain transparency in relationships. Chances of romance will otherwise be ruined by delays in expressing yourself, self-doubt, etc.

Travel: Travel may just mean wandering around without a major purpose. This is good to step back from hustle bustle of life and take a chilled out vacation.

Health: You may not get good sleep during the month. Fever, chest infection and injuries may plague you.

Finance, Business & Job: You may not be getting credit of all the good work you have been doing in past few months. Susceptibility to such problems will continue. Ensure that competitors and enemies at work do not all gang up on you together. This is also a period where you can be overconfident about your abilities. So, advice is to be careful.

You can buy happiness during the month by spending on luxury items. This will help you cool down.

Chandrashtama days:9-Sep, 10-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 18-Sep, 19-Sep, 22-Sep, 23-Sep, 24-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Libra – Tula Janma Rashi

1st part of the month will be better than 2nd. Sun is going through auspicious 11th and then inauspicious 12th house transits. Saturn is going through Sadhe sati period again. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 12th house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through inauspicious 10th and then auspicious 11th house transit. Mercury is going through 11th and then 12th house transit. Mars is going through auspicious 11th house transit. Rahu is going through unfavourable 10th house transit, while Ketu through an adverse 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: 1st part of the month is better for dealing with people around you in your social network. 2nd part of the month is not that auspicious, but still is not all that bad. The first part of the month is also good for dating and meeting new people.

Travel: Travel is indicated in 2nd half of the month to a foreign country.

Health: 1st part of the month will be good for health. 2nd part of the month can be stressful due to bad food and sleeping habits.

Finance, Business & Job: Good period for career change continues. If things do not work out due to overall unfavourable dashas, then you need to relook at strategy. The favourable dasha period will not continue forever. During the month and especially in 1st half, your leadership will be good. You will be able to work on complex projects that require problem solving abilities. During the 2nd half, be careful with enemies and competitors. Also keep an eye on your expenditure during the same period. 

Chandrashtama days: 11-Sep, 12-Sep, 13-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 20-Sep, 21-Sep, 25-Sep, 26-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Scorpio – Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through your janma rashi is the sadhe sati for you. Jupiter’s transit is the most favourable one, through 11th house an there is no vedha to stop the auspicious impact. Rashi lord Mars is going through 10th house. Mercury is going through auspicious 10th and then 11th house transit. Venus is going through favourable 9th and then unfavourable 10th house transit. Sun will move through favourable 11th and 11th houses in transit. Rahu/Ketu are going through 9th and 3th houses respectively. This will overall be an average to good month. The next month is also to look forward to.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Domestic life will be happy. Help from relatives and friends is indicated. Auspicious events at home are indicated. You will be able to make new friends from opposite sex. Happy conjugal life is also indicated.

Travel: There are no major indications about travel during the month.

Health: Illness is indicated due to anxiety. There is danger of heart problems. Physiological health will be great.

Finance, Business & Job: Job changes will occur for better. Gain of wealth is also indicated. Still, be a little patient and do not be very aggressive, otherwise people around you will get the wrong message. Opposition will also be active. Its good to be ambitious, but it is also important to look at the big picture and you as a part of the picture. Ambition with selfishness will not help you in getting forward. Sun (authority) helps, but Mars (yourself) is busy creating problems for yourself. Working as a part of group with you guiding/helping others will be beneficial.

Chandrashtama days: 14-Sep, 15-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Sep, 22-Sep, 23-Sep, 24-Sep, 27-Sep, 28-Sep, 29-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Sagittarius – Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Scorpio indicates that Sagittarians are going through 12th house sadhe sati. The Jupiter 10th house transit is adverse. Sun is going through adverse 9th and then favourable 10th house transits. Mars moves through 9th house transit. Mercury will be moving through 9th and 10th houses in transit. Venus moves through 8th house and 9th house favourable transits. Rahu/Ketu transit is now operating from 8/2 axis. This will be another adverse month for Sagittarians in succession, but the tide is turning for better starting this month.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Take care of your father during the 1st half of the month. Either his health will be worsened or there may be disagreements with him. On the romance front, there will be positive surprises. Be ready for some good entertaining time with family.

Travel: Long distance travel will be auspicious.

Health: Health problems are indicated only during 1st half of the month. Mental worries, eyes/ear disorders, accidents can occur. 2nd half of the month will be good for healing.

Finance, Business & Job: Work hard during the 1st half of the month to align yourself with government authorities or superiors at work. Develop acquaintance with them. Put your plans to action in 2nd half which indicates promotion and higher social status. Still, this will not come without obstacles. Caution and discipline is required. Most of all, you need to keep your emotions in check and not start shouting match with anyone who opposes you.

Chandrashtama days: 16-Sep, 17-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 2-Sep, 3-Sep, 4-Sep, 25-Sep, 26-Sep, 30-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Capricorn – Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is now going through 11th house and giving some respite from sadhe sati that will continue from October 2017 again. Jupiter is transiting through your 9th house and is an auspicious transit. Sun’s transits through 8th and 9th house will both be inauspicious. Mars is transiting through manglik 8th house. Venus is transiting through 7th unfavourable and 8th house favourable transits. Mercury is transiting through 8th and 9th houses in transit. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 7/1 axis. It will be an average month.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Unnecessary arguments between marital partners can occur. Quarrel with others is also indicated over possessions. Those looking for romance will be able to find it and meet new people. 2nd half of the month indicates misunderstanding with father.

Travel: Avoid travel in 1st half. Religious travel in 2nd half will be good. Long distance travel will bring luck.

Health: Fever, fear and anxiety is indicated. Stomach trouble is also indicated. Be careful and do not take too much stress.

Finance, Business & Job: You will face lack of confidence from others and especially superiors and authorities who may not believe you are capable of doing their bidding. Finances will come under stress, especially if you are in business. Be careful while dealing with your partners and ensure that none of you are crossing ethical boundaries. Loans will be difficult to come.

Chandrashtama days: 18-Sep, 19-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Sep, 5-Sep, 6-Sep, 27-Sep, 28-Sep, 29-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Aquarius – Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through inauspicious 7th and 8th house transits. Jupiter is going through inauspicious 8th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 6/12 axis. Saturn moves through inauspicious 10th house transit. Mercury goes through 7th and 8th house transits. Mars transits through manglik and inauspicious 7th house transit. Venus goes through adverse 6th and 7th house transits. Overall, it will be an adverse month. 2nd half will be better than 1st.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Throughout the month, ensure that you are not the cause of disturbance in domestic peace, because most often you will be. You are the one who needs to cooperate with others and do the necessary explanation about your actions.

Travel: Travel may not be auspicious throughout the month.

Health: Stomach diseases can be caused due to spicy food. Food poisoning may also occur.

Finance, Business & Job: Be careful with partners and legal trouble in business partnerships. You may not be your usual enterprising self. Be a little compromising in how to deal with peers. Mercury transit will help you be communicative. Make use of this extensively. 2nd half of the month is a good time for rapprochement and settlement of long standing disputes.

Chandrashtama days: 20-Sep, 21-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 2-Sep, 3-Sep, 4-Sep, 7-Sep, 8-Sep, 30-Sep

Horoscope for September 2017 for Moon sign Pisces – Meena Janma Rashi

The month will be adverse for Meena rashi borns because of inauspicious vedhas, and all of them due to Saturn in the 1st half. Saturn is going through 9th house transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 7th house transit with aspect on lagna is auspicious. Sun’s 6th and 7th house transits are auspicious and inauspicious respectively. Mars moves through favourable 6th house transit, but vedha of Saturn. Venus is going through 5th and 6th house transits, but vedha of Saturn is there in 1st half. Mercury moves through 6th and 7th houses. Rahu’s 5th house transit is adverse. At the same time Ketu’s 11th house transit is favourable, but Venus causes vedha in 1st half.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The advice from previous month continues. Since the planet causing the vedha is Saturn, pretty much the cause of obstacles in relationships will be fear and delay in taking decisions. You will need to appease Lord Saturn. One of the main ways to do this is to be disciplined and take responsibility. Even if you are down, smile… and even if the smile is laboured, it has the magic to calm you down. Life at home will be tough, especially in 2nd half. As I keep advising people, communicate well to solve the problems.

Travel: There are no major indications about travel during the month.

Health: Fever, infections can bother you through the month. Stomach diseases, indigestion can occur during 2nd half. Keep control on what you eat.

Finance, Business & Job: 1st half indicates completion of projects and gains from superiors. Debt will be in control. If you want to pay off existing loans, go ahead and do it during 1st half of the month. Court cases will be solved in your favour, just ensure to have the right counsel. Similarly, a positive attitude and a good mentor can help with elevation in status. Expenditure will be very high. During the 2nd half of the month, be careful with legal issues in business partnerships.

Chandrashtama days: 11-Sep, 12-Sep, 13-Sep

Days of caution on financial matters: 5-Sep, 6-Sep, 9-Sep, 10-Sep

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