This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Yearly Horoscope

Eclipses in 2015: Mundane Astrology

By Kshitij Sharma, November 15, 2014

There are 4 eclipses that occur during the calendar year 2015. These are:

  • Solar Eclipse – March 20th 2015, coinciding with the Hindu New Year. This is not visible in India.
  • Lunar Eclipse – April 4th 2015, which is visible in India
  • Solar Eclipse – September 13th 2015, not visible in India
  • Lunar Eclipse – September 28th 2015, visible in India

One of the lunar eclipse will be visible properly and the other one will be visible just when the Earth’s penumbra touches the Moon and Moon sets immediately after. Hence, the astrological effects of the second lunar eclipse will be muted down. The eclipses indicate that the Governments at state and centre will be under undue pressure in this year.

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Mundane Astrology Outlook for India in 2015

By Kshitij Sharma, November 12, 2014

The two important dates for Mundane Astrology outlook for India are the Hindu New Year and the Mesha Sankranti. Astrology charts for the two dates are presented below with an attempt at their analysis. Additionally, this year will see 4 eclipses, which is a norm for a calendar year. Both the solar eclipses are not visible in India and hence will not be considered affecting the residents here. One of the lunar eclipse will be visible properly and the other one will be visible just when the Earth’s penumbra touches the Moon and Moon sets immediately after. Hence, the astrological effects of the second lunar eclipse will be muted down.

The important dates are:

Hindu New Year: March 20, 2015 @ 2.55 PM for a horoscope for the capital of our country – New Delhi. This is the day on which South India celebrates Yugadi and Maharashtra celebrates Gudi Padwa. The date for Gudi Padwa is March 21 as this the new year starts in the afternoon of 2th.

Mesha Sankranti: April 14th, 2015 @ 13.34 hours for a horoscope for the capital of our country – New Delhi. Mesha Sankranti is celebrated as Bihu in Assam and Baisakhi in Northern part of the country.

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