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Mundane Astrology Outlook for India in 2015

By Kshitij Sharma, November 12, 2014

The two important dates for Mundane Astrology outlook for India are the Hindu New Year and the Mesha Sankranti. Astrology charts for the two dates are presented below with an attempt at their analysis. Additionally, this year will see 4 eclipses, which is a norm for a calendar year. Both the solar eclipses are not visible in India and hence will not be considered affecting the residents here. One of the lunar eclipse will be visible properly and the other one will be visible just when the Earth’s penumbra touches the Moon and Moon sets immediately after. Hence, the astrological effects of the second lunar eclipse will be muted down.

The important dates are:

Hindu New Year: March 20, 2015 @ 2.55 PM for a horoscope for the capital of our country – New Delhi. This is the day on which South India celebrates Yugadi and Maharashtra celebrates Gudi Padwa. The date for Gudi Padwa is March 21 as this the new year starts in the afternoon of 2th.

Mesha Sankranti: April 14th, 2015 @ 13.34 hours for a horoscope for the capital of our country – New Delhi. Mesha Sankranti is celebrated as Bihu in Assam and Baisakhi in Northern part of the country.

Horoscope 1: Hindu New Year


Horoscope 2: Mesha Sankranti Chart


Both the charts are similar. Both are Karka lagna charts, with exalted Jupiter in Lagna. The position of all the slower planets and Rahu/Ketu is the same. Jupiter gets an aspect from  Ketu. Jupiter is retrograde in the New Year horoscope. Consider the following combinations in the two horoscopes

  • Lagna: In the mesha sankranti chart, Lagna is strong with exalted Jupiter located there. Lagna lord is in 7th aspecting the lagna as well as getting direct 7th drishti from Jupiter. This will ensure that there is a lot of focus on India in terms of good news. Rashi lord Saturn is not well placed as it is in enemy sign, but gets aspect from Jupiter.
  • Jupiter in 1st house: Banking/Finance sector will be good. Investments in India will increase. However, Jupiter is getting aspect from Ketu in both the horoscopes. It is retrograde in the new year chart as well. This will mean that there will be some holding back in the reforms sector (essentially the “expansion” of the Indian economy) and it will be below expectations.
  • Saturn in 5th house – hard time for speculation, stock market and media houses. Saturn is 7th and 8th Lord in the horoscope and is inauspicious for art/entertainment/speculation/science & technology. India will not do well in these areas. Saturn is further aspected by Ketu and Mars, fueling fire. An exalted Jupiter aspects 5th house & 7th house where Moon is located. This will bring some relief to these sectors in questions.
  • Rahu in 3rd house: Strained relations with neighbours. Reforms in railways/transport will cause problems. There will be problems with these ministries and the corresponding transport ministers where they could be tainted by allegations of graft.
  • Ketu in 9th, getting Jupiter’s aspect and vice versa: War like atmosphere will continue, but due to Jupiter presence in 1st house in the 2015 horoscope, these wars and situations should be in India’s favour.
  • This is the highlight of mesha-sankranti chart that Mars is in 10th and its own house in the 2015 horoscope. Take a very close look do not become biased just because you see Jupiter in exaltation in Karka lagna. 2015 horoscope is chart dominated by Mars. Aggression will be maintained. It affects the following parameters from this position in the 10th house:
    • Ascendant,
    • with Jupiter in it, and,
    • Saturn (which is the rashi lord) .
  • Venus is 11th: this is a good position for women in India. Government can bring in 33% reservation for women, if is feels so.
  • The Lunar eclipse that is visible in India immediately new year & immediately before the mesha sankranti will give rise to seditious activities in India.
  • There will be intense activities in northern areas – Jammu & Kashmir, UP, Bihar, Punjab, etc. Rains in these areas will be erratic.

Considering the overall transits for mundane astrology, Mars/Jupiter, Mars/Saturn or Mars/Rahu conjunctions usually cause lot of problems and provide immediate results. This is even more important this year since Mars is in the mesha-sankranti chart denoting 10th house in the 2015 horoscope and is in swakshetra. Hence, aggressive tendencies are obviously denoted by this horoscope to begin with. Now when transiting over other major planets, the results will automatically be modified.

MarsWe will not see a Mars/Saturn conjunction in this year. However, Mars & Rahu conjoin in Virgo in Nov/Dec timeframe. This will be a time of strife in India. Rahu generally behaves like Saturn. This means that Mars/Rahu will also indicate attacks, strife with an element on “unknown” – terrorist attacks & riots will go up in this period.

Mars conjoins Jupiter in month of October. This shows expansion of aggression and hence will show either troop buildup on the borders or enhanced military spending. It will be interesting to watch the budget in April 2015 and look at the percentage increase in defence spending during the budget.

Jupiter is retrograde from the beginning of the year (it does retrograde from Dec 1st week) till April 1st week. Do not expect any new project launches for expansion of the economy in this period. However, post April, there will be easing of food inflation.

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