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Monthly Predictions November 2019

By Kshitij Sharma, November 2, 2019

The monthly horoscope for November 2019 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on the financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, the stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided.

The planetary positions for the month of November 2019 are as follows:


  • Sun is in its debilitation sign of Libra at the beginning of the month and then moves to a friendly sign of Scorpio on 17th November.
  • Sun will be close to Mars & Mercury during the 2nd week of the month.
  • Rahu will have a 9th house aspect on Sun during the 1st half of the month, during the Libra transit.


  • Mars is in Virgo during the 1st week of the month.
  • Mars enters Libra on the 10th of November.
  • Mars and Mercury will be together during Libra transit.
  • Saturn will have a 10th house drishti on Mars during Virgo transit. It is a mutual drishti between Mars and Saturn.
  • As Mars enters Libra, Rahu will have close 5th house effect on Mars.


  • Mercury is in Scorpio as on 1st of November.
  • Mercury will enter Libra on the 8th of November in retrogression.
  • Mercury will become direct on 21st of November.
  • Venus will be close to Mercury during the 1st week of the month, thereafter Mars and Mercury will be close together.
  • Rahu will have a close aspect on Mercury during Libra transit.


  • Jupiter has completed its Scorpio transit and will be entering Sagittarius on the 5th of November. It is a long term transit and will be dealt with in another post in detail.
  • Venus and Jupiter will be together in Sagittarius during the last part of the month.
  • Ketu and Jupiter will be together in Sagittarius for a long time.
  • Saturn and Jupiter are also in the same sign, but are far away in degrees.


  • Venus is in Scorpio on the 1st of the month and enters Sagittarius on the 21st of November.
  • Ketu and Jupiter will have an impact on Venus during the Sagittarius transit.
  • Saturn is also in the same house.


  • Saturn is transiting through Sagittarius in forward motion.
  • Ketu and Saturn are together in Sagittarius.
  • Jupiter will also join the party till Saturn gets out of Sagittarius.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.
  • Jupiter, Ketu and Saturn are together in Sagittarius.

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Aries : Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through an inauspicious 7th house followed by another inauspicious 8th house transit. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 9th house transit. Mars is going through an an auspicious 6th house transit, but there is vedha of Saturn throughout the month. The 2nd transit of Mars will be through manglik 7th house. Jupiter’s transit through the 9th house will be favourable. Rahu is going through an auspicious 3rd house transit; at the same time, Ketu is going through an unfavourable 9th house transit. Venus’ transits through the 8th and then 9th houses are both unfavourable. Mercury’s 8th house transit is favourable in the first week, while the 7th house transit in the next three weeks of the month is unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There are both positives and negative and overall effect will be neutral. There will be help from transits when you meet new people because you will be at your best. However, maintaining relationships will be difficult as you can take others for granted. The transits in the 2nd part of the month are not good for relationships. Jupiter’s transit will start being positive.

Travel: Travel during the 1st part of the month will be stressful. Long term travel will start to be good for you.

Health: While you will enjoy better health during the 1st half, health will turn towards negative in the 2nd half of the month. During the 1st half, you can susceptible to diseases of intestine, indigestion, etc. During the 2nd half, eye problems, high BP can bother you. You will be angrier than usual and hence increase chances of stress.

Finance, Business & Job: The first week of the month is good for settling scores with adversaries. At the same time, do not make adversaries out of your business partners and colleagues. In the 2nd half of the month, such friends turned foes can cause humiliation and embarrassment at the place of work. You need to be compromising in nature in the 2nd half of the month, where public relations work, advising others can actually help you gain trust of and to make peace with others. Expenses will increase, where, during the 1st half of the month, it will be more on yourself and on items of comfort, and at the same time, during the 2nd half, it will be more of wasteful expenditure.

It will be a good period for students and teachers alike.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 26, Nov 27

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 8, Nov 9, Nov 10, Nov 13, Nov 14

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Taurus : Vrishabha Janma Rashi

Sun goes through an auspicious 6th followed by an inauspicious 7th house transit. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 8th house transit. Saturn is also going through an inauspicious 8th house transit. Mars is going through an inauspicious 5th house transit, followed by an auspicious 6th house vedha free transit. Mercury moves through an inauspicious 7th house transit, followed by an auspicious 6th house. Rahu and Ketu are moving through 2/8 axis. The Lagna lord Venus is moving through an inauspicious 7th house transit followed by an auspicious 8th house transit. The 2nd half of the month has more favourable transits.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: During the 1st half of the month, domestic peace will prevail, while there can be strife with neighbours. During the 2nd half, there will be unnecessary arguments between partners. Extra marital affairs are also possible only if your 7th house has negative influence, otherwise, the trend will fortunately be limited to fights. Still, the 2nd half of the month is better for overall mental peace than the first one.

Travel: There are no major indications for travel during the first part of the month. Travel will not be be a pleasant experience during the 2nd half.

Health: Diseases caused due to poor eating habits can bother you during the 2nd half of the month. Anxiety problems can lead to physiological distress. Diet needs to be regulated.

Finance, Business & Job: The month will be a mixed bag. Overall, if you are careful and play your cards right, you should be able to make progress despite obstacles. During the 1st half, Sun’s transit creates problem, but Mars and other planets balance it out, and vice versa during the 2nd half. So, the trick is to rely on your own ego during the 1st part and be diplomatic during the 2nd half. Students will have a good time during the 2nd half.

Financial transactions should be done along with your spouse in the 2nd half of the month. Check the right nakshatra/muhurta for lending or borrowing money.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 1, Nov 2, Nov 28, Nov 29

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 11, Nov 12, Nov 15, Nov 16, Nov 17

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Gemini : Mithuna Janma Rashi

Sun will be going through one unfavourable transit – 5th house followed by a 6th house auspicious transit. Mars is transiting through a manglik 4th house transit followed by another unfavourable 5th house transit. Saturn’s transit is through adverse 7th house transit, which is a difficult one called adhayia shani. Mercury is going through a favourable 6th house transit, followed by an unfavourable 5th house transit. The 6th and 7th house transits of Venus are both unfavourable. Both of the Rahu’s and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable, through the 1/7 axis. Jupiter’s transit through the 7th house is favourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Children will not be amused by your behaviour and lack of attention towards them. Intimacy with spouse will also be affected during the 1st half. These problems should be solved in the 2nd part of the month. Relation with mother and other relatives will also be difficult during the 1st part of the month. At the same time, you can be rash and competitive with your partner, which is avoidable.

Travel: There are no major micro indications of travel during the month.

Health: You will be susceptible to stomach problems, indigestion and infections during the 1st half of the month. Physiological problems will be lessened during the 2nd part of the month, but anxiety issues may continue.

Finance, Business & Job: Authorities will not be helpful during the 1st part of the month. Be careful when dealing with government officials on matters of taxation, speculation, import/export, etc. Problems with authorities or superiors will largely be solved during the 2nd half of the month. At the same time, speculations, gambling should be avoided throughout the month as you will be very restless, can lack discipline and can hence make mistakes. You may yourself take shortcuts and resort to wicked practices. Be careful.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 3, Nov 4, Nov 5, Nov 30

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 13, Nov 14, Nov 18, Nov 19

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Cancer : Karka Jamna Rashi

Sun is going through an inauspicious 4th house followed by another inauspicious 5th house in transit. Mars moves through an auspicious 3rd house in transit, followed by a manglik 4th house transit. Venus would be going through a positive 5th house transit, followed by an inauspicious 6th house transit. Mercury’s transit through the 5th house during the first part of the month is unfavourable. Mercury is going through a fourth house favourable transit during the 2nd part of the month. Saturn is moving through the favourable 6th house, which is vedha free. Rahu’s transit through the 12th house is inauspicious, but Ketu’s transit through the 6th house is auspicious. The 6th house transit of Jupiter is inauspicious.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Dominating nature can cause arguments with spouse, siblings, etc. You may find it a problem to get the communication going because of which you may regret decisions later. These negative interactions are completely unnecessary and avoidable. During the 2nd half, your kids may have problems with your attitude. Relationship with parents and close relatives will also become difficult. Avoid becoming moody and restless.

Travel: Short travels will be successful during the 1st half of the month. There are no major indications of travel during the 2nd part of the month.

Health: Hot and spicy food should be avoided. Heartburn and gas can occur and it may result in a trip to the hospital. This can result in unnecessary stress.

Finance, Business & Job: Financial stress will be due to immovable property during the 1st part of the month. Stress will be due to speculation and gambling during the 2nd half. In both cases, competitors will bother you. Be careful as you can be susceptible to cheating.

Students can have a problem in the 1st part of the month. Bad luck & dull intellect can bother you. These problems will go away in the 2nd part of the month, where both students and teachers can benefit.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 6, Nov 7

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 15, Nov 16, Nov 17, Nov 20, Nov 21

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Leo : Simha Janma Rashi

Jupiter’s favourable 5th house transit is in progress, but the overall effect will be lowered due to vedha by Mercury and Sun during the month. Sun is going through an auspicious 3rd house transit, but is in debilitation. The transit in the 2nd half of the month is through an inauspicious 4th house transit. Mars is moving through a manglik 2nd house transit, followed by a favourable 3rd house transit. Venus is moving through 4th and 5th house auspicious transits. Mercury moves through an auspicious 4th house in the first part of of the month followed by an inauspicious 3rd house in the remaining part of the month. Saturn’s 5th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 11/5 axis, which indicates favourable and unfavourable transits respectively, but Saturn has long term vedha on Rahu’s auspicious transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Do not get caught up in emotions. Communication should be improved. If that is done, friends will be faithful, relatives will be helpful and comfort in family live will be maintained one way or the other. Communication can definitely reduce the arguments and strife between marital partners. Loss of family name can thus be avoided by you.

Travel: Short travels during the month will be beneficial during the 1st part of the month. The 2nd half of the month can indicate issues with conveyance. Short term travels can good for learning something new during the 2nd part of the month.

Health: Health will be up and down. Fever, body pain, bad habits can reduce the health. Too much sweet/fatty food can cause stomach problems. During the 2nd half, stress can cause loss of memory and fear of unknown.

Finance, Business & Job: Bad loans and their recovery may be a problem. Wasteful expenditure and theft of accumulated wealths shown. The 1st half of the month indicates that you can keep company of corrupt people. Use the first part of the month to gather information and to plan next steps. Execute the next steps during the last two weeks, where the transits are more favourable. The last week of the month is also good for students and teachers alike. A little bit of rest and recreation will be beneficial.

Be careful with paternal property and any litigation around that. Disputes with extended family due to real estate transactions are indicated.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 8, Nov 9, Nov 10

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 18, Nov 19, Nov 22, Nov 23

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Virgo : Kanya Janma Rashi

For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through the 4th house is adverse. Mars is transiting through an inauspicious 1st house transit, followed by a manglik 2nd house transit. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 4th house transit. Sun will go through an inauspicious 2nd house transit, followed by an auspicious 3rd house transit. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through a 3rd house inauspicious transit followed by a 2nd house auspicious transit. Venus is going through two favourable transits – 3rd house and 4th house. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through a 10/4 transit. The 2nd house of the month is better than the 1st part. The auspicious transits are vedha free.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Disputes with people outside of immediate family are indicated during the 1st part of the month. Conflict with siblings is also indicated. However, during the 2nd part of the month comfort and congenial atmosphere is indicated in family setting. Do not get caught up in unnecessary emotions and have quarrels. Property ownership issues with relations can occur in the 2nd part of the month.

Travel: Short travels will be good during the entire month.

Health: There will be some susceptibility from infections and accidents during the 1st part. Head injury and problems in face area are also indicated. Do not pick up bad habits during the 2nd part of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Bad loans and recovery can be a problem during the 1st part of the month. The 1st part of the month can find you dejected and make you slightly aggressive if things aren’t going as per your liking. Use the 1st part of the month to plan and gather information. Use the 2nd part of the month to forcefully execute your projects.

Wasteful expenditure is indicated throughout the month. Be careful not to break your fixed deposits to fund your expenditure. Credit card debt can also increase.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 11, Nov 12

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 20, Nov 21, Nov 24, Nov 25

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Libra : Tula Janma Rashi

Sun is going through two inauspicious transits, 1st house followed by 2nd house. Saturn is going through an auspicious 3rd house vedha free transit. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 3rd house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through two auspicious transits – 2nd and 3rd house, but there is vedha of Mars in the 2nd half. Mercury is going through an auspicious 2nd house transit, followed by an inauspicious 1st house transit. Mars is going through an unfavourable, manglik, 12th house transit, followed by another inauspicious 1st house transit. Rahu is going through an unfavourable 9th house transit, while Ketu through an favourable 3rd house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Mars’ and Sun’s transits will continue to make you approach towards fiery and rash and hence lead to an inability to deal with family and friends. Ego issues will hamper the connect with the rest of the world and will lower the domestic happiness. Relationships with outside friends will be more important this month. Relatives will be of less help. Venus’ transit gives an opportunity to throw parties for others and these opportunities can help in mending relationships.

Travel: Separation from family is indicated. Unplanned travel can cause distress during the 1st part of the month. There aren’t many indications of travel during the 2nd part of the month.

Health: Health problem can be due to overwork and fatigue. You can be moody and sensitive, especially during the 2nd part of the month. Insomnia can also occur. Throat and mouth illnesses can occur. You will be susceptible to accidents also.

Finance, Business & Job: During both the halves, you can be cheated by cunning people. Litigation regarding paternal property can be started by such people. Chances of theft are their, or your wealth may be destroyed through other means. The first part of the month is good for negotiations regarding new projects, new purchases, etc. You need to ensure that you  are surrounding yourself with the right set of advisors. Do not change your view points too often during the 2nd part of the month. Consistency of thought and action will be required.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 13, Nov 14

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 22, Nov 23, Nov 26, Nov 27

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Scorpio : Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through 2nd from your janma rashi is the last part of sadhe sati going on for you. Jupiter’s 2nd house transit is positive, but Sun and Mars cause vedha throughout the month. Rashi lord Mars is going through an auspicious 11th house transit, followed by a 12th house manglik transit. Mercury is going through an adverse 1st house transit, followed by another adverse 12th house transit. Sun’s 12th and 1st house transits are unfavourable. Venus’ 1st and 2nd house transits are favourable. Rahu/Ketu are going through the 8th and the 2nd houses respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: During the 1st part of the month, relationships will work within the family. Outside social networks will not be helpful as there will be disputes. However, it will be important to invest in these relationships and make them grow. The transits in the 2nd half will be difficult for the family. It is usually when past mistakes made with respect to relationships come catch up with you.

Travel: Short trips to foreign land will be helpful during the 1st part of the month. Travel during the 2nd half may not be fruitful. These travels will be more like wandering around.

Health: Sleeping disorders and skin diseases can bother you during the 1st part of the month. General ailments in the chest area should not be ignored during the 2nd half. You will also be susceptible to accidents and injuries.

Finance, Business & Job: Team work will be helpful during the 1st part of the month. Those around in your teams – whether at the place of business or at job, will be helpful. Do not loan money to others, especially to people who you know have a dubious background. It is a good time to take a loan though. You may yourself indulge in mean acts. Superiors will not help in wealth creation and on the other hand can specifically create obstacles in your path.

Expenditure will remain high, which will need to be controlled.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 15, Nov 16, Nov 17

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 1, Nov 2, Nov 24, Nov 25, Nov 28, Nov 29

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Sagittarius : Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius indicates that Sagittarians are going through the 1st house sadhe sati, which is the 2nd phase of the sadhe sati. Jupiter’s 1st house transit is adverse. Sun is going through an auspicious 11th house transit, followed by an inauspicious 12th house transit in the 2nd half of the month. Mars’ transit through the 10th house is unfavourable, but the transit through the 11th house in the 2nd part of the month is favourable as well as vedha free. Mercury will be moving through an inauspicious 12th house transit followed by an auspicious 11th house transit (with a vedha of Sun)Venus moves through favourable 12th and 1st house transits. Rahu/Ketu transit is operating from 7/1 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be support from people around you in one way or the other throughout the month, even if the support is inconsistent. New partnerships will work out eventually. It is important to recognise the needs or others also around you. New friendships for youngsters can work out if they can keep their egos and rash behaviour aside. If you can evade contest and create compromise in situations, peace can be maintained.

Travel: There are no major indications of travel during the 1st half of the month. During the 2nd half, a visit to a far away place is indicated.

Health: Health will be average, transits will cancel out the issues. Leg injuries, joint pains can bother you. Sleep disorders and chest infection can bother you during the 2nd part of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: There will be anxiety about promotion and progress during the 1st part of the month. During the 2nd half, while new ventures may not work out, you will have courage to take on the challenges. At the same time, colleagues will be helpful and you will be recognised as a leader. The main problem seems to be that you may indulge in mean acts against others. That is a strict no-no. If your actions are discovered, you can lose your reputation. Students will have a good period and they can maintain keen interest in new subjects.

Expenditure will be high on yourself and purchasing articles of luxury.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 18, Nov 19

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 3, Nov 4, Nov 5, Nov 26, Nov 27, Nov 30

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Capricorn : Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 12th house and the sadhe sati is in its first phase. Jupiter is transiting through the 12th house inauspicious transit. Sun’s transit through the 10th and 11th is very auspicious. Mars is transiting through a 9th house inauspicious transit, followed by another inauspicious 11th house transit. Venus is transiting through 11th and 12th houses, both of which are favourable. Mercury is transiting through a favourable 11th house transit (but there are multiple vedhas), followed by another favourable 10th house transit during the 2nd part of the month. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 6/12 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There are clashes with father and father figures, but gains through coworkers and friends are indicated at the same time. New friendships will work out if you are looking for alliances and love relationships have potential to develop into lasting relationships.

Travel: There are indications of long distance travel. The journey can wear you out, but overall result will be good. These indications are the same from previous month.

Health: You can be susceptible to muscular pain. Physiological health in will be good starting 2nd half of the month. Even then, heart problems should not be neglected.

Finance, Business & Job: During the 1st half of the month, there is some restlessness and hunger for adventure. It can go both ways. Legal problems can occur if you aren’t careful. Differences between partners can occur over small things. There will be extravagant expenditure to make you look magnanimous. Acquaintance with high officials and persons of reputation will be developed and you will get patronage from them. There will be avenues of promotion and increase in the source of income.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 20, Nov 21

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 1, Nov 2, Nov 6, Nov 7, Nov 28, Nov 29

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Aquarius : Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through an inauspicious 9th followed by another auspicious 10th house transit. Jupiter is going through an auspicious 11th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 5/11 axis. Ketu’s transit vedha-free throughout the month. Saturn moves through a very auspicious 11th house transit. Mercury will go through an auspicious 10th house followed by an inauspicious 9th house transit during the second part of the month. Mars is moving through a manglik 8th house, followed by an inauspicious 9th house transit. Venus is going through an inauspicious 10th house followed by an auspicious 11th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There can be problems with father throughout the month. Conflicts with partners are also indicated over possessions. Problems with in-laws can occur. The second part of the month does not indicate such problems and help from relatives and friends is indicated. The first part of the month is not good for romance, while the 2nd part of the month is.

Travel: Religious travel will continue to be good. Long distance travel is indicated in the 2nd part of the month and will need to be planned well in advance.

Health: Mental worries are indicated in the 1st part of the month. The 2nd half of the month will largely be free of illnesses. Still, muscular pain is indicated. Be careful with accidents in the gym.

Finance, Business & Job: Alignment issues with superiors will exist in the 1st part of the month. They should be solved by the 2nd part, when there are chances of job change for better. This will be a good period to discuss promotion opportunities with superiors. Still, unwanted transfers can happen and you should be careful before taking a transfer along with promotions. Honour will be restored, albeit slowly.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 22, Nov 23

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 3, Nov 4, Nov 5, Nov 8, Nov 9, Nov 10, Nov 30

Horoscope for November 2019 for Moon sign Pisces : Meena Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 10th house in transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 10th house transit is inauspicious. Sun’s 8th and 9th house transits are both inauspicious. Mars’ 7th and 8th house transits are both inauspicious. The transit of Venus through the 9th house is auspicious but the transit through 10th house is not. Mercury is going through an inauspicious 9th house in transit in the first half, followed by an auspicious 8th house transit in the 2nd part of the month. Rahu and Ketu will continue their transits through the 4/10 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The transits of Mars and Sun will continue to indicate a lot of unnecessary arguments and clashes with the spouse, as going on from the previous month. There will be an unhealthy atmosphere created at home. At the same time, communication can solve the problem and romance can still be kindled. During the 2nd part of the month, you need to take good care of your father.

Travel: Long distance travel is indicated throughout the month, but you need to be careful with accidents and theft during the travel. Religious travels will bring luck during the 2nd part of the month. Communication with people far away will be good.

Health: You may be addicted to smoking and drinking during the month. High BP can occur due to stress. Stress can make you angrier than usual as well.

Finance, Business & Job: Disputes with coworkers, displeasure from higher authorities need to be absolutely avoided during the month. These problems can cause obstacles and impediments in wealth acquisition, for example, they can stop a sure shot bonus. Tis is not a good time for taking new loans and starting projects with this money.

Students will be able to study well. Their intelligence will improve during this period. The same will be applicable to professional who are keen to learn new subjects.

Chandrashtama days: Nov 24, Nov 25

Days to be careful for financial dealings: Nov 6, Nov 7, Nov 11, Nov 12

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