A lot of people write to me about what
Manglik dosha is and how important it is for ascertaining horoscope compatibility and in wrecking relationships. I will explain a few things about Mars dosha. Before I start, I would like to emphasize that horoscope compatibility analysis is a job of a well trained and qualified professional astrologer. No software can capture the essence of this process. It is like A.I.; We can make incredibly smart machines, but none of them can match humans in terms of intelligence.
Mars is a planet that represents war. War is denoted by an adversary. Mars also represents fire. It causes a dosha in a kundali because it tends to “burn” the relationship between a husband and wife; causing rift, tensions and in some cases can be used to predict death of one spouse. Mars is a planet of valour and vigour and if associated with the lagna works towards making the person brave and headstrong. These qualities work against a relationship because then people become uncompromising as well. Marriage is about teamwork between husband and wife and would not work if one of the partners is aggressive, uncompromising and cannot take the point of view of the other partner.
In any case, a lot of importance should not be given to Mars alone. Sun, Rahu/Ketu and Saturn should also be judged while matching charts. In her book “The Art of Matching Charts”, Gayatri Devi Vasudev does not even have a chapter on Mars Dosha. She just has a chapter called “Balancing the malefic content”. There you have it…
Coming back to the point, presense of Mars in houses 2, 4, 7, 8, and 12 causes Manglik dosha. This dosha operates from both Lagna and Chandra lagna. If the dosha is operating from both these lagnas in a kundali, then it gives its full results. The strength of the dosha increases if it operates in navmsha chart as well, but we should always look at the presence of dosha in rashi chart first and only then look at navamsha for support.
Lets look at the effect of Mars in various houses/bhavas in a kundali:
- Mars in Bhava 2: The is anger/aggression associated with family life. The speech of an individual may be a harsh one. This relates directly to upbringing of the child and a sense of fierceness and assertiveness may be a part of behaviour itself. It has drishti on 8th house, which is maraka sthana for spouse represented by 7th house in a horoscope.
- Mars in Bhava 4: Bhava 4 in a kundali represents emotions, relationship with mother. Qualities of Mars are incompatible with the factors represented by this bhava. Hence presence of Mars in 4th house definitely causes manglik dosha. Mars has a full 4th house drishti and affects 7th house from its position in the 4th house in the kundali.
- Mars in bhava 12: By its location in house 12, Mars causes full 8th house drishti on 7th house. Mars gets the effect of 12th house by location in the house. It is not a good position for Mars itself and harmful for other traits represented by Mars in the kundali as well.
- Mars in houses 7: Affects house 7 itself, but also affects 2nd house, which is the house of family, thus harming traits of two houses representing a happily married life in a horoscope.
- Mars in 8th house: This affects 8th house and 2nd house. 8th house represents maraka sthana for the spouse in a kundali. 8th house is house of death for the person itself.
However, like all other rules, this rule has its own set of exceptions too. The following exceptions have been taken care of in my software:
- No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs and/or Lagnas,
- No Dosha when Mars is in 2nd house, in the signs of Gemini and Virgo,
- No Dosha when Mars is in 4th house, in the signs of Aries and Scorpio,
- No Dosha when Mars is in 7th house, in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn,
- No Dosha when Mars is in 8th house, in the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces signs
- No Dosha when Mars is in 12th house, in the signs of Taurus and Libra
In Vedic astrology, the effect of Mars causing Manglik dosha is considerably reduced if following happens:
- There is a drishti of a benefic – Jupiter or Venus on Mars and 7th house.
- Manglik dosha is being operated from only one of the lagnas – Chandra lagna or Ascendant.
- As I have explained in the other post, Manglik dosha has a reduced effect after age of 30 years for females and 45 years for males – there is a difference in ages perhaps because men are naturally more aggressive. What this means for remarriage is that it may not be necessary for us to look for Manglik dosha when going for a remarriage after divorce or death of a spouse.
Whenever looking at your kundali for manglik dosha and trying to do an equivalent of self medication, please be aware of these points. As always, please leave the job of interpretation to a professional astrologer.
Hi Sharma,
You did a pretty wonderful job out here. I was amazed to see the site. I myself a software engineer and struck with marriage kundali, found this site very useful. When I go to pandit, half the things blow off my head. Your explanation is nice. I want to know something about manglik/amanglik thing, and your matching applet doesnt say anything about it. Can u help me with that. Thanks.
Hello and Namashkar.
I like your website and the way you explain astrology – it makes sense.
However, my father is ‘too big’ a fan of yours. I’ve met a nice girl who seems ‘good’ to me but my father disapproves because of YOUR online software.
I know he shouldn’t try to be ‘professional’ – because he’s not an astrologer at all.
But anyway – in one of your blogs – you said that a Libra person with Mars in 12th cannot be Manglik Dosha ..in your software it says she is ..which statement is true?
Thanks for your reply.
-Billa the Kid
Kshitij, I must say this is an excellent site, especially for someone like me who just started learning astrology(and find very interesting).
It goes beyond the basics. Great job!
This is in reply to the comment by Billa the Kid. I am lost here. My software should also say that there is no dosha if Mars is in 12th for a Libra ascendant.
Can you please provide me with the date of birth of the person you are talking about?
I would have sent a mail to you, but I have no way of contacting you. 🙁
Hi Sharma
Your are doing a fantastic job. Every Hindu should know the basics of Astrology. Your site is like a class room for learners. By the way how can I get chart in southern style.
Hi Mr. Sharma,
I tried mathing a kundali, and it shows Nakshatra Match = 25.5, Nadi is different for bride and groom but
Manglik dosha = yes and Reason: Mars in the 4 th house for bride and exactly same for the groom.
What I didn’t understand then if both bride and groom has same Mars in 4th house, then the Kundali is matched or not?
That is a good question – Nowhere does the tool say whether it is a good match or not. This tool is one of the steps in chart matching: we still have to look at some other factors.
Hi Mr Sharma,
It’s a brilliant software that you have there as I’ve tried it myself. I’m an astrologer, well-versed in Western Astro and I have a keen interest in Vedic Astro as of late when I happened to chance upon the article of the malefic Mars or Mangal as Vedic astrologers would say and I found it completely interesting. I have manglik dosha, and it is in its own sign of Scorpio and in the 12th house of my lagna chart. I’d just like to ask, is there such a thing as a double manglik dosha? Also, I hear that if one has a partner who also has a manglik dosha, the effects of the dosha in both charts will it be nullified? My partner has a manglik in the 4th house of Capricorn and therefore he also has a dosha. When I tried the software for me and him, I had the score of 20. Is that a good score? And what does Bhakoot mean? How important is the Bhakoot in the matching of charts? Would love if you could help this keen student of Vedic Astrology 🙂
Thanks a million!
(from Singapore 😀 )
Dear Sharmaji: I never believed in all this but today I do…After 20 years of a brutal marriage,I found out my wife was manglik…as well as a psychopath…today I am divorced, my health and my personality are completely destroyed and I am suicidal…mangal dosha is nothing to fool with…so, beware…Robt.
Hello Mr. Sharma,
My husband and I have been happily married for 2.5 yrs now. Ours was a love marriage and the two families were ok with our marriage and the kundalis were matched. Recently I found out that my kundali had naadi dosha & an astrologer told me that conceiving was going to to be tough. More heartbreaking was that I found out that only 17 gunnas matched and i dont understand why this was not seen before we got married. To top it all an astrologer says my husband is a manglik and I am not. All this has just broken me down emotionally. Can you PLEASE! help me and let me know what problems I can have? & is there anything I can do to overcome ??? Please help! my husbands DOB -18th June’76 time 7:50pm and mine is 28th aug’78; 2:30pm both places of birth Delhi. Pls email me at mona-1978@hotmail.com
hi sharma,
help me out plssssOurs is going to be a love marriage and the two families are ok with our marriage and the kundalis were matched. Recently I found out that my kundali had naadi dosha & an astrologer told me that conceiving was going to to be tough. More heartbreaking was that I found out that only 20 gunnas match. To top it all an astrologer says my husband is a manglik and I am not. All this has just broken me down emotionally. Can you PLEASE! help me and let me know what problems I can have? & is there anything I can do to overcome ??? What can be done before marriage,because I love him too much to lose him.Please help! my husbands name is Hersh Vardhan Shukla DOB -9 dec.1979 at 10:10AM ,birth place is Kanpur,and my name is Nupur Tandon DOB-17th april 1980 at 12:23PM,birth place Kanpur.Pls email me at tandon_nupur2001@yahoo.co.in
I am very very confused. I met a boy 2 years before we really love each other. But the problem is that i am Manglik and He is not. My DOB is July 28, 1986 born @ 8:53 AM, Mumbai, His is Jun 13, 1985 Mumbai. Everybody tells various different things. I found your site and it seems very intelligent. Can you please help me taking the right decision. We both want to marry each other and want to have a good solution for this problem, if any. PLEASE ADVISE . Email ID:kool_cute4u@rediffmail.com
Hi Kshitij:
In your comments on exceptions to manglik dosha, you have mentioned “lagnas” in several places. Ex: No manglik dosha for aquarius and leo lagnas and so on. With an intent to clarify this point, I have gone through two books which mentioned this (“Muhurtha” and “Jataka Niryana Part 2” both by Shri B V Raman in Kannada). According to B V Raman, it is “rashis” and not “lagnas”. Also, you have mentioned that mars in conjunction with jupiter or saturn cancels the dosha in certain cases. However, according to B V Rama, it is jupiter and moon. Please clarify. I am finding your site very useful for generating charts.
really cool site. u know i m also interested in learning astrology but dont know whether i wld be able to or not. anyways good work done by sharmaji. hey theres one request, if u cld answer, i hv a friend whose dob is 11 jul 77 and tob is 17:20 hrs, delhi. she is beautiful and educated but is not able to marry only because of the fact tht she is slightly fat. everyone who sees her horo tells tht she is very lucky and wll get married soon but day by day she is loosing hope and gets stressed out easily. u know after my marriage she has started getting being more depressed. cld u plz tell by whn she wll get married or the remedy she shld do to fasten the process plz at sona1009@yahoo.com
Anyways wll also like u to plz mail back the good books or sites for starting learning astrology plz.
Dear Sir,
Help us please, Ours is going to be a love marriage and the two families are ok with our marriage and the kundalis were matched we found out that my to be husband’s kundali had manglik dosha and I am not. All this has just broken us down emotionally. Can you PLEASE! help us and let us know if there is any solution for this.What can be done to help this relation work out well.Please help! My DOB is 23-08-1979 & birth time is 10:22 am place of birth is Bhusawal(maharashtra) & my to be husband’s DOB is 18-07-1981 & birth time 05:56 am , place of birth: Mumbai.Hoping for a solution for this in our favour. awaiting a prompt response from your end. Thank you.
Pls email me at:
Dear Mr. Sharma,
In your paragraphs on cases in which a Mangalik Dosha gets nullified, you have mentioned that if Mars were to be present in the 12th house, and the sign is Libra, then the Manglik Dosha gets nullified.
My question is- does this sign mean the Sun sign? If a person were born on September 27, 1981, I believe she has mars in her 12th house, however her sun sign is Libra. So in this case, is it correct to say, that her Dosha is nullified?
Thanks for your help.
hi sharma ji
u r doing a great job. i like a boy but i want this mail to be comfindencial. i want a help from you. i am sending you my DOB and his DOB. I just want you to make both of our janam kundali and match them because we want to marry. I am a mangalik. and as every body say if a manglik doesnot marry a maglik it effects the person and the spouse. i love him a lot and i want to marry him. l want you tto match our kundali whether we are perfect eor each other or not.
DOB OF GIRL- [Ruchika dudhani][24-04-1985][time 4.00 AM][Pilibanga,rajasthan-birth place]
DOB OF BOY- [DIPANKAR CHANDAK][17-09-1986][TIME 10.25 pm][kolkatta-birthplace]
I would be wating for your reply.
Dear Sharma ji,
I am so relieved to know that Mars in 12th House in Libra has no Mangalik dosha.
But we generally say that manglik dosha also brings quarrels between husband and wife. Is it true?
Will dasha-sandhi nullify manglik dosha?
Hello Kshitij,
First of all congrats then Thanks for sharing your knowledge… and enlighting many others with your knowledge of Hindu astrology.
I have many questions in mind to ask and as anyother human I too want to know all abour my future but this is someting very arbitary.
I am manglik and My mother father are searching a right match for me :o) as expected … I need your help if you can tell me what could be the proposed time by when I will get married
DOB and Time: 11-oct-1979 / 11:48 am
City Of birth: Kanpur
This site is the wickedest thing ever…But it also freaked me out…I never believed in astrology till its time for me to get married…My boyfriend who i’ve been with turns out he is Mangalik..and i dont want to not marry him because of something like this but my family and friends are driving me insane
can u please please help me!!! and tell me wat we can do our details are
I was born in Bombay at 1:15 am on the 6th of May 1982 and he was born in Delhi at 6:15 pm on the 11th of october 1979..please please tell me how bad it is and wat can be done..thanks
I want to know what this means for my life.
I am a Capricorn and My husband is a leo. Your software says my husband has Manglik Dosha because mars is in the 8th house. I don’t have any dosha.
I read other articles and there it said there won’t be a dosha if its a match between Saturn and Mars…
I want to know what the final verdict is?
I was born on 23 dec 1982 (around 1:05 AM , Chennai, India) and my Husband was born on 12 aug 1977. (around 11:45 AM, Bhavnagar, India)
Hello I have found a young man who I love. Unfortunately there are a few things about my background that his family is unsure of such as my parents are divorced and I am Half Brahmin.
My love comes from a traditional Brahmin Family. His family was already nervous about my background and then they found out I was Manglik and my love is not. His mom went to the pandit who said we were a strong match 34 out of 37 but because I am Manglik we will have an unhappy marriage and his mom said this is a bad sign and she was not happy with our match.
Now we are waiting and praying his mom will come around and accept me. We are praying for a miracle. Interesting enough, I looked at my birth certificate and realized I was born at 9:38pm not 9:30pm. I have calculated our chart matching via your website and it now says I am not Manglik. I do not have the exact coordinates of the hospital I was born in but I have the city details.
Can you please please confirm for me if I am Manglik? I can send you all mine and his information.
We are praying for a miracle and pray you can help.
Thank you,
Very interesting site…I’ve actually been driven to it more out of necessity than interest.
The issue is that I and my boyfriend wish to get married. He is a ghor manglik….we have been to 4 different astrologers independently who have all stated categorically that I will die within the first five years of our marriage and he will have two marriages. Its not my belief in the matter that counts but my parents…I am their only child and they obviosly can’t take any chances. So they have withdrawn their consent for the marriage. No puja or ceremony shall convince them otherwise…believe me…we’ve tried.
We want to live together and have decided to have a live in relationship, society be damned. My question is…..if we do a civil marriage under the special marriages act on the sly (i.e., don’t tell our parents) and then live together…would it amount to a hindu marriage as per vedic astrology? What really defines a marriage in vedic astrology?
hoping for a response…thanks
Dear Sir,
this is very intresting web site all information are available.
I have kooja dosha in my 7 house. sun and murkary also sitting with mars. i married 7 years back and wife died last month.
Please advise is that the kuja dosa cause of my wife death.
can i marry again. and what is the strength of koja dosha in my kundli.
My DOB 12.Jan 1977 5.35Pm Gormi Distt. M.P.
I would like to know if there would be any problems in the marriage if girl is a Manglik in 8th house by Mars and guy is not a Manglik. Out of 36 guna matching they score 29, but this Manglik effect in Girls chart around 25 % is causing a bit of worry. Can u also let me know what are the ill effects of mars been placed in the 8th house of the girl?? Is there any remedy to reduce the ill effects ? will this love marriage will be successful? will manglik have any ill effects on the spouse or her in-laws ? what abt the progeny??? hope the chart matching doesn’t create any problem in having kids? how many kids are they likely to have?
Please find below mentioned details of the guy and the Girl.
Guy :
DOB: 10 sept 1979
Place of Birth: Tenali (Andhra Pradesh)
Time of Birth: 5.00 am
DOB: 20 Aug 1977
Place of Birth: Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Time of Birth: 7.30 am
Looking for your valuable advice, it can make or break a relationship which is looked up with a lot of hope for a future existence.
Thanking you in anticipation of an early reply – Sari
ive been getting mixed reactions from ppl when my kundli is matched with my fiances kundli. most people say he is a manglik and im not which will cause threat to my life. my birth details 18th july 1980, mumbai, 7:21am
his birth details 7th april 1980, mumbai, 6:51pm.
id appreciate it if u cud reply back. thanking you
Hi Sharmaji,
I gone thru the sites and its very nice.
My DOB: 22-12-1975
Time of Birth : 04:03 am.
Latitude: 011:39:N / Longitude: 078:10:E,
My marriage getting delayed because of Mangalik dosa .Some astrologer said i have Mangalik dosa and some are telling i dont have.My blood group is A1B+.
It would be grateful if u clarify whether im having Mangalik dosa or not.Should i look for girl with mangalik dosa or not.Is there any relationship between blood group and Mangalik dosa.
Your answer will make a way for my marriage .
Thanks in advance….
I am a manglik and my husband is not. We have been married for the last 5years and have a little daughter. Though neither my husband nor I are ‘ bad’human beings, ours is a very strange almost impersonal marriage. Like I said we are from similar backgrounds and share a lot of values yet there is no chemistry between us! Rather my husband seems to be very indifferent to me… is it because I am a manglik? We fight over nonsensical things. To both of us marriage is an affair for a lifetime… yet there are times when I would love to run away… and i wonder if he feels the same way to. Is there a method/way that can help in improving this situation?
My details are:
Name : Madhumita
D.O.B: 21/09/1973
P.O.B: Calcutta
Time of birth: 6.55 pm
My husband’s details are:
D.O.B: 30/05/1968
Time of birth: 5.35 am
Will be grateful if you can help
This is pradeep,
I am born on May 4 1982, at 18:30 hrs in TUNI (Latitude: 17.35 N , Longitude: 82.55 E)
I am shown with Dosha even i am having mars in 12 th house with Libra sign which should not be like that as per your exceptions list, please help me..
Hi Sharmaji,
I gone thru the sites and its very nice.
My DOB: 22-12-1975
Time of Birth : 04:03 am.
Latitude: 011:39:N / Longitude: 078:10:E,
My marriage getting delayed because of Mangalik dosa .Some astrologer said i have Mangalik dosa and some are telling i dont have.My blood group is A1B+.
It would be grateful if u clarify whether im having Mangalik dosa or not.Should i look for girl with mangalik dosa or not.Is there any relationship between blood group and Mangalik dosa.
Your answer will make a way for my marriage .
Thanks in advance
Can anybody please tell me whether me or my Mrs. is manglik or not. We are not getting along since our marriage in Apr 05, Presently we are separated.
My DOB : 11/03/72 5:52 pm
Place : Tarakeswar, Hooghly Dist, West Bengal
Spouce’s DOB : 16/05/77 11:10 pm
Place : Malda Town, West Bengal.
Hello Kshitij,
I came across your website just yesterday. I was directed to your website by a link on wikipedia. You are doing a good job here.
Well, I am concerned about my sister’s marriage. We have been visiting astrologers to find out whether the boy we have looked for her is manglik or not.
Mars in boy’s birth chart is in the 12th house. The house lord of 12th house is cancer. With Moon as the lord of this sign, Mars is weak. Can you please look into this and guide us. Boy’s birth details are Date of Birth: 21.11.1977, Time of Birth: 23:55:00, Latitude : 011.40.N, Longitude : 092.45.E.
Secondly, my sister is said to be manglik in south india and non-manglik in north india. Why is there a difference? Her birth details are: Date Of Birth: 24/05/1982, Time Of Birth: 11:58:00, Place Of Birth: New Delhi.
27 gunas match for of them.
Is it ok to go ahead for the marriage? Please clarify.
Hello sir,
I was told that there is a Nadi problem (both Nadis falling under and same charan). Is there any workaround possible to this Nadi dosh ? What complications one can expect if there is no workaround found?
Boy: 6th Sept 1976, time 5.00PM at Wardha (Mah)
Girl: 13th April 1979, time 07:14AM at Amravati (Mah)
Thanks a lot,
Its my first visit to your website. I have through my horoscope by a professional astrologer and as per it Iam DOUBLE AFFECTED MANGLIK.
TIME – 1:05 PM
I wanted to know if I have been through correct information. And in which ways is it going to affect my career and marriage? Are there remedies to it?
Kindly suggest
Thanking you,
sir a very good afternoon to u
this is my first visit to ur site
i need ur help sir my friend has fall in love with a muslim boy both love but the boy forces her to do according to him n every time she cries.her parents dont know abt this n she is going to marry him against her parents.she is manglik her details r
name: ankita mewara
date of birth: 19sept 1986
time: 8pm approx
place sirohi(rajasthan)
sir i wanted to know if the time is correct n will this be correct if she will go with him against her parents.
please give me some suggestion how to tackle this problem as she is not listening to me.how will be her life if she is manglik in relation to her marriage
thanking u,
Born in Chennai,time of birth is 4.42 A.M,date 28/05/1968. I was told to be suffering with kalasarpa dosha.Born in suklapaksha and Saturn lord of 10th and 11th house is in 12th house at closer degree with destroyer Rahu and hence, I was told I cannot earn or achieve any thing in my wholelife. Iam 39 years now and to till this day Iam not earning and depending on somebody else. Sometimes I feel like joining an ashram or even commiting suicide.For seven years I have been waering Ruby in my left ring figure,I earnestly request you to let me know a remedy to get me out of this curse/dosha.
Date of my marriage is 24/06/1999.
An important difference is 12th house is occupied by both sani and rahu and ketu is in 6th house and the rest are inbetween rahu and kethu.And hence some say I dont have KSY.
Dasa Bukthi balance is Chandra dasa 2years 2 months and 12 days.Please reply.My email id is yogi_or@yahoo.co.in
Respected Sharmaji,
DOB of my Daughter is 07-01-1979,Calcutta,03.45AM.
In your chart you have shown that she is a Mangalik as Mars appears in the 2nd House from Lagna.This is not correct.I have consulted several renowned India famed Astrologers of Calcutta and Benaras including two professors from College of Astrology.All of them have confirmed that when Mars is present in Lagna,4th,7th,8th and 12th house one is considered to be Mangalik or having “Bhowmadosh”.Indian Almanac also confirms this.Since in my daughters chart,Mars does not appear in those houses but in the 2nd House from Lagna,she is not Mangalik.
If it is not correct kindly let me know the reasons.If it is correct kindly rectify the mistake in my daughter’s chart appearing in your website.
Awaiting your kind response at the earliest.
Warm regards
B K Basu
Respected Sharmaji,
I am really in a strange situation. My first marriage ended in a year, my partner was manglik and I am not. I have a 6 yrs old child. Now a guy 6 years elder to me is in love with me. He has divorced his wife and kid to get married to me. I too am interested in marrying him. So when horoscopes were matched, astrolloger says he is Manglik. I am really scared now as it is question of my child’s life too. Here are the details –
Me – daksha – 13 April 1972 – Birth time 17:46 -Mumbai
He – prakash – 2 March 1966 – Birth time 20:00 – Pune
Please advice if I should get married to him or not.
Please reply at gaurip1234@gmail.com
This is Raj. My birthdate/time is 20-Nov-1978 time: 08:33 AM, Place of birth: Mumbai. Now, as per your site, I do not have Mangal dosh. but When I checked out the horoscope, Mars is there in the first house. and the lagnesh is Mars as well.
in some other site I read that Mars being in the first house means Mangal Dosh. I’m really confused. It is causing me a lot of worries.
Further more, If the guna match is below 18, is it really bad, n is there any remedy?
If you can respond to me I’d be really idebted.
I need your help for my successful marrriage life with whome i love and We love each other very much. Her parents found out that I am Manglik and she is not. My DOB is April 21, 1976 born @ 3:59 AM, Asansol, West-Bengal. Her
I have very frequently visited your site and found it very informative.I thought you can very well solve my problem.
I am worried for my health.I always have some or other health problems,which is effecting my day-to-day routine.Last 4-5 years ,I am suffering from stomach problems.
Moreover someone seeing my lifeline as it is fairly short said my lifespan is short.
Also I am planning to get married.I have consulted astrologers.They remarked it as not a very good match.Please help me out regarding my life and marriage issue.
My D.O.B. is 05-02-1982
Time of Birth is 04:53AM
Birth Place is Durg (Chattisgarh)
latitude- 21.1833
longitude – 81.2833
I wonder how many people in the world are born during this magal dosha time? Do they all end up killing their spouses? 🙂
What a bunch of crap!
Thanks to your software from where i came to know little bit about you and my wife..I just wonder to know that both of us are having Mangala Dosa..whaether it will create any problem to our married life if yes is there any solution for this?? Please help me i am in deep tense…
I browsed through your website it’s amazing matching kundli’s with just one click..
I am having manglik and even your chart shows that i am manglik but a guy whom i want to marry is not.
As my parents and i believe in this. By reading your article you say by knowing rahu and ketu dasha some manglik dosha can be lighten up can you please suggest me with the same…can we go ahead with the decision of marrying him.
my birth date – 16-07-1983
Time – 19.17
birth place- BILIMORA(India)
Guy name : pravin patel
date – 28-08-1976
time – 21.51
birth place – mumbai
poonam patel i checked you guna matching and both of you have scored 28 out of 36, regarding your guna matching this is a very good score. however you are mangalik but he is not. this is not a very good combination. but my advice for you is see a professional astrologer because there are instances when they get cancelled so please do not depend on my answer. another thing to remember is horoscopes are a guideline don’t base you whole life on it, and dont believe everything it says. there have been plenty of cases when horoscopes matched but marriages have failed and vise versa. if you believe you can make this work then i don’t see what the big deal is.
take care make the right decision
good luck
My question is — What is a manglik dasa. Can u tell me is the girl manglik? Her Name: Shruti Mehta. Birth DAte: 23/06/1983. Time: 21.00. Place: Jodhpur, Rajasthan. My Name: Kopal Bhandari. Birth Date: 11.05.1980. Time 09.00. Place: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
am i manglic by moon is it dangerous or my mangal dosh nullify due to presence of sun or other good planets?can i marry a nonmanglic guy.my dob is 26-nov-1980,time is nearly 1:30 am jaipur(rajasthan)i was born by operation so exact time not available do reply soon.
thanking you,
kajal bakshi
i want to know if girl is manglik boy is not are there any solutions i mean upay so that tay can marry.
please mail me soon
hello sir iam rekha 4m hyd,i born on 5june 1986,iam manglik but i want to know which type of maglik iam and also i want to know about my marriage,so sir iam requesting 2 say me this and also i wnt to know that manglik can marriage with manglik or not.
hello , Sir
i like this guy for marriage but thee is no horoscope match , my date of birth is 30th october 1976 , place , thane, india,time is 16:18 and his is 6th feb 1979, place thane, india time 17:45
i am very confused as our nadi is the same and i have mangal dosha. i have been told that there would eb problems in marriage and pregnancy. could you advise what should we do , could you please mail me on the above address, i do not want my address or my name to be on your site as my friends use this site
thanks in advance
i am non manglik male and da one i love is manglik having mars and ketu in lagna(tula). we have 28 points in match making pls tell is this marriage wll b successfull in future.
hello im a non manglik male and in love with a manglik girl having mars and ketu in lagna (tula). thematch is already 28 out of 36 pls tell me will this marriage b successfull in future.
Namaste Sir,
I am manglik boy. I want to marry a girl who is not manglik.we are committed to each other.I am very confused.Sir please help me.
My date of birth is
Date: 22 Jun 1981
Time 03:55 pm
Place Rupar(Punjab)
Date: 29 Jul 1979
Time 05:15 am
place: Fazilka (Punjab)
Sir please tell us can we marry or not.Awaiting your kind response at the earliest.
i want u to predict whether iam manglik plz help me
hello sir
i need your help please.i luv a boy can u tell me whether we can marry or not.
my date of birth :9 am,23 jan-82(place faridabad)
his name deepak mathur
date of birth :10:45 am ,5 nov-1975(place guna M.P)
please help me out as soon as possible
Namashkar Sharmaji,
Please help me with this query:
Before one month I had gone a astroleger for matching kundli of
my sister and some one .
That time she told me that kundli is matching with 24 points.
and she also told me in mail kundli mars in seventh house
But in capricorn rashi so it is not considering manglik kundli.
Right now as per her prediction we took next step for marriage.
and now we distributed invitation card.
Yeasterday, once again I had gone there for card distributing.
and she checked kundli once again and now she told me
Boy have manglik dosha . Please don’t do this marrige.
Rightnow What can I do?
I have sent here both details
DOB – 02-12-1969
Time – 10.56 PM
Birth Place – Mumbai
DOB – 12-07-1976
Time – 00.25 AM
Birth Place – Mumbai
Please send mail me at ( aajitnaik_1983@yahoo.co.in)
Awaiting your kind response at the earliest.
Thanking You,
hello my boyfriend is mangal, thats what theyv told me. he was born de 12 June 1983 01:15 in spain
i dont know if i have mangal, im a female born in august 17, 1987 in spain at 16:00
im going to loose my head. can u please help me and tell me if this marriage could take place?
my email is vini_lpa87@hotmail.com
please help me… please do help me.. im quite desperate plz. thanx
Hello Sir,
I need your help for my successful marriage life with whom i love. Iam a manglik and he is not.My birth date is 23.10.1980 and time is 8.45Pm.His birthdate is 13.4.1980 and time is 11.30PM.We both love each other very much and like to get married. Kindly help me to get a solution to this problem.
Please mail me.
With regards,
Dear Sir,
i need ur help for my successful marriage.i am manglik but the one whom i love is not manglik..my birth date is 01.01.1986 and time is 13:20 born in INDORE his is 01.06.1983 and time is 22:50 born in INDORE.my mangal is placed in 7 th house.kindly help us get through this problem..we would be very grateful.
can u please mail me..
With regards,
my details
Date of birth:24 oct 1980
place of birth:lansdown UTTRAKHAND (78 E 41,29 N 50)
time of birth:08.20 pm.
my partners detail
Date of birth:19 sep 1979
place of birth:doiwala UTTRAKHAND(78 E 7,30 N 11)
time of birth:4.15 am
Hello sir
We Both Are Manglik and from different Caste
Any Ways his Parents Agreed For the Caste But still there Is a Problem that My Mangal Dose is Higher in compare to him .Can U Find Some Solution For Our Problem
waiting for reply.
dear sharma ji,
plz. tell me if mars is in the 1st house, then what will be the effect on marriage or married life.
iam candarsekhar kanchiraju ,born on 18 feb-1980 ,monday 2:45 pm ar and how my life willbe.Are their ny chances of going abroad ,please mail me.thankyou
I do kundlie matching in your website for the marriage of my sister. My sister named Anjali Singh was born on 17th april 1981 in Chennai(Madras) at 6.15 am. Kundlie matching done by your website says sister is not manglik. But horoscope generated for my sister, viewed by local pundit/jyotshi says she is manglik. I studied multiple web site related to manglik. In the horoscope of my sister Sun & Mars are located in the first house. Some website says Sun cancels the effect of Mars, if they both are in the same house.
But local people do not agree, as they go by local jyotshi/pundit.
I am in trouble, as no one is ready to accept kundlie matching result generated by your website.
Please email me solution to this problem.
Devendra Singh
I am having mangalik dosha but my boy friend is not. We were in love for the past 2years .
Can we marry now as I am mangalik but he is not(Can I need to do any pooja or chanting or any remedies?
When my dosha actually completes?
When can we get married?
Please could anyone check our birth dates and advise what we have to do please.
My DOB: 5/sep/1981, rourkela,orissa, India,time 1.30pm
My Boy Friends DOB: 18/01/1979, berhampur,orissa,time 1.30pm
Please give us your suggestions. Need desperate help from you.pls reply soon
Namashkar Sharmaji,
Please help me with this query:
My DOB is 21.08.1978 (time 22.55) and would be bride is 21.04.1983 (time 20.25)- Place of Birth -(Delhi for both of us).
As per kundli match by various pandits only 13 gunas match and there is nadi and bhakoot dosh.Kindly let me know the remedies for these doshas. Also I need to know about the ayanmansh.All the kundli matching softwares and pandits use default method of N.C Lahari to match kundli.But if I remove ayanmansh to match kundli then our 27 gunas match.Kindly throw light on this aspect also.
Thanks in advance
warm regards
Hello Kshitij!
I have been using ur birthchart for the past one year,it has always been like a guiding lite for me,Thanks a lot for such a good software.I’m very much interested and also beleive in astrology.
Keep up the good work 🙂
hi sharmaji,
i am married to a maglik for the past 13 years. i did not know about this until recently. ours has not been a smooth marriage. also i keep have some medical problem or the other.
my husband’s date of birth , time , and place of birth are-
october 22nd 1971,15:42hrs(3:42pm), chennai (madras)-(latitude 13.04N,80.17E)
my birth details are –
july 16th 1972, 12:30 pm, new delhi ( latitude 28.35 N, logitude 77.12)
i don’t know if his being a manglik is affecting our marriage. can we do some pooja to bring peace and good health to our marriage ?
please advice.
Namaskar Sharmaji,
We are in love for fast 3years and as part of our dreams I had gone to abroad to fulfill our wishes & dreams and had planned to get married in this year end. Unfortunately when subject came of horoscope matches we have found that I am manglik and she not, hence I am manglik every one refused to take further step and now everything is messed up in both of our life.
We had showed to horoscope to many pundits/porohits, everyone has his own opinion and recommendation which has increased our confusion. And not able to live in life because of fear of losing her.
I would like to request to you for your suggestion on our match and way to take out mangala dosh. Just to inform you that i am found of god Ganesh and I have been doing ek drimamkura upawas on Ganesh Chathurthi day for fast 4 years for her good health and her wishes to fulfill.
Our astro data as follow
Groom:- Dinesh
Date of Birth :- 17/03/1982
Time 08:45AM
Place:- Karwar(Karnataka)
Bride:- Pooja
Date of Birth :- 22/02/1984
Time: – 02:10PM
Place:- Ponda (Goa)
I would be great full to you in my rest of life
Guruji, my name is k. Srinath i am in love with a girl for last 9 years, we are planning to get married this year, but some financial constraints are bloking us of getting married.
Please need you advise, recently i came to know that both of our birth nakshatra is same Moola 4 (some one told that we are mangalik) and we can get married and our life will be happy, but ther is a deley in marriage.
Please suggest us some thing, we are planning to move out of India to Australia or Dubai for some is it possible, Please let me know.
Gruji Pranaam,
Dear Panditji,
My Details are :
Name : Kaushal
DOB: 18 april 1983
Time : 07:00 AM
Location : Dhrangadhra (Surendranagar – Gujarat)
I am happy with what god has given me, but professinally i am not satisfied with changing jobs, or any job/service for that matter, i have a deep desire to go around world and do own business but do not have much support !, what should i do, i am not intersted in marriage at this age either, pl. guide further
Respected Panditji
my details are:
D.O.B: 16/07/1983
time: 22.10
location: srinagar ( j&k, india)
since last one year nothing seems to be working out for me.. i have not been able to get the job , no marraige proposal seems to materialize. this look to be happning but then suddely something goes wrong.
pls advice wat is wrong and when shall the right time arrive for the things to happen.
Respected Panditji
details are:
D.O.B: 16/04/1976
time: 22.25
location: Kolkata (india)
since last few year nothing seems to be working out for me.. i have not been able to get the job , no marraige proposal seems to materialize. this look to be happening but then suddely something goes wrong.
pls advice what is wrong and when shall the right time arrive for the things to happen.
Your site has got very good points. I have a problem, which I guess an expert like you only can help ! Recently I found out that my girl friend is Manglik. But we are in love & want to get married. Can you please guide us on what to do.
My date of birth is
26-Jan 1978, Born at 8:20 AM in New Delhi
Her details are
Sarinder Kaur Singh
20-July-1980, Bort at 11:00 AM in Singapore
Your reply will be really apprecited. Thanks
Hi Mr. Sharma,
Kindly explain what does these 1st, 2nd, 4th or these houses of mars means.
Vidyut Sharma
i am glad to see ur website with useful information regarding birth charts. i am still confused about my birth chart. i want to know whether i am manglik or not i am sending u my boyfriend’s and my birth details .one of the pandit ji said that we cann’t get married. please send me a mail and help me out
i am glad to see ur website with useful information regarding birth charts. i am still confused about my birth chart. i want to know whether i am manglik or not i am sending u my boyfriend
D.O.B: 13-08-1978
time: 06-10 pm
location:Kharwa (pali dis. Rajasthan)
since last one year nothing seems to be working out for me.. i have not been able to get the job , no marraige proposal seems to materialize. this look to be happning but then suddely something goes wrong.
pls advice wat is wrong and when shall the right time arrive for the things to happen.
Dear Sharma Ji.
It been said to me by many people that you are the right person who can guide me about my all unclear doubts as yet.
My Name is Ashu Mahendru my Birth Details are DOB 29/05/1983 TOB 05.20 A.M.(Sunday) Place Delhi
It would be appreciated in case if you can guide me am I manglik or Not if yes then why (According to my Birth Details need explanations Please) if no then also guide me because some Astrologer told me that my Manglik dosh is cancelled due to the presence of some good stars please guide me as I am vary confused with this issue also like to know can I marriage with non manglik girl or not.
Please mail me your valuable suggestion or any body else who know please respond me on ashu_mahendru@rediffmail.com
Please let me know when will my brother get married, how will the bride be, and how should we go fwd with him being manglik, what kind of manglik is he…..how strong is he or is it no longer app to him as heard mangal looses it power after certain years. deatils of my brother are DOB 26may 1973 POB Jhansi TOB 13:15pm.
Will be grateful.
I am planning to get married to this guy who has Mangal dosha. I am not manglik though. I want to know if this marriage will be fine for me!!
My details: 04/07/1982, time: 08:26am
HIs details: 26/08/1983, time: 03:47pm
Thanks a tonne!!
Hi Kshitij,
I would like to marry someone I love and I am very keen to see if our horoscopes match. As per the software in this site, the results say she is not Manglik. Exception being Mars is with Aquarius. But many other places say that it is only true when Mars is with Aquarius and in 4th/8th house.
Could you please confirm whether she is manglik or not? And if not then which exception rule saves her from manglik dosh? I am confused as some astrologers say that she is. For reducing the dosha Swarna Kumbha Viwaha was also done.
Her details 25 Jan 1983 Time: 18 12 Coimbatore
My details 9 Dec 1981 Time: 10 20 New Delhi
I really want this relationship to work and I am hoping that you will help me clear the confusions.
my date of birth is 10-10-1985 and time is 11:28 AM.And i love a guy whose date is 02-10-1985 and time 04:27 AM. can we get married? as we love each other very much or is there any solution if there is some problem? plz reply do tell about remedy/solution
thanks and regards
Dear Sir,
Help us please, Ours is going to be a love marriage and the two families are ok, with our marriage and the kundalis were matched we found out that my kundali had manglik dosha and not my husband
If the marsh is in seventh position in Bride’s Chart and in twelfth position in Groom’s chart, can it be a good match?
my date of birth is 22.08.1981, time is 14.36, place coimbatore- 11n0,76e58. do i have mars in my house. if so in which place. whether it will not affect due to any other planet entry or closer to some other planet.pls suggest
respected sir,
I am manglik with manal is in lagna with 20 degree with rahu, ketu but my lover is not manglik. what remedies can be done before marriage for a successfull and healthy life.
our details
Boy:- 18th january 1981, 07.30 am Indore (MP)
girl;- 27th december 1980, 07:00 am Raisen (MP)
Namskar pandit ji
Im very confused. I m in love with a boy for 6 yrs who is not manglik bt i m. we both wanna marry each other. my D.O.B is 14th october,1984, place is lehragaga N TIMINGS R 10:55 pm & his D.O.B is 31st december, 1984, place is patiala n timings are 6:28 pm.
pls advice us n solve our problem. we r tired of making rounds n rounds of pandits with no solutions.
Namaskar Pnaditji,
I am payal shah from mumbai.there is a marraige proposal from boy namely piyush.we tried to match kundali from two different astologer,but the opinion is reverse.one say boy is manglik the other say he is not.will you please help in this? our deatils are as under
Name: payal Shah
date of birth:11-3-1982
place : Ghatkopar,mumbai
time:17.40 hours
name:Piyush jha
Date of birth: 27-12-1978
Time:24 hours.mid night
Kindly help me as my parents are totally confused.
Pls. confirm that my sister Shilpa DOB 10.02.1985 timing 04:00 am supposed to be manglik & boy Chander 20.07.1984 timing 19:20. ( Not manglik ) Plese confirm is this marraige is vaiable ? May be go for this marriage to with the shower of flowers upon them happlily ? Pls. response at my email Id. Thak you very very much.
(corrected one)
Dear Kshitij,
We request your participation & your value suggestions on the same.
We have been planning a love marriage soon and also have our families
Hello Mr. Sahrma,
Needless to say your site is excellent.
I wanted you to match my Kundali with my Boyfriend’s.
Your software says I have manglik dosha.
My DOB is 19.12.1980 Time: 3.25pm
MY BF’s DOB is 10.04.1981 Time 11.55am
Can you please guide if we can look forward to a happy married life or not.
Keenly awaiting your response on this.
Namaskar Pandit ji,
I have done a lot of online and otherwise searches on astrology and kundali, but had not been able to receive any proper guidance till I found your website. Not only am i impressed but also very releived for I know you will be able to help me.
I wish to know of my sister’s kundali, and more specifically if she is a manglik?
her information is as follows
DOB : 07.12.82 Time: 08:58am Place: Calcutta
Kindly look into this matter and I would highly appreciate a reply from You at the earliest.
Thanking You,
i would like to know whether i am a manglik and your birth chart does not specify that. i was born on 20th oct 1987 at 05:00 hours.
please tell me if i m manglik and can u tell about my match with this girl
DoB: 16-01-1984
Time: 00:15 AM
Place: Patna (Bihar)
Dob: 14-08-1984
Time: 06:20 PM
Place: Bhopal (MP)
Hello Sharmaji,
My son’s DOB : 28th Sept 2004
Birth time : 18:13
Birth place : Mumbai
Some astrologers say he is manglik (7th house), while some say he is not (As Jupiter too is in the 7th house, along with Sun & Mercury).
Can you please tell me whether he is manglik or not?
_———edited message———-_
hi. my raasi is kumbha and lagna is also kumbha. my 8th house have venus and mars. i know that i have manglik thoosa. But is there any exceptions on my manglik thoosa regarding my raasi and lagna?
hello this is sagar my birthdate is 29/07/1982 and time is 07:09 am now talks are going on about my marriage and i m in love with one girl but i heard in my kundali there is mangal dosh and the girls kundalis there is no mangal dosh so i want to know is there any solution keep this confidential please this is humble request…thanking you…
I think there is mistake, mangalik is considered if any of the house 1,4,7,8,12 is occupied by Mars, but you say 2,4,7,8,12. Mistake is here 2. it should be 1.
Namaskar Pandit ji,
Time- 03:00 am
Place – Malaut(Punjab)
Pandit ji i want to know that whether i m Manglik or not as computer software tells me manglik but when my Kundli was checked by local Panditji then he told me that i was not manglik as there is exeption in ur kundali.So i want to know the exact status and tell me when my marriage will take place and Manglik/Non -Manglik girl.
i was just wondering was this meant to be or not i live in a city where i am not from and have not been here long i met some one who is also not from here and on the job one day i check his drivers licence a part of my job, and our birthdate was on the same year and the same date April 1st 1981 and of course my name is April as well, we clicked even before i checked the drivers lic. And he wants to be an item but we are so much alike, and i was just wondering how many chances is that something like that can happen?
namaste Sharmaji,
My daughter is highly educated and her DOB is 20.01.82
4.55 AM, Place Ahmedabad,edu. BE, ME- W|Electronics Australia and ME- TElecommunication Australia.
We are worried abt her and not getting proper match.
she is very much beautiful, caring as well as intelligent and we want to make her happy in all ways. I am a serving lady and my husband is doctor. can u please let us know why delay is taking place in marriage and when the things will be materialised.
Thanking you
My sister is a well educated and working…we did not get a suitable for her…please suggest us
We got a boy but he is aanshik manglik..
26 July, 1981 11:50PM delhi
1 feb, 1979 7:35AM delhi..
pls suggests us if this marriage will go or not…
Thank you
My DOB is 13.02.1982.Birth time is 23:20.Place of birth is New Delhi.Please let me know if i am manglik or not.I will be really thankful to you.
Rupesh Kumar
dear sir
ur site is very good, can u match follwing kundli
Boy: Rajeev d.o.b 12-05-1972, 21:15, Saharanpur
Girl Sonika d o b 12-05-1978, 21.20 baghpat
i want to know whether boy is manglik, if yes whether boys own planet or girl planet or any other reason boy’s manglik dosh removes or not
Hi Sharrma Ji,
I love a girl who has Manglik Dosha. She is also 6 yrs 4 months older than me. We love each other very much and determined to get married. I want to know the remedies to cancel this Dosha. I can arrange her birth details if you want me to.
Please help.
my date of birth is 16/02/1987 and time is 20:55 PM.And i love a guy whose date is 06/11/1987 and time is not known. can we get married? as we love each other very much or is there any solution if there is some problem like mangalik dosha or something ? plz reply and do tell about remedy/solution..
thanks and regards
Dear Sharmaji
Planetary positions.com is a wonderful and a very honest site and I keep going back to it often. But do not know how to benefit from your wonderful knowledge of the astrology. Everyone has so many questions to ask and so do I. I know it is not right or possible.
One clarification please! My son has mars in Gemini, his 7th house, and he recentlhy lost both his 15 month old daughter in July, and wife in December 2007. If you say okay I can send the charts to you. Please tell me if the charts are to be matched for the 2nd marriage too, and Guja dosha is still valid or not. How do we match charts for 2nd marriage? Would be extremely grateful for your sane advice.
I am priyanka.I am in love with a guy called vipul.We have been having a great time for the past two three yrs.. but now off late problems have cropped up b/w us and he says he might not be interested anymore and he needs time to think. our families know and they are matching horoscopes.He is manglik and i am a non manglik! will this marriage happen?If there are problems are there ways of rectifying it?
my date of birth is 26/01/86 and his is 06/10/84.i was born in bombay and he was born in bareilly.
plz help and reply..
thank u
my name is kalpesh my date of birth is 5/2/1982 time 3=2O PM in ahmedabad
i want to know my manglik status.
My DOb is 10/7/1979. I am an unmarried female,I wish to know whether I am a strong mangalik and will I ever get married?
Thank you.
Sharma ji,
i had a query regarding Manglik and non Manglik match, does this match Harmful in future for husband -wife and family.
if yes . then is there any kind of sub way to stop the mishappening in Family , before getting marriage.
i have a query regarding my marriage.my dob is 10th sep 1980.tob is 10.20am,hissar (haryana).i wish to know wen ill get married?
thank you
i love a girl who is 15months elder than me but we want to marry each other. is there any problems in girl being elder and please match our kundli as well
boy- jayant- 18-08-1986, place imphal, time 00:16 am
girl- damini- 14-05-1985, place calcutta , time 12:05 pm
Dear sir,
I tried to create a match with the help of your online software. Your software says that the bride has no mangalik dosha: Reason Mars in 4th house in Aries & Scorpio. However, I could not find Mars in 4th house in Raashi of bride created by your software. Can you please tell me if bride actually has mangalik dosha or not for match.
Bride: DOB: 13.10.1980, TOB : 02:25 AM, POB : Saharanpur (UP)
Groom: DOB: 16.10.1979, TOB : 06:00 AM, POB : Bijnor (UP)
Pandit ji namaskar,
I am curious to know about my younger brother manglik status. His DOB is 28 Aug 1979 and TOB is 1 am. Kindly tell me if he is manglik and if yes, then what what is the marriage status and carrier.
Thanks & regds,
Puunam Sharma
Re: jayant and damini
i gave you the details but i didnt got any mail.
i am resending you the details. please check it and reply soon.
i love a girl who is 15months elder than me but we want to marry each other. is there any problems in girl being elder and please match our kundli as well
boy- jayant- 18-08-1986, place imphal, time 00:16 am
girl- damini- 14-05-1985, place calcutta , time 12:05 pm
thanking you
hello Sharmaji!!!
i loved your website very much…and the information as well… u seems to be very intellectual person with so much of knowledge…Hats of to you and at the same time i have a confusion as well… few people say am Manglik on which i dint get the clear answer from your website!! my DOB- 24th sep 1983 and the also could you please tell me for a another person whose DOB is 14-april-1977. cs its given that no Dosha for Mars in Aquarius and Leo..can you please tel me in detail about it..? thank you inadvance
my date of birth is 25-01-1983. and i want to know whether im manglik or not.
Hi Kshitij,
My deep concern is regarding the Manglik Dosh in my Birth Horoscope.I am sending you my birth details.
I have seen many softwares but no one is equipped with Exceptions of Manglik Dosh.
I just saw your web page, so it’ll be really help full if you can confirm the same.
DOB: 22nd Feb,1983
TOB: 18:07 PM
POB: Ghaziabad
Hi,my name is jyothi .my dat of b’day is jun-10-1983.
time is 12:34am.what is my fuchar
i was born in 1984 sep 13 at 11:42 AM. i have got an alliance for marriage. his date of birth is on 18 july 1981 at 1:01 PM.
we have Dasha sandhi in 2012. so i m really worried as i really like this guy. will we marry? are there any remedies. please reply.thank u very much
In my Janama Kundli, we made in Gujarat it says that I am Manglik as the Mars is in 7th house. However, in your site it says that I am not Manglik.
Can you please look in to this?
Here are my details.
Name Vinit.
7 PM
20n51, 72e55
Please tell me if I am Manglik or not.
My email is vinittailor056@yahoo.co.in
I will be waiting for your response.
Dear Sir
My birth date is 21/12/80 and time 7.00 AM and born in Nanded ( maharashtra) . Can you please confirm if i have Manglik dosh. No body before my marriage told that i have mangalic dosh now i m bothered since my husband is plain ( doesnt have mangalic dosh).
With regards
i am in love with a girl for past 2.5 yrs .i love her and i wanna marry her .but she is manglik and i am not.
kindly help panditji.our details our as follows
bride groom-varun,time-21.28,place new delhi
is there any solution, that a girl is manglik but boy is not. and they want to get married.
my name is zarna patel dob: 30-12-1984, time : 10.10am, vadodra(gujarat) and my boyfriend’s name is vishal sharma, dob : 5-10-1986, time : 10 am place : amritsar.he is manglik.
can u please let me know whether our marriage is sucessful or not.
please help me out.
waiting for reply
Dear Sir
My name is sudha my dob is 20 dec 1982 6:32 pm mumbai
I love a boy whose details are as follows
name rajesh
Dob 03/04/81
Place of birth 8: 30 pm
Paratwada Maharastra
Please tell whether I can marry him I am manglik
please reply
dear sir
my self monika my date of birth 27-03-1984 time 09:10 am birth place sangrur(Pinjab) i love a boy name ripu raman whose details are as follows
Name ripu raman
date of birth 07-08-1981
place :-jalandhar(punjab)
time 10:54am
Please tell whether I can marry him I am manglik.if v marry is there any problem.
I liked your articles on Manglik Dosha. It seems that it is very difficult to identify this dosha (or its effects). I have a wonderful married life for the past 10 years, but we have no children. My wife’s chart shows manglik dosha. We were not interested in children anyways (nor did we plan it). But due to parental pressure ,we have just started exploring this. I am curious as to how this can be translated into a mangal dosha.
Name : muruganandhams
date of birth : 14/6/1978
place : Tiruchengode(Tamil nadu)
time 4.47 PM
I was suffering from Kala sarpa Dosham .pls tell me the remedies
Rasi – kanni
Nakshtra – uthiram
Dear Shri Sharma ji,
My birth details are as follows:
Name Ranjan Kumar
date of birth 19-03-1979
place :-Asansol (west bengal)
time 02:30 pm
Please tell me the the status of my horoscope with respect to Manglik status and any other thing, which I should be careful about.Actually the horoscope prepared by one pandit showed that I am manglik, where as by your software, it is telling that I am not manglik, I came in contact with a girl who is not manglik,I want to marry her but her father refused to proceed further as I am supposedly manglik. Please clear my confusion.
Early reply is awaited and thanks for the same in advance
Ranjan Kumar
I just want to know if this horoscope is manglik
time and place of birth :
Date : June 4th 1985,Time: 5:55 AM, Place of birth :Ambur-Chennai
dear sir
my self veeru my date of birth 23-07-1976 time 13:45 pm birth place Guntur(Andhrapradesh) Last year july 1st i married one girl .her details below
date of birth 29-09-1984
place :-Guntur(Andhrapradesh)
time 05:15am
After marriage i met 2 accidents.
Please tell me my problem same body says mangal dosha effect
dear sir,
the information u provided on this site is really superb.
i loved one girl and she is manglik as she says.
so pls let me know whether its possible for us 2 get married and if so how’ll be our married life.
DOB: 13/03/1988
Location: 21n38, 69e36
Time: 12:00 PM
Time zone: 5.30 E
No daylight saving
DOB: 31/01/1979
Location: 21n38, 69e36
Time: 5:30 AM
Time zone: 5.30 E
No daylight saving
Pls reply soon at mail as its really urgent.
Thx and waiting for your reply.
Sir my name is Balram Tiwari. My date of birth is not conformed by my parents. meri mata ji kehti hai ki jb indira Gandhi ji ki death(31-oct-1984) hiui thi tab mai Sawa mahine ka tha. jis din mai peda hua tha us din chturthi thi or din Friday tha. mere mata pita ke anusaar mera jan (28-sep-1984 with 2:40 am Friday) ko hua tha. ab mai aapko ye baat batana chahta hu ki meri life mai mujhe kabhi bhi koi kaamyabi nahi mili mai kb kamyab kb houga. meri shaadi kab hogi. mai kese apne bhagay ko balwan banau. thanks for that.
Hi Kshitij,
thanx for this website and online horoscope, m a web developer by profession,
i was just finding about manglik remedies, n found this website while searching ‘manglik’ on delicious,
here i m because of a confusion,
i like a girl, n found her manglik on kundali software,
mangal is placed in 7 house of girl’s kundali,
although our profile gun match is quite good, it’s around 31.5 in kundali software, n 30 in ur software.
but as i hv found no manglik dosh as per your software,
as u have specified
:::”No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs and/or Lagnas,”:::
in exceptions for manglik dosha,
girl details are:
11-oct-81, mumbai, 04:25PM,
18N58, 72E50
i ll b thankful to u, if u can help me out on this topic, and if u can suggest me a good professional astrologer,
i ll meet that astrologer personally,
waiting 4 ur reply…
Thanx and Regards
pandit ji namaste!
uncle main bohot pareshan hu ek ladka hai jise main 7yrs se love karti hu .hum shadi karna chate the but kal he hume pata chala ki vo maanglik hai kisi pandit ji ne bataya hai.hum dono bohot pareshan hu.we cant live without eachother.plz aap confirm kar sakte hain ki vo maanglik hai ya nahi???kya isko dur karne ka upaye hai?
his details are:
Date Of Birth:12-sep-1983
Time Of Birth:5:41 A.M
Birth Place
Hello Sharmaji
Well as per my horoscope Mars is in the 12th House,which makes me manglik.The concern is i am undergoing a very bad face of life,infact i was about to get married to the girl whom i loved for 4 yrs and 6months back everything stopped.It was an inter religion marraige if happend.Basically my parents did not agree.We left each other on mutual understanding,now my parents are not able to find a girl either. Not just that i did have quite a few accidents,huge unexpected expenditure. Actually many a times i feel frustrated with life as i see no results irrespective of efforts. Please advice if there i need to do any shanthi’s or pooja to make my situation better.Currently very worried and lost.
DOB:- 9th March 1979
Time:- 04:47pm friday
Place:- Bangalore
I want to marry a girl but horoscopes are not matching. Could you please tell me the repurcussions if we go ahead and do it?
My Details
25-09-1978 4:55 AM Srinagar Uttarakhand
Her details
06-05-1985 4:10 PM Delhi
Pleae write back on your earliest.
bride name-ekta
date of birth-1-12-1977
birth place-muzaffarpur (bihar)
groom name-piyush
date of birth-13-12-1976
time-11.45 am
birth place-ranchi (jharkhand)
want to knw about there kundali milap…they both are siutable for eachother or not…is thr dosha 2,4,6,8,12..please tell me what this dosha is…
I have gone thorugh your website which is awesome. However,would request your help to let us know if can proceed with the alliance of the girl whose details are given below along with my son’s details.
Boy :
Date of Birth : 21-Jan-1981
Time: 16:30
Date of Birth : 21-Aug-1981
Time: 11:25
Waiting for your confirmation
Dear Sir
I am Chandrashekar Raju
My DOB is 2/12/1980 at 6:55pm in Bangalore
My wife DOB is 17/10/1987 at 10.49pm in Bangalore
How is our married life.
We are separated from past 6 months and both are not interested in each other.
The girl is more adamant than me and is not compatible with me in any way .
What is the cause for this and is separation temporary or permanent?
What is the reason ofr such a misunderstanding and quarrel and she is very adamant in her decision not to re-concile.
Even I have decided not to stay with her.
Kindly throw more light about the girl’s character and my fate for getting this kind of girl and also is divorce possible.
Also is second marriage indicated in my horoscope or her horoscope.
Hello Sir,
I like your website and the way you explain astrology.
However, my parents is very big fan of yours. I’ve met a nice girl who seems ‘good’ to me but my mother disapproves because of YOUR online software.
In your software it ahowing she is having manglik dosha.
But anyway – in one of your blogs – you said that a Taurus person with Mars in 12th cannot be Manglik Dosha ..in your software it says she is ..which statement is true?
Please reply me, egarly waiting for your reply..plz sir..
Thanks for your reply.
Dear Mr Sharma,
Sadar Namaskar,
I am going to marry, The Girl’s Details are
DOB:25th Dec 1985 Time: 08:45 PM Birth Place : Sri Ganganagar(Rajasthan).
and mine are
DOB:2nd June 1981 Time: 10:25 AM Birth Place : Dungarpur(Rajasthan).
Please let me know how to overcome kundli dosh, because I have to marry with same girl and our marriage is fixed, If any suggestion Please, and please give dates.
Thanks for great help.
Best Regards,
Dear Sharma,
Excellent that’s how i can describe your site.
Even a layman can understand some part of it…
Need a help, if possible for you.
I have decided to marry a girl,,,I know her since 1 year….Parents of both are also ready, but only thing girls parents want to see Kundali…
As far as i know our kundali does not match…
You come across so many cases like this and you might have definately solved the cases like this…
I request you to find out some solution so that we can leave wonderfull life…!!
My Name is Amit Khasgiwala Birth Time 11.07am – Mumbai
Her name is <> Birth Time 19.00pm – Nagpur
Thanks you
i just need to know that i Manglik or not.I am giving my all birth details pls help me out in locating whether i m Manglik or not.Heer are the follwoing details:
Richa Dixit
Place of Birth:Kanpur(Uttar Pradesh)
Time of Birth:0125PM(1325)
I am waiting for a quick reply.Pls reply ASAP.
Thank You
Namaskar Pt. Sharma
I want to know that if the marriage has happened. And it has been found out later on that kundalis do not match at all. What can be done?
We belong to Sikh family and the families do not beleive in matching so we never knew this could be the case.
One pundit in india has done Mahamrituynhaya (1.25 lakh times) with our pictures twice. Would that have helped.
Things do seem better but life is still not smooth.
My details are here:
DOB: August 25, 1980 at 8:30 pm in Ludhiana Punjab
His details are
May 26, 1975 at 1:30 am in Hongkong.
Please help.
He is going through an unstable career phase, we are in financial mess (although we have received help from family), we have trouble having kids.
Seems like everything is in a mess.
There is no peace in life.
I would be grateful for your help
Thank you and god bless.
hello sir
my details are
sex -female
dob-25 Aug 1986
place of birth – Delhi ( India)
Time of birth -12:15 Am
I want to know am i manglik??
hello sir
my details are
sex -Male
dob-27 Nov 1981
place of birth – Ratlam(MP,India)
Time of birth -16:05 Hrs
Is there love marriage according to my kundli?
my name is sunita
D O B: 13-10-1986
timings: 10:48
birth place: DUBAI(UAE)
can u just let me know abt wt kind of husband i will get i mean will he b brillant and dhan dolet wala… and i also dnt wish to settle in india… so i also wanted to knw where is my future in abroad or india
plz plz i need to knw this
jelly_171@hotmail.com is my id
kindly reply me plz
My name is kushwant rama bhagat
DOB- 29apr1981
Timing- 05:10A.M. appx.
place of Birth- Goa,india
Plz tell me if m manglik or not and plz advise me bout the marriage i min who will be the perfect match for me.
Hi Sir,
I Need to know if any one of us is Manglik or not
and about Gunas.Whether It is good matching horoscope for marriage?
Birth time:05.00PM
HER Birth Time : 11.26AM
DOB: 14/01/1983
Birth Place : BANGALORE
Waiting for a quick response.
Thanks a lot.!
Dear Sharmaji
I keep coming back to your site for a variety of clarifications and re-readings because it is honest and truly helpful. I am no astro, but one with lots of interest with some basic understanding. Really wonder if you can be consulted, free or for fee, to clarify some urgent family difficulties. We can even come down to Bangalore if you ask us to do.
My son with 7th mars in Gemini has lost a 15 months baby and also his wife, due to sickness in the space of 6 months in less than 3 years of married life. He is only 32 just now, good looking, good job. We want to move ahead for him. After us there is none to take care of him. Just wish to know if the second marriage requires matching of charts, and would mars dosha to be taken care of… a few questions we have. If you respond kindly, we will send his horoscope.. If you dont, can you recommend someone good who can help us… Please…. Regards Ram
Respected sir, pls wud u guide me iam sending you the birth date of my an two more boys with whom my marriage will be suceessful…
mahima(date of birth:19 may 1979 6 p.m)bihar
ritesh(date of birth:30 october 1978 12.8min day)mumbai
anshuman(date of birth:29.01.77,2.55 pm)kolkatta
Hi Sharmaji,
Myself is Chandralekha. I need to know whether I have Manglik dosha. Kindly clarify
Name S.B.Chandralekha
D.O.B. 16/03/1984
Time 08.41 am
Plz Nagercoil, Tamilnadu
my name is sakshi and my date of birth is 26th july 1986
do i am mangly?
please reply me at earliest as my parents are little worry about my manglic dosh!
Hello Sir,
I have met a girl whose dateofbirth is 15/04/1976 and time is 22:45 and Place of Birth is Ongole(AndhraPradesh).
My dateofbirth is 18/09/1974 and time is 11:30 and Place of Birth is Tanuku(AndhraPradesh)
They say that because of Kuja(Mars)Dosha in her horoscope this match is not feasible.
can you plz advice whether we can go for this or not.
It deeply pains that a lot of our people are thoroughly confused by astrology.It is that we give it undeserved importance and weep and wail,harping on the strings of adversities.There is a sort of destiny that rules our lives,from which an outlet may not be found.We must learn how to live sensibly.Astrology has less direct bearing on our lives.It is only one among the numberless crafts man has designed.Leaving our life in the hands of astrologers is the worst of foolishness.The same time astrology makes us conscious that there is something beyond us which influences our lot.Take it as a sport and fun and never be bothered about being mangalik or the like.Life is yours and don’t let the stars to meddle with your fate.
I have been married for 2.5 yrs now. but under her perents pressure my wife left me and filled divorce suit against me i love my wife immensely and i don’t want to divorce her Ours was a love marriage the kundalis were matched. Recently I found out that my kundali our naadi is fallan under same category that is madhya & an astrologer told me that conceiving was going to to be tough for my wife More heartbreaking was that I found out that only 14.5 gunnas matched and i dont understand why this was not seen before we got married. To top it all an astrologer says i am manglik and and my wife is not. All this has just broken me down emotionally. Can you PLEASE! help me and let me know what problems I can have? & is there anything I can do to overcome ??? Please help! my DOB -01st sept 1971 time 11;05 am place of birth is nagpur (maharastra) and my wifes is 16th may 1981 time 07.30 am place of birth is jamshedpur( jharkhand) Pls email me at sbassets@gmail.com
Dear sharmaji
I m vandana, d.o.b. 29th may 1979,3:30pm
sir, according to my kundali, i m manglik n my parents are searching for a manglik boy,which causes much problems for them. kaal sarp yog is also in my kundali.
I m very much afraid about my marrige life, either it will be peaceful, succesful and happy or not?
Also i want to know that when i will get married?
iam balamurugan,from bangalore
i want know weather iam manglik or not
dob-25-12-75 Time-4-15pm velur,namakal (dis)TN
iwnt to know can i marry kumudha DOB-20-06-78 Time-2.45am Tiptur(karanataka)
please reply to bala007007@yahoo.com
I want to know that if one is manglic and one is not can they marry and live happly.
My Name is Alka Negi,01/01/1988 ,1:34pm
Arjun Prasher,07 sep 1983.He is manglic
Can we marry.
Respected Sir,
I want to Know about my educational and marriage life.
My Birth Details…
DOB: 12th february 1983,
TOB: 18:25pm
POB: Trivandrum, Kerala.
I’m facing lot of problems in my educational life, not able to complete my professional degree, for the last two years. Always faces some kind of interruption in my exams, some times
in the form of diseases or family problems etc.
There is also MANGLIK dosha in my horoscope.
Some astrolegers said that, It is not a
strong one.
Is that true?
Is there any remedies for it?
Am I able to get my degree as soon as possible?
What about my marriage life?
Will I get a happy married life?
Kindly, Give ur attention and advice to these matters.
Nisha P
Hello Sir,
I met this boy and want to get married, but my parents are not agreeing as per them there is early death predicted in one of us and there would me a lot of incompatibility, Mangal Dosh in boy, Nadi dosh etc
can u tell me if our marriage is possible and if not then is there some way out.
Please sir we need ur help.
Our birth details are as follows:
date: 25 Jan 1981
time: 7:10 am
Place: Bulandsher(U.P)
date: 08 May 1979
time: 8:30 pm
place: Arrah (Bihar)
Respected Sir,
i am facing lots of problems from last 4 to 5 years.
problems in the sort of unemployment,divorce,disease.
from last 3 years i am taking treatment of cancer from tata hospital. doctors not giving any gurentee for my life.now i am frustruted and want to do end of my life.
pls. help me out from this problems and give some remedies for this .
kindly give me reply .
thanking you.
Respected Sir,
i am facing lots of problems from last 4 to 5 years.
problems in the sort of unemployment,divorce,disease.
from last 3 years i am taking treatment of cancer from tata hospital. doctors not giving any gurentee for my life.now i am frustruted and want to do end of my life.
pls. help me out from this problems and give some remedies for this .
kindly give me reply .
thanking you.d.o. b is 4 sept,1979,time 1.30 pm
place mulund, mumbai
Dear Sir,
I have gone through your website just now… it seems interesting… I am finding it difficult to identify my brothers Raasi…
Please find his details below:-
Name: C Raghavan
D O B: 23/09/1993
Time: 18:22
Kindly help me in identifying his raasi…
Thanks and Regards,
Subhasree Suresh.
This is aditi, My date Of birth is 1st june 1984 at 3.30A.M
According to Birth chart i am Mangalik.Mars & saturn are staying in the 7 th position.
Can You please ensure that The birth chart is correct .
If i am mangalik, then what i have to do & also saturn is in the 7 th position.
i am waiting for reply.
Respected Sir,
i am facing lots of problems from last 4 to 5 years.
problems in the sort of mental disturbance n finance.
now i am frustruted and want to do end of my life.
pls. help me out from this problems and give some remedies for this n in future this prob.exist or not
kindly give me reply .
thanking you.d.o. b is 25th August,1979 n time is 10.29 pm
place andheri, mumbai
dear sir,
i got married last year i.e jan 07. after the marriage i found out that im a manglik .can you [please help , if theres any way of minimizing the effect of manglik dosha. im really scared.
my birth details:
19th december 1980
place of birth: pilibhit ,uttar pradesh
time ;not sure but in the evening between 3to6pm
hello sir
i am a 23 years old boy and astrologers say i am a manglik person my DOB is :(02-03-1986)and time of birth is : (09:46 AM)and place f birth is (mumbai , india).
now the problem is i am in love with a girl who is non manglik her date of birth is :(18-02-1987),time of birth is:(07:15 AM) and place of birth is : (mumbai , india)
can you please tell me whether our horoscope are matching or not and if there is any problem is there any remedies and if her planetary positions cancel my mangal dosh or not.
thank you sir your reply is expected soon.
I am a non manglik and my would be a manglik.he has a kundali where mars is placed on 6th house, guru on 7th,ketu on 9th, surya chandra and rahu on 3rd, budha and sukra on 2nd
Hi, i tried the Guna Milap software however when I tried matching 2 charts it says that both has Manglik Dosha. When I look at the charts individually, one does not appear to have Mars in the 4th house even though when both charts were matched it was stated specifically that manglik dosha was present due to mars being in the 4th house.
Untill i have visited ur site, i ws sure that i was not manglik but now after visiting ur site, i m little confused as it shows me a manglik…my fiancee is non manglik. my DOB is 0281984 & time is 09.35 am n born in rohtak haryana. nw wen i put these details in ur software..it also ask a question abt DAYSAVING…wat is tht…and wen i put it as NO than it shows – m manglik and wen i put it as YES, it shows i am non manglik…kindly help.
sorry, my DOB is 0281984 in standard format.
my date of birth is 05/06/1981 and time is 10:12 PM.And i love a guy whose date is 24/04/1979 and time is 6.21AM OR 6.27AM . can we get married? as we love each other very much or is there any solution if there is some problem like mangalik dosha or something ? plz reply and do tell about remedy/solution..
thanks and regards
hello sir
i am a 20 years old girl and astrologers say i am a manglik person my DOB is :(07-07-1988)and time of birth is : (11:30 AM)and place f birth is (chhotaudepur,gujarat , india).
now the problem is i am in love with a boy who is non manglik her date of birth is :(02-11-1983),time of birth is:(09:00 pM) and place of birth is : (vadodara,gujart , india)
can you please tell me whether our horoscope are matching or not and if there is any problem is there any remedies and if her planetary positions cancel my mangal dosh or not.
thank you sir your reply is expected soon.
You are doing a great job in applying Advanced technologies(WebBased application) to our Vedic Astrology. I really appriciate your effort in this regard.
I feel there is a contradiction in your article and the output generated by http://www.planetarypositions.com/chartmatch.html.
As you said :
No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs and/or Lagnas,
But chartmatch.html results shows that there is a Mangalik Dosha for a person with the following details:
Name: –
Sex : F
DOB : 08-Feb-1985
Latitude : 16 59 N
Longitude : 82 20 E
Time Zone : 5 30 E
Day light saving : No
The results show
Lagna Sign : Aquarius
Janma Rasi : Leo.
It will be helpful if you can clarify in this.
Thanks once again.
My date of birth is 11the september 1975 at 6:32 in rishra a place in calcutta. I want to know each and every details about my past, present and future life, about my parents, about my caree and my love and married life.
Namaskar sir,
parvinder kumar d.o.b 19-01-1979,time 6:05a.m. vill. mamla distt.solan.H.P. i am in a love with a girl sonia d.o.b 08-07-1985,time 5:30 a.m. place delhi.we want to marry .but she is manglik.please tell me the deegre of mangal and the possible remedies.so that our life can go smoothly.as early as possible i shall be very thankful to you.hope you will give the answer of my question soon.
I went through some astrology websites and came to know that I have Manglik Dosha. Please let me know is this correct?. Also, I have consulted one Astrologer and he said that if I marry after 05/01/2010, there won’t be this eefect. Please let me know inputs.
My DOB is 11th June 1982
time of Birth: 01:54 AM
Waiting for your reply…
Good Day Sir,
My birth date is 31 Aug 1976 time 1644pm. Birth Place: Singapore
My future wife is 21 July 1982 time 0445 am. Birth Place Usilampatti South India Tamil Nadu.
Heard from several astrologers that she is mangalik and i am not. it has driven both our families apart and we have waited 1 year for my mother to come around. What should i do to get married?
Thank you.
Dear Sir
PLease please help me to know if i am manglik? are there any planetory position which supports me. My dob is 21/12/1980 -7.00am and place nanded. My husband is not manglik ( 12/5/1979- 11.30am and place is Latur ). Now i am too much worried. No body told me before my marriage that i am manglik. we had done one puja of Mahamrutynjaya after our marriage. Now can you please please guide me as what will be the effect of Mangal on my married life ? In which house it is situated? what are the remedies. PLEASE PLEASE HELP. I WILL BE HIGHLY GREATFULL TO YOU.
Hi Mr Shermaji
i seen ur article about manglic thing. i found it really interesting and attractive which persuaded me to ask u wether m i a manglic or not?
i read most of the posts here n i bet u really busy over that because every1 is asking u lot questions including me :P.
sory 4 givin u even more wrk to do but plz let me know if im manglic or not n if u cn let me know what ma future holds.
My name is Sehrish Sarwar
DOB: 27/01/1989
TOB: 7:00 am
POB: Lahore (Pakistan) curently livin in UK
Thanks alot 4 reading my request i’ll look forward to hear from u. tc
Hello Mr.Kshitij Sharma,
On your site for Maglik Dosha it says, No Dosha for Leo and Aquarius signs and/or Lagnas. But when i try to match a horoscope, even though the bride’s rashi is leo, it says Manglik Dosha yes because mars is in 12th house. Please clarify and confirm on this.
I love some body but there is some dosa is coming. His date of birth is 11 July 1984, time 07:00 A M , place elhi and Me date of birth is 28 August 1984, time 00:00 AM and place is delhi. Can you please tell me our marriage will happen or not. As we both are very tense.
Hi Sharmaji,
Can you pls guide me on future and what should I and not to do.
My DOB is 22nd Aug, 1978 at 12.15 noon.
Please, also tell me about my career, job.
Thanks a lot
Hi sir, i m in love with one person, and want to marry him. But some persons say i am manglik and some say i am not manglik. Can u plz tell wheater i m manglik or not. My DOB is 12th august 1986 and time is 10.10am on tuesday. And if i have managala dosha can u plz suggest the remedy for that. His date of birth is 11th april 1984. So are we complablity of getting married. Plz mail me to ramyav12@rediffmail.com. It would really help me.
Hello Sir,
My date of birth is 13-May-1976 at 10:54am.
Can you please let me know if mangal dosha is present and if yes, what are the ways to nullify it, as am tired of loads of struggles in my life now.
Awaiting your response,
pt ji namaskar my dob is 28/07/1975 tob is 12.05am at mussorie u.k life is not going good facing financial problem tell me how can life become cool planing to go aboroad sujest me
Hello Sir,
I am in love with a girl since last 4 years and we both want to marry eachother, she is “manglik” and i am “non-manglik”, some people say our marriage kundlis match and some refuse it.We do not understand what to do? please help us and let us know the exact solution. My DoB : 4th Sep 1982 @ 14:10pm, birth palce -Dahanu/Maharastra and her DoB : 24th May 1982 @ 14:00pm , birth place – Navsari/Gujarat. Please reply me on sbm456@yahoo.com.
Respected Sir,
I am a non-manglik and the person whom I want to maryy is a manglik person.
I tried matching our horoscopes in your site and I got result as below:
For bride:
Manglik dosha:no
Reason:Mars not in house no 2,4,7,8,12
For groom:
Manglik dosha:no
Resaon:no dosha for mars in acquarius and leo
Kindly let us know if we shud go for marriage or we have to do any remedy for getting married.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Mr. Sharma,
My date of birth is 21-July-1980 at 10:35pm. 28 years old.
I am very much afraid about my marriage life, either it will be peaceful, successful and happy or not?
Please help me out from these problems and give some remedies for this. Also I want to know that when I will get married? Kindly give me reply.
Please reply me at earliest as my parents are little worry about my manglic dosh!
Thanks in advance.
Hi Mr Sharma,
I went through your site for matching my gun with my boyfriend.
Bride detail= shweta,16 sep 1985, 16:35,rohtak
groom detail= pankaj, 5 july 1984, 23:44, sonipat
Both of us want to marry but our kundli shows nadi dosh as both of us have adi nadi.
May you plz tell me any solution for it.
One another question in some softwares, both of us are manglik but ur site is showing that i am not manglik but my boyfriend is.Please clarify that whats the truth and what about our match it’s good to marry or not?
DOB-23,07,1986 time-11.40 hrs place-puranpur (girl)
DOB-01,07,1981, time-11.55 hrs, place- bareilly (boy)
please match the horoscope and compalability.
some says girl is manglik, some says no. kindly confirm
how to takecare of manglik dosha,if mars in 4thhouse of girl and saturn in 7th house of boy, will it neutrilise the manglik dosha of girl.
good site to clear the doubtson the manglik dosha.
Dear Mr. Sharma,
My details are given below –
DOB : 02-07-1985
Place : Mauritius
Time : 15.25
I am engaged to a boy whose details are –
DOB : 21-06-1978
Place : Mauritius
Time : 3.15
I went to some astrologers, some say that our kundali match and others say no as they say I am manglik. I am confused.Please help me. Are there any remedy if the kundali does not match really?
hi sir/madam,
Am married guy, and am not staying with my wife my date of birth is on 24-01-1982 and my wife’s is 22-04-1987 and her name is rega.k please suggest use what we have to do, to join again in our life.
hi sir i am in love with a girl whose name is neha kumari she is manglik her birth details are 20 december 1987 birth time is 1:25 pm birth place is raipur rani district panchkula my birth details are varun rai date of birth 4 october 1985 birth time is 5:45 pm birth place is patiala can you pls help us in this issue as soonas possible thanks we both will bw highly obliged
Dear Sir,
I have been in a relationship with a guy. On matching our kundlis it was found that we have Naadi Dosh. Also other gunas dont match very well. the score is 15 out of 36. our details are as follows:
Boy’s Details:
date of birth: 2 Aug 1984
time of birth: 1:05 am
place of birth: delhi
My details:
date of birth: 22 Dec 1984
time of birth: 5:29 pm
place of birth: jaipur
Please tell me if there is any way to cancel this naadi dosh. Is this match recommended? Will there be a problem in progeny? Will mahamrityunjay jaap help to cancel this dosh?
Thanks & Regards
Dear Sir,
I am in love with a girl having following deatials:
Born date:30/jun/1990
Born place:CUTTACK,Orissa,India.
My Details:
Born Date:18/Aug/1976
Born Pl:CUTTACK,Orissa,India.(lat:20.30N,85.50E)
Born place:CUTTACK,Orissa,India.
May I know the Kundali match is fine or not? Since here your website is telling she is having Mangalik dasa, but my kundli does not have it.
Kindly tell me the overall match in brief for a good future.
hello sir, u have done a great job by explaining astrology so easily that even a novice like me can understand to some extent.as of now, i need your help.my DOB is 5-5-1981, time 16.20 hrs, place, krishnanagar in nadia, west bengal.can u pls predict about my marrige,i.e when i will get married and something about my partner, and also, about my career?
Went through your site.. interesting and this is the first time that I am writing to anyone about it. I have a daughter to whom some says have got the manglik dosh and some say it’s not. Pls do clarify and clear the doubt.
DOB- 06-09-84
Time -06:25am
Place- Ghaziabad, U.P, India
Let me also know the reason for it. Will be grateful and do tell me as to she should be married to a manglik guy or non-manglik.
hello sir,
i am a new comer in this field .
i am stuck in an all usual problem that i am non-manglik n the girl is.
i am areies by kundli fore cast and she is cancerian.
sir is there any solution that can b kept in front of both fam..
sir i red all ur postings but frankly speaking it was a big bouncer. pls help in a small kid language that is there any remedy for this manglik dosh.
pls do mail me …
its a humble request sir…
mail id suma_431987@yahoo.co.in
hello sir,
i am married,
my DOB is 06-12-1976
place of birth:dornakal
night: 10:11 pm
my problem is I am unable 2 get a job.i started my carrer in teaching field, now I have shifted my profesion. can u pls tell me in which field i will stick into. now my age is 31.when i get a good job.
thanks and regards,
Hello all,
Today I was googling some info on Ek-nadi, I found this website, I just gone through some mails.
I need urgent information/help/suggestion from you all. I liked a girl, planning to marry her. The problem is we both have same nadi, that is ek-nadi.
Which is found using ‘janma-naama’ (usually some part of south india people use janma-naama for kundali matching). both of us are of madhya naadi. In order to re-confirm whether we both are of same naadi using other critaria, girl has lost her kundali, so there is no way.
I heard that some times the charana’s may not completely overlaped each other but there will be part over lap. considering this point there may be chances of not being same nadi.
Now I am very much interested in her, so is there any remedy for ‘ek-nadi’?
I have only 5 days time, can anyone sugest me what can I do?
Pranam Guruji…
My DOB is 13th May 1978, i was born on 12th may mid night 12.30 am. We are trying to have a baby since past 7 years. can you pls check my kundali and let me know if ever we can have a baby or no.
Ram Ram Sharmaji
This is really very nice and useful site for all. I am thanking u for this. Sharmaji I want to know whether I am manglik or not?
Place: Mahudha, Gujarat
Time (Local) 10:43 pm.
Dear Sir,
This web portal is very helpful. I thank you for such a generous vision.
I would like to receive your help with regard to my future. Please advice me about my education, My marriage (whether it will be a love or arranged one)and at what age will I marry. And how will my future and career be? Whether I have any dosh (manglik, kalsarp etc)
Your help is much appreciated.
My details are :
Name : Jalpa Kothari
DOB: 29/08/1985
Time of Birth : 8:22 am
Place of birth: Bangalore City,karnataka, India
This is first time i am writting on this site
I am in realtionship with a guy ,every one say he is magalik but i am not mangalik.Plz suggest what to do.we really want to marry.plz help if possibel.I heard u help every one plz help us
Boy-21 aug 1979
Bith places-kota(raj)
Tith timing-7.00(a.m)
Girl-2 dec 1982
Bith places-delhi
Bith timing- 7.10(a.m)
This is first time i am writting on this site
I am in realtionship with a guy ,every one say he is magalik but i am not mangalik.Plz suggest what to do.we really want to marry.plz help if possibel.I heard u help every one plz help us
Boy-21 aug 1979
Bith places-kota(raj)
Tith timing-7.00(a.m)
Girl-2 dec 1980
Bith places-delhi
Bith timing- 7.10(a.m)
we decided to get married.
my name is saravanan s/o munian
date of birth 28/04/1981 at 2.10am ipoh, malaysia.
and parimala d/o narayanasamy date of birth 03/12/1986
at 8.40pm kuala lumpur, malaysia.
will we have any problem in married life later?
pls advice.
thank you
my sister`s name is neetu, born on 10th JAN`1983.
when is her marraige going to take place,by what time.
pls respond to comment.
thank you.
Dear Sir,
Help us please, Ours is going to be a love marriage and the two families are ok with our marriage and the kundalis were matched we found out that my to be husband’s kundali had manglik dosha and I am not. All this has just broken us down emotionally. Can you PLEASE! help us and let us know if there is any solution for this.What can be done to help this relation work out well.Please help!I am leaving separately from my husbad from 6 months due to some tensions with my husband will this marry work or i break my marriage by taking divorce My DOB is 17-09-1977 & birth time is 14:12 pm place of birth is Varanasi(Uttar Pradesh) & my to be husband’s DOB is 106-12-19847 & birth time 19:10 pm , place of birth: New Delhi.Hoping for a solution for this in our favour. awaiting a prompt response from your end. Thank you.
Pls email me at:
Hi all, Hi sharma ji,
It seems that girls are more worried about kundali match than boys. Kundali matching is Indian Culture and if you are doing love marriage( means u have already accepted western culture) then why you people are worried about kundali match??
am I right sharma ji??
Regards and May all couples live happy
Dear Sharma ji,
I love one girl who is our close relative. Both of our parents agreed for our marriage. But few miserable things happened between us. Some unexpected clashes happened between us. But now i want her to come back into my life. But some of our relatives have mispropogated about me. So, now she is not talking to me at all. Then their parents showed our kundalis to some astrologer. He said she is manglik and should not marry me. I also confirmed it with another astrologer. Now may be because of this she is keeping away from me. Is there any way to get rid of this dosha? Please send me a solution for this. Here is our details:
NAME:Krishna Kanth
DOB: 28 May 1983
TIME:10:30 PM
NAME:Lakshmi Krishna Priya
DOB:28 Nov 1985
TIME:BETWEEN 1.30 PM to 2:00 PM
Hi sir,
first i thank to you for your article.my DOB-17/06/1975 at 00.24am at jamshedpur(bihar).my first question is ,i am manglik are not? Due to any small small problem still my marrige are not happening why i dont know.recently one more offer was came ,details of girls are given below>
date of birth-18.09.1978 time-(i dont know)
place- kolkata
can you give me your valuable comments by my email id, it is suitable for me or not.
pranam sharmaji…
i m very tensed these days coz of my marriage troubles..i love a boy of my caste only but his parents are saying that i have a manglik dosha and saturn is in 7th house…so i m nt gud for that boy..pls find a sloution for us…is my kundli really harmful for him?
nikita 09-04-87 time 09:40 am raipur chattisgarh(mp)
anuj 19-01-78 15:35 pm bhopal mp..
waiting for response eagerly..
hello sir,ijust ask one question that is there any problem in without matching kundli still knowing i am manglik
I have problem with my marriage and it is delaying a lot and some hurdles are coming and stopping it..
We consulted the astrologer and he told that I have Naaga Dosham… (Rahu in 7th position from Lagna).
Six months back, We went to Thirunaageevaram and did some pooja.
Can you tell whether I will get my marriage in this year.
DOB: 29-11-1983
Time : 07.25 AM
Place : Chennai
Day : Tuesday…
Can you tell me in detail about my marriage…
Hope you reply.
Thank you
I am in love with a girl who is belong to other cast.my parents showed my kundalis to some astrologer. He said i am manglik and should not marry with her.Now may be because of this she is keeping away from me. Is there any way to get rid of this dosha? Please send me a solution for this. Here is our details:
name-bhushan sharma
place-dhampur,distt.- bijnor,
neme-sakshi singhal
January 24th, 2009 at 12:24 am
I have problem with my marriage and it is delaying a lot and some hurdles are coming and stopping it..
We consulted the astrologer and he told that I have Manglik dosh. Due to some or the other reason marraige is not getting fixed. Can you tell whether I will get my marriage in this year.
Sumi singh
DOB: 11-Mar-1983
Time : 06.00 AM
Place : Bihar, raniganj, Tekari
Day : Sunday…
Can you tell me in detail about my marriage…
Hope you reply.
Also please tel me whether I will get marry to this person or not.
Randhir singh
DOB: 26-Aug-1981
Time : 03.00 AM
Place : Kolkatta
Thank you
I am in a total confused state of mind and need your advice. I in love with a girl and its same with her too. Our families know each other for more than two decades and recently i proposed her & our families were the happiest of all to get us married.
They wanted to show the horoscope of both of us and make it happen but to all our astonishment it didnt match bcoz i am mangalik. Both our parents & us are heart broken and totally confused. Please recommend some solution to this problem.
hi, my self vishwas kapoor my date of birth and time is -08-08-1982 11:30 am varanasi. and my fiance d.o.b. an time is 21-04-1987 05:05 am.
I’m manglik and my wife is not what i should to do for happy life. and if anything is serious plz help me.
Pranam, My son Sri L Devanathan born on 08 th Oct 1983, time 20.37 pm, at Chennai TN India. He isyet to complete the degree in commerce, and is now 25 yrs. WE and also he wants to pursue further studies in MBA, Please guide us in when he would complete the Degree in Com, When he would be able to complete his MBA and when he is expected to get marriage aliance and when he can get married? Abhivadaiye Lakshminarasimhan Sharman
Hello Sir,
I am not aware time of birth. Can you help me.
Rajiv Jindal
Birth date:10 Sept 1980
time approx: 3 a.m.
place of birth: village : Rama distt: Moga Punjab
Can you help me to make sure about manglik from point of view of marriage…
Dear Sir,
I am divorced and recently met a boy. We are both interested in getting married, but I wanted to know if there are any problems/dosh in my horoscope before I proceed further.
I am not sure whether I am Manglik or not. If I am Manglik, does it still matter in case of second marriage?
Here are my details:
Date of birth: 3 September 1978
Time of birth: 9:10 AM
Place of birth: Chennai, India (Madras)
Thank you,
I have problem with my marriage and it is delaying a lot and some hurdles are coming and stopping it.Now some days before my family member set a proposal but when i checked the DOB of the girl as Kundli match, naadi is same and the girl seems to manglik. The details are as under.
Mine : DOB : 07.06.1978
Time : 09 :17 AM
Place : Sultanpur UP
Girl : DOB : 17.05.1982
Time : 18:45 PM
Place : Mumbai
Can u help me to make sure to proceed further. Thanking u in anticipation
hi myself manas ranjan behera.D.O.B-07.08.1986&TIME-4.30AM&my lover D.O.B-26.10.1987&TIME-9.30PM.I want to know our kundali match or not. please help me.
Dear Sharmaji,
I found your site really helpful. I have checked the Gunas from your chart matching software it shows 28 & no manglik dosha. But, our panditji says that the girl has manglik dosha. The details are as under.
Mine : DOB : 27.09.1981
Time : 09:09 PM
Place : Malegaon (Maharashtra)
Girl : DOB : 7.06.1984
Time : 4:00 PM
Place : Kalyan (Mumbai, Maharashtra)
Can u help me to make sure to proceed further.
Also, is there any problem if Nadi are same?
Dear sharma ji,
i m planning 2 marry a boy.. v are in love with each other… and great understanding. Bt i we concerned a pandit g who made my kundli. he said i m manglik.
we are looking for some upay..and today i found out ur site.
Please help us… we are very much worried about this….
My details:
Navneet Kaur
Dob:2nd jan1984
Time: 01:30pm
Place: Jammu
I have pasted the details on 16.02.09 . But recieved no reply. Hope you should help me this time my mail ID is “kushalpwr@gmail.com”
Mine : DOB : 07.06.1978
Time : 09 :17 AM
Place : Sultanpur UP
Girl : DOB : 17.05.1982
Time : 18:45 PM
Place : Mumbai
Can u help me to make sure to proceed further.
Dear Sharmaji,
I found your site really helpful. Our panditji says that the girl has manglik dosha. The details are as under:
Mine : DOB : 26.09.1980
Time : 07:12 AM
Place : PUNE (Maharashtra)
Girl : DOB : 22.09.1982
Time : 09:20 PM
Place : PUNE (Maharashtra)
Request you to let me know on the above and location of Mars(7th house or 8th house of the girls kundali)?
i just found out dat m having naadi dosh wd my wud b..can u please tell me some solution to rectify the problem..
hello sir,my details are as below:
name:meenakshi singh
place of birth:cochin,1700 approx and my wud b details are as below:
name:dr vikas chauhan
place of birth:faizabad,22:50
sir it seems we both are having naadi dosh..can u please tell the alternative for this problem and can u please tell weder do v hav any oder dosh and how d match wud b in future??
thanx a lot,
eagerly waiting for the reply!!!
Sir i hv visited ur site.kindly help me,I lv a person n he also lv me.our details r:
Name– Nayana Moily
DOB– 6th March 1983
TOB– 01:02AM
POB– Mumbai Maharashtra,India)
Name– Nilesh Shah
DOB– 5th April 1980
TOB– 08:55AM
POb– Mumbai Maharashtra,India)
KIndly replay us weather we can marry or not,the boy has Manglik DOsha.so Kindly Help me.We both are hindus
Kndly replay as soon as possible to my id plz.
hello sir,
i need to know that he is maglik or not. his birth detail
date- 23rd march 1983. time -08:20 am. place -kheralu
i got information that he is maglik and i am not. my
birth detail is date-11th may 1980. time -08:35 pm.
do you think that this marriage can work or not.
our guna is 27. no nadi dosh too. so please let me know so it will be helpful. or we can do anything else to keep this relation or not.
waiting for reply.
Dear Sir,
i am in a great delima. can you please tell me how bad is it to marry someone if guna milap score is only 8.5/36.
further, will a court marriage/ registered marriage be considered marriage as per astrology.
lastly, are there any remedies available to remave bhakoot, nadi dosh and ghra stithi dosh.
i will be very grateful if you could please help me with these questions.
hello sir,
i need to know that he is maglik or not. his birth detail
date- 20 February 2009. time -06:59 am. place -Rohtak, Haryana, India
hello sir,
the girl and boy’s kundali show nadi dosha…and the boy is manglik…plz tell whether marriage is possible …and if not then is there some solution to it.
dob: 16-10-1984
time: 08:35:00 AM
place: lucknow
dob: 16-10-1982
time: 11:56:00 AM
place: vadodra
Dear all Mangliks,
My wife has Mars in 7th house and I am not manglik. She is Mean rashi and myself Simha. She do not fall in any of the exception categories for Manglik. But we are married for last 20 years. Though it was not a bliss and we had our share of quarrels, but still we are happily married till now. I must confess that I felt the heat of Mars in seventh house, but it all depends how you adjust and look at life.
I am very very confused. I met a boy 2.5 years before we really love each other. But the problem is that i am Manglik and He is not. My DOB is August 13, 1984 born @ 2:30 PM, chittaranjan, His is April 05, 1983 New Delhi. Everybody tells various different things. I found your site and it seems very intelligent. Can you please help me taking the right decision. We both want to marry each other and want to have a good solution for this problem, if any. PLEASE ADVISE.
Dear Sir,
I matched my kundali with the girl i want to marry on your site it says no mangal dosh available in our kundali however as per your comments mangal dosh will exist if Mars is in 2,4,7,8 and 12th house; in my kundali Mars is in 4th house still it is not showing manglik dosh.
I will appreciate if you can give your suggestion regarding that.
mine details are
DOB 6-oct-1981
TOB 11:50 AM
POB Udaipur (Rajasthan)
Her details are
DOB 23-Dec-1983
TOB 8:45 PM
POB Meerut (UP)
Thank you very much for your response.
DATE OF BIRTH – 11-11-1981 i.e,(11th november 1981)
time of birth – 12.25 p.m (noon time)(format 24 hrs)
place of birth city – karimnagar
state – Andhrapradesh
country – India
please inform me about that in my kundli KAALSARPDOSH / KAAL SARP YOG IS
present or not present, if it is present how much percentage it is effecting.
please inform me that KAALSARPDOSH / KAALSARPYOG is two different or one only in
effecting the kundli.
please inform me about all doshas present in my kundli. i.e, kaalsarpdosh,kaalsarpyog, mangaldosh, shani dosh , kalathradosh & many more etc.,
please inform me that by wearing the right lucky gemstone we can Remove / Escape from all doshas that present in kundli.
my position is like stucked in the middle of the sea , iam in saudiarabia and iam not getting any job once i go to india i can do the remedies for all these or wear the lucky gemstone.
mail adress – minhaj_astrology@yahoo.com
I would like to know if I am mangalik or not
Date of Birth : 29 December 1981
Time: 12.00 night
Place of Birth : Hyderabad(India)
Let me know which position is Mars is in and when will my marriage happen?
Hello sir,
Amit Pandita 02/08/1982 Time OF BIRTH 12.02PM
Place of birth = Kashmir
I Am a manglik boy and my kundli is not matching with the girls of my choice . The kundli is matching with the girls whoes profile is not matching with my like (the education which I want and other thinngs ).Parents are pressurizing me to compromise.
Please let me know what can I do.
Namaste SharmaJi ,
I have been told several times that i have a maglik dosha in my kundli. I am of age and was wondering when I will be gettin married, and if i will be happily married. My dob is december, 25, 1984 at 6:31 AM in new york USA. Please help me.
Dear Sharmaji,
My name is Vanitha,DOB : 29 Dec 1981 time:12.00 night Place:Hyderabad. I would like to know if I am manglik, which house Mars is situated. When would my marriage happen?
Sharma Sir
My birth details are as under.
Date – 17 march 1981
Time – 04:15 pm
place robertsganj(up)
I wanted to know my future and marriage time pl.
Hello sharmaji,
My birth details are as under.
Date – 8 July 1985
Time – 05:10 pm
place ajmer (rajasthan)
I wanted to know whether i am a manglik and whether I can marry a non manglik
Hi I am Guneet…
My D.O.B. is 13/08/1991 {13th august 1991}
My birth time is 10:02 am
i wanna know that am i Manglik ????????
dear sir,
i want to know how would our marriage life will be, we have known each other since our high school.we are so much in love and we want to get married, please let us know if there’s any problem regarding our horoscope.
my name-nithya
DOB-13 JUNE 1989
my partner-Stephen jeganathan
DOB-1 APRIL 1989
A horoscope received from a girl, for my son has Jupiter, ketu & Harshal in the fifth house. Her BOD is 21.08.1983 at 5.53 am at Dombivli (Maharashtra). Horoscope matches by 29 points. I want to know how far these Guru-ketu-harshal are good or bad for “SANTATI” i.e. children’s birth? A line in reply will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards
hellow sir,
im krishnarao peddinti.., my parents not known when im birth with the caliculation of some occations they tellme. i was born before the day of saraswathidevi pooja in 1984 at Kolkotta. But in my 5th class certificates contain 02 june 1984. so kindly tell me when celebrate the puja of saraswathi in 1984 and they also say may date of week is monday. pls send me the date of saraswathi pooja. thanking u sir.
urs faithfully
Respected Sir,
I am having troubles in all aspects of my life from birth and now in my married life, finance and occupation. My DOB is 10/04/1976 3.35 a.m Bangalore, my husband’s DOB is 02/04/1969 6.48 a.m and our son’s DOB is 05/01/2002 6.31 p.m . Please advice me what do I do next about my married life? and my career should I work as an employee or set up a small business of my own?
dob 18 7 1983
birth place (sojath road)rajasthan
timeing 7 10 am
that is my
dob 18 11 1991
birth place (gudiyatham)tamil nadu
timing 3 00 am
please tell me i have manlik dosha and my engaged girl have no dosha tell me can i marry with her
Dear Mr Sharma,
I’m a web developer. I’m developing a matrimony website and the client asked me to including match making part also, into the website. I have seen your match making part which looks good and I’m looking for a solution similar to it. Can you please help me out in completing that match making part. Can you please send me your contact Number to my mail Id, so that we can talk about it??
Many Thanks
Hello Mr. Sharma
I am Honey Garg. My birth date is 13.05.1989 and I want to know whether I am manglik or not? and I also want to know my compatiability with a boy named Robin Jarial having birth date 22.10.1986. Will my being manglik affect him? Please reply. My id is honey.garg.18@gamil.com
Hello Mr. Sharma
I am Nina. My D.O.B is 25.04.1970 at 4:55pm in hoshiarpur Punjab and My husband D.O.B is 12.02.1970 around 8:30pm in Moga Punjab. My mool puja was done on the 27th day. We are having alot of marital problems this second marriage for both of us. please tell us what we can do to save our marriage. We have a 2 year old son born on 05.05.2007 at 8:53am in California USA.
Thanks sir.
i am ankita! my birthdate is 14/05/86 in lucknow .Time of birth is 6:00 am.Kindly find my compatiability with a boy named rakshit khare having birth date 05/12/1985. Will my being manglik affect him? Please reply. My id is chaudhary.ankita@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Sharma,
First thank for your service.
I have a doubt, you said that in your software you have considered some of the Manglik cancellations. But my Rashi is Leo but still it says I have Manglik dosa. Could you please explain this I have given the details below;
Bride: Anitha Lat: 11 07 N Long: 77 20 E, DOB: 06/10/1982, TOB: 23:04, South India.
Groom: Vikram Lat: 11 21 N Long: 76 41 E, DOB: 26/06/1982, TOB: 14:25, South India.
date of birth :07 05 1986
birth place : DOMBIVLI(MUMBAI)
timing : 9 11 am
Please tell me whether my kundli is under manglik or not. what exactly happened if i marry a guy who is not manglik.
I am born in Feb 18th 1966 , time 21.45 at Udupi, i want to know if sani is well paced in my horoscope & about my health & career.
Hello Sir,
I am not getting married even after I have passed 33 yrs of age. Please find my birth details and let me know what is in my future life. Whether I will get married or not. My birth details is as below:
DOB: 07 april 1976
Place: Bangalore
Latitude:12 59
Longitude:77 35
Please guide me as I am very much depressed with family life & future.
my details are given below n i want to know what is the suitable age i should be getting married is there any must and should age i should look for my marriage or can i get married whenever i want.
D.O.B: 6TH NOV 1986
I was searching about Astrology/Horoscope- Mangliks etc. & found your site, its interesting
Shall go through it frequently to know more, one thing I missed, you have included qoestions from readers but not your replies which are most important for the readers to get knowledge about various aspects of this subject.Every one shall appreciate if you include all your replies too.
S.K.ARORA, Mob-9971653230
please tell me about
name ritu sharma
d o b-5 apr 1991
place- delhi (palam)
is she manglik or not
if manglik can i merry her. i m not manglik
i am Prashant! my birthdate is 4/05/82 in Pune and the Time of birth is 13:25 pm. I have profile which needs to be matched and she is manglik. Her details are as follows , birthdate is 3/6/1983 and the time being 01:30 am(ie 3rd morning) Kindly let me know if she being manglik can cause a problem and whether we can go ahead with the marriage. Please reply me on dalviprash@rediff.com. Its Bit Urgent for me and her as well.
Respected Sir,
I am in love with a guy.I am strong manglik and he is not. I have Mars in the 7th house as per the software. Here are our details.
Boy’s Details:
Date of Birth: January 8th 1980
Time of Birth: 1 05 AM
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Girl’s Details:
Date of Birth: May 7th 1986
Time of Birth: 9 11 AM
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Sir, please help us. Please tell me if our horoscope matches properly and if there is any dosha like manglik in it. I beg you of help in this. we are very much worried on this, as my parents believe a lot in horoscopes.
You can reply me at pranali_bait7@yahoo.com
With Regards.
hi sharma ji,
my name is debabrata. i am in loe with a girl. don’t want to publish her name here. we have been together for more than 4 years now. we both want to marry each other but we are facing lots of troubles in our relationship. i think its because i am manglik and she is not. plz suggest some ways so that we can be happy together. is there any way that the evil effects of the dosha gets neutralized. girls DOB- 10/09/1985. Place- Pathshala (Assam). Time- 10:30 AM.
Boys DOB- 28/04/1984. Place- Bongaigaon (Assam). Time- 09:30 PM.
Expecting a reply from you. mailing address: don28484@yahoo.co.in
Thank You in advance.
One of my (male) friend details are as follows:-
DOB 04/12/1980
Time: 06:35PM
Place: Kanpur(U.P.)
Can you please pridict about his marriage?
Dear Sir
I like to get my son married for which I have initially selected three girls. I want to know which will be best suited for my son. Also kindly let me know which one will not be suited. Date and time of birth are noted below:
Son’s date of birth : 19.04.1982 22:45 hrs.
1st girl date/ time of birth : 01.08.1986,18:55 hrs
2nd girl date/time of birth : 15.11.1985, 20:29 hrs
3rd girl date/time of birth : 27.02.1986, 12:00 noon
I solicit your help on the matter. Best Regards.
Hello Sir… Can you please help me? First I would like to know If I am Manglik? Second, I have been in a relation ship with someone for almost a year now. We would both like to get married eventually. Can you please tell me what your opinion on this marriage is.
August,08 1983
11:17 PM
Beverly Hills, CA (near Los Angeles)
November 23, 1983
01:47 AM
Indore, MP India
If we are not compatible, is some solution possible? Please help me as much as you can. Thank you so much.
my birth date is 21st oct’1989 and my birth time is 7.36 am at bareilly(u.p.)…
pls let me know whether i am manglik or not…
its really urgent.
Dear Pandit ji
My name is Yogesh, DOB 31-10-1970 , 19-45 New Delhi
My Wife DOB 24-8-1974, 04.00 AM Hansi, Hissar Haryana,
Our marriage DOB 28-11-2002
We are having different opinion and we and not love each other , and often create problems, do I have second marriage
Pls advice
email : ulrikatak@yahoo.com
Good Day Mr Sharma,
I’ve no other alternatives but to seek your advice on calculating two person dat of birth for marriage purpose.
I need your help due im not an Indian but i believe in astrology.
Can you please help me??
Appreaciate if you could reply to my email.
You’re my only hope for marriage…
hello sir,
My name is Rajiv Ranjan. I was born in mujaffarpur (Bihar) at 17.30 hrs on 31-05-1981 on sunday. sir, i want to know that am i manglik or not. shall i be able to marry a manglik or non-manglik girl. What are the criterias to know that a person is manglik? What will be the effect of marrying a manglik or non-manglik girl in future? plz reply soon.I believe in horoscope matching and want to marry through it.
My birth kundali has shani dhosa, but the girl whom i want to marry does not have shani or mangal. Our gun matching shows only 13 gun matched.
Is shani a problem creator for getting married. someone told us that if we get married, we will be divorced. we are in a relationship for 3 years and want to get married but are worried about the divorce.
please let me know is shani an important element while kundali matching. and also please let me know if there is some gem or puja we can do to avoid the situation.
our details are:
Date of birth: 1st February, 1983
Time of Birth : 12: 35 hours
Place of Birth: Mumbai (Dadar)
Date of birth: 26th February, 1984
Time of Birth : 2: 40 hours
Place of Birth: Mumbai (Santacruz)
hello sir,
I’m Anuja my DOB – 08-11(nov)-1983, BT- 4:40am, BP- Faizabad.
i wuld like to enquire that am i manglik or not and whether i have kalsarp dosh or not
Pranam Sharma ji,
It’s 30 yrs of my marrige but i’ve faced a lot of strugle and up’s down in my life, it’s semmed that every progress in my life has been blocked plz help me out i wanna know is there any manglik dosh .
DOB- 9 – may – 1956
place- faizabad(UP)
We are so confused. I met a girl 1.5 years before we really love each other. But the problem is that she is Manglik and i am not. My DOB is Oct 13, 1989 born @ 2:10 AM, BIR{MP}, His[SHRADHHA] is July 14, 1989 TARANA{MP}. Everybody tells various different things. I found your site and it seems very intelligent. Can you please help me taking the right decision. We both want to marry each other and want to have a good solution for this problem, if any. PLEASE ADVISE.
Please shramaji ab aap hi kuch rasta bataiye kyo ki hum alag-alag nahi rahna chahte.
hamare liye jitane upaye ho plz batadijiye
Hum dono ki aapse prarthana he sharmaji plz…….
Email ID:NTNRATHORE007@gmail.com , nit.rathore@gmail.com
ubjacte: compatibility i am asha sharma..i just want to know that i am manglik or not and if so..it is low or high..n how much percentage is it..and if i m manglik n percentage is less then whom i should marriage a manglik boy or a non- manglik boy…n if so..well how much percentage the boy should have as manglik..if there is nay harm if boy has double manglik dosha and i have less affected by manglik dosha?
my details:
Name: asha sharma
Birth date:15/6/85
time: 08:45 am.
city: Ahmadabad, Gujarat
his details:
Name: rishi sharma
Date of birth: 15/02/82
time:09:50 am.
birth place:Indore , madhyapradesh
Are we compatible and should proceed with marriage? Will we have a long happy married life? will peace and harmony prevail in married life? please respond me very fast…i am so hope less now…i hope this web site would definitely help me regarding this issue..as you are providing free analysis of mangla dosha , i am so much confused now…please help me out..please waiting for quick your positive response ..
My name is Manmeet Singh Sidhu , Male , born on 31 august 1988 at around noon on wednesday..
i wanna know whether i am a manglik or not.. it wud be gud if u can send the reply even on my email id
hello sir,
My name is ASHUTOSH Singhal. I was born in Saharanpur (UP) at 05.00 am on 10-07-1979. Sir, i have been told by many pandits that I am i manglik. Shall i be able to marry a non-manglik girl. What will be the effect of marrying a non-manglik girl in future?
Could you please let me know what are the solutions if some good match comes from non-manglik girl.?? if any..
plz reply soon.I believe in horoscope matching and want to marry through it..
Ashutosh singhal
Hi Mr. Sharma,
I tried mathing a kundali, and it shows Nakshatra Match = 33, Nadi is different for bride and groom but
Manglik dosha = yes and Reason: Mars in the 4 th house for bride and Manglik dosha = No and Reason : Mars in 12th house in Taurs and Libra.
What I didn’t understand then if bride has Mars in 4th house, then the Kundali is matched or not?
I want to know if this marriage will be fine for me ? Pl wait for your reply
Pl suggest me at mail ID anandlakkas@yahoo.co.in
My name is MOrushka Govender and would like for you check if my partner and I are compatible.
My date of birth is 09 March 1982. I was born at Johannesburg, South Africa at 02:15am.
His name is Sivandren Naidoo, date of birth is 22 September 1979. He was born in South Africa, Stanger at 20:30pm.
Please help me and check if we are compatible. I have a feeling my partner is manglik.
hi,my name is pramila from Malaysia ,look on behalf of my brother match making.Some pandits says that they both not to get married because both of birth date is start from no. 2 .From i seen here it shows bit ok but i never understand . can u please tell me is it ok the can married and live together. they both still in love.
Here the details:
bride name- kumari d/o sukumaran
date of birth – 20 june 1985
birth time – 8.10 am
born in malaysia – Kuala Lumpur
Groom name – Balasubramaniam s/o muneandy
date of birth – 11 may 1971
birth time – 11.56am
born in malaysia – Kuala Lumpur
kindly please e-mail me once sir receive my mail as soon as possible.
Thank you
Hello Sharma Ji,
I was searching about manglik dosha and found your site. I m in love with a girl but her parents say that i m mangal dosha(kuja)and she is not and if we get married to eachother then one of us will die in 1year. we both cannot live without each other. please help us.birth deatils: girl-january 4th 81, 11.27pm. boy- may 13th 1985, 7.42pm. Please please please help us.
My email Id : princess.match@gmail.com
hi sir,
my name s clestina, am n love with a guy, some pandit says that i got manglik dosha, sir please can u suggest me that shall we marry or not.
boys details:
date of birth :31-08-1980
timing: 05am
place of birth:pondicherry
girls details:
date of birth: 18-05-1983
timings : 05am
plaoce of birth: chennai
hi Sharmaji,
I am very very confused. We are friends from last 7 yrs.we really love each other. But the problem is girl father is saying i am mangalik.
Both families are not agreeing for marriage.
Please find the details of both:
Name: Andra Bala Chitti Kumari
Date of Birth: 30 Dec 1982
Time of Birth : 01:00 AM ( Early morning of 30 Dec)
Place of Birth: Narendra Patam near Jaggam Peta, Andhra Pradesh
Latitude: 17 Deg 10’N
Longitude: 82 Deg 2’ E
Name: Vangara Rakeshsharma
Date of Birth: 4th June 1981
Time of Birth : 11:45 PM
Place of Birth: Warangal, Andhra Pradesh
Latitude: 18 Deg 1’N
Longitude: 79 Deg 38’ E
Can you please help me taking the right decision. We both want to marry each other. PLEASE ADVISE how the marriagelife would be.please do the needful
. Email ID:rakeshsharmav@hotmail.com
i m a manglik girl and love a non manglik boy.My date of birth is 22 dec 1984 delhi 11.40 am.Please tell me the solution so that v may marry and live happy forever.i may do whatever solution u will tell….please provide me ur precious advice
Hello Sir,
I am in doubt after consulting an astrologer about the possiblity of marriege. According to him marriege is impossible and if done can lead to death of one of the partner. Following is the detail of birth detail of boy and girl
Date of Birth: 17 Jun 1978
Time of Birth : 9:30 AM
Place of Birth: Raver (Maharashtra)
Latitude: 21° 15′ 0 N
Longitude: 76° 1′ 60 E
Date of Birth: 05 Jul 1980
Time of Birth : 05:45
Place of Birth: Atpadi (Maharashtra)
Latitude: 17° 25′ N
Longitude: 74° 57’E
Please help us to take correct descison as this proposal is very much liked in both families and everything else seems more than too good.
my mail Id is: websanskriti@gmail.com
Hi, i was born on 6th Aug 1979 at 2:58AM, could you please confirm if i’m mangalik or not?
i’m not being able to follow the details.
hello, since long im searching for information about this manglik thing. an astrologer fron india cam at my place and told me that im maglik. i did not undestand what he meant untill i search in the net. im an aries, manglik and im really in love with a guy who is leo. can this be minimise? or ive search for another solution, i want to change my religion, not to marry and co-habitate with my love.. is that all altenate solution.
BOY- DOB-07-06-1975
TIME- 06.00 AM
PLACE- Basirhat (West Bengal)
NAME- Parimal
STATE- West Bengal
GIRL DOB-14-05-1985
NAME – Ranjita
TIME- 12.00 PM
PLACE- Gobardanga (West Bengal)
DOB 12-05-1972
Place of birth Bangalore
Time of birth 5:24 pm
My marriage did not work i have a case on me from my wife, i sold my business and now am job less, am worried about my future, pls let me know how good or bad is my future and how long do i have to suffer like this
Sharma Sir
My birth details are as under.
Date – 16/07/1980
Time – 08:28 AM
place – jalandhar (punjab )
I wanted to know my future and marriage time pl
plz reply me
Sorry there;s a correction!!
hi. I am a manglik girl and i am in love with a non manglik boy. I really love him and there must be a way for me to mary him. please help me.
Our detaiils:
Girl: 18 march 1986 ( 19:45pm – GMT +8)
Place : (5′ 25 N and 100′ 19E)
Boy: 1 July 1984 (21:30 pm, GMT +8)
Place: (2′ 42 N and 101° 54′, E)
Please help solve my probelm… thank you. please reply to my email (pvini09@yahoo.com)
Hello Sir,
I am in doubt after consulting an astrologer about the possiblity of marriege. According to him marriege is impossible and if done can lead to death girl and they will have clashes. Following is the detail of birth detail of boy and girl
Date of Birth: 22 Sept 1984
Time of Birth : 06:40 PM
Place of Birth: Kanigiri-ONGOLE (Andhra Pradesh)
Latitude: 13 05 N
Longitude: 80 17 E
Date of Birth: 01 Sept 1984
Time of Birth : 02:10PM
Place of Birth: Kamareddy(NIZAMABAD)–(Andhra Pradesh)
Latitude: 18 59 N N
Longitude: 72 50E
Please help us to take correct descison as this proposal is very much liked in both families and everything else seems more than too good.If possible plz suggest for any doshan nivaran.
Plz reply me sir ASAP.
my mail Id is: vadhan07@gmail.com
Boy is Virgo and Girl is Scorpio as per Hindi panchang. Please tell me shadi muhurat in year 2010,
S D Sharma
birth details: [mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm birth_place]
boy: 06/29/1985 04:55:00 am amravati,Maharashtra; girl: 04/02/1984 05:52:00 am Raipur Chhattisgarh
We checked and found he is manglik..can you please suggest on this as if it is severe or not..and provide necessary remedial measures for the same..what could be the side effects if we go ahead and get married?
Hope to get a response soon..
hi. I like one girl but i think she is manglik please help me.
Our detaiils:
Girl: 11 Nov 1984 Time: 21.50
Place : India, Mumbai
Boy: 30 Jan 1983 Time: 22.32
Place: India, Mumbai
Please help solve my probelm… thank you. please reply to my email
Hello. I just found your website today. My birthdate is Oct 17, 1982. Recently I found out that I am manglik that is what causing me in my marriage life. I am not happy at all and I do not know what to do. Any help would be really appreciated.
Is it ok if i give advice to some of them who commented here?
And It would be nice if a fare debates go on if any one do not agree.
Raju Saha
“I do not need to know everything, I just need to know, where to find it , when i need it” – Einstine
My 1st advice to you that please include a “Shoute box” in this site.
This site can be a very good internship platform for those who want to learn astrology 🙂
Raju Saha
“Bless of parents work 80% to remove mangalik dasha, bless of god 50% , stone 25%, metal 15 %, root 10-50%” – some books(local book)
Very descriptive information.
My birthdate is Oct 17, 1982 and I find that I am manglik and there is delay in my marriage. I am not happy at all and I do not know what to do. Any help would be really appreciated.
My sister is a manglik and she is in love wit a non manglik guy.Could u pls tel me whether their marriage would hold together for long
girl: meena, chennai,17 july 1988, 11 45 am
guy:karthi,coimbatore,14 dec 1984,5 30 pm
could u pls mail me ur views @ meena.cit@gmail.com
My Date of Birth is 23 September 1965, Birth Time on 01.15 A.M., Place-Kolkata-(India. Someone Astrologer made my birth chart after checking my birth details and told me that I am “Mangolik”. Now I am 44 yrs 2 mnts. But I am single Yet. Because I am not Getting My life partner according to my Mangolik Dosha. Please advise what I should do to marry now and which website or any other source help me for this present situation.
i am from mauritius, but my ancestors were from India and so is my girlfriend too.
some weeks ago, my mum consult an astrologer, and he told that i am a non-manglik and my girlfriend a manglik
i did a lot of research on this.
but there is a problem. i come accros 3 differenty online software, well 2 of them reveal the facts that i am a non-manglik and my girlfriend a manglik
but your software reveals that both of us are non-manglik.
well i am in a real dilemma now.
please help, tell me which one i should believe
is there a chance of living happily with her
Name:rajiv, place: mauritius (57.3 E,20.1 S), time 03 30(mauritian time) birthday : 30/03/1983
Name:dashika devi, place: mauritius (57.3 E,20.1 S), time 18 20(mauritian time) birthday : 26/07/1987
I have been showing my kundli all over, and everybody said I am a non-Manglik. But recently I have received this information from 2 people that I am. Would you please help me to know the correct thing? I need to know, when is my marriage planned?
DOB: 01-01-1984
Time: 00:30 hrs
Place of Birth: New Delhi
Thanks for the help.
Dear Sir,
I am in a relation with one boy since 5 years. we both wants to get merried but as our kundli matching only 10 gunas are matching and the boy is maglik but i really want merry him. please suggets something as our family memvers are not getting aggrey due to this problem.
respected sir,my DOB is 08-09-1980,TOB07:12pm,mumbai.now a days m running through very critical conditions of life.personally as well as proffessionally also.i want to know m i manglik.please suggest wat can i do fo r my future.i am married but there are some differences occuring me and my husband since two yrs.some astros told me i have to end this relationship if i want to be success ahed.my husband is muslim so i have not his kundali.please mail me watever suitable for my future.
hi i m sapna
my dob 6-11-1981
time 7:30 pm
place delhi
meri kundli me manglik dosh he maine uski puja karva li he to kya ab mera manglik dosh katam ho gaya he aur meri shadi kab hogi.
I have heard that Mangal dosh gets cancelled out after the age of 27-28yrs. Is that true? I am non manglik ( DOB: 23/01/1984, Time : 14:00 hrs, Place: Haldwani (UP/Uttaranchal). I want to marry a guy but astrologer says he is manglik, his birth details are DOB: 28/05/1981, Time : 20:15 hrs, Place : Mumbai (Sion).
Our 26.5 guna match, kindly see our hororscope and adivce what remedies can we follow to nullify this effect.
please mail me prettypuru@yahoo.co.in
meri kundli me mangal dosh he aur muje ak ladka pasand hai usko nahi he to kya me koi vidi karvake marriage kar sakhati hu?
Dear Sharmaji,
It was quite a good learning for me to sail on your website. I need your advice, so my sincere request to see the compatibility of our birth profiles:
Myself: 22-Jan-1981 (time: 22:20), Thursday
Her DoB: 18-Oct-1982 (time: 8:17), Monday
We know each other since 2 years, our relationship is known to the parents. However, I’m afraid if our kundalis are NOT matching. Moreover, I could read that she has Mangala Dosha 🙁
Awaiting your reply please.
Thanks & Warm Regards,
i am 12th class student with commerce stream with maths,,my self alka..iam not good in maths and all subjects i want to know ki mai kaise study karo, mai bhul bhi bhaut jldi jaati hu plz help me
Hi Sir,
Want to know if this match is preferred
Girl:28/05/1984,4:10 AM,Sirsi,Karnataka
Boy:08/03/1983,9:50 AM,Bangalore,Karnataka
Thanks in Advance,
hello sir,
i want to know only that is i m mangalik my details are as follow.Is this things are also realated with name as we dont named according to our sunsign. can u plz help me.
dob- 17/05/1985
time- 7.30 am ( morning)
place- ropar ( punjab)
respected guruji
please tell me which gems should I wear to enhence my luck ,money &health,the deails are given below-
dob-7th nov 1976
Dear Sharma Sir,
I know my friend for nearly three years.I would like to know whether her horoscope comes under cancellation of mangalik dosha or not. Our horoscope compatability is coming to 24/36 but nadi is 0. It would be really great if u could let us know whether nadi dosha gets cancelled if we both belong to same rashi? Awaiting for your reply. My DOB is 16th may 1983 at 13: 30 hrs in madurai and my friend’s is on 14 th feb 1984 at 8:30 hrs in chennai.
Thank you
am i a Manglik by DOB is 10th April 1979 Tuesday approx at 3:30AM
i forgot to mention my birth place, it is:
kirnahar – Birbhum – West Bengal
DOB – 10th April 1979 Tuesday
Time Approx – 3:30AM
I am considering a alliance where the kundli matching score is only 18 without Bhakoot. My raashe is Simha while the girl’s raashi is Dhanu… Some astrologers are giving it a score of 0 while others are giving it 6/7. Can you please advise what’s your opinion on matching this two raashe and also the importance of Bhakoot in marriage.
my date of birth is 10/nov/1984
time 8.20 am
tell me about my career and i like some one her name is kamini sharma her date of birth is 4/aug/1989 tell me she is perfect match for me.
my name is kamini sharma.my date of birth is 4/aug/1989 time 9:55 am i want to know about i am maglik or not……
My date of birth is 23/07/1986, time 11:40 AM and place Puranpur (UP). I want to know :
– whether i am manglik or not?
– what are the chances of getting married this year 2010.
I wish to add :
– whether in my horoscope mars is situated on rashi sandhi.
– whether mangal of Dhanu ( sagittarius )in horoscope causes dosha or not.
birth details are
Nov. 02, 1983, 03:10 pm, Jagraon (Punjab) Dist. Ludhiana
Feb. 10, 1987, 5:38 pm, Malout (Punjab)
how would be my mrg life if i proceed………………she will remain always sick…..???…..or any other complications can rise or not…………
should i marry her………??
any remedy before marriage, whcih i can do for nullification o fthis effect….
Dear Sir,
I will be thankful to you if match our horescops and mentioned the possibilities of marriage and if there is a mismatch, what is it and the reasons. Thank you.
Girl Details…
Name : Erandi
Dear Sir,
I will be thankful to you if match our horescops and mentioned the possibilities of marriage and if there is a mismatch, what is it and the reasons. Thank you.
Girls Details…
Name : Erandi
Date Of Birth : 1983.08.29
Place Of Birth: Colombo
Time: 4.25am
Boys Details
Name : Kushan
Date Of Birth : 1983.10.06
Place Of Birth: Colombo
Time: 6.57pm
Hi Sharma ji,
My name is JALPA ISHWER PATEL. I got married with christian boy on 21/08/2008. Though it was a love marriage. But our marriage didn’t work. I separated from him on or around 17/7/2009. Our divorce procedure is going on. Now i am sure that i can’t stay with him. Kindly please let me know something about my future. My DOB:- 08/06/1985
Place of birth:- Chanasma (North Gujarat)
Time:-11.05 AM.
Kindly please please reply my on my future. I am waiting for your reply.
Hi Panditji
I am born on 07.09.1975 September 21:55pm.
And my potential match is born on 19 May 1978 14:50 pm.
Do u think it will be a good Match – Can we go ahead with the marriage ? now or ever – Please let us know. It is quite Urgent
Souvik Karak
Dorina Chatterjee
Hi sharmaji,Namaskar,
I have found your site in a long run search for manglik and non-mangliks.
I am highly struck in a serious problem, please help me out. I am a manglik girl and wants to marry a non mangllik boy, please specify clearly and help me out what to do in this case. My DOB is 13/11/1988 @5PM in Haryana(Karnal)and his DOB is 05/08/1987 @ 9:33 AM in New Delhi.
Please help us out, Waiting your urgent reply.
hello sir
i am a non manglik girl and i am in love with a boy who is manglik.can i marry him.
hello sir,
im am a manglik boy and im in love with a girl . whos is non manglik..
can u tell me can i marry to her.
hello sir,
my details are :
Name : Deepak Verma
D.O.B : 15-09-1986
Place of Birth : Ludhiana
Time of Birth : 11:39pm
sir, can u tell me, im manglik or non manglik.
hi pandhithji,
i want to know about my future.and about my future studies.this is manasa,date of birth 03 april 1990
time 13:09 place warangal
plzz send mee reply
my husband is manglik but i am not manglik .after merriage i know that he is manglik . now any upay do you have.
my d.o.b is 28.06.86 and time of birth is 01:37 am
and the boy i want to marry is born on 24.04.87, 09:00 am…..your site says he is not manglik…please guide me as the astrologer i have contacted says he is manglik…
please guide me and tell me if he is manglik or not…and if he is manglik then is there any upay that can work out
Hello Sir,
I have visited this site and feel that i can get some help from you as i feel that the information provided on your site is very valuable.
I have a query and I want a remedy for this problem if possible. The problem discription is as follow:
Me and one boy, both of us wants to get marry as we love each other, our families are also aggree with our decesion. My parents beleive very much on kundli matching so they give our kundlies to one of our known panditji to get the matching results. Panditji said that 18-19 gun are matched and in breife he said that u can go ahead but next day he came and said there is a problem in boy’s kundli as he is born in Vishakha nakshtra there is a big problem for girl’s younger brother so you should not proceed with this.
So my parents concerned with one more known astrologer and he said the same thing.
Now I want to ask that is there any remedy for this problem.
I dont want to publish my and boy’s birth detail here,
so If you need our birth details please tell me via email.
Please provide me some kind of help, I will be very much thankfull to you.
Waiting for your Response. With my all Regards.
My name is gurmeet akali and my dob is 29 dec 1984. birth timing 8: 35 p.m.i was born in bombay. i need to know if i have a mangal dosha, if yes is there any way to cure it.
can u help me in any way.
tahnk you
Hello Sir,
My birth details : 20-nov-1983, 2:48pm, ajmer and the boy with whom i want to marry is born on 4-sep-1981,8:30am,bhilwara. i want to know whether our marriage is possible and when?as i m confused whether i have mangalik dosh or not? i want to know if we will marry then whether any problems will come because of
mangalik dosh .please advice some remedies to overcome this.Thanks in advance.
my d.o.b is 25.07.1987 and time of birth is 06.10 am
and the boy i want to marry is born on 01.06.1988, 08.15 am…..please guide me as the astrologer i have contacted says he is manglik…
please guide me and tell me if he is manglik or not…and if he is manglik then is there any upay that can work out , pls we want to marry at any cost
pls tell if so any pujas for the cancellation of his dosha
Hello Kshitij,
Can you please help me? I’m a non-manglik but my hubby is. we have been married for 4 yrs now…and those 4 yrs were both good and bad. my hubby has a temper and has not worked for the last 4 yrs. Do you think it is me tht is causing all the havoc with his life?
hello gurujii
my date of birth is 19 july 1983 time 05:20 am and place jodhpur. i wann know about my marriage and when will it happen and will i lead a happy married life.
pls let me know i need it
hello mr sharma
i am in love with this guy who is also a brahmin as i am and we both are mangliks. families agreed first but now they say we have naadi dosh and only 16 gunas match.please give us a solution as nothing else is more perfect for us than we being together for life.help us.
Mangal dosha is not apllicable for karka lagna.. correct me if i am wrong
Hello Ji. I have checked the guna milap with a girl who is Devta like me, but the score is only 17.5. She is born in 1977 and is Manglik. I am not Manglik. She was married and is now divorced. I heard rumours that a Manglik person is hard to satisfy. Please advise if this is true. Also can this proceed? Thanks.
i have the same problem as so many above have.
I want to marry a boy who is not manglik….but i am..
sir please reply me as soon as possible.
Gud noon sir
My name is Ruchita my DOB is 05/11/1984 nd my Birth time is 08:50 Pm.
Place Dehradun.
Plz give me details about my job and my marriage.
nd kindly send me reply
my date of birth is 8 aug 1982 time 08:07 am and place indore. i wann know about my marriage and when will it happen and will i lead a happy married life.
pls let me know i need it
I have been searching hard for a solution.
i am in love with a guy.we decided to get married.its two years now.and suddenly my father said no because of NADI DOSH.I have heard that it gets canceled.The only help i need is that i want a matching to be done.so that i can show it to my parents.As i want to get married to this person only.
please help us out….
Dear, my self sushma bhardwaj born on 14 december 1980 between 5-5:30 am in a small village called singera near Varanasi (beneras)district Ghazipur wanna know wether m mangali or not please help me .you can contact me on my email.
Hello Sir,
I am in big trouble, hope u will help with your astrology guidance.
My date of birth–03-08-1983, time of birth–7.30 PM born in Kakinada, Andhrapradesh
My Boy friend date of birt–16-09-1980, time of birth–7.55AM. Born at hyderabad.
I came to know that he has mangalik dosha, and i dont have that. Their parents are not agreeing for marriage. I cant live without him. Plz chk our jatakams and suggest me if any solution is there. plz mail sir. my mail id uppuluri.karthika@gmail.com
plz help me sir, will be waiting for your reply.
Respected Sir,
i came to know that with whom i am going to marry she is mangalik,i belong from a bengali brahman family as you know lots of manyatayen and restiction are there in bengali s.It is my heartiest request to you plz suggest the right path what to do ,i have read that you have written clearly tht commited people must avoid astrology but i cant do the same i love my parents also as well as her also …my date of birth is.21 august 1982 haridwar 9.20 am uttranchal (uttar pradesh at that time) her is gunjan khanna at 4.35 am kanpur (uttar pradesh) i hope that a prediction will come from your side. Sir i know thgat it is not possible for you to give answers to all thoes who belives in your prediction many places you have mentioned that you are a professional astrologers but then to i belive and have strong faith in you that a responce will come to me (plz suggest how to get rid from this mangalik dosha)
Arijeet Bhattacharjee
Pranam sir,
I am staying in dubai. I got married last year in Feb 2009. I am 27 Yr Old now. We had a mis carriage because of blighted ovum last year immediately after marriage.
My husband was working in moscow so we could not do pooja for KAL SARP DOSHA; which someone suggested to us.
Moreover he doesnot believe in astrology. So its difficult to convince him to go to india for doing this pooja.
We were using Birth control pills after mis-carriage because i was concentrating on my CA Final studies and job.
But now i am worried as i am not able to conceive.
I am not sure what level is the dosha. Can you please help me. We dont have much help here in dubai in regards to pooja’s.
My details are:
Date of Birth: 13th April 1983
Time of Birth: 22.20 pm
Place of Birth: Malsisar, Rajasthan
Longitude & Latitude: 27′ 45″ north & 74′ 35″ East
Name: Seema Purohit earlier seema sharma
hello sir,
i’ve just used your horoscope matching tool and the nakshatramatch score i got is 25…what is confusing me is i read it on your website that a leo can’t be manglik but it says i have manglik dosh coz mars is in the twelfth house……
what exactly i’m interested in knowing is whether me and the girl i want to marry are good to go and compatible with each other…we both are almost 23 now and we’re not thinking about getting married for next few years but bride’s parents are in some kind of strange hurry..they want to get her married as soon as they can…
i’m giving u mine and her details real quick and its a request to you to please examine our kundlis and tell me that will we do good in future if we get married and what exactly our future holds in terms of carrier and success…
Prateek jha
DOB: 31st july 1987
time of birth: 07:45am
place: delhi
latitude: 28:39:N
Aarti srivastava
DOB: 21st Feb 1988
time of birth:08:28am
place: delhi
latitude: 28:39:N
thanks in advance….
prateik jha
sorry her birth time is 8:25am
i want to marry a boy named bhupesh
my date, time and loc of birth are
date;30 june 1985
time 06:02 am
loc; faridabad
boy’s credentials
date;04 sept 1984
time: 09:00 am
loc faridabad
could you please suggest whether this marriage is successful..
some pandits said that i m manglik..
could u please suggest the way to nullify it…
please waiting for your eager reply
namaste sir
i want to know weder m maglik or not my birth details are:
dob 16-07-1986
time 6.27pm
place patiala(punjab)
1. Could you please let me know if I am a Manglik ? 2.If, yes then do i have to marry a manglik girl and which house she sh’l belong if manglik?
3. lastly, when do see the prospect of my marriage ?
My Date of Birth- 24-07-1981; 22:45; 1981 Mumbai.
Thank you very much.
My date of birth is 11th January 1970. Time is 21.20 (9.20PM) and place is Mumbai. I am currently going thru lot of problems related to job loss and loss of income.
Could you be able to help me when I will be able to get a decent job and get back to my career.
Please help as I am in very bad state of mind.
namaste sir
i want to know whether i am maglik or not my birth details are:
dob 03/01/1985
time 8:30 PM
place Badaun (UP)
Amit Maheshwari
Namaste sir,
i am amita and i want to know whether i am manglik or not.
DOB- 10.12.1991
Time- 3.25 p.m
place- shimla
i want to know m i a manglik ?
my birth details are 23-03-1990
time 1:35 pm
also i want to match my kundli wid a guy
birth details 6-09-1989
time 10 :30 pm
wat r d ways thru wich it cn b succesful
i want to know m i a manglik ?
my birth details are 13-13-1990
time 2:30 pm
also i want to match my kundli wid a guy
birth details 10-06-1988
time 6 :00 am
wat r d ways thru wich it cn b succesful
DOB : 12-June- 83
TOB : 4. 30 PM
Please tell me am I Manglik
DOB : 12-June- 83
TOB : 4. 30 PM
Namaste sir,
i want to know whether my husband manglik or not.
DOB- 05.06.1982
Time- 12.20 a.m
place- bankura
Hi sir,
i m manglik,my dob:1mar1990,tob:1pm,pob:agra.
I love a guy named ravindra garg and he is not manglik,his dob:16sep.1990,tob:8:10am,pob:bharatpur
pls tell sis how could b solve out this prlm so that we may chng our relation in happily married couple
DOB 03-11-1986
TIME 08-15 AM
hi, namaste !!!i have relationship with someone ..before its was very good n very warm,,,but now its very miss understanding..and i thought he is going change,,plz sugest me what i need to do..what will be happen my relationship,its chance to go away or we have to stop here…my date of birth 26.08 1984 time 1.35pm thank you
hi i am seepra rath, my date of birth is 10-10-1985, 10.45am, still i am single..can you tell me when i ll get married?is there any one birth for me or not?
plz help me with manglik timings between 5pm and 6pm on 15th june 1987. plz plz help me. im really tensed.
place in mumbai *
this is anoop have similar problem i want marry with a guy(not manglik)while i’m a manglik guy.
plz solve my prob.
dob-02 feb 1989
partner dob-17 feb 1990
Hello Sir,
My Birth details : 31-march -1988 THURSDAY , 11:45 Am, BORN IN CHD IN PGI and the boy with whom i want to marry is born on 15-02 -1987,7:50 am ON SUNDAY BRON IN LUDHIANA .I want to know AM I MANGLIK ? whether our marriage is possible ,what problems can come because of
mangalik ? My parents are not agreeing for the marriage .please advice some remedies to overcome this.also tell the career in future and success. Thanks in advance.
Dear Sir,
I would like to marry my ex-wife again. We got married 1st Aug 1998 and divorced in Sept 2007.
Question: We want to marry again. Any good date too.
12 July 1967
16 June 1973
We have one son too (13yrs)
Thank you sir
Time-7:10 am
sir, this year i finished my b.tech in electrical and electronics engineering but still no job so i want some sugetion regarding my job .and when i will get a job.please give……
Name:prem singh
Gender: male
Birth Date: 21 december, 1989
Birth Time: 23:00
DST Not Applicable
Birth Place: VIDISHA
sir i m manglik my dob is 05.10.86 nd time 2.30 am place patiala nd my bf is 17.07.88 time 20.30 pm place bhatinda
Name-Aastha Anand
Time-12.40 PM
I want to know that i m maglik or not and i m in relationship with a boy and he is not maglik…but we want to do marriage ,so if i get married with that boy so after marriage my life is going gr8 or there is some problem,,,,and 2nd question is that some pandit said i m maglik some said i m not maglik so can you confirm me am i maglik or not?
Hi .
MY date of birth – 20th jan 1979
Time of birth – 11.30 a.m.
tell my jatakam through e -mail
sir, my name is k.tilak kumar .
My date of birth 29/09/1984 1:00 am pls snd me abt my raashi.
sir my date of birth is 11/09/1980 2.30am and my wifes date of bith is 17/02/1986 18.30pm how is ouer furure life(maried) its there is any problem with kundali or there is any solution ? iam not happy with my life after mariage.please give me some advise solution. thanks
kind regards
sir/madam….. mine DOB is 17/06/1987,time is 11.25am, boy name is anand.kolur….DOB is 28/08/1986 ,time is 5.30pm…………please check how will be our pair. reply 2 my mail sir/madam. my mail ID is channi.sdm@gmail.com.
Dear Sir,
My DOB is 28/02/1976
TOB is 11:55 pm
POB is warangal (andhra pradesh)
can you please predict, when can i get married please?
sir,my daughter’s DOB is17/12/1986
Boy’s DOB IS 24/11/1981
TOB is 10:27am, india,jamshedpur
please check how will be their pair.
Sir my son was born 26th March 1981,,,at 4:18 PM…is he Manglik? Tell me how his life going to be..?
Sir,my daughter Tanushree is born on 23.07.1986,10.44AM,Lucknow.She is manglik,I want to know that can i marry her to a non manglik boy.Pl. reply. Thank u.
good afternoon sir
i want to know whether i am maglik or not my birth details are:
dob 30/09/1976
time 10:40 AM
place Bangalore, (KARNATAKA)
Thanking you
Good Afternoon sir,
I want to know whether i am mangli or not My birth detail are mention below:
Pooja singh
time: 2:45 AM
DOB : 17-April-1987
pl tell me about my daughter marriage.when will it be done.
24.12.1984,8.53 PM,Tiruppur
Uthiradam ,Magara Rasi,Kadaga Langinam
good afternoon sir
i want to know whether i am maglik or not my birth details are:
Shanaz Parveen
dob 28/03/1970
time unknown
place Mymensingh, (Bangladesh)
Thanking you
Name-pooja birthdate-21-02-1990 palace-rohtak time- 10:00 AM sir i ask me manglik and non manglik
Good site which give explaination of result.
But I am bit confused when I have check mangal dosh in your site.
For girl(Bride)mentioned as no manglik with reason “No dosha, mars in fourth house in aries & scoropio. But her moon raasi is ‘Sagitarius’ (Not aries/scoropio)
Her details are as below
DOB:24 February 1987
Birth Place :Mumbai
Birth Time :04:48 AM
Please confirm if she has manglik dosh.
Fenale, Date of birth : 24-06-1987, Place of birth : Anantapur, 14.68 N, 77.6 E, Time of birth : between 8:15 to 8:40AM. please let us know whether she is a manglik?
Hello Sir,
My DOB:04.09.1984
Place of Birth:Baripada(Orissa)
Time:11:25 PM
Please let me know If I’m mangalik,when my marriage will get fix.
repected sir
my birth is on 23-may-1991 bhatinda(punjab) 11.05 am.
i want to know when will i get job…and my marriage will in which year
DOB 19-2-87
time 6:15 am delhi
kya me future me job kar sakti hoon in teaching and accountant dept
Please let me know If I’m mangalik,when my marriage will get fix in which year
maglik dosh remedy
please tell me sir
good mornning sir
i want to know whether i am maglik or not my birth details are:
Dinesh Kumar Sinha
D.O.B: 02.12.1984
Time : 22:30 pm
Place: Raipur (c.g)
Good evening sir I want to know that I am manglik or not
Date of birth 25-march-1994
Time of birth 1:50 am
Hi, i am kiran.
My date of birth is 1 june 1984
Time ob birth is 4:45 A.M
Place of birth Karachi, Pakistan
I want to know that am i manglik or not?
When i will get mar
ried, tel me year?
After marriage wht kind of my marital life will be?
Please give me answers to my question
hi aim rakshith kumar
iam barth in 6/march 1991
and time of barth in 4:00 clock
barth plees in koteshwer karnataka
Sir,my DOB-21/8/1984……..5.45am,please tell my status of future and qualification and jobs.
My DOB 18.01.1990
Time 8.30 P.M.
I want to know that am I manglik or not
DOB: 1988-01-31
TIME: 4:55am
PLACE: Nepal, Bhairahawa
TIME ZONE: +5:45
longitude: 83/27E
attitude: 27/30N
i want to know whether i am mangki or not?
i want to know about my future (goverernment job )my date of birth 11th september1979 ,11:30 a.m. kanpur .
By date of bitrh, time and place is as follows
Date: 23-Oct-1975
Time: 8:45 PM
Place: Kalagarh (Bijnaur UP)
Plz. provide me birth chart & Advise accordingly
Can married following details
boy DOb 22 oct 1987 time 00:10 place ujjain (mp)
girl DOb 29 april 1989 20:42 place Ram nagar Nainital (uttarakhand)
Pl advice
date of birth- 16 may 1987
time – 10:45
she is mangalik or not??
time: 01.10 AM
date: 09.08.1985 Delhi
time: 10.35 AM
date: 14.03.1985 Gandhi Nagar (gujarat)
Sir please bataiye kya hamari married life achi hogi kuki mene check kiya hai ki ladki Manglik hai aur usse life mai problems aati hai..aur kya uske maglik ko khatam kiya ja sakta hai.???
I want to know if my sons is Manglik or not
Harish, Born June 9th 1978 4:00 am in Toronto, Canada
2nd Son Rakesh born Dec. 14, 1979 @ 4:am in Toronto, Canada
Please send through my email provided above. Do not publish
my date of birth is 29 apr 1989 plez tell about my future
my d.o.b is 28-04-1989
time 10.16pn
place kolkata
the person whom i love
d.o.b 07-10-1990
time 12.36am
place kolkata
how shall my manglik dosh be removed so that we may nt be separtated or no harm come to his life?
plz help
im born on 31/08/1983 no love or marriage.will my life get better.I was born in Riyadh
I’m Vaibhav and willing to marry a girl We both first accepted each other for marriage and then told parents to go for the marriage rituals… and then somehow our parents gone to Astro-match, and then we came into problem as who so ever astrologer they have contacted..they are denying this marriage compatibility… Now we are in problem and need the solution; so that we can go ahead for our happy married life… Pls suggest.
We got to know that girl got Mangal Dosha and They both are in same ANTYA NADI and many astrologers are saying girl wont live much after marriage…
So kindly do look into and suggest us the solution to go ahead.. and its very important for us to satisfy our parents..
Also one more question from my side.. As I got to know that Mangal Dosha can be canceled by certain Pooja customs.. So it means Mantra makes the difference..
Therefor if mantras makes the diff.. then marriage has a big role of mantras to turn the fate…. and if its true.. then we may proceed for marriage without mantras lie COURT marriage.. So I need suggesation this..
Again just by curiosity.. as ppl other than Hindu dont really look after these Guna-Milap thing and go for marriage… and their wedding is without Vaidik Mantras.. SO my question is … they easily do marriage just due to missing of Mantras and customs… so that the Grah-Pariwartan thing is not effecting.. so I need your view on this too..
Your help is invaluable for us.. so Kind look into matter and revert back on the same.
Dear Sir,I’m Highly worried about my son’s future,any mangalic dosham is there in his horoscope?22/11/1989, time 8:50p.m.(Wed) Baroda/Vadodara(Gujarat State),i lost my husband on 22/2/2011 at 9:45p.m.(Tuesday)my husband’s name is K.Lakshminarasimhan
Sir , my date of birth – 20-12-1992, time -1:30 p.m birth place – Nalbari ,Assam ,India. sir i want to know about my career , education , i have just appeared my Bcom 4th sem exam , will i get good remark as per my expection
Born on march 8 th 1992, 6.57 pm !!!would like to know about career and marriage….plz reply sir
19 sep 1983 4:30am or pm .im maglik?
Dear sir,
i am worried about that i am manglik and already i have two marriages divorced ,i divorced two times in my two marriages ,and i didnt perform the rituals of kumbhvivah which one astrologer suggest me before my two marriages.now it is necessary to perform kumbhvivah in future if i wish for marry plz suggest.
my DOB-14-08-1980
birth time-4-10 a.m morning
Hello sir…. i got to know that i am
a manglik . The boy i am in love with is not a
manglik. I am sending you our details . Please tell
me can anything be done to make things possible
in future.
name: chumakala
dob : 13/12/94
time of birth: 10:43 am
place of birth:mumbai,thane.
my partners detail::
dob :18/09/94
time lf birth: 08:25 pm
place of birth: mumbai,sion
Kindly advise match making for following as Mangal dosh is appearing in Girl’s kundli.
Boys details Atul 13/9/83, time 00.55 am Place of Birth Kota (Rajasthan)
Details of Girl.
Name Neena 16/12/84 time 4.05 am Place of Bieth Fazilka (Punjab)
Dear Sir, My birth date is 11-02-1979 Time 23.45 PM, Place – Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. I want to know that is my Kundli is Mangalik?
Thanks Dipak
Date of birth of my daughter name preeti is 17 12 1984.I wanted to know about her carrier ,marraige and futu r .Thank you.
My date of birth is 5th march 1983, pathankot 14:25. I want to know my career in this year 2013 whether i can go to USA in 2013?
sir..please help me..my dirth of birth is 22.08.1984 night 10.4pm @ kumbakonam tamilnadu india..I want to know that is my Kundli is Mangalik? waiting for ur reply.. thank u
My name is manpreet Singh bindra 1 sep 1983 amritsar time 6 20 pm
i am amandeep kaur born on 25-06-2013 at 12:50 pm and my affair is with a guy who is manpreet singh born on 26-06-1987 at 2:40 pm.according to our horoscope m manglik and manpreet is not .and our our gun milan score is 18.so what would you suggest for our marriage and future.
i am amandeep kaur born on 25-06-2013 at 12:50 pm in chandigarh and my affair is with a guy who is manpreet singh born on 26-06-1987 at 2:40 pm at rajpura(punjab).according to our horoscope m manglik and manpreet is not .and our our gun milan score is 18.so what would you suggest for our marriage and future
Is there a possibilty that when we use the computer to prepare a janam patri a person is shown as mangli but when patri is prepared using a patra manually he is not mangli. Also how can I get the patra for 1986. Plz check for person born on 24th sept 1986 @9.21pm place of birth Bulandshaher
My name is mohit kumar and my date of birth is 17nov 1987 and time about 8am and birth place is vill dharampur saravagi tahsil deoband distt saharanpur (up)
Sir tell me I m mangalik or not.
sir i m having manglik dosha.. my fob is 11 sept. 1994
time 12:05 pm.. born at modinagar.. n i love a non manglik guy.. want ro marry him.. so please tell me m manglik or not.. n wat can i do if i wil marry him
.My birth date is 22/02/1988 time 5:18 am birth place vasind, tehshil- shahapur dist- thane . Maharashtra give me my birth name and rashi plez.
My date of Birth is January 8th 1983 say me something about me………and also solution if any thing will be negetive. Time Between 4 :30 to 5:00 am. place – Bhagalpur.
My Date Of Birth is 1st March 1997.
Time – 11:10 Am
Place – Bhagalpur
Say me something about me.
if there will be any negetive point.then plz give me the solution
Date: 03 July 1985
Time: 5:03 AM
Please tell me how my married life and Carrier will go.
I also want to know the effects (good and bad) that would cause in my husband’s life once i step in.
i am born on 14/12/1989 at Bharuch district in gujarat at 10:30p.m. When i will get marry please tell me.
i am nandan date of birth 30/06/1986 time 5:14 am i am suffering from financial problem when will i come out from this and what i have to perfom for manglik dosha
my birth date is 12.11.1991(Tues day). timing 3.35 p.m. tell me something about my self, including my sunshine.
my birth date is 01.02.1986. timing 06.35 a.m. tell me something about my self,my marriage yoga including my sunshine.
Some of the sites say I am manglik, some says it got cancelled “Manglik effect is diminished due to the presence of Rahu in 12th
house of your Lagan Chart.”…please let me know
Name: Abhishek Kumar
Date of Birth: 18-01-1987
Time of Birth: 11:31
Place of Birth: Jamshedpur (Ind.)
4/10/84 born me my future 3.00 am in karnal Haryana india
Janam Kudali
My Name is Naveen, DOB 13/02/1985, Time 6.40 PM and place birth is delhi I want to know wheather my manglik dosh is cancelled and when my marriage yoga including my sunshine.
Nameste sir mera nam kavita srivastava h mera DOB-11/08/1985 Time mrng 4AM, Place-Ara, Bihar h, mai ye janana chahti hu kya mere kundali me mangalik dosh h agar hai to plz mujhe eska solution btayie mere parents bhut pareshan h mere liye plz…
Name-archana jaiswal , jnmdin 20/05/1991, time 11:35pm, sir aap btay ki main LLB krpugi ya nahi,mujhe job milegi ya nahi,meri shaadi kis jagha hogi.
Poojya Guruji My DOB is 30.10.1982 at 4.35 am in mysore
Please Tell me about my marri status
I have lot of problem in my marry life please
what the problem of mine idont know iam purohith in ganapathi temple but ididnt seen any dosha iam totally disturbed please plese tell me about my marry life now she put case in court as dowry harasement but its all r lie. please give tell me as soon what is the problem in kundali & solution
I am Minakshi Ghosh born at. 9am on sundday 20th july 1997 tell me something about my career my yoga and
Hi…I m prativa shaw born on 3rd september 1987 at 1:10am, I want to know about my career and marriage life. Right now really suffering from crisis in all matter of life, plz do help
I Arshveer maan d.o.b 16 march 1993 tym 11:55 pm tuesday wants to knw abt my bf his name is harveer mangat d.o.b 15 march 1990 . we came in relation since sept 2012 bt knw our relation broken due to third person his name is gurjot grewal . i luv my my bf so much i want him back cnt live without him want to see him as my life partner.
my name is vinutha ny dob is 15 / 5 1991 time I don t exactly tell me about my carreier
my name amit sain date of barth 30/8/91 tame 9:20 am
I want to know about my education, i am in bcom(hons), how would be my result in 2014, and what job i would get in upcoming years, will i get any govt. job ?
MY date if birth is 19/12/1987
I have mangalik in my kudali
Please tell about my marriage
Health and my father health
i want to my My Married life my name is Vishal Shinde my Deat of Birh is 09/2/1980 time of Birh is 1:50 am, My Future Wife’s Name is Amita Tiwari Date of Birh:-13/12/1990 Time of Birh is 02:55 am
hi my birth date is 10-1-1984,time=1.45pm ,place panvel,
when i will get married and how will be my life partner
i want my love horoscope nd careear horoscope,
my date of birth is 15july 1984.how long will I live?
Dob 02 july 1987 7.55 pm. Meri job aur life kaisi hogi.
please see mi,it is manglik or not
My daughter DOB is feb. 17th 1990 time 13:59 in southern California.
HEr kundli math 24/36 points is that good or bad?
they says she has Mangal dosh, Please advice for that as well.
I AM A BOY nd non manglik ND MY DOB IS 18 DEC 1983 KANPUR (U.P) 09:45PM
my name is brijesh kumar -dob 05-12-1991 at 5:15 am thirsday
utter pradesh india.sir pleas tell about my future
sir my name is:tushar jain, dob.is 22-august-1993.and birth time is 9:07a.m.
sir when i checked my janam kundali which is made by astrologer, under that i am non manglik according to it, and infact when i checked at kundali websites my janam kundali not shown me that i am manglik.
but sir when i matched my kundali with my love over kundali sites then its coming that boy has high mangalik dosh and girl have low mangalik dosh, sir please help me out, my partner details are name:ayushi sharma,dob:9-december-1994,and birth time is 7.35a.m.
Born on 5th march 1992 thursday 5.30 am
Sir. I want to know my quality,job,and girl and rashi according to my date of birth 5th march 1992 5.30 am
my birth name is Ramakrishna and nick name is babu
my date of birth is 14/03/1961 and time is 12 pm
please inform me my future and how is 2014 year
my name is jayanta rajbongshi.my birth day is 22 december 1979 at 9.45pm.i want to know my day in 2014.plz i need your kind reply.
I am sumit kumar chaurasia born in 28/jun/1989 at 09:50 A.M at Buxar bihar.
please tell me about my career.
Pratibha Dutta, 18th December 1987, 9.30 pm born time, Place Jamshedpur. Am I a manglic girl,
My name is rohit Prashar. My date of birth is 19 September 1991. birth place in country nepal. Iam a married with nepali girl. I need a basic future information about my life with her.can she handle my house.what about profession is my future birght or drak my wife name is dipika katuwal
I am Payal from cuttack. brth date:1-3-1990,time-1:07am. I went knew when will I get married wat type of guy it would be and also about my carrier life.
Pulak ranjan, 14 August 1991 At4:45am I want to know about my career and about my life partner. ..
Dear sir
my date of birth is 29 october 1993 hai or birth tym dophar ke 12 bje ki hai. kya main manglik hun btaye mujhe
iwant to see my self name hema bandu navale & my partner name is manoj singh rawat march is perfect & how much % is there pls
i want to see my hema bandu navale & my partner match is perfect or no his name is manoj singh rawat give me our %
Sir this is jaya dubey. I was born on 25th October 1973 my birth time is 12.43 pm on thursday. Please tell me weather i am manglic or not
My dob is 3rd November 1984. Am I manglic or not.
date of birth 16 july 1991 time 11:05 AM Whether it is manglic
Sir please tell me I am manglik my birth 3rd march 1990 born time 2.30 am place Mumbai.
Sir, Please tell me whether my sister(Khushbu)is mangalik or not.her date of birth is 28th August ,1985.
Time of Birth is 07:30 am.I dont know any other detail.Please reply me ASAP.
my date of birth is 21/1/1998
sir plz full detail for my future.
Hey m boy.my date of birth 22 jan 1988 and time 10:20 am m not maglik . My patner date of birth 20 jan 1990 .time 7:00am .tel me she ia maglik or not .and give me solution. Because hum marig karwana cahte hai. Plz gun milan or maglik dosh nivarn bata dajia
Namskar. i have been fixed for marriage with a bride named Priyanka Mohanty, Date of Birth 03/12/1984, Time 3:35 am, place of Birth -Phulbani, Odisha Middle figure is 27/12. we both were happy for the marriage and were in love. But on consultation with an astrologer, it was known that the girl has mangal dosha at position 4., and are rejecting for the proposal of marriage. I am quite depressed, Please suggest what to do..
With regards
Priyabrata Mohanty(Groom)
Date of Birth -28/03/1981
Time 10:55 pm
Place of Birth -Rourkela,odisha
Zodiac sign- Dhanu(Saggitarus)
Nakhetra- Mula
MY DOB 24-05- 1988 TIME 2.47 PM JODHPUR
Sir..or guruji….i am in agreat trouble . i gotvmarried on 24th feb 2012. We are having much trouble in our marriage . after visiting an astolger i found my self to b mangalik. Dob 19/03/1986 10.30pm wed place dhupguri. Dist. Jalpaiguri in westbengal. I dont know my husbands exact dob as my in laws are fully illiterate. But day was wed and probably 1980 after the day of buddha purnima. My married life in great risk.plz save me.. Astro said to recite hanuman chalisa on tuesday aand saturday.
name: rosy
DOB: 27/12/1990
Time : 12:05 AM (night)
i want to know complete detail about my future about government job and marriage. please sir… send all detail on my Email Id- mlhtrmlhtr711@gmail.com
I want to know when I will get married?
D.O.B – 17/09/1990
Time of Birth- 09:15 AM
Place- jaipur, Rajasthan
Please help
i want to marry a boy who is manglik but i am not manglik.ours is love marriage our matching gunnas are only 11. girls details:20th Aug 1990 time:6:25 AM boys details: 5th April 1987 time:5:25AM
plz tell me if you have any solution
hi.i wanted to know about my future life .
My Name :Sandesh.A.R
My date of birth: 17-08-1992.
Time: 10:20am.
place – hassan(http://www.satelliteview.co/?e=12.756764,75.751687:0:latitude=longitude%20point:rectangle:0)
Mail ID- sand92esh@gmail.com
Shal be very thankful.
I’ll be thankful very much to know about “Is there Match making between Vivek (19.12.1985, 9:20Am,Lucknow) and Saumya (24.08.1985,10:30PM,Kanpur up) possible where Sumya find manglik as Mars in fourth house.”
Hi Sir,
Kindly go through below details and send me my career and marriage(About my life partner) details .
Name : Veeresh Tonne
DOB : 20/04/1987
AS PER Document DOB : 24/08/1988 .
kindly send me details on vtonne20@gmail.com
my mothers death was on 20 Nov 2014 at 9:30 pm are there any type of dosham or shanthi pooja to be done
Sir pls Kindly suggest
Jai guru ji,
DOB : 23/10/1987
TIME : 12:05 pm
PLACE : Allahabad
DOB :25/11/1988
TIME : 2:30 pm
PLACE : Allahabad
Please tell whether this marriage is possible or not . If not please do tell any solution for it.
Kindly send me details on saumya0532@rediffmail.com.
Namaste Sir,
My son’s birth details are as follows
Name Manohar
DOB 24th november 1984
POB Valsad [Gujarat]
TOB 15.13 hours
Name Aparna
DOB 24th December 1988
POB Hyderabad
TOB 4.50 am
Let me know the compatibilty of both the above alliances
Thanks and regards,
Namaste Sir,
My son’s birth details are as follows
Name H B Naveen Balakrishnan
DOB 03/02/1986 3rd feb 1986
POB bangalore
TOB 04.38 pm 16.38 hrs
please let me know his future
job and marriage
job which line when he will get it
marriage – when possible
please reply by email to amudhab08@yahoo.com
Hi my name is nitin, my dob 30/05/1988 time 11:55pm,i want to Marige with manglik girl dob_30/10/1990 5.55am can we marry with each other
My priest told me im a manglik. My question is i have already done my civil marriage so can i do the kumbh vivah now after my civil marriagw
Hi guruji. .
Time: 2:28pm
many gurus are said that i have kuja dosha. Tell me guruji when I will get right person in my life as a husband. How is my education? How will be my future days? how will be my married life.
Please reply my above stated mail
Please tell if the horoscopes match
upasna 15/03/1982. 16.02 hours. Bhopal
mohit 04/05/1977. 22.50 pm. Sri ganganagar. 28/36 gun match as per online software. But the guy is manglik. Is the marriage permissible? They say after the age of 30, horoscope matching is not requireD as the effect of the planets decreases. And mangal dosh does not matter after this age. Is it so?
Excellent!!. I have visited many sites and it will just give some basic prediction about chevvai dhosam. From your blog, I came to know many things. Thanks keep posting more for us. Now, I like to get prediction for my problem. I have Chevvai dhosham in 7th house, in what house I want to search my life partner. My date of birth: Aug 24th 1991, time of Birth: 8:36 p:m. Will you tell me when will I get married?
Namskar sir,
Place:Gandhingar, Gujarat
Place:Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Sir please tell us we r mangalic or not.. It is so important because we want to marry each other so please tell us if something is there then tell us solution for that please sir it’s our request to u.
Kindly send me details about our life nd marriage life
Please send details on above email..
Thank u.
My date of birth is30-05-1988 please tell me ,when set my marriage
Dear Sir,
Help us please, Ours is going to be a love marriage and the two families are ok with our marriage and the kundalis were matched we found out that my to be husband’s kundali had manglik dosha and I am not. All this has just broken us down emotionally. Can you PLEASE! help us and let us know if there is any solution for this.What can be done to help this relation work out well.Please help! My DOB is 20-04-1995& birth time is 12 to 5 around am place of birth is noidal(delhi) & my to be husband’s DOB is 9-04-1993 & birth time 05:56 am , place of birth: delhi.Hoping for a solution for this in our favour. awaiting a prompt response from your end. Thank you.
Pls email me at:
plsss given any solution
Vivek’s date of birth is 8- jul-1987 at 18:10 .please let us know whether he is manglik or not..
My son Rajan Bhambroo was born on October 18, 1988 at 3:20 am at village Chowgam, District Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir..Is he Manglik ? If so what steps needs to be taken to remove mangal dosha
My name is ramandeep kaur
My dob is 6-6-98
Tyming 5a.m.
Plzz tell me sir
Am I mangleek?
Mai bas yahi janana chahti hu ki 1 july 1989 . 11 baj ke 55 minute morning me janam lena wala person manglik hai yaa nahi plz jaldi reply kariyega it’s very important
Sir my dob is 3/8/1989
Birth time is 7:45pm
Birthplace is mathura
Pls tell me my manglik status n dosh cancelation ..can I marriage non manglik boy…
Mein apne carrier aur poore life ke baare me janna chahta hu mera date of birth h 12/02/1997 time 9:20 pm aur mera birth bhopal madhya pradesh me hua tha please study kr ke reply kijiyega
NAME: Sanchit Sinha
DOB: 16.08.1988
PLACE: kanpur UP
TIME: 06:20 AM
My dob= 10 Mar 1985
Birth time= 18:55
Birth place =Ladwa distt Kurukshetra
Can I go abroad and if that thing is possible so when time come please suggest me as soon as possible
Regards kush
my time of birth 6:30 am on 5th june 1996
am i manglik??
if yes than pls help me
i want to merry non manglik man
how can i get merried with him??
Hi Sir,
Sir, I need help in evaluating Rishta for my marriage. I received this rishta from one of the relatives, but the girl’s family had hidden the original date of birth of the girl. previously they gave me 12-07-1995 date of birth.
So my pandit said that everything was okay with Milan, but soon after the engagement, my family suffered huge health and financial loss. after inquiring for a while I got to know the truth about the original date of birth of the girl. Now my family is against marriage and I’m in huge pain and stress, please help me sir.
The kundalini is as mentioned below:
Mukesh Verma
26/10 / 1994
time :- 6.05 AM
Maskanwa, Gonda UP
Sunita Chaudhary
12/ 07 /1993
time :- 8.14PM
Kandivali, Mumbai, MH
Will this be a Match or should we avoid getting married?
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