This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Spam Wars

By Kshitij Sharma, June 25, 2007

I have been spending almost 20-30 minutes a day to clean out spam hitting the Astrology Notes section on this website. A little more and it would have qualified as vandalism.

What this means is that in the process of leaving a comment on this site, you, as a reader will have to take a test called captcha to prove that you are not a robot. Please don’t worry, this is not a difficult test :-). It involves filling out one more field after filling out the comment, which is a random sequence of letters, which incidentally humans can read very well but a robot cannot.

You will see pictures like these in the “Leave a reply” section and will have to read and type the 5 chars within 0..9 and A..F (case insensitive), and submit the form. Please note that there is no “O” in there and hence no confusion between “0 (zero)” and “O (the letter o)”.


For these two images, you will have to enter “92448” and “2716c” in box, after which your comment will immediately appear on the website. I hope this additional step will not be a problem to the readers who will continue to review and critique the website. I have offloaded a part of the burden on website maintenance on to the readers and I hope they would sympathize with me and understand my situation.

If there is any problem with this feature, please email me at vedic dot astrology at gmail dot com.

One comment

  • Comment by Sakshi on June 26, 2007 at 3:28 pm

    Your software calculates that I’m not manglik. Most astrologers have told me that I am. In fact, some have told me that I’m strong manglik. It would be really nice if you could explain what that means. I don’t want to give my birth data publicly…will really appreciate it if you could write back to my email id given above.

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