This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Queries on Children, Progeny

By Kshitij Sharma, August 2, 2014

Shri S Sharma has answered two questions posted on Progeny and Vedic Astrology post. I am deleting the comment from there and adding them in the Readers’ Queries section. Thanks you Sir for your responses. I sincerely hope it helps the readers of the website.

Question 1 posted by Neha here >

The answer is as follows:

Dear Neha

In your horroscope Jupiter is debilitated and 5th lord Venus is in lagna with debilitated jupiter and afflicted with Sun and aspected by Saturn. 5th lord venus is also combust. In Saptamnsha kundli 5ht lord is in fourth house and lagnesh of saptamsha is in ashtam house. These planetary combinations indicate problems in progeny. Your moon is also afflicted with Saturn and rahu indicating mental tensions and depression problems.

In your husbands horoscope 5th house lord Jupiter is with Saturn. Moon is afflicted with Rahu. 5th lord in saptamsha chart is in 6th house. Lagna of Saptamsha chart is aspected by Saturn. In navamsha chart also Jupiter is afflicted. Again all these planetary combinations indicate problems in progeny. So please do remedies and pray to God.

If you need any further analysis you can send email to me at

God bless you.

S. Sharma

Question 2 posted by Shr here >

Dear Shr,

In your chart 5th lord jupiter is in 10th house. Lagna is afflicted. Sun is with Rahu in 9th house showing pitra dosha. Mars and Saturn aspecting 5th house rashi chart. Jupiter is with Saturn in D-1 chart.In saptamsha chart 5th lord Saturn is in 6th house and 5th house is aspected by Mars.

In your hubby chart 5th lord jupiter is with saturn and mars in second house. this afflict the second house of family also. In D-7 chart There is rahu in 5th house and Jupiter which is karka planet for progeny is with ketu.

These planetary combinations indicate delay in progeny but scope of having progeny is there if your proper remedies as in your husband d-9 chart Jupiter is exalted.

If you need further consultation please feel free to send mail on

Best wishes.


  • Comment by Bharathi on March 12, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    2015 at 12:03 am

    It is already 10 years of our marriage without having a baby. Please analyse our horoscopes for child birth.
    husband 03 feb 1975 @ 6.52 AM at Tanuku, Andhra pradesh
    wife 08 march 1977 @ 9.28 AM at Gudivada, Andhra pradesh.

    Thank you.

  • Comment by savita on May 4, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    Respected sir,
    After 5 yrs of marriage,my husband and I don’t hv a child.we have consulted many astrologers for the same but with no result.
    Plz help us in fulfilling our dreams.
    my details-savita
    my husband details-Jitin

  • Comment by Garima Bhagat on May 12, 2016 at 2:49 pm

    My date of birthed 15th August 1985 at 6pm in Delhi I am settled in us I have no children since now my husband date of birth is 29th December 1981 at 9.50am In Ambala.please suggest somethings

  • Comment by danda satya Manoja on September 4, 2016 at 9:40 pm

    Sir date of birth is 15/10/ husband bday is1.12.1985.. can you please tell me when will I conceive

  • Comment by Swati on May 13, 2019 at 10:03 pm

    1 year past I did not conceive sir plz guide me .
    My date of birth is 23 mar 1992 4.30pm Vasco, Goa
    My hubby d.o.b is 25 Jun 1982 at 9.50 am karwar, karnataka

The comments are closed.