Kalsarpa Yoga
A lot has been read, said and discussed about the Kalsarpa Yoga. This yoga, and please notice the choice of words – it is a yoga and _not_ a dosha, is caused when all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu. The figure on the side illustrates this point. If a person has Kalsarpa yoga in his kundali, Rahu and Ketu are said to limit the potential of the chart and not allow other important yogas to take effect. In practice, it is observed that this role of Rahu and Ketu diminishes over time and good things are just delayed for such people.
Again, noted Astrologer Dr.B.V.Raman is of the opinion that if the ascendant is on the other axis while all the planets are hemmed on one side of the axis, then the evil arising out of Kala Sarpa Yoga almost gets neutralised.
This blog is just a commentary on what I have learnt about Kalsarpa yoga over the years. My advice to the readers is not to take this yoga too seriously and go on with the life. Research shows that this yoga was not a part of classical texts written by great sages like Parashara, Bhrigu etc. but gained importance later.
Types of Kalsarpa Yoga
There are 12 types of Kalsarpa Yoga. I am sure readers are going to come back to me and ask me about Kal Amrita Yoga as well, but I do not think that Kal Amrita Yoga is a seperate yoga and would not like to comment on it.
1. Anant Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in Lagna, Ketu in seventh house: The person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out in matters of courts. Married life would be marred by differences between husband and wife.
2. Kulika Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in second house, Ketu in eighth: This combination is not good for the person’s health. Expenses would be more then the income and the financial situation would remain fairly mediocre. He has to struggle a lot in life to achieve something.
3. Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in third house, Ketu in ninth: The person would have trouble dealing with his brothers and friends. Travel to foreign countries would create problems. The person having this combination in his chart should take precautions in deals by paying extra attention towards legal documentation.
4. Shankapal Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in fourth house, Ketu in tenth: The person with this combination would never be satisfied with his financial situation and would always strive for more. The person is prone to troubles relating to immovable property – e.g. land, houses and modes of conveyance – e.g. cars. 5. Padma Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in fifth house, Ketu in eleventh: The person would have trouble with children. The person should never try his luck in lottery, share markets, and anything where speculation is involved.
6. Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in sixth house, Ketu in twelfth: The person would not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life.
7. Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships.
8. Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in eighth house, Ketu in second: The person does not benefit from any paternal property. There would be a lot of trust issues between the person and his friends. This combination is not good for health and Rahu being in eighth house is usually not considered good as it indicates a sudden and violent death.
9. Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in ninth house, Ketu in third: This combination indicates problems from higher authorities, government of the day and local administration in the field of business and commerce.
10. Paatak Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in tenth house, Ketu in fourth: Rahu being in tenth house indicates problem in employment and higher authorities whom the person would report to during his/her job.
11. Vishakt Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in eleventh house, Ketu in fifth: This combination indicates a lot of problems between the person and his elder brother. The person would also remain away from his native place throughout his life. The person would be prone to problems like heart trouble, insomnia etc.
12. Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in twelfth house, Ketu in sixth: The person would be prone to problems from people whom he does not know – mysterious enemies.
Methods to reduce the effect of Kalsarpa Yoga
1. The first and foremost method to reduce the affect of Kalsarpa yoga is to pray to Lord Shiva in His Maharudra avatar on Mondays.
Rudrashatakam written by Goswami Tulasidas in Ramacharit Manas should be chanted regularly.
Wear a Gomed, about two and a half carets in size in the little finger.
3. Wear a special ring, shaped like a serpent with a small Gomed at the head and a Vaidurya (lahsuniya) at the tail. This ring is to be worn in the middle finger. Take a look at the following images – I could not capture the scale correctly, but the size of the stones is actually pretty small – less than 4 mm in diameter.

4. A pooja at Trayambkeshwara Temple about 40 kms from the city of Nasik in Maharashtra is suggested.
sir, i read your detailed analysis about kalsarpa yoga.hats off to you. In my horoscope ragu is in the third house and ketu is in the ninth but i only have serious trouble in my matrimonial life and not as mentioned in your analysis.kindly explain.
Sir,i read your information about Kalsarpa Yog,I have a question about my Kundali. In my kundali Ketu is in 2nd house and Rahu is in eight house and all other graha are in between them on right side, left side is fully empty .
i have showed my patrika to many jyotish some said this kundali comes in kalsarpa yog but some says not becouse during the timing of birth the position of other graha were ahead than rahu and ketus position so they donot come under ketu and rahus effect. Would you pls clear me this point. and also i dont have the dream of snake and all people says who have this yog have always the dream of snakes . It will be great if you tell me about all thing of my kudali
I think KSY sounds scarier than it is 🙂 I won’t deny that it does cause some delays, but other planetary combos have known to cause that as well.
I have all my planets between Rahu and Ketu except Saturn.
Saturn is in the 1st house and Rahu in the 11th with ketu and Venus in the 5th.(Venus falls within the degree of Rahu and Ketu).
Pl. explain what it means.
If the KALASARPA YOGA moves from the head to tail position, then we need to consider the movement of the nodes to understand the position of the snake in the chart. Here is where the big question comes in, the movement is anti-clock wise, in this case the chart presented in your illustration all the planets are outside of the snake body, so how does that constitute a snake yoga.
I would believe that if KETU and RAHU had exchanged thier position, that would be more of a snake yoga, since all the planets are in the belly of the snake. This is because of how the snake moves around the chart, in a anti-clockwise direction?
dear sir,
I would like to comment about kalsarpa yoga.It really effects very much on individuals life and punishes person that a person sometimes get extremely deep into deepression,feels like world is a hostile place and sometimes even feel like comiting saucide.I am one of them !!!.I am 42 yrs old and i am praying to GOD to take me away from this horrible world.All 42 yrs of my life i have suffered a lot in all ways,i have been humilated by many people,i have been decieved and faced lots of other problems.It is like you alone going opposite direction of the flow of river.I am muslim but lately i have been going through my horoscope and i found i am one of the person who is having kalsarpa yoga!! Is there any remedy for me ??????
Dear Amin,
Yes, there is a remedy. Get the snake ring with gomed and cat’s eye. It will help very much. You may be going through severe planetary transits at this time, perhaps having nothing to do with the nodes.
Please do not lose faith. Everything will turn out well as long as you are searching and asking for help.
-Laura Barat
Dear Laura
Thanks alot for your concern and remedy i really appreciate.But i have been facing lot of difficulties since my childhood and i dont know why this is happening to me.It is very dicouraging.Once again Thanks for your help may God bless you.I need your prayers.Take care
regards Amin
My name is Hemal. As per Kshitij Sharma, “Dreaming about snakes is not associated with Kalsarpa Yoga.” But, I belive that may not be true as I had kalsarpa yoga and in my childhood days although I never dreamed of a snake, I always felt at night that there would be a sname behind the door of a bathroom and I used to literally check for a snake if it is there or not. I think kalsarpa yoga has to do something with snake. Also, I would like to know that is it true that the good things get delays when someone has this yoga. Because, I believe it happens to me as I get good things get delay for me!!
thanks for the details of kalsarpa yog. I have Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga. the question i have is do these yoga’s end ?(like sadesathi lasts for 7 1/2 yrs, so there is a definate end to it) how do the planets move? will they move in such a way that they will allways be in between Rahu and Ketu, like a person will go through all the different types of kalsarpa yoga’s that you mentioned, and the youg will never end?? I am confused! hope i did not confuse you!!
Dear Sir,
I agree with Amin Haji(Friday March 31 , 2006 ), one of the commentators on Kalsarpa Yoga in your Blog.
KalSarpa Yoga’s effects on individuals .My experiences.
1)Delays the good work.
6)Pessimitic thoughts
I even did the pujas of Karsarpa.
it was okay for a month but,now its coming again.
i’ve Rahu on 1st and obviously ketu on 7th.i.e Anant kalsarpa yoga
The remedy : Get the snake ring with gomed and cat’s eye.
Will they work for all the KalSarpa Yoga.
I have observed that if girl has mangalik dosh and then is likely to have kalsarp dosha also why its like this i have observed in lot horoscope please share with us why?
The above comment about kalsarpa dosha and manglik dosha with girls is not a correct observation. There is no link between the two.
Dear Sir, I presume the 12 yogas you have mentioned are only when the Kalasarpa dosha exists. Right? I have a query. I have Rahu in 2nd house (midhunam) and ascendant Vrishabam. Also, I have Sun in 8th house along with Ketu and Rahu is aspected by Saturn (present in 5th house) and Jupiter (present in 6th house). Also, Ketu is aspected by Mars(5th house). Are there ill effects of Rahu and Ketu in my chart?
Sir, Just wish to share with you some information on KSY ( Kala Sarpa Yoga) that I read according to which it is a subset of either one of the two Yogas explained below.
There is a yoga called Vyartha Jeevan Yoga in which all planets are hemmed between two planets that are malefics for that ascendant. Likewise, Sarthaka Jeevan Yoga is where all planets are hemmed between two planets that are benefics for that ascendant. As the names suggest, the first one is a bad yoga whereas the second is a good yoga.
Also Rahu gives the result of Saturn and Ketu gives that of Mars.
Therefore, for a given ascendant, if both Saturn and Mars are Malefics and KSY is present, then, in this case, KSY is a subset of Vyartha Jeevan Yoga.
On the other hand, if either Saturn or Mars is a benefic for that ascendant and KSY is present, there is no Vyartha Jeevan Yoga and therefore KSY does not affect the chart because either Rahu who gives the result of Saturn or Ketu who gives the result of Mars is a benefic.
Finally, if both Mars and Saturn are benefics for that ascendant and KSY is present, then it is an example of Sarthaka Jeevan Yoga because both Rahu and Ketu who give the results of Saturn and Mars respectively are benefics for that ascendant!
Dear sir,
In my janmakundli the third house id occupied by rahu and ninth house is occupied by ketu & guru jointly.Kindly tell me whether i am suffering from vasuki kalsarpa dosha , If yes what are the remedies for it.
dear sir,
its not necessary dat kaal sarpa yoga is always bad.now i dont have kaal sarpa dosha but still i always live in depression and my work is always go far from me.as my ketu is in lagna and rahu in 7th house,moon+saturn in 12th house.what shall i do “shall i wear ketu or gomed or neelam.
Dear Sir,
Good to read your article on Kala Sarpa yoga. Different astrologers have different views on this yoga.
I have kala sarpa yoga, but my Lagna is outside the hem. One astrologer suggested me to perform pooja.My marriage was getting delayed and the reason for this was pointed to this aspect. I have got the opportunity to perform the pooja in my name twice in a weeks time. Also I some times get the Ashlesha pooja done at an Ayyappa temple.
Now, when I learnt about the Vyartha Jeevan Yoga, I was puzzled if all the people who have Kala sarpa yoga fall in the bracket?
My DOB is 25th Nov 1981, 3.37 pm, Palghat, Kerala. This is just for your reference.
There was one astrologer who said that I had no kala sarpa yoga because Lagna was outside the hem.
Now, I have also heard that if there is Jupiter in Chandra Kendra, all the bad aspects of horoscope gets nullified. I have got GajKesari yoga (Jupiter and Moon in 7th House). I was wondering if the Shankapal Kalasarpa yoga which I found is what is in my kundali will show any effect with the Gajakesari yoga?
Please throw more light on this.
There are a number of famous personalities who have Kala Sarpa Yoga. For example Jawaharlal Nehru (Cancer Lagna and Rahu in 12th), South Indian film actor Rajinikant (Leo Ascendant, Rahu in 8th – here the ascendant is outside the Rahu-Ketu axis), South Indian actor Chiranjeevi (Libra Lagna and Rahu in the 3rd) to mention a few.
Personally, I find it hard to accept that any single combination (yoga) can make or break a person because there are 9 Grahas and 12 Rasis which make possible an extremely large number of horoscopes. In addition, if you consider Navamsa and other vargas also, the number of possibilities are unimaginably large!
If a person with Kala Sarpa Dosha is observed to be depressed or moody or pessimistic most of the time, it could be because of afflictions to the Moon but it is not necessary that the affliction is caused by Rahu-Ketu. The affliction may have been caused by other malefics. So, ascribing each and every problem to kala sarpa dosha when it exists in a chart is not a correct approach.
Consider a different Kala Sarpa Yoga situation wherein Rahu or Ketu or both are aspected by strong benefics and moreover Rahu-Ketu are strengthened by being vargottama. In such a case, maybe the problems described in the article above for 12 positions of Rahu-Ketu may not occur or maybe occur with very less intensity!
Or alternatively, what if Rahu-Ketu are afflicted by aspect of Saturn or Mars. Then Rahu-Ketu are inclinded to trouble the native more intensely!
Also, the effects of any yoga are said to be felt during the dasha-antardasha of the planets causing the yoga. So, effects of kala sarpa yoga also may be felt not through-out life but only during dasha-antardasha of Rahu-Ketu.
Thank You,
The Book “Nadi System of Prediction” by Rattan Lal, Ranjan Publications, has information on Vyartha Jeevan and Sarthak Jeevan Yoga. Seems that the author has coined these terms to generalize Kala Sarpa.
As per the author, we need to worry about Kala Sarpa only when both Saturn and Mars (who give results of Rahu and Ketu) are lord of malefic houses for any given ascendant. In Nehru’s case for example, it is Cancer Lagna and Mars is a yogakarka, therefore even though Kala Sarpa exists, it is anulled because Mars (and therefore Ketu) is a benefic lord of 5th and 10th.
Thank You,
i have ksy+mangal(in 12th house with shani),currently running through rahu mahadasha since 1993-i feel loss of confidence,lack of self-belief, have been taking frequent drops in my academic years-still not settled. I think negatively.when will all this end?i did narayan nagbali and wear gomed Is ksy related to the wrong doings of my ancestors or my previous birth? There is one person in my family whose whereabouts are not known till today since 1962-many astrologers said his unfulfilled dreams create problems for the generations of my family. Should we do something for this person-like shradda or shanta?
hello is there anyone who can help me.i dont have kaal sarpa yoga in my horoscope as my ketu is lagna and rahu is in 7th house.moon+saturn together in 12th house.i face defeat every where i go.what shall i do.i tried 40 neelams but no one has suits me.i wear catys eye and gomed for sum time but that also cldnt help me.
i hope sumone is there who can help me out.
sir , i was surfing online, and saw ur site. thank god. i am currently living in california. but i was born in kollur mandal,guntur district, andhra pradesh. i came to usa when i was 16. i am worried about my future, my education, health everything. some pandit said i have kalasarpa yoga. i am in depression now. so can u help me, give me detailed info of everymonth for next 2 years. please. my info is
28-7-1982 dob
place. kollur,madal,guntur dist,ap
I have been told that I have “Karsarp Yoga”. I have been facing lots of problems in my business. Not getting any success. I have incurred lots of debt as well. Do not know how to come out of all this. Am getting very tired of all the struggle. What can I do – any remedies? Are there chances of my getting success in life? My details are: 7-may-1964, at 3:59 pm at Karwar (Karnataka state). My email id is arm.metweld@yahoo.com.
my kethu is placed in the 6th house and my rahu alongwith jupiter is placed in the 12th house.there are no planets from ascendant to the 5th house barring extra saturnian planets viz. uranus in the 4th and pluto in the 5th house. kindly elucidate.
greetings !!!!
this KSY only means that the person will have a lopsided fate as all planets get cornered into one half of the system. so he has to countinously keep strengthening his weaker half on a regular basis. its like having a handicap which cannot be cured but can be managed & kept under daily control by repeated corrections. please do not get carried away by the fear of it or by the fascination of its cure & treat it as a practical issue. the main treatment for it is the knowledge that it is controlable by will power. will power is the ultimate resource we have which can remove all obstacles. that person is the most lucky who has the guts to change his fate than any guy who is born with all the so called good hunky dory yogas in his chart. best of luck to you all. thnx.
Dear Kshitij Sharmaji
I see a query on the KSY being ineffective if it does not have the Lagna enclosed in its side. Is this true? PLease advice since i have been running pillar to post but get varied opinions. Your answer will help me get rid a lot of running around.
Thanks & a good day to you!
dear sir ,
i m having rahu at my 1st house and ketu at 7th house all other planets comes on left side of my kundali ,venus in 3rd ,jupiter at 5th ,mars at 6th & having four planets at 4th house sun ,saturn ,mercury and moon with having asc. of gemini sign . i m v much confused plzzzzzzz explain . god bless u sir .
Well, I saw horoscope of Jawahar Lal Nehru. Many people say that he has KSY (Kaal Sarpa Yoga) and still he was so successful.
In fact, he doesn’t have KSY. There is only one planet (jupiter)from Rahu to Ketu in clockwise direction. In his horoscope Jupiter and Ketu are in the same house (and so people might have considered him to KSY in reverse direction, which is not KSY)
KSY exists, when all the planets lie between Rahu and Ketu, such that you start from Rahu in clock-wise direction towards Ketu.
Many other famous personalities are also cited to have KSY and yet so successful. I didn’t get chance to look at their charts. Who knows they may also not be having KSY.
i am having padma kaal sarpa yoga.
my date of birth is 25/june/1979 time 01.50 am
i got an idea from u to make a special ring
plz tell me the rattis(carets) of gomed and lahsuniya?
Is it compulsory that special ring must be in gold..will Five metal is god or not to make ring?
I want to settle in Australia how much time it will take? Plz see my Kundali…details are above mentioned.
Hope for ur reply….
Hello Sir,
Please find my birth details below:
My full name: Nilesh Kashinath Mane
Date of birth: 22/02/1978
Place of birth: Khed(Distt: Ratnagiri), Maharashtra
Time of birth: 05:25pm
I particularly passionate about working overseas and earn a good package of salary. As I have been suffering from my bad time for 2004-2005. I want to know, when will I have an opportunity to fly overseas for money. Currently, I am working with a call centre(BPO Industry), when will I have a senior position? Please help…
You can email me my prediction on mane_nilesh1978@yahoo.co.in
Thank you for your time…
Respected sir,today i read about kal-sarpa yoga.my date of birth is 26 sep 1981
time of birth is 7:16 am
place of birth is delhi.
i have kal-sarpa yoga.
i faced many difficulties in my studies and i am not able to get a good job in software after compleating my studies.i want to know the effect of kal-sarpa yoga on my life,married life,children,financial position,carrier,etc.i dont want to get married.i think my married life will not be happy.no one tell nothing to me after seeing my horescope.i want to know what my horescope says?what is the significance of kal-sarpa yoga in my life?
my mail-id is kavitabansal_mca@yahoo.co.in
sir,please respond.i will wait for your reply.
Hello Sir,
I have been told that i have Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in sixth house, Ketu in twelth. My D.O.B is 28.09.78,birth time 14.05,Chandigarh. i am not able to get a good job after compleating my Engineering.i want to know the effect of kal-sarpa yoga on my life,married life.Kindly reply solution to this mail ID
Dear Guruji,
Can you please explain what is clockwise/anti-clockwise kal-sarpa yog. I have lagna as 1 Aries. Rahu in 6th with Mangal and Ketu in 12th. All other planets are from 2 to 6 house.
I am quite well settled but see spikes in my life. Also getting delayed in Married because of issues unrelated to me.
Kindly advice. Thanks,
I have rahu in 6th with mars & Ketu with sani in 12th
DOB IS 23/4/63 ,3AM ,DELHI,Meen rashi 2nd house(moon,guru,shukra),Mesha(sun,Murcury).Lagna-Khumb,
I face lot of problems in Bussines for the last 10 years,Kindly let me know
I have malayoga alongwith kalsarpa yoga in kundli.
Ketu is in first house after lagna in left with written 6.and in next house sun and venus are there.Rahu is in 8th house written 12.
I want to know what will be effect of kalsarpa and mala yoga in this situation.
I am feeling very depressed and confused for career.I generally feel myself very uncomfortable in public relationships.
“”I have Ketu in 1 House and Rahu in 7th House”.
KETU om 1st house
Guru in 2nd House
Shani in 4th House
Ravi in 5th house
Mangal, Budh,Shukra and Pluto in 6th House
RAHU alongwith Harshal and.. in Seventh House
Moon and Neptune in 8th House
no u dont have kaal sarpa yoga as moon is out of rahu and ketu.
In my horoscope,all the grahas except chandran is placed between rahu and ketu.I was told this is kaala sandiga yoga,somewhat similar to kaala sarpa yoga.can you explain me about this?I am born in kanni lagna,makara rashi..
In My hosrocope, I have Kulika Kalsarpa Yoga, i am right now 30 year old, My is Surya lagana and sun in lagna, with Merurcy, no planet in second house, rahu is aspected by Sat (3rd dristi)from 12 house sat is with venus in 12th and mangal’s 4th dristi from 11th house, mangal is with Jupiter and moon in 9th house from lagna, please suggest me…
My DOB is June 21, 1977. Time of birth, 10:54p.m. Place of birth: Hong Kong. Do I have kal sarpa yoga? some say yes some say no. in fact some proposals broke off when they found this out. I went to Tembekeshwar to remove his. I have had delays, betrayals, deceit etc all in my life. Do i have it, and what is my prognosis for future? Eg. Do I get married, do I feel happy etc? Also, wanted to know is this all karmically bound to my past life, or just something random.
Thanks much,
Dear Sir,
I have kalsharp yog in my kundali..in this rahu is on 4th place and ketu is on 10th place..in between all other grahs…really I am facing lots of trouble in my life, economical is the most one…I am in germany studying master…but I am kind unhappy with my life with unsucceded at every step of my life…
so pls let me know how can I solve this yoga here in germany..
I will be greately thankfull to you..
My DOB is August 19, 1978. Time of birth, 11:46am. Place of birth: Delhi, Sir, I read your detailed analysis about Kalsarpa yoga. In my horoscope ragu is in the sixth house and ketu is in the twelfth, Sir I am facing lots of trouble in my life especially in my job, So please sir suggest me, what should I do to improve my life.
Dear Sir,
My date of Birth is 07-10-1983
Birth Place is New Delhi
what type of kalasarpa dosha i have, and what are precautions do i need to take.
there is, still i phase problems , i dont get success in career as well as in my profession.
please guide
kind regards,
Dear Sir,
My date of Birth is 13/12/1958
Birth Place is Rajamundry(Andhra Pradesh)
Time of Birth: 8.30 P.M
My age is 48 years still i phase problems , i dont get success in career as well as in my profession.Also my wife is suffering series health problems. Recently i approache one astrologer for this. He was told me i am suffering due to vasuki sarpa dosame. Is it current? Also please give me advice/remedy for this.
I am facing lots of trouble in my life/ in my job, So please sir suggest me, what should I do to improve my life.
please guide
kind regards,
My dob is 24/12/1978.Time is 14.20 hours and Place is Pune.I have had a delay in marriage…it took nearly 5 years to find the right guy.I got married last month and now already we seem to have a problem in having a physical relation.Is my marriage giong to be a failure?
Pls do reply.
Dear Sir,
I was born on 30/08/1954, at 7-20 pm at Ludhiana. My horoscope with Kumbh lagna shows Jupitor and Ketu in the fifth house and Mars and Rahu in the eleventh. Other grahas are Sun and Mercury in the seventh, Moon and Venus in the eighth and Saturn in the ninth. Since July 2006, I am having Saturn Mahadasha. Can any scholar through light on my kundli and make some prediction.Also whether do I need some Kaal Sarpa Yog Anushthan or not.
My date of Birth is 10-12-1985
Birth Place is New Delhi
what type of kalasarpa dosha i have, and what are precautions do i need to take.
there is, still i phase problems , i dont get success in career as well as in my profession.
please guide
All Kalasarpa yoga afflicates one easy remdy is get up before surn rise (All will find it impossible)
Gradually get up 15 minutes earleir every day and once you can maintian this and get up at 4 AM watch out
all problems will get weakened and your willpower increased .(Warning : dont sleep again after geting up eaerly)
pray to god , go for a walk , do kitehcn work , clearn toilet but dont sleep
best wishes
sir, I am newer in astrology i want to know what our veda, Puran or any other granth aprooved this yoga and if yes then plz inform about this topic? i want reply in possitive because i believe in karlsarp yoga. plz inform me
Dear Sir,
i am having big losses in business and obstacles in my regular life what do i do ? do i have kaal sarp yog on my kundli ? on mahashivratri i have done pooja archana of 2 snackes and leave it on shiv lingam at dubai now still problem is there same way please give me right suggestion ….
Details od Kundli
Date of Birth : 22-01-1974
Place of Birth : Amravati (Maharashtra) INDIA
Time of Birth : 09:38 AM
(Currently staying in DUBAI U.A.E.)
my sonlagan chart has no kalsarpyog but in chlit kundli there is .his dob15 march 1996 1AM. inchlit rahu in11th house ketu in5. lagan scorpio.jup moon in2dhanu merc in2capri sun sat mars in4thkumbh venous ketu. what are effect whatarere ramedies.please tell any other features
There is no mention of ksy in any ancient astrology books.in fact rahu and ketu are not considered as yogkarak planets.In fact these r the head and tail of a comet and do not fall in the catagory of planets therefore kyc has no existence and relevence
my son DOB IS15march1996 1AM bhopal MP INDIA .inhis chlitkundli isthere KSY .please tell me the effect of this.what is the effect of combustmars saturn because sun is inmrit avstha.
Dear Sir,
My DOB is 26th Aug 1979
Time is 3:00 AM, Vijayawada India
Sir could you Please tell me, am i having kalasarpa yoga,in my horoscope rahu is in third house and ketu is in 9th house. Mars is in Lagna (Gemini), Mercury and Jupiter in second house. And other planets in between rahu and ketu. How to consider the kalasarpa yoga either in clockwise or anti-clock wise.
Like im facing problems in my career, im unable to succeed in getting job even after many trails. Like even qualifying all the rounds in every interview i face, but the result is kept on hold.
So can you please help with the remedies i need to take to over the problem
Thanks and regards
Respected Scholars
Details od Kundli
Name : Anita
Date of Birth : 10/12/1971
Place of Birth: Mumbai(Maharashtra) INDIA
Time of Birth : 02.35 am
In regards my Sister, as guided my many Jyotishi’s to do KS Yoga puja, I myself my sister and a younger brother did the Puja along with others 50 persons in a Shiv Mandir in Mumbai.
But Still even after trying desperately we are not successful in getting a suitable match for her.
COuld you pls guide me looking at her horoscope what exactly is preventing / delay in here marriage.
Your suggestion and guidance will be of great help to my family.
sir i was born on december 31 1985 in trichy at 5.45 a.m o i hav kala sarpa dosha
Hello Sir,
Its an honour to write to u sir, my dob is 20-08-1976 and time of birth is 2.30 afternoon,and my husband is 13-6-1972,time morning 5.00am, sir my horo says that I and my husband have kala sarpa dosha, and recently removed it,sir how will I know thats its removed
We are 3 yrs married, still no children, and when we got married just after 6 months my hub lost his job and till today has no job at all, i am supporting him and his family, I am terribly upset, bcoz no sucess, and husband has no job, if he tries also he is not getting, and getting angry if I ask him to go to work, and helping his family, when will my husband go to work and take the responsiblity, recently did the pooja and said that kala sarpa dosha has gone, how will we know that sir and please advice what to do i am always worried will lots of fear and full of money problem, money is not staying in my hand i earn and in 2 days all given and I am penny less, whats the point of earning etc and dont have a child as yet ,please advice, thanks so much for reading the mail, in ur busy time.
My heart felt thanks sir
colleen kavitha
Respected Sir,
i read your detailed analysis about kalsarpa yoga.Great to see this. In my horoscope rahu is in the third house and ketu is in the ninth. I frequently visit to Kalahasti to perform Kalasarpa parihara pooja and i visited so many places, even in Traiambakeshwar also i perform some pooja to Lord Shiva.
One year back i perform some pooja name SARPA SAMSKARAM, even though am troubling in all aspects. Right now am wearing Gomedh to my middle fingure and cats eye to my ring fingure. Frequently in my dreams i will get snakes on that day i will be so nervous and restless. Please tell me the remedy so that my problems will solve.
My date of Birth 18-SEP-1976, TOB : 04.05 A.M. POB : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
Thanks a lot.
Born in Chennai,time of birth is 4.42 A.M,date 28/05/1968. I was told to be suffering with kalasarpa dosha.Born in suklapaksha and Saturn lord of 10th and 11th house is in 12th house at closer degree with destroyer Rahu and hence, I was told I cannot earn or achieve any thing in my wholelife. Iam 39 years now and to till this day Iam not earning and depending on somebody else. Sometimes I feel like joining an ashram or even commiting suicide.For seven years I have been waering Ruby in my left ring figure,I earnestly request you to let me know a remedy to get me out of this curse/dosha.
hello sir,
my name is Manpreet;DOB:29,april,1984;time 19:45;birth place:Karnal.
I read your details about,i m going through very bad time.Everything done by me for getting a job is going in to dump,this situation is breaking me from inside.
I request to answer about my future.is there any hope for me.
My DOB is 18-dec-1979 2:02PM at AGRA.
I know that I have kaal sarp yog and I know this I get bad results of my good work.I remain in depression.Kindly suggest me the reamdy.
when, at what time to wear this ring
Dear Sir,
it seems like i have
“Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in sixth house, Ketu in twelfth: The person would not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life”
I am worried abotu my future, i have family business and i am not serious in it. I am in search of true love but i never get one, recentrly fall in lvoe with one but came to know she is married and have kid. Pleaze kindley suggest me what i do, i have been wearing 3 gem do not know their name was given by joyotish for this kaalsarp. IF you wnat then i send take a pic and sen it to you of that gem.
This is about my nephew. He has kal sarp yog. DOB : 5th august 2005
place of birth lucknow india. time of birth: 2:03 pm
Please advice for the coming years. He is sufeering from health problems at present mainly related to stomach. What will be his future like. My sister is very worried. Thanks.
Dear Sir,
How can i calculate if i am affected by Kalsapa Yoga? Please advice, because i am getting conflicting readings from different so called pandits. How cani calculate this myself?
Please help.
Thank You.
Sir, i read your document on kalsarpa yoga, and i got the insight to this matter. My brother, was told to have this kalsarpa yoga and he was also told to perform some yagya at Trimbakeshwar But the problem is that he is not ready to do any rituals .
And yes he is facing a lot of problems related to his marriage, as he is not getting any desired or rather proper proposals, if at all we come across any , he rejects it or it is rejected from the otherside.
He is found to be very disturbed.
Can you pls suggest some remedy or anything that would direct him to be positive.
Please help sir, we, really find it impossible or rather we find ourself completely helpless regarding him.
And one more question. Is it ok if he uses any size/weight/measure of Gomed and cateye stones, or does it have to be of specific size?
His date of birth is 14 june 1972, time 05.05a.m, mumbai.
And kindly tell when this situation will calm down.
is this yoga dangerous for him? will he be stable ?
pls respond.
Mrs salunke
Dear Sir;
My DOB is 14/01/1969 at 8:30am, Lucknow.I have KSY with Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in the 9th.Faced serious problems in my married life and encountered litigations.Further I have slog to get noticed whilst others get it so easy…every things happens after a long struggle and much delay.I get acknowleded but the rewards are not in line with my efforts.At times I get this feeling that if I don’t work so hard my family will suffer financially.It’s a constant mental battle and I think it’s strong will power and faith in god that helps an individual get over day to day obstacles.Unfortunately there are many opinions of pandits in our society who try to encash on the weakness of individuals.People are vulnerable and become easy prey.For me a snake in my dreams fortells success.Currently Ketu Mahadasha is on and begining next year Rahu antardasha will commence. I get this would be a very tough period more so with KSY.Would appreciate any guidance from some learned soul.After all there are so many of us who are afflicted by this aspect and hope is our most powerful weapon.
One of my friend’s kundali, rahu is in 10th house associated with surya budha while, ketu is in 4th house associated with sani. My question is, is the kal sarp yoga is present in his kundali? His lagna is meena. Pls answer at my id satya_opt@yahoo.com.
Dear Sir,
I never really gave much thought to astrology, and am a firm believer in the fact that my life is for me to influnce, good or bad. That i cant blame my troubles on fate and astrology and i have to be responsible for my actions and decisions, and deal with my problems in a practical and realistic manner.
I have lived a life of hardship and (some good moments too) in my 25 yrs of existence. Recently, as my marriage preparations were being started, the groom and his mother went to astrologer.. and i found out (for the first time) that i have sevvai thosam (also called – kuja thosam, mangalik dosha, mars affliction) as, according to my birth chart, mars is in the 4th house. I also apparently have Mangalya Dosha.
The groom ( my childhood sweetheart of 8 years now ) does not have this.
So my father and myself, went to another astrologer and he says that i have a mild case of mangalik dosha but i also have kalatra dosha (i have no idea what it means).
Then yesterday, my father went to another astrologer in india, and apparently i dont have mangalik dosha due to venus in Lagna.
But he says i have Sarpa Dosha.
So, now.. I seem to have all the worst possible doshas.
1) Mangalik dosha
2) Mangalya dosha
3) Kalatha dosha
4) Sarpa Dosha
I’ve been getting alot of contradictory information from astrologers. I dont know what to believe anymore.
This is my details :-
Date of Birth : 21 July 1982
Time of Birth : 04:45 am
Place : Usilampatti, Tamil Nadu, India (9.97 N, 77.8 E)
In my Jadhagham (Pathrika)
Star : Pushya
Rasi (Moon Sign) : Cancer
1st House – Lagna : Gemini. Planets – Venus, Rahu
2nd House – Mecury, Moon, Sun
4th House – Mars, Saturn
5th House – Jupiter
7th House – Ketu
Another, mismatch i see is that in my book, mercury is placed in the 2nd house, but the birth chart calculater (in this site, which is fantastic, by the way!) shows that mecury is in the 1st. So, thats yet another confusion.
I’ve started reading a book on astrology and frankly speaking, am scared out of my wits now.
The problems just keep on coming.. all my life.. there is no end.. and am absolutely tired of it. I’ve been waiting, cuz everyone says that those who suffer when young, will be stronger and have a better life in later years.. and i am waiting n waiting.. but it just remains elusive.
So, please help me sir.. am i really a walking diasaster?
Any advise/insight from anyone .. i’d be deeply grateful…
Thank you.. and wish u the best in all your endeavors,
my DOB is 28-11-1978 at kalyan near mumbai.time is 6:00 am.i am facing problem with the pregnency..please suggest me what is to be done and when can i conceive
Namaste Guruji
I think you don’t give advices. but it will be really kind of you if you kindly answer few of my queries related to my sister:-
1.Her DOB is 07/08/1982 Time:-04:06a.m.;Place of Birth:- Ghaziabad
Q.1:When will she get married?And How will be her married life?
Q.2:What will her groom be(occupation)?
I really liked your website as it can assist numerous peoples and is a valuable tool to many of us.
Thanks & Regards
Anurag Khanna
I have Libra accendent.Rahu, Shani & Keetu in the sixth house(Pisces) from Lagna. Sun, Moon , Mars & Mercuri in 7th house (Aries). Jupiter in 11th (Leo) and Keetu in the 12th.PL let me now if I have the KSY if yes which type and what is the effect. My age currently is 39 years.
Thanks and Regards
Please let me know my brother Kishore is having kalasarpa yoga or not.
Date of Birth : 11.09.1966
Time of Birth : 11.03 a.m
Place of Birth : Palghat
Star : Pushyam
Lagna : Scorpia
Second House from Lagna : No Planet
Third House : Gulikan
Fourth House : –
Fiftth House : Saturn
Sixth House : Rahu
Seventh House : –
Eight House : –
Ninth House : Moon, Mars, Jupitor
Tenth House : Sun, Venus, Mercury
Eleventh House :-
Twelevth House : Ketu
My Date of Birth is 11-12-79 Dehradun 4:30 AM and also suffering with kalsarpyoga.
One tested and tried solution i would like to share is on Every tuesday go to oldest (Prachin very very old) Hanuman Temple (without wearing any leather component like leather belt , leather purse , leather jacket , leather shoe etc)
After going in the Temple make 7 rounds to Hanuman Murti(statue).
I am 110 % sure it will give you better results in 1 month of time.
Also if willing offer garland , Puja and Prasad if you want.
Warm Regards
Prem Kumar
Respected Sir,
i read your detailed analysis about kalsarpa yoga.Great to see this. In my horoscope rahu is in the third house and ketu is in the ninth. All the planets are residing in between kethu & rahu (anti clock wise)
For each & every thing (even for a small issue) i have to strive hard and stretching myself so much then only i will get result that to not a satisfactory result. Please tell me the remedy so that i can come forward from my probs.
My date of Birth 18-SEP-1976, TOB : 04.05 A.M. POB : Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh
Thanks a lot.
Dear kshitij ji,
very very simple explanation by you, I am leaning palmestry, numerology and astrology and was confused about kaal sarp yoga but now i think I have only one question left for you , that, as you have mentioned 12 types of kaal sarp yog if rahu and ketu interchange their houses for example rahu comes in 5th house and ketu be in 11th house does it make vishakt kaal sarp yog?
thanks for making this site
hi my message is for prem kumar who visited this page on 25th may, my D-O-B and yours are just differ by 8 hours we share the same yogs in our kundlies my email id is raju.rsglobal@gmail.com, please give your mail id I want to know whether we are suffring with the same pain by kaal sarp yog.
give mesage to my personal mail id, thanks!
thanks to site owner
I have Rahu & Ketu posited in the 10th house & 4th house from Lagna respectively. Sun shares the 10th with Rahu. Sukra & Budha are together in the 9th from Lagna. Mars is in the 12th and Saturn is in the 5th house from Lagna. Jupiter is in the 7th from Lagna. Moon is in Lagna itself. I was born on 28/6/63 at 13-10 hrs at Chennai. Please tell me briefly about problems/challenges I might face in the workspot and as to how I can tackle them.
Dear sir,
my DOB: 2nd Oct 1983
TOB: 13:34
LOB: Bharatpur,Narayanghat/Narayangadh, Chitwan,Nepal
as per chart, its dhanu lagna with
rahu on 6th house,
chandra on 8th house,
sukra+mangal on 9th house,
surya+budha on 10th house,
sani on 11th house,
guru and
ketu on 12th house.
Is it a Kalsarpa yoga since all planets are between rahu (6th house) and ketu (12th house). will the effect neutralise since guru in also on 12th house with ketu.
will it affect my life?
what will be the remedy?
please sir, advice me.
Hi sir,
I have rahu in 10th and ketu in 4th. Sani in 3rd, surya and sukran in 1st, guru, mangal and moon in 11th and budh in 12th. Other houses empty. Have been told I have kalsarp dosha. Am facing problems – can’t seem to hold on to job (now – jobless again for 2+ years despite having good qualifications) and not married (am 34yrs)- faced problem from a woman and unable to rise till now (already 9 years) .
Appreciate ur advice to reduce the problem.
My fiancee has this yoga and I am Manglik because I have mars in 4th. I made a match (in other webpage) and it is supposely right. Should I take care of something? Should we affect each other in a ‘fatal’ way?. I have to add that he was my boyfriend when I was 18 years old and we had a relationship about 2 years and a half and we finished it. I notice that when my relationship is going good I loose my job and in the contrary when we fight a lot I stay in my job. I am worry if my bad aspect mars is going to affect him economically because I consider that he is so lucky in almost ways
Dear sir…
…i’v struggled a lot since childhood for what i aspired and eventually with lot of effort,i’d always done better N succeeded in becoming a doctor which was my dream..I am facing a lot of problem regarding my marriage when my kundali was showed which denoted kalsarpa dosha…i used to see lot of snakes hissing n moving in my dream n was in sustain fear…performed some pooja for kalsarpa…the dream that i used to have has declined a lot but there r still lot of hindrances in my love life n i am not getting suitable groom or the talk could not proceed further…would u please kindly say me what kind of kalsharpa i am having….wont i get married??what should i do for its remedy or for early marriage??/n i got to know that rahu is in my lagna?what should i be doing???please help sir!
date of birth 1978/06/28 at 12:35 AM..thank you sir!
Lot of pandits have told me that i have kalsarpdosha and am manglik too.Pujas were also conducted but after that i dont see any change in my situation.Facing lot of problem in marriage area as things dont proceed further with grooms whom i find compatible.My DOB is 13-May-1976 at 10:54am in Jabalpur.Kindly suggest if any more pujas need to be done and when will i find my life partner.Moreover,on my professional front also, am facing lot of delays which overall is leading to de-motivation and depression.Please help.Thanks
Dear Sir,
My D.O.B. is 2/10/1980
Time is 06:40 am
Place Aijal ( Mizoram )
Rashi Mithun
Lagna Tula
Sir, my planetary positions are as follows.
1st house = Empty
2nd house = Empty
3rd house = Chandra
4th house = Rahu
5th house = Shukra
6th house = Saturn, Jupitar, Sun
7th house = Tula
8th house = Mangal
9th house = Empty
10 house = Ketu
11 house = Empty
12 house = Empty
Astrologers say that I have Kaal Sarpa Yoga, I need your help. I started my career as a Journalist, but then there were some financial problems and hence I changed my career path. Now , I am working as a Technical support in a BPO, but I am not at all satisfied, neither with my job, nor with the money. i ahve not seen success till now.
I want to go back to journalism once more. I am very confused now. Please suggest me what should be my course of action at this time. I don’t know what to do. How will my life be?
Please shed some light on the matter.
Thanks and Regards
Raaj Datta
respected sir, my details here as follows
name Kailash Chandra Somani
d.o.b. 08-09-1951
time of birth 11.37 A.M.
place of birth Kapasan, Distt Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
i want to know do i have kalsarpa yoga. what should i do to get rid of its bad effect. is there any chances for me to get the Job gain abroad. i will go and prosperous govt jobs / or pvt jobs. plz suggest. althogh i did engineering with m.b.a. but i am not getting good job. plz help me.
Kailash C Somani
Pranam Guruji,
My details are as follows :-
Birth Date : 27-05-1973
Birth time : 5.30 am (morning)
Birth Place : Dombivli ( 19.10-N and 73.05-E )
Rashi : Meen
Nakshtra : Poorvabhadrapada
Lagna Vrishabh
Sir, my planetary positions are as follows.
1st house = Shani, Ravi, Shukra, Budha
2nd house = Ketu
3rd house = Empty
4th house = Empty
5th house = Harshal, Pluto
6th house = Empty
7th house = Neptune
8th house = Rahu
9th house = Guru
10 house = Mangal
11 house = Chandra
12 house = Empty
Few years back i had miraculous escape from head tumor surgery, I treat my life is as God’s bless. And now when I am completely recovered from illness, i am trying for my marriage with new hope. I am not afraid of death, as i think that living is more challenging, after having so much of problems in my life. I want to know when my marriage will take place. As told by Guruji I am doing Somvar-Pradosh Vrata. My siblings have partial KSY, can I perform single pooja for all of us (3 persons) at a single time.
I know i have kal sarp yoga in my kundli and i have done all the poojas at triyumbekeshwar and even worn this gomed lahsuniya ring still i havent got the success in my career which i have been longing for so many years.In fact when i wore that ring i lost my lost job. kindly help me what to do.
name Raaj
dob 11 march 1966
time 02:50 pm DELHI
Pranam Guru ji, fortunately i ve read about Kalsarp Yoga, while i was finding about this yoga since longtime, n see suddenly i found this. According to your study i saw tat in my kundali Rahu in Lagan n Ketu in a Eigth house,n i know this very well tat i have also KAALSARPA YOGA.
WELL, i just wanted tat how long this will be effective in my life.
TIME – 2:14 P.M
Thanking You,
With Regards,
My date of birth is 19-03-1964
time 00:06 hrs
Place Srinagar (J&K State)
In kashmir astrologers never believed in this concept because Rahu And Ketu are not recorded as sampurna Grahas. For that matter Neptune,Uranus, Pluto are also recorded in the chart. please reply if I have Kal Sarpa Yoga.
Dear Sir,
I wud like to know abt my sons horoscope.
He was born on 16-10-2006 at 3.06 PM.
Place of birth is Trivandrum in Kerala.
I would like to know whether his horoscope is having any dosha to himself or to anybody else.
Please give a general prediction including his yogas, education, health and relation with parents.
Also please tell me at what age should a childs horoscope be made.
Thank you sir
Dear Sir,
We hv great faith in u, we are real needy and need ur support to stand.
We are pankaj & komal both want to get married, we are in deep love from last 04 yrs and cant live without each other. But as discussed with some jyotish, they told that our match is not good for me (pankaj) regarding health due to mangal in komals kundli. but eventhough we want to get married Pls help us we are ready to do any sort of puja, daan, any sort of daily puja or mantra jaap. Even we are ready to take two diffrent house and can live in night apart or if without being marry we ar ready to live together if it diminish bad effects of our kundli. Pls suggest us. I m giving you our birth details.
DOB – 02july1980 1600HRS
Place – burhanpur (near by city khandwa), MP
Daily used and rashi name – komal.
DOB – 25june1977 0610HRS
Place – GUNA, MP
Daily used and rashi name – pankaj
1) What will be the bad effects if we get married and what are the solution we can do to avoid bad effects.
2) Will it reduce the bad of kundli or mangal effect if we start living together without getting married (with parents consent)
3) We are ready to do any kind of puja, daily mantra or anything but want to be together.
When I was in India, I was told by a famous indian astrologer that I have a bad case of “Kal Sarp Yoga”
because both of my parents are low class indians.
And, because of that, even though I was born in the U.S., I will only suffer and be unhappy in life.
My D.O.B. is May 31, 1964. 10:01 am. Born in
Riverdale (City) Maryland (State) U.S.
Can you please confirm? Thank you for your time.
I hope your website is active.
Sir,i read your information about Kalsarpa Yog,I have a question about my Kundali. In my kundali Rahu is in 2nd Ketu is in 8th house house.I want you to ask question that in my kundali any jyotish has not tell that you are having kalsarpyog but I think that I am having kalsarpyog in my Kundali.Because I have always seen snake in my dreams.Besides this I have suffered a lot.Because I have struggle a lot in my life to achieve something(education,health). I am weak in my studys also I have health problems which I can not mension here because it is personal to me. I want know what are the solutions to this problem please reply
Dear sir,
My son’s date of birth is 27th may 1998 at 07:11 in morning.His birth place is in Mangalore karnataka.Sir please tell me,Is he have “kalasurpa yoga?”.Please suggest to reduce it’s effect if itis.
Dear Sir,
I have a kal sarp yog in my horoscope…my raashi is vrisabh & lagna is also vrisabh. Astrologers have said that i have the kulika kalsarp yog. I am 33 years old & finding difficulty in marriage
Could you please let me know the solution for this.
look forward to your reply.
Last month, Myself and my younger brother and sister have performed KSY Shanti Pooja at Trimbakeswar, Nasik for Rs.1500/- per head including everything pooja articles, lodging, etc. Guruji name – Arun Vinayak Kannav,Cell 9881027099, 9850299154. Tel 02594-233290. Address. Main road, Bhaskar Niwas, Near Bhaji Market, Next to Dena Bank, Nashik. It is a one day trip to Nasik and all arrangements are made in Guruji’s home only. You dont have to carry gold or silver snakes with you.
Dear sir,
my birth date is 29/04/1984 & i have lot of truble in my life i think i am worlds unluckiest person please tell me what is the reason for this i am single body person & still today i had weared sani, mangal & guru’s ring but in place of any profit i am in loss please tell me proper reson and tell me which ring is accuret for me
Thanking you
Divyesh Patel
Dear sir ,
My self Narendrabhai and i have lots of troble in my life and i see snake daily by unfortunately some jyotish tell me i have kal serp dosh yog accordingly my bith date 1/09/1957 for that i have complit kal serp vithi but still i can’t get any profit due to this vithi please solve my confusion and tell me proper vithi for this and tell me which ring is appropriate for me
Thanking you
Narendrabhai patel
dear sir,
i dont have a job,i am at home since 2006.is i have kal-serpa yog or manglik dosha?.plz help me.i am facing lots of problem because i dont have a job.
plz tell me when i am going to get a job.
my birth details:
date of birth:27-8-81
time of birth:6 to 6:30 am
place of birth:pune(maharashtra)
sirji plz help me
thanks you
Dear sir,
My date of birth is 30december 1980,time 10:20 am place roorkee.My parents are quite worried about my marriage.panditji says that i am having kalsarp yoga as well manglik dosh.I want to know whether i will be getting a suitable life partner or not?Please guide us.
Regards and Thanks
Dear Sir,
I am student and right now I am studying at Australia
I am facing so much difficulties in my studies and to getting part time work.
my D.O.B is 06/09/1985
Time of birth is 09:50 pm
Place: Kalol (Ahmedabad) Gujarat
Please tell me what dosha i have and what should i do to gain success in study,Job and wealth
I have a 3 yr old son. He has lot of health issues so looked at his horoscope. Wanted to know from you that if he has any sarp dosh? In his chart, Rahu is in 8th the house, ketu in 2nd house. All planets such as Jupiter,Ascendent in 1st house.mars,sun and mercury in 12th house,venus and saturn in 11th house,moon in 10th house. The above planets are all on right side. on the left side is pluto in 3rd house,neptune in 5th house,uranus in 6th house. I read that if neptune, plute or uranusu are on other side of the axis, this yog is not formed? Can you please confirm. I am so worried about my son. Thank you so much and GOD BLESS YOU!
Indian system of astrology does not consider pluto,neptune or uranus. Therefore if all other planets are between Rahu and Ketu, then it is a Kaal Sarp yog. In my opinion, health issues are of your child are not due to kal sarp yog, it is probably due to mars and sun in 12th house. Kal sarp yog only produces delays and hinderances in your acheivements. It does not stops you from acheivements. If one have this yog, it means that the person need to try a little harder.Pray for sun on your son’s behalf, conditions will improve. There is no need to worry about Kal Sarp yog at present as your child is only three year old.
Hi there,
There was a typo in my DOB. Had to correct it!
My DOB is 21st May 1968
TIME 11:05 PM
Near Hyderabad.
I have a strong feeling that I have Kala Sarpa Dosha. Following are my planets:
5th house: Rahu, Saturn
11th House: Ketu
12th House: Mars, Mercury, Venus
1st House: Sun
3rd house: Moon
4th House: Jupiter
I need to know more about my horoscope interms of Kala sarpa dosha, if at all it exits(?)
Thanks a lot in advance
Sir I have padma kalasarpa yoga
lagna -kumba
rahu- midhuna
shukra- karka
surya- simha
bhudha- virgo
shani – virgo
chandra- tula
guru- tula
kuja- tula
kethu- dhanu
other houses empty
DOB- 24/08/1982
POB- Calicut
Please give me sugestion i am not currently facing any
problems as per the site
thank you
Dear Sir,
In my horoscope rahu is in 4 and kethu in 10, Appart from the educational delay…..I don’t have that much troble as per your abouve description abt kys. I quite happy…pls explain me.
Lagna Magaram – Sun and Jupiter is in 1
Mars & Venus in 2
Mercury in 12
Moon in Scorpio 11
Saturn in 10th with Kethu.
dear Sir,
My Date of Birth is 07/03/1969.
Place of Birth : PONDICHERRY
Time:12.10 AM
Plz inform me about my horoscope.Do I have any kalsarpa yoga applicable to me in my horoscope.
EMAIL ID:rk_mina@yahoo.fr
Bad or good I want to know about my future.
Thank in advance
Plz reply
respected sir ,
My DOB is 09-12-79 at 07:00 PM evening at bilaspur (chhattishgar) m suffering from kalsarp dosham n having troubles in matrimonial matters.some body told me that couse of this dosh i will never get a right match.and in reality so many problem i m facing to getting a match. can u plzz tell me what i have to do to remove kalsarp….if u can then pls tell me any remedies we will be thankful to u….
res sir
i havi ragu in lagnam kethu in seven born on no moon(ammavasai).date of birth 09.09.1980. i am also facing lots of problem. i want to know whom i should marry. if i marry a person withot this kalasarpa thosam what are all the problems i will face? how about my married life? will it affect my husband and child? please explain me in my mail kavi_dha @yahoo.co.in.
respected sir,
my date of birth is 14 th august 1983
birth date is 1:10 am
place of birth is bangalore
i recently got to know tat i hav kala sarpa yoga with rahu in the first house and ketu in the 7 th house …i hav problems like delay /obstacles in getting success , depression , near ones decieving/hurting me ,emotional insecurity ,gynaecological problems,off late i can see the effects even in the marraige proposals i get . none of the proposals workout ,not a happy life right from childhood…
kindly let me know if there is any remedy for this kala sarpa yoga ..is it going to affect me in the same way till the end of my life? i want to know about my marraige life n career life in future …looking forward to ur reply sir ..
Pranam Guruji,
My details are
Date of birth: 22/08/1978
Time of birth: 15:55pm
Place of birth: Mumbai(India)
I want to know if I suffer from KSY, The pandit who did my kundali, did say I suffered from it. We however performed a puja in nashik on the bank of godavari river. The puja involved giving daan of 7 sapras ( 5 silver, 1 tambha 1 gold) following which we also perfomed a small puja at Trimbakeshwar temple.
But I still feel I suffer from most of the effect of KSY like
1)Delays the good work.
6)Pessimitic thoughts
Now my kundali was matched with a guy whos details are as follows
Name: Prasanna Iyengar
Date of Birth: 21/07/1980
Time of Birth: 17.15pm
Place of Birth: Mumbai
The match was however said to be doomed for failure and was rejected by elders. Guruji I want to know if this is all happening becoz of my KSY. If there is any thing I can do to reduce the effect of it. What should be done to get this match fixed.
Please reply
i have many problems please suggest some permanent cure
rahu-4th house
ketu-10th house
moon and mars-8th house
sun and budh-7th house
guru,shukra,shani-6th house
other houses empty.
d.o.b.- 10/11/1980 2:25 p.m.shukla paksh,jyeshta nakshatra
I need exact configuration details of the special ring made for Kaal Sarp Yoga. What should be the metal used for holding Gomed & Cats Eye ?? What should be the weight of the metal used for the ring ?? What should be the weight of Gomed & Cat’s Eye ?? Prior to wearing of ring, does it require any kind of Puja ???
hi i m very confused that what kind of kaal surpa yoga is in my kundli as my all stars between ketu to rahu .. ketu in 5 th house and rahu in 11 th house and all others stars in ketu to rahu .. is it dangerous othrs .. my D.O.B. is 05 -05-78
time 20: 05 place chandigarh.
Hi All,
I am kapil. I am having kaal sarp dosh with Rahu in the 4th house and Ketu in the 10 house. Please let me know the remedies to cure i am facing problems in almost all domains of life. please help me out. Is kaal sarp dosh is really as dreadful as they say it is. If i perform remedies what is the guarantee that it will not punish me any further. Please reply.
Dear Sir, I have been reading your comments and salute you for your knowledge. I have Vasuki Kalsarpyoga as rahu in 3rd, in pisces and Ketu in9th in Virgo. I am Capricorn Rising (Lagna). Currently I am in Sun mahadasha after completing Venus period for 20 years. I lost both my paprents in Venus period. My sun is in 10th house in Libra which is considered weak. What can I do to make it stronger? Also my Sun/Rahu antardash began on jan 2 ,08. I do feel fianacially crunched and very tense. What can I do till the rahu dasha changes to Sun/Jupiter? Do yo also do personal consult in Bombay? Iam in Phoenix AZ, USA. Thank you.
jai shri ram sir
in my lagn kundli rahu is in 4 th house & ketu is in 10th house i was born in 18/05/1981 at 10.15 am at sirsaganj my name is sangeeta chamanlal gupta i want to know whether i do have kaal sarp yog if yes what i must do because i m going to marry with name gaurav kumar gupta date of birth 09/11/1981 having rahu in 4th house & ketu in 10th house in his birth kundli. now i want to know whether he is also havng ksy if yes whether i should marry him if yes then when is it good or bad pls advise
jai shri krishna
dear sir, I am Dhiresh Kumar Das.My date of birth is on 22nd december 1979 at 10:20PM at ANUGUL of ORISSA. In my kundli rahu, bruhaspati and mangal are there in my Lagna In my second house saturn,third house vacant fourth house rabi sixth house venus and moon and in 7th house ketu is there. Is it KSY? If it is then what can I do I am preparing for competitive Exam like SSC, RAILWAYSATC. Can I success in my life? Please give me solution
My date of bith is 6th Jan, 1974. Parbhani- Maharashtra, at 15.40. Do I have KSY? I am stil not settled in life inspite of good post graduate medical qualification. Please reply and help
My name is Palakshi umesh. My brother’s name is A.M.Jagadish Kumar. His date of birth is Wednesday, 14th January, 1964 at 3.15 p.m. Born at Tumkur (It was a sankranthi day). We are told he has kalasarpa yoga. His health is not good. Will you kindly tell the remedies or the measures to be taken so that his health improves. He has an aged father who is worried because of this. His health is not good and cannot perform poojas. As I am taking care of him I request you to tell the remedies. His father will do pooja on his behalf. please guide us. I have given my email id. You can send the reply to my mail also. His nakshatra is Uttarashada.
My date of birth is 15/10/75, 09.30am, ludhiana, punjab, india/
i have been told that i have kalsarpa yog, as rah is in the twelve and ket in the 6th, with two planets in the twelve with rahu and all others between 12th and 6th house. also i been told i can wear a ruby as my sun and mercury are in the 11th house, with scoprio rising,.
mars, venus, rah in the 12th house
sun, mercury in the 11th house
saturn in the 9th house
moon in the 8th house
jupitor retrograde in the 7th house
ketu in the 6th house.
can i wear a ruby for threst of my life, as it is the friend of mars, and my ascendant beiong scorpio?
Dear Sir,
First of all let me thank you for the service you are providing.
Following are the positions of planets in my birth chart
Ascendant: Dhanus
1st house: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter & Rahu
6th house: Saturn
7th house: Ketu
12th house: Mars & Venus
Maybe I do not have KSY, but would be glad if you can explain to me the significance of having 5 planets in the first house. Also that if Rahu is in the first house does it have any negative influence.
I am a novice to astrology. I was just going through this website and many other websites. I have seen lot of people mentioning about planet’s positions in their respective kundalis. I also saw presence of planets in some houses have major impact on life. I really don’t know which kundali they are referring, I mean North Indian or South Indian. For example in my case, Saturn is in 12th House and Jupiter is in 10th House in South Indian style and Saturn is in 4rd house and Juniper is in 3rd house in North Indian style. It is the same with other planets as they occupied different positions.
Respected Paditji,
I am newly married female. My husband is having kaal sarp dosh. i dont know which type is it. We want to do pooja in Nashik. However, my husband cannot be there in Nashik during Naag Panchami to do Kaal Sarp Dosh pooja, as he works in a ship on contract basis of 8-9 months.
Is there any other particular day on which we can perfom the pooja? Say, Mahashivratri….
Can you please suggests some upaay on it. We are in very bad position in terms of finance and family issues.
Hello Sir/Mam,
One of my friend predicted that I have Kaal Sarp after predicting my horoscope.Can you please help and let me know wheather the prediction is correct or not?
D.O.B:10th June 1983.
Place of Birth: Calcutta.
Time Of Birth: 12.05 p.m.
Abhijit Ray
my DOB is 30-09-1981
place-jabalpur (mp)
sir i was told to have KSD and i am not getting any success and still unemployed.
so please help me in this regard.
thank you.
Hi ,
I am Nikhil Gupta. I want to know whether i have kal sarp yog in my kundli.
My details are follows:
DOB: 02-Oct-1981
TOB: 18:52
POB: Delhi
My Plannets positions in the lagna kundli is as follows:
Fourth House: Rahu , Mars
Sizth House: Jupiter , Sun , Saturn
Seventh House : Mercury , Venus
Eight House : Moon
Tenth House: Ketu
I want to know whether i have Shankapal Kalsarpa Yoga , because Mars is there in 4th house.
DOB : 07.02.1976
TOB : 5.00
Place : Gurgaon(Haryana)
What will be the effect if the planetary position of moon and ketu and rahu in 11th house, jupiter in fourth house, mercury and sun in second house, saturn in eight house and mangal in sixth house?
(a) Is it kal sarp dosh or pitra dosh if both are not what will be the other effects about marriage and business?
hi all
as per mi horoscpe i ve kalsharpa yog and my jupitar is very weak in power causing health problem can some one tell me the remedie of this
My name is Mrs Kavitha
My date of birth is 19th July 1977 and time of birth 10.30 am
Am I having Kala sarpa yoga?
If yes which type out of the 12 mentioned above.
Please help me
Name-Mohan s sehmi D.O.B-22/10/1981 time of birth 22:25.place of birth jabalpur.india.i am having kal sarpa yoga,how should i get rid of this.strugling in love affairs,very depressed.
My D O B is 14/02/1964 5.55 AM.I have kalasarpa yoga.I suffered a lot in my life.NO JOB, MONEY,STATUS. Now no more interest in life.I want turn spiritual and live away from my family. atleast this wish is fulfilled.kindly answer to my e mail.
yours faithfully
you told to wear the serpant shaped ring to middle ring, can u please suggest me, on which day should be weared, on which time and i should where it in silver or gold and i heard the Gomedh should be about two and half carets, is it true and wt abt vaiduria
sir please provide any comman mantra for reducing the bad effect of kalsarpa yog
I want to know wheather my kundali get maches with the boy whose dob 13-07-1983 birth time 2.22 am mumbai and my details 22-01-1984 birth time 10.50 am nagpur ,and abt carrer of the boy ,as well abt remedies if any problem as he is having ksy
waiting for ur reply
thanking you
Respected Sir,
I have all my planets between Rahu and Ketu except Lagna.
Lagna is in the 1st house and Rahu in the 06th with Sun & Mercury. Ketu and Saturn in the 12th.
Pl. explain what it means.
Still I am single and I am & my parents are also worried about my marry ? Plz. suggest me
My DOB – 31-12-1973 time of Birth 19.00
hello sir
according to your site kalsurp i have vasuki kalsarpa yoga if you think i do have this yoga what i should do to get rid of vasuki kalsurp youga. any mantra for that or any other remedy for that i will do it. if you know.i am in canada and my birth date is 30 dec. 1963 in delhi india.
thank you krishan
The frightful FRAUD called Kaal Sarpa Yoga!!!!!!!!!
KSY does not even exist! Please stop scaring yourself and others!!!!
Here is an article by the famed Astrologer KN Rao entitled
“The frightful fraud called Kaal Sarpa Yoga”
There is no KSY mentioned in any classical astrological book and it the biggest cheating trick of astrologers who, through false karmakanda, are frightening people.
India’s most famous astrologer, KN Rao has published a book on this topic entitled “Kal Sarpa Yoga, Why Such Fright?”
Here is more information about this book at this website.
Dear Panditji
My date of birth is 29.04.1944. Place 0.n 26, 33e12
Country Uganda. East Africa.
All my life I have always had to struggle and work hard and managed the duties so far. I want you to help me. At present am unemployed and the finiancial situations are tight. Can you please look at my chart and tell me what,s happending and please please please directy me what to do.
Dear Sir,
I have Vasuki kalsap yog.
plz tell me my horoscope and remedy of this kalsarp yog.
DOB – 15 oct 1982
POB – Uklana near hissar, haryana
Shall be very thankful for your reply
sangeet jain
Dear Sir,
I have Anant KSY. My D.O.B:02/12/1980 ; 10.26 PM.
Lagnam: Kadagam ; Raasi: Kanni;
My Horoscope position as below
1st Place – Raaghu
2nd Place – Empty
3rd Place – Guru, Chandran & Sani
4th Place – Sukiran
5th Place – Suriyan & Bhudhan
6th Place – Sevvai
7th Place – Kethu
I had went pilgrimage to Thirunageswaram & participated in the milk abishegam to raaghu bhagavan. Also went to Kaalagashthi, Tirupathi & prayed as normal.When did i get marry? Shall my life partner should be KSY. When will i settle in life.
Also suggest me the remedy for KSY in detail(Snake Shapped ring in which metal with how many carat weight of cat eye stone & which time, place the ring should be wear first time & Also in which finger)to mail id : puzhieeswarar@gmail.com
Hi All,
Me and my husband both have Kala Sarpa Yoga and reading from your website I can find that it is particularly, 5. Padma Kalsarpa Yoga – i.e. Rahu in fifth house, Ketu in eleventh.
We fight a lot and now we are divorced. But we used to be a happy couple.
Can you say if this was the reason we got seperated?
Sir, I have shown my kundli to many persons….somebody say that there is KSY & sombody say that there is not KSY due to shani, that is outside…..In my kundli tere is Ketu in first house & Rahu is in 7th house & rest of the graha in left side…but Shani is in the 9th house (means outside & right side)………Plz tell me there is slight or full KSY is present or not..Thanks
Hi all,
I want to say something more….I have read much about KSY in books & through internet. Some experts say that this yoga is not present in old granths….but mostly experts accept the power of this yoga…..& in my opinion this Yoga is due to our past life’s mistakes or sins…& we all have to face the punishment.
But if we see the other side of this yoga….this is a yoga & plz dont call it a dosha….even some most famous persons have this yoga…..e.g….Sachin Tendulkar, Rajnikant, Chiranjeeve, George W. Bush, Margret Threature…..Even in our country kundli it is present…..its mean…it can also give the hight level….
Can anybody tell me is this yoga present in my kundali or not….
here is Ketu in 1st house & Rahu in 7th house.
All rest graha are in between 2 to 6th house (means left side) but the Shani is outside….that is in 9th house….some experts says there is KSY….some says thers is not…..I m so much confused…Plz help me if anybody knows better….
My husband is born on 26/1/1966 at 8.37 a.m. at Mumbai Astroleger says he has kalsarp yog. I want to about his career when will he get a good financially sound job or will we migrate abroad and settle down.
Hi Raj,
If you have Saturn in 9th bhava,then you have no KSY.
There is no doubt on that.Do not disturb your peace of mind by the talk of partial KSY or full KSY…
i m having my business ie workshop which i m handling from last 5 yrs with my father.
I m trying hard to get mare n more sucess in business but lastly i fail every where.
Also i want to do love marriage.
Kindly suggest.
name:parminder ajit bhimh
d.o.b :nashik 15/08/1983 time:1:52pm
i’ve one doubt.. if the bride and groom have the same kind of kalsarpa yoga in their chart, say for example anant kalsarpa yoga, what will be its effect on their marriage life? does the effect of the yoga get cancel as in the case of manglik match or does it cause harm? please reply…
thank you
respected sir,
your explaination regarding ksp is very enligtning.i do not have ksp in my birth chart.still i am facing lots of problems since my birth.please tell me about my future.if there are any doshas please tell me the remedies.my birth details.30/june/1985 3:30AM. shimoga,karnataka.
respected sir,
your explaination regarding ksp is very enligtning.i have ksp in my birth chart.still i am facing lots of problems since my birth.please tell me about my future.if there are any doshas please tell me the remedies.my birth details.23er november 1968 8.00 am,
birth place Banarhat, dist – jalpaiguri, west bengal.
I have ksp in my birth chart and done my pooja also but still facing lots of problems in getting married please tell me about my future. if there are any doshas please tell me the remedies.my birth details.
Name Aarti Singh
DOB- 13 May 1978
Time : 2:30 am
Place Nalanda/ Bihar
Hi all,
I want to inform u all that KSY is a ‘Yoga’ & Plz dont call it a ‘Dosha’…It gives bad or negative effects but this is very much beneficial also. Many world famous persons have this yoga like, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Margret Thecre, Jorge W. Bush, Acharya Rajnish, Harshad Mehta, Rajnikant, Chiranjeeve, Lata Mangeshkar, Sachin Tendulkar…so plz remember this yoga can also give much hight…..peak.
I am very much confused about my kundali…there is Ketu in 1st house & Rahu in 7th house…..all the rest graha are in between left side of Ketu & Rahu only the shani is outside…..Shani is in 9th house….I have shown my kundali to many persons…somebody say there is KSY…..somebody say there is not….can anybody tell me the truth….please…thanks
Dear sir
I would like to know about my career,job and marriage prospects. My details are:
Name: Priyanka Jindal
Date of birth: 24 December 1980
Time of birth: 18:30 (6.30 pm) Wednesday
Place of birth: New Delhi
Please advise me what are the remedies for kaalsarp yog and manglik yog?
I would be deeply grateful to you for your advise.
Name: Sharada. Date of Birth: 03 November 1981, Time of Birth: 23.00(11.00 pm), place : Goa
Dear Sir,
Do I have Kal Sarpa Yog? if yes then what are the remedies to get rid of Kal Sarpa Yoga. Also I would like to know when I will get married, and how will be my married life. Tank you…
dear sie i have made a quiry in ur site on 15/5/08 at 11.54am till nowi did not get my answer though my quiry listed here.i am asking abount following
is am i suffering from kaal sarp doss. I would like to know about my career,businee and marriage prospects. whether i have love marrige or arrange marrige
dear sir
i have kaalsarp special ring which contain both stone like gomed & cat’s eye then how we wear this ring on which day . pl. advice me immediatly
Thaagi Ka Prayog – Kaal Sarp Yog
Why is it, asked a student of astrology, that even after knowing that there is no mention of Kaal Sarpa Yoga …
Editor:Rest of the comment deleted because it is copied from KN Rao’s article on KSY, which was published in Journal of Astrology.
Satendra N Sinha
66,”Krishna-Mayee” Hawrapeth,
Rameshwari Ring Road Nagpur-440027
Dear Sir,
I have suffer from kaalsharp yog. I want to make speceial sarpent shape ring which contain both Gomend & cat’eye stone .Pl. Tell me the measurement in RATI . i.e how much rati gomend & Cat’eye become.
for kalsharp dosa, can I wear gomed in left middle fingure and cat’s eye in right hand middle fingure.
becasue I’m wearing cat’s eye in right hand index fingure. suggest me.
Dear sir, I have suffered from VISHAKT KAAL SARPA YOGA.
My date of Birth is 25.08.1981
Is there kal sarp dosha in my Kundli
Respected kshitij sharmaji, your are doing a yeoman service to the mankind thorough this site.Actually it is helping people to be aware against fraud astrologers.
my father himself is an astrologer-hobby only.he does not belive in gemstones like you either.
My DATE OF BIRTH-7TH AUGUST,1965,TIME OF BIRTH-6.20.am , New Delhi.
I have severe problem in my both ears.have depression,fear,anxiety,restlessness. I have not settled down in life jobwise and unmarried.i have not been able to get a good job and nothing clicks well for me be it job or matrimony and relationships with people in making friend also seem to be on the rocks be it office or at home. i have lot of tribulations in my life. i am performing rudrabhisheka and other pujas on daily basis with chanting of mantras.Kindly suggest the right gemstones which i should wear for the rest of my life permenantly. should i take up business or service in which fields.kindly advice. i would be greatful to you for life. Thanks. God Bless You.
hello , i was born on 16/04/1978 at 5:31 am at kannur(cannanore)district,kerala,can anyone tell me about my future and yogas and doshas in my chart,do i have kalasarpayoga
dear sir:
name:sudesh bhardwaj
DOB: 30.12.1963
Dear sir,(D.O.B/15.3.1973/3.11AM/AJMER RAJASTHAN) i am effected by kalsarpdosh in lagan “rahu+mangal in dhanu rshi and 3rd house main budh+sukra 7th main ketu and 8th main moon hai /i am suffring from every part of life like losses of many buseness/misunderstanding with wife away from house and mother /father /elder brother are living saprately our family is not at one place wife is living at her mother home give me some help as soon as possible SANJAY
R. Yogi ji
My sons Horroscope suggests Rahu in 6th house and ketu in 12th house.Shukra and Mangal are in 6th house with Rahu rest al planets are in between. Some astrologers say Kasarpa dosh is there while some say No to it. Kindly let me know our final comments.
Thanking You.
dear sir,
my date of birt:2011985,place:hubli,state:karnataka,country:india
sir, iam an engineering student.i want to know about my carrier .i have kulika kalsarpa yoga. now days nothing is going good for me.plz send me any remidies for this .
SIr , i am suffering from anant kaal sarp yog, how to get rid fo it
Respectd Sir,
DOB of my son is 6th Aug 1978,time6.28 PM, place Bilimora (Guj)Pl let me know if he has kal sarpa yoga.
Suresh Kumar
Dear Sir
I am in a very big problem my
Date of birth is 4th july 1975
Time of birth is 7:50 pm
Place of Birth is Patiala , Punjab.
My wife’s name is Annu
Date of Birth : 31-08-1974
Time of Birth between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (Not known exactly)
Place of birth is Ludhiana
My Daughter Names is Parshida
Date of Birth: 19-10-2006
Place of birth is : Chandigarh.
My Rahu Mahadasha is going on . By the grace of the All mighty , me and my wife are bith earning and feeding our life well. My child is not able to stay with e because my wife does not keep well and she is a patient of SLE. My had to do a Kalash vivah and then gandharva vivah with me to ward of the Dosha in our Life. Now at this time I have changed 3 jobs i the last 3 years and I am not satisfied. Nobody is able to tell me exactly what I should do to get my confidence and well being again. My head keeps spinning all the time and I am not able to think much.
Please help me i am in distress. I need be i can meet you also whenever you will say.
Tel no 9212102141
Dear Sir,
A girl can speak through my mouth,see through my eyes,hear through my ears and shake my hands and legs.I have Padma Kal Sarp Yog.Is my problem related to kal sarp yog.Can you tell me how to break this magic between me and that girl.
Dear Sir,
I was born on 11 dec 1979 at 14.20.05 at Siliguri, dist. Darjeeling west Bengal and is have Kalsarp yoag in my kundly.I have been failure in all respect in my life. Whatever I do I just miss out it with an inch. In studies in have the ability but cant successes. When I am trying for any business it is on the verge of starting or finalization of the deed but at the end time I don’t know what happens I have to back out form it. Please help me what should I do.
Dear sir, AS you suggested to wear serpant ring, i request you to kindly tell me the metalfor this serpant ring.
My DOB is 31-08-68 time 7 am, delhi. I am have many health problems. Pls help
Can you tell me that i dont remember my date of birth and currently one boys proposed me for marriage and now we both wants to marry and i also like him but his family are not agree and one more thing that i wants to marry with that guy but still i dont trust him fully. i also cant understand that guy and one more big problem for me is that i have very very high anger what can i do for that. most of jyotish said that you both will have very good marriage life, some one said that only i will face problem in his house and some one said that his parents will agree and some says you will have court marriage. but i m totally confused i cant understand any way and i m very tensioned so pls. if u can suggest me any thing than tell me if u required than i can give you his dob, dot, place etc. one more thing i want to share keep it secret that i have one snake symbole on my body well most of jyotish said that its a very good sign. but i want to ask you that well these things are true or anything else. tell me on my email id that is simm_singh@yahoo.co.in
i have rahu in six and ketu in 12th with budh
tell me that i have kaal shrp yog if yes then what is the pooja for me .
My DOB is 2/1/1974. Place of Birth is Nagpur. Time of Birth 3.30 AM.
I want to confirm whether my kundli is having Kal sarpa yog? Some astrologers say it has, some dont.
Please Advice.
My DOB is 15/2/1974.Place of Birth Anantnag (Kashmir).
Time of Birth is 9:50 AM.
I want to confirm whether my kundli is having Kal sarpa Yog? because i have been married from last 5 1/2 yrs, and not having any issue.I want to know does it effect my kids.because i had a six month miscarriage in March 2008.
I ham interested to marry a girl,But there is KSY n girls kundali. My parents are denying my marriage with her since she has KSY in her kundali and they say this will affect the life of the boy whom she will marry(may lead to death also). But i have checked with several jotishyas and they say it is negligible, Please advice me.
In my lagna chart my planets are positioned like this.
6 rah
12 ket
9 asc
2 ven , mar,jup
4 sun mer sat mon
According to your website it was understood that i have mahapadma kala sarpa dosha. could u plz give me remedy.my marraige is getting delayed. also suggest me its affects.
Thanking u sir
Dear sir,
my dob is 7/4/1985
in my div 1 dasa chart planets are as follows,
lagna – md
please let me know how the kalasarpa yoga is affecting me…..
My DOB is 11/02/1973.Place of Birth Delhi.
Time of Birth is 5:30 PM.
i am suffering from kaal sarp yog, how to get rid of it.
thinking you,
amit negi
sir, my husband has filed a divorce case against me. i love him and at present i am residing with my parents. my mother-in-law is very clever and greedy. please save my matrimonial life. thanks. bio data:
Sonia, 04-12-1983, 08:15 PM, Jalandhar(Punjab)
Mohit, 09-09-1980, 08:40 PM, Patiala ( Punjab).
Please help me sir.
My DOB is 30-04-1977. Am i suffering from Kaal Sarp yog? My Birth place is chapra(bihar) and birth time is 11:30 PM(night).
My date of birth is 12.01.1975 time 10:20 A.M. my birth place is Agra (U.P.) I wish to know do I have Kalsarp yog in my kundly
Respected Sir,I am a doctor by proffession.My B.Date is12/04/1968 time is 03:15 P.M. BiRTH PLACE is Satara. I n my kundali,Chandra and Ketu in Dwitiya sthan and Rahu,Surya,Shani,Shukra,Budha Ashtam Sthan and in Navav Sthan Mangal,my Lagna is Sinh.I really have faced difficulties in my life and Succes has eluded me every time.Please guide me what I should do and what kind of future should I expect for me and my family?
Kindly guide me.
Thanking You
Your’s Truely
My Rahu is placed in 3rd house along with Moon and Mars and Ketu is in 9 th house except Saturn is outside.So is it will be considerd as ANSHIK VAsuki Kalsarap.Yog.What can be the effect of this.Kindly advise.
In my kundali ketu is in second house along with 3 other planests – surya, guru, shukra
and Rahu is in eighth house along with chandra
and rest budh is in third house and
Mangal,Sani in fifth house
As per kal sarpa dosha defination you said the planets need to be between rahu and ketu, But as per my kundali 3 planets share the house with ketu and one with rahu, does that mean i do have kal sarpa dosha
i ve padam kalsarpa yaoga. tell me about my future/
In my birth chart Rahu & moon graha is in first place(in lagna) and kethu grahais in 7th place, all other grahas in between them.
Do i have kalasharapha yogha?… I would like to know abt my Career life & my marriage life. HOw will be my marriage life. Now i am 26 yrs When can i get marriage?.
My date of birth 15-08-1982, Thanjavur- Tamilnadu- India.
My email id kannan1508@gmail.com, If any one knows please share to me.
Hi sir,
This is Jyothi. My birth date is 1st dec 1981,born at 4.15AM – Bangalore (Karnataka).I am suffering from lots of problem from past many years. I will be punished even if i am not wrong.
I am not succeeding in anything,inspite of all efforts. So could you please let me know if i have Kala Sarpa yoga. And could you also please suggest me remedies for it.
Awaiting for your earliest reply.
This is VINOD. My birth date is 17 TH AUG 1979,born at 7.35AM – BaRMER (RAJASTHAN).I am suffering from lots of problem from past many years.
I am not succeeding in anything,inspite of all efforts. So could you please let me know if i have Kala Sarpa yoga. And could you also please suggest me remedies for it.
Awaiting for your earliest reply.
My son is born will Kal Sarpa Yog and his birth date is 13th July 2003 at night time 9.30pm. would suggest me what should i do so that his health, studies and future can made favourable and the effect of Rahu and Ketu can be minimised.
As a mother i am really worried about his future.
hi sir, this is ramakrishna. my date of birth is 28-10-1983 born at night 12:50.i was born in cancer ascedent.and rahu bukti in mercury period is running.from june 1997 to 2006 i face some problems.what is the reason of it.plz predict my future about yogas ,job,marriege.and when i will get job.and in which sector.
respected sir,
i was born on 23-09-1982,09:30:00am,delhi.i am having rahu in the 9th house and ketu in 3rd house and according to you its SHANKHNAAD KSY,i am facing great problems in my profession and personal life.kindly let me know about any remedy.i am very depressed.
I have kalsarp yoga and want to get the remedial pooja done. Is it ok if I get it done at panganga shiv temple, walkeshwar, mumbai or should it be done at traymbakeshwar only.
respected sir.
iam doctor by profession, doing my postgraduation. recentely i have bn told that i have THAKSAK ksy .since from my early childhood im facing problems in all aspects, for everything i have to strugle like anything to see success and all works gets delayed with so much of frustration, and my education & marriage getting delayed.
Kindly guide me regarding dosha pariyara and pujas to bn done, im very much depressed kindly help me.
respected sir
my date of birth 4/12/1980
Time 3.55 am
Place Jullunder(Punjab)
I am Junior Doctor
Some one told me about kaal sarp yog
due to kaal sarp yog,could not settlement completely for marriage every discussion
goes in the middle and finish
Could you give me any suggestion what should I do .
what is the remedi for me for this yogThanking you
Dear Sharmaji,
I read through your explanation of KSY and found it very informative compared to a lot of sites I’ve visited in the past. My mother, and I have KSY. Mom has faced a lot of problems and difficulties. So have I, but in comparison to her, mine seem pretty miniscule.
I would just like to know if going to Kalahasti temple in AP near Tirupathi and doing a Rahu Ketu Shanti would make things better. That is what was recommended and I just wanted to confirm. The other alternative is Kukke Subrahmanya as I live in Bangalore, I would prefer to go to either of these temples for the remedial poojas rather than travelling all the way to Nasik.
Please let me know if it would help.
sir u have mentioned about a pooja at Trayambkeshwara Temple what pooja is to be performed there
hello sir,
i was just surfing on net for fun and i got ur site i wont belive tht i hav passed 3 hours on this bcoz i dnt belive in ths but thanks to you n hats off to you about the information u hav kept on ths site before some days we came to know that i m manglik and havi ksy n been scared from so many panditgis sir my dob is 12.3.1985 i want to knw abt my future can u please tell mei hav submitted my id in the form thanks.
Dear Sir,
I want to know if two people having sarp dosha can marry.
Name: Zankhana Kathrani
DOB: Feb 22, 1985
Time of Birth: 11:32 am
Place: Mandvi KUTCH Gujarat
Please tell me about the kapsarpyog.
Name :- Pooja Malviya
Place :- Bhopal ( M.P.)
DOB :- 15th Nov. 1979
Time of birth :- 7.15 pm
Day :- thrusday
Please tell me about the kapsarpyog.
pooja malviya
Name:Sri Prakash Srivastava,
DOB: 26/06/1977,
Time of Birth: 06:10 AM,
Place: Bareilly(UP), India. Pin-243003
Do I have Kal Sarp Yog? If yes what is its remedy.
Sri Prakash Srivastava
Name:Sri Prakash Srivastava,
DOB: 26/06/1977,
Time of Birth: 06:10 AM,
Place: Bareilly(UP), India. Pin-243003
Do I have Kal Sarp Yog? If yes what is its remedy.
Sri Prakash Srivastava
Email Id : sriprakash.srivastava@rediffmail.com
Dear Sir,
I have a kal sarpa yog.In My Chart lord of the 7th is occupying the 6th house and is conjoined with Sun and Moon is occupying the 8th. Lord of the 8th is debilitated and is conjoined with Ketu.I hear this affects married life badly along with delaying the progress in everything.What is the remedies for avoiding marital uneasiness due to the kal sarpa yog? How often do we have to do puja for this?
sir, I have shankapala KSY. I was quite at my studies upto 17 yrs. I stood 2nd rank for the state in public exams. But all my studies ended after 17 yrs due to “neurotic & psychietric disorder”. I am 23 yrs now and still taking treatment. As per the advise given by a Jyotish, we did “kalasarpa pooja/homa/shanti” 3 yrs ago. But it is of no use.
Don’t know what to do. I have lost all the hopes. MY horoscope is like this
Plz guide me what to do.
Plz note: I have only psychological disorder (like hopelessness, depression, confusion, illusion,….). I am physically alright.
So, I think this KSY badly effects our mind.
i m jagvesh yadav, date of birth—17:09:1983 at 11:13AM in kapashera{new delhi}.
meri kundali me aanshik kal sarp dosh hai
mere efforts ka pura result nahi milta.
money saving bhi nahi kar sakta.
kya upay ho sakte hai?
Dear Sir ,
My DOB is 7th December 1964, Time 8.30PM Place of birth Panipat ( Haryana ). I live in London , last few years have not been fruitful in fact been bad.Can you please see my chart and advise .
My DOB is 12th june 1973, Time 01:28am Place of birth bhaderdwah ( j&k ). .Can you please see my chart and advise
Dear Sir,
The ketu falls in 3rd house and rahu is in 9th house in my horoscope.Ketu is associated with budh and venus.Moon is in 4th house and guru is in 10th house.saturn and sun falling in 2nd house. Nobody, no astrologer identified that I have kalserp yog. But recently, one astrologer asked me to puje for KSY. Im really confused. I am facing lots of troubles in my married life and in carreer. Nothing is going good with me.Plz help me.
My DOB is 15th Aug 1976, Time 12:40am Place of birth Almora( uttrakhand). .Can you please see my chart and advise is there any ksy.
Thnx & Regards
my date of birth is 26th july 1984,
place of birth is mumbai (maharashtra),
time of birth is 09:15 am.
kindly tell me whether i have kaal surp yog in my kundli. i met one pandit and was told that i have kaal surp yog and should do some puja by purchasing few items from their shop.
kindly clear my doubt on it.
Thanks & regards,
dear sir my name is ramest.
my date of birth is 24sept.1981
place surat {gujrat}
time 12:05pm
main kal sarp se pareshan hu.
pls gime me advise.
I know this is a year after you put your request.
You say that you have:
1) Mangalik dosha
2) Mangalya dosha
3) Kalatha dosha
4) Sarpa Dosha
And, below are the details you gave.
Date of Birth : 21 July 1982
Time of Birth : 04:45 am
Place : Usilampatti, Tamil Nadu, India (9.97 N, 77.8 E)
As I analyse your horoscope I see you have 4 dhan yogas, and 4 raja yoga’s. Your 2nd lord moon is placed in ownhouse, which is extremely lucky in terms of money. you have gaja kesari yoga. You donot have kala sarpa yoga, due to degrees of planets. Your mangal dosha is cancelled due to few different reasons(one being the placement of moon in second), and you should have a really happy marriage as your 7th lord jupiter is well placed in 5th, which is house of purva punya. You also have a raja yoga in lagna for lords of 1,4& 5 come together… All, in all you have an excellent future,and horoscope. Rahu ketu are very small portion of one’s horoscope. Stop worrying about stupid, and ignorant astrologers…
By the way, I am getting married to someone who has kal sarpa yoga, and that is why I was reading more about it. To tell you the truth, she is one of the most jovial, and happy persons, I have met in my life. I have real doubts about the one line analysis they provide on these websites for kal sarpa.
Life is more in the hands of your karma. If you have doubts on what I am saying start reading on astrology. You have a very strong mercury. Best of luck !
i wanna know about what is kalsarpdosh?.What is their harmful effect.I have kaslsarpdosh in my kundali.And this is “Takshak”.I am waiting for ur reply.
Dear Sir ,
my name kishor laxman solanki,
my date of birth is 31st August 1986,
place of birth is mumbai (maharashtra),
time of birth is 03:45 pm.
kindly tell me whether i have kaal surp yog in my kundli. i met one pandit and was told that i have kaal surp yog and should do some puja by purchasing few items from their shop.
kindly clear my doubt on it.
Thanks & regards,
Kishor solanki
Namaste Guruji,
I am having mahapadma ksy,my dob is 11/07/1977,Time:7.45p.m.,Lucknow,I m facing lots of problem in my life such as delaying in marriage,progress in my current job, financial problems,
Nothing is going good with me.Plz help me, kidly advise me what should I do to resolved the mahapadma KSY.As per one panditji i am alredy wearing gayagomedh in my righthand middle finger and white A.D.rings in my left hand ringfinger in silver metal, Pl help me becoz i m going depressed day by day.
I m waiting for your suggestion What is the remedies for avoiding,the kal sarpa yog? How often do we have to do puja for this?Plz respond urgently on my mail id
Thanks & regards,
Kusum Tripathi
Myself also performed KSY Shanti Pooja at Trimbakeswar, Nasik for Rs.1500/- per head including everything pooja articles, lodging, etc. Guruji name – Arun Vinayak Kannav,Cell 9881027099, 9850299154. Tel 02594-233290. Address. Main road, Bhaskar Niwas, Near Bhaji Market, Next to Dena Bank, Nashik. It is a one day trip to Nasik and all arrangements are made in Guruji’s home only. You dont have to carry gold or silver snakes with you. This is very good arrangement made for Comman People like us. Thanks for guidence
My details:
Pune city (maharashtra)
15.40 hrs.
Though as per my horoscope I have rahu in 11th house and ketu in 5th house,I have been told I do not have KSY;but Kuja dosh.
I have not settled down in life yet,there is always a struggle for everything.Please advice/suggest some remedies for financial stability and marriage.
thanks & regards
ihave o ksy.ihave a skin problem sorises.when it will cure.
DOB: 19/10/1950
TIME : 8:00 PM
Do I have kalsarp dosh ?
Namaste Guruji,
I would like to know the effect KSY in my horoscope.
My DOB: 10/05/1980
Time: 12.44 A.M
Place: Dindigul
Some are telling..severe effects of KSY. But some are telling…because of Gaja Kesari Yoga, it won’t affect.
Please let me know the aspects of KSY in my horoscope.
hello sir,
i am having kalsarpa yoga. my dob 12th nov 1982.
after completing studies i could not get any good job. i lost my job also and my marital life is also terrible.
my horoscope: star: hastham ,kanya rasi
Lagna: libra
1st house: Sun, Mercury, Shani, Shukra, Guru
3rd : Ketu, Mars
9th : Rahu
12th : Chandra
Can any one help me out?
I have this yoga in my kundli and want to do pooja at nashik. I am living in pune. I dont know anything about pooja and dont konw any pandit overthere.
Where should i go for pooja and whom should i contact??
Please help.
Dear Sir,
I have Anant KSY. My D.O.B:02/12/1980 ; 10.26 PM.
Lagnam: Kadagam ; Raasi: Kanni;
My Horoscope position as below
1st Place – Raaghu
2nd Place – Empty
3rd Place – Guru, Chandran & Sani
4th Place – Sukiran
5th Place – Suriyan & Bhudhan
6th Place – Sevvai
7th Place – Kethu
I had went pilgrimage to Thirunageswaram & participated in the milk abishegam to raaghu bhagavan. Also went to Kaalagashthi, Tirupathi & prayed as normal.When did i get marry? Should my life partner should be KSY. When will i settle in life.
Also suggest me the remedy for KSY in detail(Snake Shapped ring in which metal with how many carat weight of cat eye stone & which time, place the ring should be wear first time & Also in which finger)to mail id : oomnamonarayanaya@gmail.com
Hi guys,
Don’t afraid of kal sarpa yoga. there is no mentioning of this yoga in any of the great hindu classical astrology books. actually kal sarpa yoga is not a curse but a boon for a person because this yoga makes one very strong by giving experiences of all sort.
the position of rahu and ketu in one’s horoscope can create raja yoga as well.
some of the famous people having this yoga :
(1)Dhirubhai ambani
(2)Pandit javaharlal neharu
please research about this yoga and don’t be panic.
Thanks & Regards,
Ravi Trivedi
Dear Sir
As per my kundli,Astrologer say that i m effected by kal sharp yoga. my birth detail is blow,
Kindly guide me which is nearest place is for kalsarp nivarn pooja?My residance city is Amritsar(Punjab)
Shama sharma
time-8:35 am
place-gwalior(madhya pradesh)
please tell there is ksy in my kundli tell me .
i am in very problem plz tell me
Hi ,
I m having frequent quarrels with my wife and my mother-in-law.lots of influence of my mother-in-law is upon my wife. My birth date is 05/09/1976 – timing is 4:00 am approximate uttarashada .My wifes is 27/03.1981 4:20 am jyesta.she is not coming to my home, unnecessarily she is getting anger.Please give me a remedy.My mother-in-law says some unnecessary things on me and she is taking to that in heart.She is not good with any of the family members
pranam. iwas born on 1st july 1976 at cuttack city in orissa. do i have kala sarpa yoga. ihave been facing really bad situations all throughout my life. what should i do?
i am facing deep rooted unmentionable problems. also career/job blockades,ill health, mental problems. ihave astrong urge towards spiritual life, but here also my difficulties to progress in the path are toobig for me.what type out if the twelve tupes of ksy is this.can its effects completely nullified or only reduced. will therebe marital problems as well?then is its better not to marry at all?
Dear Sir
My Self Pramod Kumar Maheshwari is suffering from all problems ( Monetary , Health , Relationship).
My information are…..
DOB 14-11-1979
TIME 12.58 PM
My Planet position is ….
5 th House – Rahu , Mangal , Chandra , Guru
6 th House – Shani , Rudra
7 th House – Surya , Indra
8 th House – Budha , Shukra , Varuna
10th House – Lagana
11th House – Ketu
This I have taken from Horoscope Explorer Software.
I am having some queries:
1. I am suffering from chronic Cervical disc problem.It give me pain all time.
This problem stated on 8-9 June 2007,From 1st July 2007 i was bed ridden
I undergone ozonediscolisis( alternative to full sergical operation / some doctors has suggested me full operation) on 31st july 2007. After one
month,I was back to work.
This problem still continuously hurt me but I am some how managing it. Will I will be able to recover
fully from it?
2. My second question is regarding my marriage. I don’t want to marry if cervical problem prevails .
Even if I recover from cervical problem …..shall I marry ????? I am having Kalsarp Yoga.I do not
want to suffer some one else due to me.
3. Currently I am working in Engineering consultancy. I want to complete some of my social
Then I am planning to join NGO or any public front.
Please suggest me?
Please help me out.
Thanks and Regards
Pramod Kumar Maheshwari
Dear Sir
I will be highly obliged to get some help from you. But I think ….Kalsarpa Yoga will make that also delayed…
I will be waiting for your answaer.
With Thanks and Regards
Pramod Kumar Maheshwari
How we detrmined that all planets are between rahu & ketu. not in betwen ketu & rahu. In your example if we suppose all planets are in between Rahu & Ketu then how you coment on this horoscope
Date: 21-08-1968
Time 08.27 AM
Please: Kanpur (U.P.)
dear sir,
pls.suggest to my life
my berthday -05/06-05-1973 -12.42am night means…06-05-1973
i hv kalsharp yog..pls. give a suggestion for my life.
My date of birth is 01.02.1964, place of birth is Ambala City. Time 10.45 PM
What is my future is the stock market, Investment is better or speculation
Hi sir,
My bate of birth is 31.07.1985 at morning 10.05am.
Iam loving a boy whose dob is 17.11.1985 at 12.15pm.
We decide to marry, but our parents are saying that i have mangalya dosham in my horoscope ie raghu in 8th from lagnam. so u both should not marry.
We both loving each other sincerly and want to marry soon.
So please refer and tell me iam having dosham or not.
Shall we marriage or not.
Is there any remedies for mangalya dosham please tell me. Iam ready to do whatever it is..
My lagnam is kanni.
My rasi is maharam.
My star is uthradam.
from lagnam in my horroscope,
In 2nd house “Kethu and Saturn”
In 5th house “Guru and moon”
In 8th house “Raghu”
In 10th house “Sukran”
In 11th house “Sun and mars”
In 12th house “Budhan”
are located.
According to my rudhu jadagam, iam anusha star.
My lovers
lagnam is Mahara
Rasi is Mahara
Star is Uthradam
In his horoscope
lagnam is mahara,
In laganm “Guru and moon”
4th house “Raghu”
9th house “mars”
10th house “Kethu”
11th house “Sun and Saturn”
12th house “Budhan”
Please help me for my marriage..
Please tell some remedies for my doshams..
Hi Sir,
First of all i should really thank you for providing such a good site, where we are able to find the complete dasha and anthar dasha instantly.
About kalasarpa yoga,
The knowledge i have i would like to share.
Rahu and Ketu in different houses definitely show different results.
But but all the positions ddoesnot mean its effected with kalasarpa yoga.
1) when all the planets fall inbetween rahu and ketu then only we can say that , the particular chart is affected by kalasarpa dosha.I read this in many books and (narayaneeyam) is one of that. ofcourse almost all the books says the same.
2) definitely the position of rahu and ketu in different positions will give different results.and not only these other planets also.
REMEDIIES for this dosha i could suggest.
Srikalahasthi is the place of origin and they do remedies for this dosha , so person affected with this dosha needs to go there and do pooja over there , this is in south india. but in north i dont know where exactly they do this pooja.
sir my name is ravisha. i have been having an affair with a boy for more than one year everything was going fine between us but suddenly we seperated. we have met again but it seems things are always troublesome we are attached to each other and cant part away. a pandit said his planets are weak n i have KSY though m not sure.. kindly help me and clear my doubts and tell me the remedy for it as soon as possible i wil be highly obliged sir.
my name :ravisha Sharma
DOB : 06.11.1986
time : 9AM
Place: Jaipur, Rajasthan
the name of the boy i like:Rajat
DOB : 07.10.1988
time : 1PM
Place: New Delhi,Delhi
kindly help sir.. il will be greateful!
Dear Sir,
I want to know that there is any Kalsurp Yog in my Kundli.
my name :Vishal Vaity
DOB : 21.04.1979
time : 10.50 A.M.
If any, Kindly let me know the remidies or Poojas for the same.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Vishal Vaity.
as i checked the above sample patrika positions of planets regarding kalsarpa yoga , all of my planets positions are same except house no9 has jupiter with neptune.
remaining positions are:
1house moon, 2nd rahu,3rd/4th/5th/6th: empty,
7th ravi,shani,pluto, 8th budha ,shukra ,ketu,harshal,
10th mangal 11th/12th: empty
so is it kulik type of kalsarpa yoga,
plz reply
My name is Anil Kumar Saroya and date of birth and is 21/07/1976 time 12.30am. I with another 5 persons did the pooja in Mahakalesh Mandir Ujjain. I am suffering from lots of problems from my childhood. I am God fearing man and nothing do wrong to any person even to animals. I did not get sucess in my life, job or anything relates to me i.e. my family. I have diploma in Engineerin but unfortunately doing a clerical job. I feel very depressed and donn’t want live any more. Please suggest me any remidy if you have or even give your address in Delhi where I can show my Janampatri. I am egerly waited for reply,
Thanking you
Dear Sir,
I want to know that there is any Kalsurp Yog in my Kundli.
my name :Vishal Vaity
DOB : 21.04.1979
time : 10.50 A.M.
If any, Kindly let me know the remidies or Poojas for the same.
Reply please.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Vishal Vaity.
Respected Sir, thanks for all the info…
i am told that i have KSY, can you please suggest rememdies…i have problem with getting good job…
My details:- DOB-26/05/1979, 7:45 PM, Bangalore.
Thank you…
My date, time and place of birth is 25/12/1975, 8:46pm, Nasik. I have been told by various astrologers that I and all my siblings have KSY. We all are suffering from late gains, slow career movements, rise and fall in career. We all are talented enough to be atleast 2-3 levels above what we actually are. To my siblings as well other astrologers have confirmed KSY. But not all astrologers tell that we all suffer from KSY.
I would like to know how and till when will KSY affect the fortunes in negative way. We have all done individual poojas at Trimbakeshwar, nasik. The astrolgers have told to do a combined Pooja at Trimbak. Is it necessary to do combined pooja? What other remedies are there to reduce the KSY negative effects? I have Gajkesari yoga as well in my horoscope, so will this be negatively or positively impacted by KSY.
sir, i read your detailed analysis about kalsarpa yoga.hats off to you. In my horoscope ragu is in the third house and ketu is in the ninth but i only have serious trouble in my matrimonial life and not as mentioned in your analysis.kindly explain and all planet in between ragu and kethu
Hello Sir,
Its really good to hear from you.I born in 29-06-1979.
Can u send mail to from which yoga i have been effecting.
I want to know if I could perform the pooja (naga dosha nivaharan) on behalf of my wife, who does not want to travel to Kukke subrahamnya. we got to know from the astrologers that she has naga dosham. so, as she cant come to the place.. can i go on her behalf and perform the pooja> What do i need to do/ please help and give me some solutions.
i have kalsarp yoga in my kundli. i want to know that whether this yoga delayes a person’s marriage only….or does it also effects a person’s professional life?
i m preparing for competative exams……and i want to know whether this yoga is hindering my success?
should i go to nasik? i have consult to many pandits…they told me to chant various shloks and keep a feather of peocock with me…does all these things will help me out? my exams are still going and i want to get into a good college at any cost….plz help me…
plz reply as soon as possible…
I have Rahu in the 10th House and Ketu in the 4th House. One astrologer told me that I Habe KSV. I have extreme problem in career. never get recognisitons for my hard work. no monetary benifits…please suggest remidies my dob is 13 july 1983, Place – Kolkata. time 9.58 am.
Please let me know will the bad effects ever diminish?
i have kal sarpa dosh Rahu in 12 house (rashino.4), ketu-venus house6, ascendant in rashino.5 simha (house 1), chandra-mangal-shani house2,guru in house3,budh-surya house5.Could u please suggest me about my future specially marriage(will it be arranged or with my choice),related to work and my relationships with my parents in future.
Kindly advice as going thru some tough time in terms of relationships.
Thanks a lot in advance.
waiting for your reply, please do reply i am writing in for the first time.
thanks, take care bi.
Respected Guruji,
I was born on 5th August 1974 near Varanasi at 0530 hrs.
My career has been progressing quiet well since last 5 years and suddenly there is a break.
Similar situation had arisen in 2002 – 2003 and I was jobless for two years and I got the job in 2004 and was a steady rise till end of 2008… a sort of meteoritic rise.
As per my kundali there is Kalsarpa Yoga and we had performed Kalsarpa Yoga shanty at our home… I wanted to ask what will be my career prospects in future, how long would this continue.
Best Regards
Satish Singh
I am 32 years old lady and married on 28Jan’2007. This is my second marriage ( i lost my first husband in earthquake, Bhuj).
We are staying separately and his parents are not agreeing on our marriage.
Very often we fight on pretty issues and sometimes i feel we not compatible
Pls tell whether this my second marriage will be successful? when we will start staying together and how many children we will have.
My DOB : 26.09.1976 , Place : Ghatkopar , Mumbai ,Time : 21.10 hrs
Husband’s – Rakesh : DOB : 22.06.1976 ,Place : Forbesganj , Bihar ,Time : 20.40 hrs
Pls do not disclose my identity .
Iam going thru vigorous mental sufferrings.i am not able to get ajob still eventhough i am an Mphil scholar.my marriage is getting delayed.i involved in a serious affair,but we often quarrel each other.he wants to quit from the relationship,but at the sametime he wants to marry me.i find it difficult to live without him.whether we could lead a successful and longlastinglife .i am really confused.i do not know what to do.i lose all my hopes. please help me sir.
my DOB 2-7-1982,place of birth-ernakulam.time:11.54pm his (achuthan)DOB 28-2-1978,place of birth-kuttipuram(near calicut,kerala). time:4.00pm
please do not disclose my identity.looking forward to recieve ur reply. e-mail:linupoly@gmail.com.
thank you.
dear sir,
rightnow i m suffering from financial crisis for business of manufacturing of speciality textile yarn. as i started this business since august 07 in partnership with 30% working capital.but still not arrenge remaining 70 % working capital for the same. want to do this as soon as possible. so can get relief by mently and financially.please write me on hrathod123@rediffmail.com my DOB 01 August 1970,at bajana -gujarat state india on 05:31 AM
Kindly help me in predicting when my son will get married. His data is New Delhi(AIIMS), April 5th, 1976 at 22.10 Do you see any tantrik effect on him and how to get rid of it? When will he get married/ He is divorced once. We are having a proposal for a girl, who has Patak Kaal Sarp yoga. Is it fine if we go with this match? Her date of birth is Dec. 25th 1979, at 4.06 A.M. at Jabalpur, M.P.
First of all accept my regards for building such a nice and informative website on astrology. It is the best one i have found till now. Hats off to ur knowledge….:-)!
Sir,my DOB is 22 sep 1982, 21:20:01 hours,Kota(Rajasthan)[75 50 E,25 11 N].I also have a KSY ie. rahu in second house and ketu in Eigth.
Is it true that i really has a KSY???bcoz really i face a lot of health problems mainly of eye, nervous, sleepelesness & stomach. also sir my main problem is that no matter i try to do the good for the people they always blame me and consider me as there enemy. This is causing my social life a great setback. Plz help me sir and tell me the methods how i can overcome these problems caused due to malefic yogas????????Plz suggest some measures and steps.
hi, thank you very much for information provided in the website. Sir, in my kundali rahgu is placed at 6th and ketu at 12 position from lsgna ( keeping lagna as no. i). I am married for past 10 years but not even once i could conceive. Both of us are medically fit.what sort of poojas I should perform. Kindly help.
Respected Sir,
I have Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga in birth Chart.
Please advise what type of problems I may face in my life and what type of precaution I need to take to reduce the bad effect of this Kalsarpa Yoga.
Hi all
Actually there are two Kal Swarpa which dosn’t give adverse results but better result…one vashuki and another is shanknaad. Basically if someone has rahu in 3rd house its basically good and a vashuki kaal swarpa comes up with lots of wealth and networking and unexpected luck factor specially if the axis of rahu is in gemini..
More or less there are also good results from the kal swarpa in Sankhanaad….
Actually Kal Swarpa dosh has never been descirbed in Vedic Astrology. But ppl still talks a lot about it. Swarpa Dosh takes places when in ones birth chart all the malific planets are postioned in the Kendra
Jai Bhagwati,
Pandit ji, I have Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga rhau is in 4th rashi. I already have a pendent of “lehsuniya” and “goumed”. “lehsuniya” is above “gomed” like this
11111 Lehsunia
1111111 Gomed.
I am in a serious job trouble. Can you suggest me any remedy.
respected guruji,
i am born on 17 nov 1965 at 1030 am .kuala lumpur malaysia.i been told to perform narayannagbali pooja.all my sibling also suffer from this.
i am very stressed in my life please help ,no getting promotion in my work when though i have applied for it
Dear sir,
Iam rathnakarrao iam mailing from warangal andhra.Iam watching your website.Sir iwant to know kalasarpadosa in my chart sir in mychart rahu in 10 hs,kethu in 4hs.moon in lagan(danur lagan)and mercury combined with kethu in 4hs i dont know is it kalasarpadosa pls reply
Dear sir,
Iam rathnakarrao iam mailing from andhra.iam sending my planet position pls clarify is it kalasarpadosa present my chart.
Moon in danus
rahu in kanya
kethu in meenam
mercury in meenam
sun in mesham
shukra in wrishabam
guru in mithunam
kuja in karkatakam
shani in simham
pls tellme is it kalasarpadosam
Respected Guruji,
Iam mailing from Karnataka.My date of birth is 25-09-1981.Time of birth is 9-30am. I am getting delayed in my marriage sir.So my parents are worried.And many of the asrtologers told me that i have Kaalsarpa Dosha in my birth chart.We have already done a lots of poojas for that.But we are not getting any positive results.And Iam facing a lots of problems sir.Please advice me regarding this.Wat kind of Doshaa iam having and wat r the remedies for that.Iam sending my planet positions sir.They r as follows.1st house-empty,2nd house-empty,3rd house-empty,4th house-Raahu,Mangal.5th house-Moon,6th house-Ravi,Guru,Shani.7th house-Lagna,Budha,Shukra.8th house-empty,9th house-empty,10th house-Ketu,11th house-empty,12th house-empty.Kindly help me sir.
Shabi & Rahu in Dhan bhav
Chandra & Mangal sixth house
Surya – Budh – Shukra in third house
Guru – 12 house
pl advise on Shani Rahu yuti …
Deepak Joshi
Respected Guruji,
I am very puzzled more since1998.Previously it was but not as now.
My DOB 17/18 SEP 1966.
TIME 05:52 AM
Since 1998 all the doors are closed for me.Where I put my hand running proceeding are still stopped.
What would I do.Pandit,jyotishi told alot of pooja ,did it shani,rahu dosh etc but no responce.Plz tell me ,According to my kundli,is there KAL SARPA YOGA & TELL ME SOLUTION OF THIS YOGA.I will be grateful to u.
Hi, sir actually i am very confuse regarding mahurats of kalsarpa yog some people said mahurat exist on 23 and some said not . even i reserved my seat and make a plan for 23 but now . plz tell me what m i dooooo
sir kindly study my horosope and suggest something i am married and for the last six to seven yrs iam strugling to get setteled and for the last seven mnths i am job less pls revert back
rahu in 1st (8)
mars and moon in 2nd (9)
sun and mer in 3rd (10)
ven and jup in 4rth (11)
ket in 7th (2)
sat in 8th (3)
Today I visited an astrologer to show horoscope of my husband as we have not been make house so far.he told that there is kalsarp yog in his kundaliand suggested a puja at Pune. I am confused. Noone had told this earlier .Kindly see his horoscope and advise accordingly. His date of birth is 20 July 1962 ,time 09PM,born at Rewari ( Haryana ). Then I showed him my daughter`s horoscope. He said she also has Kalsarp yog and suggested puja at Somnath. Her DOB is 31 May 1990,time 11.22 PM at Karnal in Haryana. Please reply.
We have a family astrologer who says that I have a kal sarpa yoga & need to go to kalahasti for puja & also as I am in rahu mahadasa.
Asc Gemini 23.07 Pun,
Ket Gemini 27.47 Pun
Ven Leo 17.20 Pph
Dear Sir,
Rahu is in my 6th house and keta is in my 12th house . my date of birth is 12.05.1976 at jaipur birth time 6.35 am.
kindly let me know the best remidies please.
warm regards
Hemant singh
Dear Sir
My birth day is 20.07.1982,kethu is in my 7th house.I am going to married the person who was born.26.05.1983,I have kalsarpayoga.please tell me how will be married life
and remedies for the kalasarpa yoga,
Thank You
my dob is 25/12.87 and birth place is delhi… i have kalsarpyog in my kundali… and facing lot of problems…. plzzz tell smthing which can help me
Please advice how much it cost to do kal serp pooja at nasik. In my janmlagna kundli rahu is in 9th house and ketu is in 3rd house. Shani is in 7th house , sukra and guru in 4th house and mangal , ravi, chandra and budha in 5th house. can you please read graha effects and advice pooja type including days involved.
DOB 18081955
Pandit Patil
I am mahesh
date of birth 24-08-1982
time 2:17 AM
Gemini Assendent
1 house=rahu(3)
2 house=venus(4)
I am having jupitor mahadasha(venus anterdasha)
I am not getting why i am not getting any job till now.
i have no mental silence.
can u tell me analysis of these chart.
can u plz tell me when to wear that ring,means which day is suitable for wearing that above mention ring.
My dob is 15 Aug, 1975, time 5:45 am, place – Katni.
My marriage is not happening. For some or other reason any alliance coming my way , does not work at the last moment. Otherwise life is fine for me. Someone has asked me to get ketu pooja done so that marriage can take place. Please let me know the authenticity of this advice or any other remedy after looking at my birth chart. Thank you and best regards.
My DOB – 13th Jan 1980, time – 1:58 AM, Place – Nabadwip, Nadia District, (WB)
I am not getting promotions or good offers. Whatever I am doing, not getting good results. Life has become tough. I have been asked by a astrologer that I shud go for KSY puja in Nasik. Please tell me will this really help me or do I need to do anything more like wearing gomed. Pls help
Can U pls tell me where or wich adress to order the Kalsarp ring with small gomed at the head,and a vaidurya/lahsunya at the tail see your picture kalsarp ring.TU
best wishes
birth date – 11-11-1981 (11-november-1981)
birth time – 12.25 pm ( time format – 24 hrs )
birth city – karimnagar
birth state – andhrapradesh
birth country – india
gender – male
what is kaalsarpyog?
what is sarpdosh?
from these two any of these exist in my kundli. please mention these two yog/dosh is present in my horoscope, if present this any of these two yogas how much percent it is affecting the kundi.
hi sir,
name murari lal jangir
date of birth 26 nov. 1980
tym is 21:30
place sikar(rajasthan)
i am live in australia since 5 month, but still find a job. i have lots of problem in my life. plz see my kundali and suggest me what i do. i already did a puja in vadad river at gujarat. please let me know abt solution of this problem.
hi sir,
name v.chitti babu
date of birth 5th april 1978
time :1-50-12 pm
place:kavali(andhra pradesh)
whether do i have kala sarpa dosham ?
my name -radharaman ,15/12/1979,09:15pm,bokaro steel city,jharkhand .
i have always a problem in my job still i have comleted my m.c.a but no job ,tell me when i will i get it, 2) is that i want to make my self much committed ,discipline,but till in my life i cann’t made it this is my biggest problem ,still ia m thing to study for mba and to open my own job ,plz tell me what types of bussiness will suitable for me .
plz reply my response.
I am having kal serp dosh so my guruji told for rudraabhshek at my native place(indore)M.P. rather than ujjain or trbamykeshver(nasik) will this is right place for worship?
Please suggest right place.
I wanted to know what are the remedies that I need to perform, as I have Kala Sarpa Dosha. I dont have my horoscope. But my DOB is 18-Nov-1981. Please help me, I am having problems in conceiving.
hello sir,
in my chart
rahu is in the 9th house
ketu in the 3rd ,all planets are to the right of the lagna chart.
11th house is empty
sa in the 2nd house
ve & su in the 1st house
ju mo & ma in 10th house
me in the 12 th house
is this kal sarpa yoga ?
thank you
sir, my DOB 14/10/1980 10:25 p.m. burdwan(w.b), my first house lagna(mithun) second house rahu & 8th house ketu, plz tell me it was kalsharpo or not,lagna out of rahu & kethu,
dear sir,
my birth date is 28/02/1963, birth time: 8.50am, birth place: tiruchirapalli, Tamil nadu.
In my janmagundali, 5th house is ‘Raghu’ and 11th house is ‘Kethu’. currently ‘raghu’ dasa and ‘raghu’ putthy are on the cards and I would like to know the future of my life and do I have ‘kala sarpa yoga’ at this stage of my life. If yes, when it will be over?
Nakshatra – Vishaka
My ascendant is Libra ( 24.03 )
1st House(ascendant) – Jupiter(14.44)& Moon (24.55)
3rd House – Ketu ( 28.49 )
4th House – Sun(4.48),Mercury(23.19)
& Venus R (9.02)
9th House – Rahu ( 28.49)
12th House – Saturn(28.29)& Mars(19.55)
I am going through Maha Dasa Of Saturn with antardasa of Jupiter.Maha dasa of Mercury will start from 2011.
I am going through very hard phase , some how i am struggling every day with optimism.
Please tell me whether maha dasa of mercury will bring change in my life or not. and moving away from my birth place will favourable or not.
Please tell me .
Thank You
sir…i really need ur help i dont know why but always i have to face failure, inspite of my 99% chances of my probability towards sucess.
plz help me
sir i suffer very much for a good and permenent job. sir i want to sucess in my life..please sir tel me the remidy .
really i want to sucess in my life with your help
Namaskar panditji,
My dob: 17 oct 1982.
Tob: 2.20pm sunday
pob: Purnea Bihar
I have been told that I have ksy. Pl do tell me which type of ksy i have? how far it will effect my life? what should i do to control its negative effects with respect to my horscope?
Kindly relpy with your best advise for me.
may god bless you.
i am female my date of birth is 12th feb 1983 10.15Pm
please tell me my Rashi &birth nakshatram for marriege praposals
pranam guruji
i have ketu in 6th(pisces) &rahu in 12th(virgo).Lagna in libra.Jupiter,mars,moon in gemini.Sun,mercury,saturn in leo.venus incancer
do i have a kalsarpa yoga?will i get married?how will be my married life? will i be a successful writer?
Namaste guruji,
She is my sister , i want to know if she is having kaal sarp dosh or not.
D.O.B: 9TH APRIL-1978
T.O.B: 09:39AM
my dob is 24-11-1981 iwant to no about my carrer,finance &marriage.plz tellme this assoonas possible
Hello sir
My name is srila das and i am persuing MCA .
my DOB -16/10/1982 time -3:5 AM
i want to know what type of kalsarpa yoga i am effected and if i get married ,my married life will be sucessful or not.
My dob is 06 May, 1978, time 12.25pm(after noon ), place – tamilnadu near west side from pondy 120KM.
since june 2002 i am working in singapore.
My marriage is not happening. For some or other reason any alliance coming my way , does not work at the last moment. even my work place also i am not rewarded for my hard working Otherwise life is fine for me. i went to kala hasthi also last year and made a special pooja .pls let me know do i have KSD coze in my birthchat mine south indian birth chart all planet hemmed in to keth and rahu.nothing outside half of the chart empty . but inside keth not alone being with pudha
pls let me know the authenticity of this advice or any other remedy after looking at my birth chart. Thank you and best regards.
Kala Sarpa Dosha or Yoga need not be unnecessarily worried about. The effects differ on the basis of placement of Rahu and Kethu in a natal chart. One of the many remedies which in my experience is that one should wear Navarathna stones ring in a ring finger.
These stones render additional strength to the planets which are hemmed in between Rahu and Kethu, while not diminishing the strength of Rahu and Kethu.
my yog is kalsarp yog i m nt time to went trimbakeshwar ple tell me in pune where i pooja stahan
i m mrs sonali ajay bharambe, according to mine and my husbands kundali we both are having kalsarpa dosha and pirtu dosha too, so i want to do kalsarpa shanti , preta shanti and narayan bali for it, is it ok if i do it in walkwshwar mumbai or is it neccesary to do it at tryambakeshwar only
In janma kundali, ragu joined with kuja from lagna and ketu joined with moon. what sort of dosha it is? it is will affect any way in marriage proposals etc.
my date of birth is 08/03/1984 (8th of march)
Place of birth:Patna
and i have done the puja for Kalsarpa at nasik.
Hello Sir,
At the on start pls accept my regards for such a nice and informative website on astrology
Please find my birth details below:
My full name: ASHOK KUMAR
Date of birth: 02/10/1961
Place of birth: JAIPUR (RAJASTAN)
Time of birth: 1458 HRS.
do i have a kalsarpa yoga(Karkotik)? I understand my present Maha Dasha is KETU – pls let me know during this period any Precautionary measures is to be taken.
You can email me my prediction on aknair007@hotmail.com
Thank you for your time…
dear sir ,
i have burn on Dt: 09-10-1980,time of birth 05:03 am,at berhampur orissa,i am suffering from kala sarpa dosa,can u suggest me the remedies.
on my E mail-panda.gouri@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
I received a proposal for my younger brother. While studying her patrika. I thought she had Kalasarpa yoga as all her planets are between Rahu and Ketu.
Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships.
Please advice.
dear sir ,i have burn on dt;25-06-1976,time of birth 01:05:56 am,at bolangir orissado i have a kalsarpa yoga(takhyaka)? I understand my present Maha Dasha is rahu- pls let me know during this period any Precautionary measures is to be taken.
You can email me my prediction on .rajraj_812@rediffmail.com
hi sir,
My full name: ch Ravi kumar
Date of birth : 03/12/1979
Place of birth:vijayanagaram (andhrapradesh)
Time of birth : early hours 5am-6am
sir i was married on 01 sep 07,from last 2 years i lost lot of money in business ,i feel unhappy in my house ,i met a jyotish ,he told i have a kalasarpa yoga,for that reason i am facing all these problems,i kindly request u to suggest what to do and pleas confirm do i have kalasarpa yoga
please mail me to ravikumar89r@gmail.com
date of birth 9 march 1986
time of birth 23:28:00
place of birth nadiad (dist.kheda)gujarat
i want to go abroad is there foreign yog in my kundli?
many person are said that my wife has kalsurp yog her rahu is in 6 th house and ketu is in 12th house with sun and moon but all the planet are hemmed between left side not righr side wich is in desending order ,can we say this is kalsurp yog, my wife’s birth date and time is 8apr1979 at 07:45 am place was allahabad please tell about all these thing
Dear sir,
My name is Nirmala, DOB is 30th August 1979. Birth time does not know.
Please can youlet me know, kalsurp yog have in my kundli.
dear sir
my dob is 18 th august 1986..can you tell me if there is kal sarp yog in my kundali?
namaste guruji,
mai kaalsarp yog se pirit hu, depression , atmvishwas ki kami, asafalta,nind ki kami bani rahati hai, pet ki bimari, aalas, KAMUKTA,SWAPNADOSH jaisi bimario se pareshan hu . kripya sujhao de
hello sir,
my dob is 6th july 1978, recently i came to know I fall under Kalsarp where Rahu is placed in the 6th house and keta is placed in 12th house..
I dont have job and has to depend on elders for financial help.
in my whole life there is no such day that i can say it was a great day for me…understand how worse life i am staying…. I have no good friends, cant communicate well, fell shy and fear to speak with others even with close family members.. not interested in studies, work, games, etc..
Please suggest me remedies….
I am not sure whether i have kal sarpa yog, as my kundli has rahu & surya in 3rd house and ketu in 9th house. Few padits say i have n few say i dont. Pls clarify. my details are 20 june 82 at 17.25 , born in pune. please let me know. i am totally confused. also suggest few remedies. Thanks
Guruji Namaste,
my dob is 6th DEC 1980, i have little bit idea about Astrology i know that I am fall under Kalsarp where Rahu is placed in the 8th house and keta is placed in 2nd house..
I have always change my job after 1 or 2 year this is due to Kalsharp yoga or any other in last month i have married and from last month i am suffuring from finacial problem and also try to change my job is it right time for that or not i m unable to understand what can i do.
Pls. Guruji you help me from all these. & also suggest few remedies. Thanks
Respected guruji
My sons DOB is 10-08-2005 amd time is 9:38 morning. whether he has kalserp yoga. because some says he has ohter says he has not. we are confused.
Respected Gurugi,
DOB of my daughter Tiya is 08.03.1997 at 12.06 am Calcutta, India. Is there KSY,if any, what will be its effect & how to ward off it.
Thanking you,
My DOB 1973/03/26 21:45 Monday GMT 16:00
Mahesh pur-3 Suryanager jhapa
Pleased read my kundali and give indetails I am suffering very hard time till now all the possibility pass away from my near
what need I do next to get my success?
My DOB 1973/03/26 Time 21:45 Monday GMT 16:00
Mahesh pur-3 Suryanager jhapa Nepal
Pleased read my kundali and give indetails I am suffering very hard time till now all the possibility pass away from my near
what need I do next to get my success?
After reading your published information on the Kalsarpa Dosha here, I wish to have few questions based on my horscope.
1) I have a Vishakt Kalsarpa Dosha.
2) What is the remedy for this Dosha.
3) will this be for ever in my life.
PLease suggestion what needs o be done. Your input on this will be very valuable for me.
Please Send me which type of Kalsarpyog as per our kundli & remedies of it
Please give full details as per vedic astrologer
Namastay Pandit ji,
Name : Khushboo Mittal
DOB : 25 october 1983
Time : 08:37 am
Place : Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)
Pandit ji, somebody had told me that there is a Kalsarp Yog in my Kundli.
To reduce the effect of Kalsarp Yog, i have performed a jup of 10lacs (i forgot the excat figure) by a pandit ji. And i hav also devoted a couple of snales made of silver in the temple of trivendrum in nasik.
But still i am facing a lots of problem in my life, specially in my Job.
I have a good technical background but still i have a non-technical job.
Plz suggest the solution….
I will be highly oblize for you.
Namaskaar Guruji,
My details are as follows:
Birth Date: 27 May 1979
Time: 6:59 AM
PLace: Lucknow, UP
Some says I have kaal sarpa yog. But I face many up and downs in my life and I have to do a great hard work to achieve my goal. Still I am getting the things but after doing great hard work and slowly.
PLease suggest!!!
I have kal sarpa yoga, It is a indication that you guys have to work hard to achieve something. So work hard and do not look for excuses. working hard is the name of life and it will take you there where you want your life to be. keep trying and do your karma. In geeta Krisha says “Karma is the only way out” If you don’t you will be blaming your “kismat or bhagya” If you do work hard bhayga change with it and as do the line in your palm. Enjoy the life given you by god at least you didn’t make you lame, down syndrome, autistic other other deformity.
facing a lot of problem, staying in kolkata since birth in the same residence , date of birth-15.02.1972, at 5:22 AM in kolkata, staying with my son ritobhash daw whose date of birth is 13-11-2003, at 5.15 AM, my wife SNEHA DAW date of birth 16.02.1980 at 2.09am presently I am jobless and in a financial crunch situation. Pls let me know abt my job and better financial time
Sir my DOB is 24th march 1985,6AM,Bangalore.I am suffering in life from Kalsarpa yoga..I am putting 100% efforts but i am not @ all gaining 10% results also..please give remedies to my problem via email
Hi my name is Dilshad, I was born in America, Ohio Garfield Heights at 6:34 pm my birthdate is feb 20th 1985. Can someone please tell me my birth chart and horoscope? my email dilshad40@hotmail.com
Pls tell abt the brevity for Kalsarpa dosha for following DOB (22-OCT-1981, 16:10 pm, jaipur).
Is kalsarpa dosha very prominant in this kundli?
Is it advisable to marry the girl with DOB mentioned above (i.e. with PADMAKALA SARPA YOGAM)?
I dont have kalsarpa dosha in my kundli but in my kundli Rahu is in my 5th house in Tula rashi aspected by Jupiter in 11th House.
Pls also suggest remedies for PADMAKALA SARPA YOGAM on my email mail2vivek009@aol.com
Best Regards
Dear Sir,
I am from Bangalore and would like to know in my horoscope if I need to perform Rahu-Ketu shanthi or any pooja as I am currently unemployed and also a bachelor. please advise poojas for both my problems. Eagerly awaiting for the reply
Birth details are as follows
DOB – 13.05.1971
Time – 07.10AM
Place – Bangalore
name: gopalkrishna
birth time : 7.26 am
place: dharwad
I want to know that there is any Kalsurp Yog in my Kundli. i already perform kalasarpa dosha puja in kalahasthi. when i will get good life and when i get a job when i get married plz tell me sir iam in a very critical condition
really good information. i have the padma kalsarpa yoga . could you tell me till what age i will be having the effect of this yoga? or is it like all my life i have to suffer from its effects? i am currently 32 years of age and have really suffered a lot psychologically. hoping to get an answer from you
Hi! First of all- most of you should relax about Kalsarpa yoga. It is a very rare combination, given the fact that now Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are also taken in to account and if any of these planets are outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu then you don’t have this yoga in your kundali. Secondly, I also read somewhere that the planets should be hemmed between Rahu and Ketu and not Ketu and Rahu. Thirdly, this yoga can only one have six combinations as Rahu should be placed in either of the first six houses from the ascendent. Therefore, it means that Rahu/Ketu position should be 1st/7th house, 2nd/8th house, 3rd/9th hous, 4th/10th house, 5th/11th house and 6th/12th house. This is to be read as 1st house Rahu/7th house Ketu and not vice-versa.
Also if any planet is posited in the same house as Rahu or Ketu then this yoga is canceled.
Hope this helps!
Dear patorns, I prasctise astrology under brahmin guru and has 20 years experience 9in tantra vidya.Kal sarpa Yoga becomes nullified once a person get marry specialy when they have child.So all bhavisya purana etc theories comes to end here.no matter what puja remedy you do or wear ring this yoga cannot be nullified.I bet 43 days i nullify this dosam/yoga.i can reveal this remedy.you can contact me here eskimoindesert@gmail.com..note : i am not commercial astrologer.i pick the case & charge nominal for remedy.I am a doctor by profession.Good day
name: gopalkrishna
birth time : 7.26 am
place: dharwad
I want to know that there is any Kalsurp Yog in my Kundli. i already perform kalasarpa dosha puja in kalahasthi. when i will get good life and when i get a job when i get married plz tell me sir iam in a very critical condition plz suggest me remedies to my email gopal.honakeri@gmail.com
when surya, budh,shukra and moon in khana no 5 , please give the remidies Suggestions
Dear Sir,
My date of birth is 29th October 1975 at 23.23 hours, Calcutta and my husband’s date of birth is 5th November 1974 at 2 p.m. at night We are facing a lot of marital problems, its just been 2 months since marriage and i have been told that my husband has Sarp kal dosh in his chart. I am very worried and do not know how to make this how things fine between us. I need help. Please advise whats in store for us in future.
My wife has kalsarpa yoga in her kundali…rahu is in 2nd house and ketu in 8th(not alone..along with moon & mars)…and all other planets – saturn 9th, sun+venus+mercury 10th, jupiter 11th…
would it give more ill-effects…
Thank you..
i want to know which type of kalsarp yaga i have?i have health & education problem.will u help me?
In my rashi, shani+rahu in 10th house,and guru and ketu in 4th house……. can u tell me, about that fact? please advice me….
pooja, amritsar
In my kundli, rahu in 11th house, and budh+shukar+mangal+ketu in 5th house…… plz advice me, what to do? i have my problems in my career and even wuth my family, they don’t understand me or may be i don’t understand them…
Date of birth: Aug. 2,1989
Time : 11:40 pm
My DOB is 23-03-1983 at 17:15 at Pune ( Maharashtra). I have Rahu in 3rd house and ketu in 9th,My kundali does not have a snake like pattern. Also my planets are evenly distributed on both sides of the Rahu-Ketu axis. But still someone has told me recently that I have Kal Sarp Yog. And all the conditions/problems of my life also are exactly the same as of Vasuki Kal Sarp Yog. Plz guide if I have KSY or not. IF yes, how do I have it.
Hello sir,
Thank you for giving your valuble suggestions
about Kala sarpa yoga .My birth date is 23-11-1981,
please send my yoga details.
Dear Sir ,
My Birth Date is 05 Sept 1962
Birth time 09:06 AM
Last 5 years I do not have a Job
What is wrong, How will be my Future.
name: Pratibha
birth time : 3:50 pm
place of birth: gulbarga
I am told by a jyotish that there is Kalasarpa Dosha in my Kundli.I am told to perform “naga devata puja” and also to chant some mantras daily.I have heard that this is a very dangerous dosha. I am struggling very badly in my life since.
My professional as well as personal life is miserable. Not able to get success in any of my work inspite of putting all efforts.When i will get a good life and when i get a job when i get married plz tell me I am very much depressed and lacking self-confidence day by day. Do people having this dosha will have lot of problems in marriage? Who will come forward for marring a person with such a dosha inspite of knowing everyting about it? If remedies are carried out with full sincerity, will all the problems due to this dosha be solved? Plz answers my questions. I am very much worried.
dear sir:
my date of birth is :01/10/1978
time is 12:25 pm(afternoon)
place: rajampet,kadapa(dist),andhrapradesh
lat:14.11n long:79.10e
sir i have ketu in 4th house and rahu in 10th house
in 8th house there is jupiter,in 9th house there is saturn,in 10th house there are mercury sun moon along with rahu
and in 11 th house there are mars and venus
plz tell me is there kalasarpa yoga for my chart
i am in lot of troubles
till now no job and no marraige.plz tell me
Dear sir
Following is my Kundali image
Please advise
Ketu 12 house with Sahni
Rahu 06 house with Mangal
moon and guru in the 10 house
shukra surya nd budha in the 09 house
Date of birth 11 jan 1997 at 0745 Am in Mumbai Maharashtra
please advise the remedies
appreciate and best regards
namaste guruji
kya kalsurp ki puja jis person ko hai usi ko karwana jaruri hai kya?? uska relative ya bhai karwa sakta hai kya?????
Dear sir
My date of birth is 14sep 1981 place is mysore time is 16.40 . i m concerned about my marriage can you plesae advise me on this
dear sir
I read abt kalasarpa yoga. i want to know that we performed the pooja at kalahasti temple for our son who is having this. he is at uk. will that be sufficient. kindly reply
My date of birth is 5th october 1986. time of birth is 7.44pm…I want to know at what age will I get married????And will I work after my marriage??Will I be sucessful in life??What kind of life partner will i get??And will my in laws be??will they behave properly with me??PLease reply as soon as possible…Urgent
Dear Sir,
Some body Say me in my horoscope have KSY. Can you please tell me about which type of KSY in my Kundali, and what is the remedy for this, My details is DOB 23 August 1979, time 7:30 AM, Birth Place Hooghly (West Bengal). Thanks in advance
Looking for your Usual Support.
Hellow, sir
I am mithun debnath from assam.
Pls suggest me some gemstones. i am facing much problems.
i am a bussines man
Name-mithun debnath
POB- pune, Maharastra
TOB- 05.47 am
DOB- 17th December 1987
As per my kundali .
i born in kumbalagnam with ketu graham and kuja graham is in 6 th house from lagnam. and chandra ,guru,rahu, shani, are in seventh house. and budha, ravi, shukra are in 8th house.
please help me about my marriage,and career.
hello sir,
in my kundali rahu is in lagna house and ketu is in 7th house and…. Saturn ,sun, mercury in 9th house…and Jupiter,mars in 12th house …and moon is in 2nd house…and venus in 8th house…i want to know about my birth chart…which yoga and dasha is presense ????????
remedy of that yoga and dasha
Dear Sir
My date of birth 02-01-1965 7.30 pm vellore town Tamil Nadu I have health problems and due to this I have been unemployed and I have two small children and old age parents to look after, please let me know how to get out of this problem.
I have been told of KAL SARP DOSH and SURYA DOSH.
My date of birth is 30/10/1954
Time: 12:43 PM (afternoon
Place of birth: Kottayam, Kerala (9n35, 76e31)
My lagna is in Mars
Rahu in 12th house
Ketu in 6th house
Please advise
Dear Sir
My son Is facing problems in every aspect, no stability in work,loss of money,health,status,He is losing hair.
Marriage proposals does not go ahead.
Kal Sarpa Yog has been said
TriPindi Shaddha Puja has also been told.
His date of birth is
16 Aug 1977 Time 20 hrs.
Place of Birth is Pune,Maharashtra
Kindly help
Kindly suggest remedy on my email id garg9999@yahoo.com
Namaste Sir!
if there are other planets along with ketu in the same house will it still be called sarpa yoga? in my horoscope rahu is in 2nd place and ketu is in 8th. along with ketu in the same house guru and uranus are also present. kindly advise.. thank you very much!
I have been advised for a puja at Nashik (Trimbkeshwar) for Kalsarp yoga ( regular debt issue inspite of good income).
Do I have Kal Sarp yoga?
DOB: 5th May 1964, 14:30 , Shahjahanpur(U.P)
I would like to know if my sister has kalsarp yog….her date of birth is 05/05/1979, born in chennai at 06.55 am.
What is the remedy.
I your sister’s kundli, though,
Shani is with Rahu in 4th house and ketu in 10th house
Still it wibb considered as NO Kalsharp yoga because Rahu is at 22 degrees and Shani is at 13 degrees. Under this condition we can say that all the Planets (including shani) are under Bhogya condition for Rahu i.e. Rahu will pass through them one by one.
It holds for Shani also because Rahu will travel from its 22 degrees to 0. That means degreewise it will meet shani at 13 degree.
So there is no KaalSharp yoga.
Secondly your sisters kundli appears good to me.
Celestial Advisor
Because degreewise ketu is closed to guru ,as they are in the same house.
But you haven’t mentioned whether the planets are jammed between 2nd – 8th house or between 8th – 2nd house.
Celestial Advisor
Hi Sanjay
There is no kaalsharp yoga in your kundli.
You are facing continuous debt problem because of Moon.
Moon as lord of 12 situated in the 6th house.
Possible remedies are:
1. Drop some milk in bathing water bucket and then take the bath.
2. Get a chandrama yantra prepared from a learned Pandit and have it in you right arm.
Tell Pandit to do 44,000 mantra jap instead of 11,000 jap
Celestial Advisor
my name is ranjeet kumar singh my dob 10-4-1973pob hazaribagh and tob 11:15 AM.plese suggest me that i have kal sarpa dosh or any malificm dosha in my kundli if any dosha is found please suggests me remeady
Hi Sir,
I have been told by my astrologer that I got kaalsarp yog and should follow remedy immediately. I am bit worried. Please tell me whether I have kaalsarp yog & what should i do?
Name : Tanuj Chaudhary
DOB : 07/10/1986
Place : Delhi, India
Time : 12.40 am (00.40 am)
Tanuj Chaudhary
Dear Sir,
Kindly analyse my kundli from profession and career point of view. What are the chances of a govt job. and in which field it’s most probable ? My details are:
Date – 08/10/1983
Place – Roorkee ( Uttarakhand)
Time – 20:15
Thanks in advance.
hi Tanuj Chaudhary
Doesn’t appear to be. There is no kaalsharp. your Rahu is in 9th house and Ketu is in 3rd house with sun , of kark lagn kundli.
hi ranjit
Yes confirmed kaalsharp yoga is there.
As mentioned above :
Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships.
Get adetail study with any good astrologer for your kundli and specifically for KS yoga you need to perform rituals in Trimbkeshwar temple near Nasik.
Hi Brad
You will be doing service.
What are the chances of a govt job. and in which field it’s most probable ?
It will be Govt job and you will be dealing with the court cases/matters. Strong indications are that u will be related to law and judiciary body i.e. may be judge.
Reasons : Because of the positions of the Saturn, Venus and Moon.
Secondly ( if u have not noticed)there is a KaalSharp yoga also in your kundli, so untill and unless u do the rituals at Trimbkeshwar temple near Nasik, it will keep on hurting you. Unfortunately this KS yoga is also related to your very would be work area i.e. court cases etc.. Please see below the details of this KS yoga:
Anant Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in Lagna, Ketu in seventh house: The person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out in matters of courts. Married life would be marred by differences between husband and wife.
For removal of this KS yoga do it 3 times in 3 consecutive years.
And also your time has come for to become the judge may be this year itself.
It took a lot of efforts to draw these conclusion hence I would like to see the close this call with an appreciation from ur side, incase it solves ur purpose.
Hi Sir,
Can you please tell me whether i will b studying further or doing my own business. What are my chances of settling abroad?
Name : Tanuj
DOB : 07/10/1986
Place : Delhi, India
Time : 12.40 am (00.40 am)
Thanks Again
Dear Yogi Ji,
First of all, I am really grateful to you for this detailed analysis and for taking out your precious time for me.
I have appeared in few Judicial Service Exams and also appearing this year too for my home state. But I have made serious attempts in Civil Service Exams and going to appear this year as well. Till date with no success and in all these exams I remained short of only few marks. I am much interested into Civil Services and national politics. IS THERE ANY CHANCE FOR ME IN THESE TWO AS WELL?
Yogi Ji, till date I have not made any puja for Kalsarpa Dosha, rather I believe that praying God alone would remove all the obstacles of my life. As a layman, I would like to know that IS THIS APPROACH RIGHT ? I daily pray twice and Lord Shiva is my ishta deva.
“For removal of this KS yoga do it 3 times in 3 consecutive years.” by this you mean that I am supposed to perform the puja there at Trimbkeshwar temple thrice for 3years ??
Hi Brad
Nice to see ur reply.
Civil Services and national politics : anything but related to law and by virtue of ur deeds u will earn name and fame. Yes u can be a law minister also.
I guess Civil Services must also be having certain posts related to field of LAW.
For KS : once every year for the consecutive 3 years.
Question is : As a layman, I would like to know that IS THIS APPROACH RIGHT ? I daily pray twice and Lord Shiva is my ishta deva
Answer is : For viral fever can u recover from it by using saridon which is meant for headache.
If yes then its ok but if no then do KS rituals asap.
There is no point in wasting time. Your prime time is running currently.
” Take care to get what you like
you will be force to like what you get”
Any further queries let me know.
Hi Tanuj
Further studies, abroad settlement and type of occupation, these are 3 queries as if now I am responding for one i.e.type of occupation
Strong indications are that you will be doing business.
Further, ur studies and foreign connections can also be a contributor to ur business.
Dear U.Yogi Sir,
I have Passed my +2 in science before 2 years then i start teaching. But now i wnat to read in any science field. Which feild will be suitable for me? How is My future? When Can i get remedy from all my health and financial problem?
My date details is:
date:1988sep 12
Place: Kathmandu, Nepal
Time:9:27pm(nepali time)
I will be very pleased and grateful to you if you guide me to right place.
Yours Pukar.
Dear Yogi,
What should I say now ? You have already enlightened me with so much of guidance. So, I would again say THANKS, THANKS AND THANKS. With due respect I would say that I have found a true soul in you who helps without any personal interest therefore, I would be blessed and would feel honoured if you please accept my humble request to become my guruji.
With lots of gratitude and regard !!
Yours sincerely,
Hi Brad
I am always available, just reach me whenever u need my advices.
All the best.
Hi Pukar
I guess by saying 10+2 with science you mean medical science and not maths-science. If it is so then
According to my analysis :
Your stars indicates strongly that you will do remarkably good in the field of surgery. A specialization in the field of Cardiology and surgery is indicated.
Your future is good and will get prosperous in the second half of the life i.e starting from the age 36th years of yours.(approx)
I can see only minor ailments like :
1) itching,eczema, dermatitis
2) Weakness because of hard labour, thats it,
if you think that I am missing out something let me know.
Overall: Planets are strongly seated.
Hi Pukar
….in continuation (just to add more)
There are chances of you been getting awarded and foreign travel between 10th March – 15th Jan 2012 ( already running period).
Secondly between the period 16th Jan 2012 – 03 Aug 2014 you should put on green emerald ( hara panna of 12 ratti ) approx. 10 carat in size in the right hand little finger, in gold. This will save you from the evils of Rahu also.
Hi Yogiji
What will be most suitable occupation service or business?
My details are :
DOB: 27 Feb 1982
TOB: 04:50 AM
POB: Muradnagar (U.P.)
thanks and regards
Hi Diwesh
Proposition for u to be a businessman are very very tangential and also harmed by instead of getting help from one of the luminaries.
There are also chance of you being a bodybuilder or a footballer or a cricketer… basically a player but not as a vocation or means of livelihood.
Moving towards other direction (opposite to business) found indications of u being a worker, night worker, office worker and finally got a strong indication, as per the placement of dark trio, your best occupation will be service.
Incase you are attempting for civil services, I would suggest you to not waste time for Govt. job, it’s not there.
But the best part is, you will gain certain amount of rise in ur profession, sooner or later.
Remedy prayer for all problems
Pranam Guruji,
GURUJI I have inquired for Kalsarpa Dosha Shanti puja at Nasik. But right now I cant afford that as everyone asks for more than ten thousand rupees and am not working. In this case what would you suggest to me ?
And Guruji, though am working hard but I would like to know that IS IAS (Indian Administrative Service) THERE IN MY HOROSCOPE ? IS THERE SOMETHING GOOD GOING TO HAPPEN IN THIS YEAR REGARDING MY CAREER ? This is my final attempt. I am not happy as such Guruji. Nothing good is happening in life.
Regards !
MY DATE OF BIRTH 06.07.1977 5:55 PM
Dear U.yogi sir,
Thanking You a lot for sending such a valuable messege for me, i wanted to express my lot of gratefulness to you sir.
And sorry for my late reply sir.
As you asked i have also mathematic as optional in +2.So now what will you suggest me to study.
I am in great delima. Not only to choose but also due to financial assistance.I dont have enough money for further study. So if i tried for scholarship, can i get?So please guide me.
And sir i wanted to give you some more details about me:
My date details is:
date:1988sep 12
Place: Kathmandu, Nepal
Time:9:27pm(nepali time)
i am Kanya rashi.
Sir i am waiting your guidence.
Sincerely yours,
Yours Pukar.
Dear U.yogi sir,
Sir as you told i have
1) itching,eczema, dermatitis
2) Weakness because of hard labour
Plus allergy to all kinds of fruits. My nose always get closed. What are the remedies?
Sir i am waiting your guidence.
Sincerely yours,
Yours Pukar.
Hi Brad
I have re-analyzed and it is like:
1) IAS & Allied Services ( like IPS, IFS, Income TAX ….) you presence is there but not very strong. So it depends upon ur hard work.
say for eg: 90-100 out of 100 = Collector
70-90 out of 100 = IPS
so it depends upon how u score.
You are born with initiative for the same but the presence is faded, So my dear boy it’s all depend on ur hard work.
2) Would have expected a better chances if venus would have involved more prominent ways with one of the luminaries.
Anyways still chances are there try ur luck… iin any case u wil not loose anything.
Judiciary is for sure as said earlier, infact u may also get selected in IAS under Income TAX ( a little bit fairer indications in terms of IAS )
Secondly as u have mentioned ” nothing good is happening in life”, since when ur feeling like that, is it from Feb 2007, complete 2008 and till now. ??
Please let me know of this.
I guess ur exams will happens this time between 02 April 2010 – 11 March 2011.
This should be the period which shall give u something incredible.
But It is for sure that you will be in Govt. Job.
Dear U.yogi sir,
Yes! last time i didnt knew the meaning of (itching,eczema, dermatitis) this words. so, i told i have those symptoms. But i do not have those symptoms till today.But as you said i have 2) Weakness because of hard labour Symptoms. And as i have mention i have allergy with all kind of fruits.
Sir i am waiting your kind guidence for my career.
Sincerely yours,
Yours Pukar.
Dear Yogi Ji,
Thank you again Guruji! You are right. Since Jan 2007 till date i.e. Jan 2010, I have appeared in various recruitment exams but with no gain. Otherwise also, conditions at home are not much good (my parents have been facing both health & financial problems & my elder sister is not getting married, I would ask about them separately).
Secondly, you are also correct about my exam dates. Except one exam of Delhi Judiciary in February 2010, most of these are between April 2010 & April 2011.
Thirdly, I am trying to work harder but my concentration is not getting strong and mind diverts to other things, though since schooltimes I have always been a good & sincere student. IS THERE ANY PLANETARY INFLUNCE IN THIS TOO ?
Guruji, I want to study further and want to get more higher education, I have already completed LL.B. with good grades, DOES ASTROLOGY SAY ABOUT MY FURTHER EDUCATION TOO ?
With lots of gratitude !
Hi Pukar
I am sorry!!! I am not very good in predicting scholarship, till date. So I will not be able to say anything.
May be someone else who visits this site regularly can come up and answer your this particular query.
Incase I will get some clue on this, I will definitely come back to you.
If u have any other question/queries you can ask me.
Dear U.yogi sir,
Thank you any way for responsing me.
Sir, last time from one site i downloaded my birth chart, that explain as follow:
1st, 3rd 7th, 8th and 10th house empty.
Guru in 2nd house, Shukra in 4th , Surya and Ketu together in 5th house and Chandra & Budha together in 6th house.Shani in 9th house. RAhu in 11th and mangala in 12th house.
Sir my question is, do it is correct?
Sir if yes then please suggest some important thing accordingly about my life, career and family life
And i am still very confused in choosing my faculty. How will it be if i choose engineering or Biotechnology?
Sir please guide me, then i will not trouble you any more.
Yes! please also say me remedies of my Always troubling Common cold, Please:)
I will be heartily grateful if you guide me with your valuable suggestion.
Your sincerely,
Hi Yogi Ji,
Yogi ji I asked you few queries on 5th Feb. I would be thankful if you please advice me on that issue. (Plz see it above)
Thanks !
I am facing a lot of problem since starting of my carrier as well as student life.My DOB is 25.02.1968 at 3.15 am.
I get neither any honor for my workmanship nor proper remuneration.Now leaving a multinational company I am
working in one of my class mates company. I have consulted many astrologers. Few of them said I have kalsarpa yoga and few said my planetary position is very good specially Jupiter.During surfing different sites, I have also found that people has taken remedies for kalsarpa yoya as directed but of no result.I am totally confused about what to do next.Can you guide me? for your reference in my kundli it is observed that Rahu,Mars & sat in 4th house,5,6,7 & 8 houses are empty. Jup is in 9th house,Ketu is in 10th house. 11,12 &1 empty.Moon,Merc & Ven in 2nd house.Sun is in 3rd.Is it kalsarpa yoga? if you find it then will any puja can give the remedy? what other remedy can be there to solve my problem? please help me I am in deep trouble.
Dear U.yogi Sir,
I am Amit Solanki and my DOB is 16 January, 1977, Ajmer (Rajasthan), morning 1:10 am
Sir do I have Kalsarpa Yoga and if yes then will it be hindrance in my Buiness or Job
I am under huge financial debt and working hard on my business to start up.
Please advise
Sir can u tell me what is sanayas yog
Hi Amit Solanki
It can’t be called as Kaalsharp, as per my knowledge, but there is another problem and i.e. one phase of ur kundli is ruled by 3 dangerous planets in-tandem, Rahu, shani and Ketu. This can be the cause of ur problem(s).
But, as a matter of fact, ur best time of ur life has started and running for the rest part of ur life since May 2008. Tit bits are there but no worries.
You have to put on a diamond above 90 cents in platinum in ring fiinger , a green emerald (colombian panna) in gold in little finger of 10 – 12 ratti having 2.7 specific gravity, and blue sapphire in platinum in middle finger of 10 – 12 ratti.
I have asked you about my problem on 10th feb. I will be grateful if you advice me regarding my problem.
Hi Rashmi
No Idea, as if now.
No Kaalsharp yoga.
Hi Pinaki Ranjan Kundu
I wrote the reply and it was having some questions also. Infact I posted the same twice as initially I forgot to mention your name iin my reply, I don’t know where it has gone.
May be Mr. Editor/Moderator will be able to throw some light on this.
Believe me it was a lengthy mail. Ooofff I can’t afford to write it again because to do so I again have to invest 2-3 hours.
Dear U.Yogi Sir,
Sir Please reply me. Please.
I am waiting your kind response.
Yours Pukar.
This type of occurrence happens in my life daily.You have tried to help me but could not help due to some other unidentified problem and ultimately net result is, I could not be benefited. How ever this is my luck.I am to fight.
Hi Pinaki Ranjan Kundu
No worries!! I am writing it again, may be this time it will not be so lengthy mail.
immi. remedies for you :
1)On any Thursday, float wooden coal equal to ur body weight, in the river.( i.e. total only 1 time)
2)Float 400gm or 1Kg of coriander in river for 7 Wednesday ( i.e. total 7 times).
3)Very importantly, start having your food in kitchen itself instead of dinning table or else where.
The main cause for your troubles is Rahu. Certainly there is no kaalsharp in ur kundli.
When did u leave mnc and joined ur friends company?
was it somewhere around : 16 june 2007 or 3rd August 2009.
Are u putting on any gems/stones ?
How was ur time after june 1989. I think from then onwards u started feeling adversities. PLease confirm on these.
Hi Pukar
for you allergy problem:
1) While bathing drop a piece of silver in ur water bucket.
2) Boil water with a piece of silver and then wash your face with the same water. ( Let the water get cool before washing ur face)
for kundli:
Guru is in ur 1st house, shift ur kundli accordingly in clockwise direction.
for: Bio…. or engg….
Will get back to u after some time on this.
Dear U.Yogi Sir,
I am nithya. My DOB is 21st December 1984. My birth chart taken from computer is different from the one taken from panchang. Please let me know the doshas i have. and also about my marriage.
Dear U.Yogi Sir,
I am nithya. I forgot to give my time and birth place.
DOB: 21st December 1984
Time: 5.40AM
Place: Gudiyattam, Vellore dist, Tamil Nadu
My birth chart taken from computer is different from the one taken from panchang. Please let me know the doshas i have. and also about my marriage.
Thankyou for writing for me once again.I have left mnc on 30th sept 2001 and joined with my friend 8th oct 2001.
I am wearing sapphire ( nilla) on middle finger of my right hand and emerald ( panna) on the little finger of the right hand. I got some financial strength after wearing nilla 3 years back but emerald has not given me so much result.
I can not remember actually when this has started but i have realised that from 1991 january it was really painful to me in my professional field. Now i am in sales field, i never get leads and every time i have to struggle to close a sale and from old sale i never get any references.When i was in projects different types of hindrances used to come inbetween and delayed my project and i was blamed.
You have not told any thing about my guru position. Is it really giving me support.when i was not geeting your reply i have consulted one astrologer who advised me to donate book once on thursday and feed cow everyday for 21 days.He also said that my guru is also giving me trouble.Please let me know your opinion about it.
Hi Pinaki Ranjan Kundu
As u mentioned the joining date of ur friends company, that was only possible because of Gu. Still I will iterate further on Guru and related problem.
You mentioned u put on blue sapphire around 3 yrs back and was benefited also, so I guess u must have put on around in mid of 2007 and certainly before Nov 2007. The most beneficial period could be from Dec 2007 – Dec 2008 approx.
Please confirm on this so that I can go ahead with further investigation.
Coal : are of 2 types
a) made of stone
b) made of wood in hindi they call it as “kacha koyla”
u ask the vendor for wooden coal and he will provide you.
Emerald : is it an original Colombian emerald of 2.7 specific gravity. Check it out. OR it is a substitute of emerald.
But please do reply my queries don’t wait for emerald verification as I am preserving your kundli in my memory.
Dear ASTROLOGERS pls help me ,FOR a long time i am feeling my life is full of struggle,setbacks in life and obstacles in accomplishment of every job.some one told me this is due to kaal sarp dosh, in my kundli, my DOB is 23-MAY-1980 Birth place – BAREILLY (UP), time is 15:30 pm Kindly suggest me. NITIN VAISH 9897639299 vaishnitin@yahoo.co.in
my name is rohit
time 5:46 pm
place- fatehpur pundri,kaithal(haryana)
do i had kaal sarpa yog in my kundli and do i had any good planet
No Kaalsharp.
yes there is Kaalsharp. Almost all the planets are good. But KS effect will be there. So go Nasik and do puja for KS.
As you said good prroid was in between nov 2007 to Mar 2008.
I can not exactly remember when i have worn the sapphire.
Dear Pinaki
Put on Pukhraj of 12 ratti. Be careful in the month of May and June expecting some adversities in work area.
Gu will shift in ur 4th house for 6 months on 3rd May 2010 and will help u in a better way provided u have put on pukhraj.
I m in tension plese tell me ki mmere ko kalsarp yog hai ya nahi… my brth date 7apr1985,
time 10:40am at Khandwa (M.P)
plaese send any info on my email id..
plese sir…i m waiting…
Please find my birth details below:
My full name: ASHOK KUMAR
Date of birth: 02/10/1961
Place of birth: JAIPUR (RAJASTAN)
Time of birth: 1458 HRS.
do i have a KSY(Karkotik)? I understand my present Maha Dasha is KETU – pls let me know during this period any Precautionary measures is to be taken. Which store shall i wear during this period?
You can email me my prediction on aknair007@hotmail.com
Thank you for your time
Dear ravi shriwas
Please don’t get tensed u don’t have Kaalsharp.
Instead u might be facing some adversities from approx March 2009 this will get over very soon within 2 months approx.
From 3rd of May u will have one of the best time of ur life for the next 3yrs and 2 months.
Be cheerful now.
This is Alok Kumar here. In my horoscope Rahu is Cojoint with Mars in Ninth House in Scorpio ascendant.But Moon is placed in 7th house and rest planets are placed in 11th house except Venus which is placed in 12th House. Is there any kal Sarp yoga in my Horoscope? The last phase of Rahu Mahadasa is going on and I am not getting the desired results despite hard/work and efforts.
Dear Sir,
when I suffered huge loss then I take guidance of Good Astrologer, and he said there is KAL sarp yog and I think he is right.
Now my question is kal sarp yog forms at the time of birth? if yes, then I grown up from nothing to something then why kal sarp yog didnt give adverse effects in that period. why it is giving very bad effects now.
My name is Mukund, 5th Oct 1980 at 10 AM, Location Karad ( Maharashtra)
One more question, why kalsarp puja MANDAtory at trambekeshwar, any alternative?
I would appreciate your suggestions and guidance
Mukund Nikam
Hello and Namaskar
Here from Delhi
date of birth 24/12/1980
At delhi 7.50 PM
and chart
first home rahu and chandra
third home shani and guru
fifth shukra
sixth budha and surya
seventh mangal and ketu
please help me about my marriage,and career.
email badrimishra24@gmail.com
as human being i want to share that even my live not once time laugh / happy and lost many and many promises to relatives and friend now days any one not able to faith me
even self good guy and good habit no smoking or drinking all types of bad habit
then not able to go on the top as want, i now i have good merit to do make good career and also more alot but always lost..
this time typing on computer just weeping my life and sometimes think that not try to live in this world.
Dear sir,
My Birth Details are :
Date -15/july/1977 ,
Place Meerut india ,
Time : 02:55 pm.
kindly tell me when i will get a government job?
and when i will get married?could my marriage will be successful with my partner.how can my financial problems resolve?
Jyoti Singh
Hi Mukund Nikam
You might have had losses around & after 09-July-2009. Please confirm.
Every event happens at a particular time, else entire life will become miserable. Thats why it is happening now.
Ujjain can be another alternative. Specific location is require for specific disease. for eg: TMH for cancer in India is preferred.
Celestial Advisor
Mr.Badri Mishra
27th July 2010 is the start of very good time of ur life.
Hopefully all your worries will end.
Please put on a good opal stone in ur right hand ring finger asap of around 12 carat. It is not an expensive stone. in silver.
Very importantly do KaalSharp Pooja asap at trambekeshwar, Nasik.
Be positive.
Celestial Advisor
i am married since 1988. in my horoscope.. rahu is in 8th house, ketu is in 2nd.. in between only chandra is in 5th house. with my wife i always have trust issues and she is not trust worthy to me actually does not love me. is there any astrological remedy ? to improve my relation with her ?
Dear Paresh
Need Dob, Tob & Pob of u and ur wife.
i am rinim, my date of birth is 23june,1979 at 9.30am in kolkata.i have kalsarpa yoga.i have lots of problem. i have problem with my family also. please tell me, what wood be happen in my life and am i always be failure
Dear Yogiji,
Please help me in understanding the impact of kalsarp yog in my Kundali and the available remedies.
My birth details are as under:
Birth date: 19 July 1982
Birth time: 4.10 am
Birth place: Indore.
My parents have got one puja done at home for this yog last year in May. After the puja we did the visarjan of miniature form of nag-nagin kaa joda in Ujjain Shipra nadi.
I am not wearing any ring as suggested by you in this blog. Please let me know what all I should do in order to minimize the negative impact of this yoga.
Looking forward to you quick reply.
Warm Regards,
Dear Sir:
My date of birth :13-14/06/1977
Time : 01:30 AM(13th June At Night)
Place: Maldah (Enlish Bazar),West Bengal
lat:25n long:88e
According to Indian Astrology my Lagna & Rashi both are Aries… But according to Numerology & Other astrology i am Gemini..
I have ketu in 12th house and rahu in 6th house.
I have Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga.
12th house : Ketu.
1st house : Mars,Venus,Moon & lagna.
2nd house : Sun, Mercury, Jupiter.
4th house : Saturn.
6th house : Rahu.
I have also done KalSarpa santi Puja From Nashik..
I wore Gomed, Light Blue Sapphire , Emerald…
i am in lot of troubles
till now no job and no marraige.plz tell me
DOB Details.
29. 9.1966 17.40 -IST THURSDAY CALCUTTA 22.34-N 88.24-E
Last one year I have no job. Suddenly was removed from a very senior position. I am told that I have mild kaal saarp yog. When will I get job?
Pl. advise.
Ajay Garg
Dear Sir,
My Name : B Vijay Bhargav
My DOB : 18-Jan-1985
Time: 9-15 AM
Place : Bhadrachalam
Please let me know if i had kala sarpa dosha
My Mail ID: badam.vijay@gmail.com
Dear Rinim Majumder
Its not because of KS. You facing troubles because of Shani Rahu combination.
Are you seperated from your mother ? Please confirm on this.
The number of your teeth should not be 30 and 32. Please confirm on this.
Remedies: 1. Keep an elephant made of silver in your house.
2. Perform the marriage ceremony once again with your husband.
3. Become vegeterian immi.
4. Put on Red Italian Coral in right hand, middle finger, 12 ratti+, in gold
5. Put on Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) in right hand, index finger, 5.5 ratti, in gold
6. Put on Manik in right hand ring finger, 10 ratti+, in gold
For current situation, immi. relief, do :
a) Get your nose pierced for sure. Wear silver in it for a continuous 100 days.
b) Float 12 empty pots in flowing water on Tuesday.
c) Apply tilak of saffron
Dear Kiran
You are just escaped from KS yoga. Anyways pujas done will not harm you but provide benefits only.
Rahu is in 3rd house not 4th. And hence accordingly other planets.
( on the top of this page it is detailed, anyways Iam mentioning here for you )
Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in third house, Ketu in ninth: The person would have trouble dealing with his brothers and friends. Travel to foreign countries would create problems. The person having this combination in his chart should take precautions in deals by paying extra attention towards legal documentation.
Do Puja at trimbkeshwar, near Nashik.
Dear Arindam Kundu
I can’t see any problem for atleast job.
Since when u are not having the job, can u furnish some details.
Why Gomed, Light Blue Sapphire , Emerald… ????
There is no KS yoga in your kundli.
instead you should have :
1.Put on Red Italian Coral in right hand, middle finger, 12 ratti+, in gold
2.Put on Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) in right hand, index finger, 5.5 ratti, in gold
3. Drop 4 lts of unboiled milk in the well. ( or atleast some drops ) often, this is for monetary gains
For Job and Marriage 3 May 2010 – 3 Nov 2010, will set the tone.
-U. Yogi
Dear Ajay Garg
Chart Notes:
Not KS but yes there is some problem. You have not been removed because of KS and all, forget it, as there is no KS in your kundli. The problem is something else.
Please verify :
approx from 01 Nov 2006 – 01 Nov 2009 was not a good time for you.
Have u been dismissed around 05 April 2009 ????
Your good time has already started since Nov 2009 and based on ur answers for the above asked query, I will investigate further.
For as if now : There are 3 support levels for getting the job:
after 3rd May 2010
or after 28th May 2010
or after 3rd June 2010.
Put on Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) in right hand, index finger, 12 or 12+ ratti, in gold, this will help, Do it immi.
Dear B Vijay Bhargav
Dear Yogi sir,
DOB: 21 Dec 1984
Place: Gudiyattam, Vellore Dist, Tamil Nadu
Do i have KSY?
When will i get married? Please reply.
Sir,My date of birth is 18-06-1964 at 19.02(pm)local time at Hirakud, Sambalpur Dist. of Orissa State. The Longitude is 083.57 East and Latitude is 021.31 North. Local timeis +00.05.48. Whether I have Seshanag Kalasarpa Yoga? As I found that Ketu is 6th pace with Mars and Rahu in 12th house in my horoscope.Please advise in my mail-id.
Sir, I have Rahu in 12th house and Ketu And Mercury in 6th house. All other 6 planets are inbetween. Whether I have 12th kalsarpa yogo? If so what is the remedy?
Dear Priya
Three particulars needed for Astro calculations:
DOB: Date of Birth
TOB: Time of Birth
POB: Place of Birth.
You haven’t provided TOB.
Guru ji my date of birth is 24.11.1973
Azamgarh up
is there any dosh in my horoscope if yes then give me remedy
Dear Umesh
Three particulars needed for Astro calculations:
DOB: Date of Birth
TOB: Time of Birth
POB: Place of Birth.
You haven’t provided TOB.
Dear Yogiji,
Thank you so much for your quick resposne. Is there any phone number of an email Id to reach you directly? If that is possible please do share the info.
For almost 2 years, there has been a lot of uncertainities in my life. I’ve not been able to settle on either in the personal or professional front. My birth details for your quick reference:
Date of birth: 19 July 1982
Birth time: 4.10 am
Birth place: Indore
Please respond at your earliest.
Warm Regards,
Dear Yogi sir,
DOB: 21 Dec 1984
Time: 5.40AM
Place: Gudiyattam, Vellore Dist, Tamil Nadu
Do i have KSY?
When will i get married? Please reply.
Hi Kiran
You have not mentioned problem specifically,
Your troubling period might have started from June – July 2008 – till now. Please confirm on this.
As per analysis if above said is true then it will last till 06 April 2011. And during this span, curren time i.e. 14 dec 2009 – 22 april 2010 is very intense. Please confirm on this also.
Control your tempor. If your child borns on a Thursday then you will do a lot of progress in your life.
As if now the current remedy is :
1.recite mantra of “Om Namah Shiwai” on sfatik mala, every day atleast for 108 times.
2.If Possible keep a pony tail.
3.Though your lagna is strong still you can put on Green Tourmaline of 10-12 ratti in silver, in right hand smallest finger.
4.Take bath with curd mixed water.
5.Do not accept Prasad from the temples.
you can reach me on u.yogee@gmail.com
Sir,my date of birth is 08-04-1972,place of bith is kakinada,andhra pradesh time of birth is 3.30pm tell me my marriage period,remedies,financial settlement period,when i settled financially
thanq sir
Dear Sir,
I visted one astrologer last month he told me that i have sarpadosha and he sujjested me to clear dosha by visiting sri kaalahasti.As u told the person having dosha will see snakes in their dreams but i am not at all seeing any snakes in my dreams.only i am struugling for my marriage last year september i came back from gulf as i lost my job.still now i am not getting any job as well as any girl for marriage.
Please can u send me the detailed horoscope for the next 2 years my detailes are
NOTE: I went to kalahasti and clear the dosha.
Dear U.Yogi,
Sir as i have posted my details and you told me to wait, and i am doing so. sir Please guide me about my career.
Guruji Namaste,
This is again Alok Kumar here…. My Date of Birth is 19th Sept 1981 and T.O.B is 10.00 A.M at Hazaribagh(Jharkhand). Please tell me when I will get the desired result, despite my hard work I am unable to get the desired result.Moreover, is there any indication for me to become a Judge? If yes, when? or shuld I go for Politics as a Carrer?
Please enlight me…
Alok Kumar
send me ur mail id, my suggestion for you are not appearing for this site. I have sent the mail with content to editor also to post it for you as it already 2 months late.
Hi Manjunath
For marriage your time will start from 3rd May 2010.
For Job you time will start from 28th May 2010 & then 3rd June 2010 and then finally last hurdle will get removed around April 2011.
So from 28th May & 3rd June, movement will start in your job related area.
Infact, it is possible that u may start seeing a ray of hope regarding your job right after 3rd May 2010.
There is no KS yoga in your kundli.
Dear Yogi sir,
Thanks for your reply…
Sir, you told me that u can’t see any problem for atleast my job. But till now i didn’t get any proper job. But i worked as a faculty for 6 months in an institute.
I want to work in software field. But i cant get even a little-bit opportunity. i hav completed MCA.
Dear Sir according my D.O.B(14th june,1977 / 1:30 am / Malda) most of the astrologer told that i have KS yoga.
And as Rahu Dasha & Murcury antardasha is going on and my 10th house lord is Saturn… thats why i wear Gomed, Emerald and Blue Sapphire…
As u prescribed.. I worn Red Coral(14 carat), Yellow sapphire(6 carat) and Ruby(4 carat) for 2and1/2 years. But i didnt get proper job.. Thats why now i am trying this combination prescribe by an astrologer…
Sir, now i’m totally confused.. ple help me out…
Thanking you
Arindam Kundu
instead you should have :
1.Put on Red Italian Coral in right hand, middle finger, 12 ratti+, in gold
2.Put on Yellow Sapphire(pukhraj) in right hand, index finger, 5.5 ratti, in gold
3. Drop 4 lts of unboiled milk in the well. ( or atleast some drops ) often, this is for monetary gains
For Job and Marriage 3 May 2010 – 3 Nov 2010, will set the tone.
-U. Yogi
Dear Yogi sir,
Thanks for your reply…
Sir, you told me that u can’t see any problem for atleast my job. But till now i didn’t get any proper job. But i worked as a faculty for 6 months in an institute.
I want to work in software field. But i cant get even a little-bit opportunity. i hav completed MCA.
Dear Sir according my D.O.B(14th june,1977 / 1:30 am / Malda) most of the astrologer told that i have KS yoga.
And as Rahu Dasha & Murcury antardasha is going on and my 10th house lord is Saturn… thats why i wear Gomed, Emerald and Blue Sapphire…
As u prescribed.. I worn Red Coral(14 carat), Yellow sapphire(6 carat) and Ruby(4 carat) for 2and1/2 years. But i didnt get proper job.. Thats why now i am trying this combination prescribe by an astrologer…
Sir, now i’m totally confused.. ple help me out…
Thanking you
Arindam Kundu
Dear Yogi Sir,
Many many thanks for your reply,i am very happy once i saw your message.
Only one small doubt i am going to ask u,whether i am going to work in India or abroad,If it is abroad then how many years i will work there because i am planning to work in abroad only(gulf countries).Even one thing the time i have given in my details is approximate exact time even my parents also don’t know but they told its 10 to 10:30pm(night)
Once again thanking you,
[Editor] Replying on behalf of U. Yogee.
Hi Pukar
Here is the reply for ur query.
Earlier I suggested cardiology or heart surgeon for you as occupation, it seems u r facing some problem regarding that.
So,after re-iteration:
second option can be accountancy i.e. C.A. line
third option can be mathematician/information technologist i.e. Computer specialist….
In my opinion u should check ur interest in CA. This can be ur means of livelihood. By looking into finance domain u can have an option to work on stock market. As u possess high degree of intelligence and intution power this can be the good line.
Anyways u better know urself and ur interest in particular subject.
All the best
Hi Kshitij
Thanks a lot for the posting.
Hi Pukar
I Hope this will help you in deciding your stream.
Dear Arindam Kundu
My suggestions:
Remove the combination ur are wearing as Saturn is aspecting ur 1 st house and there is danger to you by poison or weapon. Put on the earlier combination that is only going to help you. You cannot give strength to your enemies. Be careful.
Second reason for not putting up the combination is Rahu is exalted, Mercury is also no weak and saturn is also not weak.
Third reason is Lg is the person itself. So one should strengthened the Lg i.e. Aries is ur lagn and Mars is the planet. So give strength to Mars. Ju is for Fate so… and finally Sun is for 5th house, so strengthen these not the opponents.
3rd May , 28th May & then 3rd June 2010 are the milestones. So it means hardly 40 days are there for a beginning of good turn around for you.
18 sep 2010 – 05 oct 2011 is good time, you will go abroad also during this time and will do well in ur professional area.
06 oct 2011 – 05 oct 2014 is not a good time be carefull for the same.
06 oct 2014 – 30 august 2015 is good time.
01 sep 2015 – 01 mar 2017 is not good time.
02 mar 2017 – 18 mar 2018 is not good time.
Then Finally good time will come for 17 years from 19 Mar 2018 onwards.
Plan your life accordingly.
Dear manjunatha
As per the time is concern. no problem shifting it to the 2 extremes doesn’t change anything except the degrees of the planet, so its ok.
For Abroad:
Chances are likely from 19 july 2010 onwards.
Dear Priya
Your marriage time is currently on.
Dear Alok Kumar
Punt on Moonga and mandik and try this area. It may happen.
i had a question in this connection, what is solution for such affected charts. please write to me whether above kalasarpa yokam effect person who born at 9.36 am on 02.08.2008 in Vavuniya, Srilanka.
please write to me, i am awaiting for your reply
I am very imprest with your reading about kaal sarpa yoga.
May I request you to let me know is there this type of yoga in my kundali?
My Birth date is 20/08/1960 at 1.20 pm in Yawal Dist. Jalgaon , Maharashtra.
Dear sathees
No, this chart is not having KS.
Dear sathees
( Please ignore my last reply )
It will be having aanshik kaalsharp sharp yoga. That is partially.
And also it is a very very minor escape.
So the effect will be ( as mentioned above ):
Padma Kalsarpa Yoga – Rahu in fifth house, Ketu in eleventh: The person would have trouble with children. The person should never try his luck in lottery, share markets, and anything where speculation is involved.
Dear Sir,
I am facing lot of problems I was born in Nagercoil (Vadasery) Kanyakumari District on 04-06-1974 at 5.30 am, I was doing a business now but I am in trouble that i have to vaccat my business place and now I have put in lot of trouble like I have lot of credits I have to give and there is no alternate place near by my business and now only my business picked up and I had a hope I will win but all of my hope was flopped please give me idea how to over come my problems my birth chart as like this
Rasi – Anusham (Anuradha)
Lagna – Midhunam
1st place – Puthan and Saturn
2nd place – Chevvai
6th place – Moon and Raghu
9th place – Guru
11th place – Sukran
12th place – Sun and Kethu
Dear ravindra
After reading the details I was surprised that ur problem is ur business and there is no direct impact on 7th house as that is the house for business.
After creating the chart I understood that u have wrong chart with you.
The correct details are :
Rasi – Vrischik
Lagna – Vrishab ( not midhunam )
1st place – Sun and Kethu
2nd place – Puthan(Budh) and Saturn
3rd place – Chevvai(Mangal)
7th place – Moon and Rahu
10th place – Guru
12th place – Sukran
I will work on these details and will try to rectify ur problem.
Questions to be answered by you:
1.Please tell me about the position/condition of ur inlaws. Are they doing well ?
2.Which business are u in? According me u should get success in hardware or iron business. Or in things related to Saturn.
For House no. 1
1. Throw coconut,almond,sarson(mustard),til(sesame) and curd in running water (river/stream) at the time of solar eclipse.
For House no. 7
2. Throw coconut,almond,sarson(mustard),til(sesame) and curd in running water (river/stream) at the time of lunar eclipse.
For House no 3, 12, 7 and 1
3.Keep ivory with urself. ( can put on a locket of ivory)
4.Put on white coral of 12 ratti, in right hand ring finger, for good result.
Another thing is your Sukr mahadasa has started for 20 years from 17-June-2009, so till 2029, you have got a fair chance to do well in ur business. This is the dasha of Lagnesh and will definitely give positive results. Only a 3year patch and a 1year patch is not good,rest 16 yrs are marvellous.
So, its time to get set go…….
sir,my horoshope with ragu in thirdrd and kethu in ninth i have a proplem in my marriage.what can i do?
Dear Yogi Sir,
Thanks for your suggestions. I will follow ur suggestions. And will wear Red coral, Yellow Sapphire and Ruby together.
But i have one question … that whenever i wore red coral i felt restless most of time. I felt very angry too sometimes. When i wore that I cant realize that clearly. But now when i am not wearing it then i clearly realize that situation. Is there any problem with that…
I wore 15 carat of Red coral.. Is that much more in size for me. Should i wear a pearl with it…
Ple Suggest me…
Thanking you
Arindam Kundu
from Nitin kashyap hide details Mar 23
to capur63@gmail.com
date Mar 23, 2010 2:10 PM
subject confirmations
signed-by rediffmail.com
mailed-by rediffmail.com
Images from this sender are always displayed. Don’t display from now on.
DOB: 23/04/1963,03.00 AM ,NEW DELHI
Jai Shri Ram, I have seen your chart, you have sent me the problem faced by you in current time, but I must say this chart belongs to a person who is strong enough to handle all odd situations. You must attain good name and fame on your own. Your mother must have pain in her feet or legs and one more thing after completion of your studies you were not waiting for the jobs, jobs or professional comes to you as soon as you completed your studies. In your family a person die before completing his 40 yr of life. Current time is good for your first child professional life. Is it so ? First confirm me the above statement by giving reply through mail. Have a good life ahead.
Dear Arindam Kundu
Yes, you are correct for red corals effects.
Let me see if some other alternative is there. Meanwhile you avoid coral and instead of it worship Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays and Saturdays and recite “Bajrang Band” thrice on both the days.
Dear Maharaj,
6th aprli 1959 at 5:11 am at tirupur/coimbatore/tamilnadu.
though sukra dasha is in my life i became poor heavy lose in business, fire accident in factory,
all to gather i am going to loose all house business, and my son is 12 th to college,
what to do as i am jain i do recite Aum namo Arihantanam 216 times daily.
please do something faster to save my life.
jai jinendra.
Namaskar yogi Ji,
DOB : 29th May 1972, tob : 2154 hrs. Place : Delhi
I have a skin problem, itching and feet psoriasis and low platelet.
How it will be cure and when I will get rid of skin problem or psoriasis.
Kindly give your advice.
Thanking you in anticipation
Dear U.Yogi sir,
Thank you a lot for your so kind guidance. Sir actually I was eagerly waiting your kind guidance. I saw many times but unfortunately I couldn’t find your kind guidance in time. But I was so pleased and surprised to see it today. I want to express my heartily gratitude to you for this guidance, which surely help this confused man to choose right path.
And also thank you Editor Kshitij Sharma for posting such valuable guidance for me.
I hope any other necessary guidance regarding my future will be given by you, if you feel necessary.
Yes! My email address is rashis72@gmail.com.
Respectfully Yours,
Dear Neetu
Please confirm on these questions:
1. Did low platelet was identified around July 2007. if yes then
2. Are u putting on yellow pukhraj? if yes then
REMOVE PUKHRAJ immi. You will see the immi. improvement in blood platelet problem.
…. rest I am looking into.
Dear gautam
Please confirm on these questions:
1.Are your nephew or niece are also involved in your business alongwith you ?
2.Did u experience this crisis in your business when you have started doing my business travels ?
Dear Gautam
…its more business travels not “my”. sorry for the typo.
Neetu Says:
May 8th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
Namaskar yogi Ji,
DOB : 29th May 1972, tob : 2154 hrs. Place : Delhi
I have a skin problem, itching and feet psoriasis and low platelet.
How it will be cure and when I will get rid of skin problem or psoriasis.
Kindly give your advice.
Thanking you in anticipation
U.Yogi Says:
May 10th, 2010 at 12:34 am
Dear Neetu
Please confirm on these questions:
1. Did low platelet was identified around July 2007. if yes then
2. Are u putting on yellow pukhraj? if yes then
REMOVE PUKHRAJ immi. You will see the immi. improvement in blood platelet problem.
…. rest I am looking into.
Namaskar Yogi Ji,
Thanks for reply.
1. Low platelet identified in September 2009 when i diagonised feet psoriasis.
2. I had never worn pokhraj stone.
Yogi Kindly advise for getting rid of psorisis and skin problem.
Dear Yogiji
I have been advised that I have kaalsarpa yog. Please advise what Jain mantra I can do jaap of?
Jai Jinendra
Dear Gautam
You don’t have KS. And please answer my question ( scroll up this page).
Dear Swamiji
I had written to you yesterday (anonymous, but I wonder if you have mistaken me for Gautam. I am also Jain but my name is Sagar. I have been told that I have KS, but I dont know any Jain mantras for this.
Pls advise. Thanks so much
Namaskar Yogi Ji,
Thanks for reply.
1. Low platelet identified in September 2009 when i diagonised feet psoriasis.
2. I had never worn pokhraj stone.
Yogi Kindly advise for getting rid of psorisis and skin problem.
pls confirm the date for kalsarp puja date between 16-May-10 to 19-May-10
Dear Guruji,
My DOB: 17.7.1978
Time: 10:45 PM
Place of Birth: Kolkata (West Bengal).
Logno: Meen
I have been told that I have Kal Sarpa Yog.
I have KETU in my Lagna. ie i have Rahu in 7th House(House of Kanya) and Ketu in 1st House(in the House of Meen).and the rest of the planets in between 1 st and 7th house, except MOON which is in 9TH House(House of Vrischik).
I have been suffering a lot due to depression, Loss of Job, I Recently got married but got separated within 2 months only. I am job-less now.I am trying my level best but failed to get success.
I started wearing Gomed and Yellow Sapphire, but I am unable to come out from my depressions.
Please tell when will my good days come so that I can establish my life happily.
My date of birth is 2nd October 1961 place of birth is Jaipur (Rajasthan) time of birth is 14:58 hrs. Do i have kaal sarp yog in my kundli ? If so plz advise remedy for the same. Which gems would be suitable for me. And also pls let me know current maha dasa period of Ketu and next dasa of Venus will be favourable for me. Rgds Ashok
Dear Guruji,
Kindly guide me about my career-future for this year. Is something going to happen ? Can I expect it till December ?
Date 08/10/1983
Place Roorkee
Time 20:15
And Guruji, my exam is going to happen on 6th & 7th June, should I take some spiritual measures or should I do some rituals etc, to make the prospects much better ?
Thanking You !
Dear guruji
my date of birth: 29/06/1993
place: Nepal
time: about 12:00 pm
I want to ask that i am a disabled person. iI can’t walk with my legs. my legs are weak. I want to know that in the futue it will be cured or not?
My exam is coming, how it will be? And further i want to know about my future life, love and study.
Hi Brad
No worries!!!!!!!!!!!
Time is good favourable and from tomorrow 18:16 hours onwards, one more positive will happen for you (as Shani is shifting).
So here it is like your current running dasha’s are :
Mahadasha = Shani
Antardasha= Surya
Pratyantardasha= Managal
Shani will become Margi tomorrow 18:16 hours.
Sy is nor u lagna already till 15th June
and finally
Man is already come out of Kark rashi ( 18 May – 6 June, pratyantar dasha of mangal) and on 26th May onwards Mangal is in Singh Rashi.
Everything is in your favour, remember Shani is biggest giver in ur kundli.
So just chill out and work hard to get through.
Dear saikat manna
No KS yoga.
You have put on correct stones, effects will be visible now.
For your job:
Your time has already started from 27th of May 2010. 9 – 26 June is another very powerfull slot and finally 12th July – 20 July 2010 is a EXTREMLY favourable time.
So start…………
Try for patch up also with your wife, it appears to me that cause of separation is not initiated by her.
Yes you aanshik Kaal Sharp yoga. Do remedy near Nashik at Trimbkeshwar temple.(its a must)
Ketu dash is not favourable. Please put on Kanak Khetra cats eye of Bottle green colour, it is an expensive stone,in ur right hand smallest finger.
Sukr is your rajyog karak planet but it is trapped. But still it will give u prosperity.
Dear Neetu
Your case is very complicated and I am unable to come to a strong conclusion.
But still my suggestion is do Remedy for Rahu and Shani, immi.
For Rahu :
Keep one handful of wheat under a weight in the south direction of your house.
For Shani :
Bury a mud vessel filled with mustard oil covered with lid under the water on the bank of any river, so that water keeps on flowing over it.
And observe for 2-3 months and then let me know whether relief is there or not.
Respected sir,today i read about kal-sarpa yoga.my date of birth is 21 feb 1985
time of birth is 7:25 am
place of birth is mandsaur m.p.
can u tell me i have kal-sarpa yoga as rahu is in Ihouse and ketu in 7th house with pluto and all planets are on upper right side of chart with sun moon and mercury in 11th house.
i am not able to get a good job after compleating my studies.i want to know the effect of kal-sarpa yoga on my carrier and life etc.i dont want to get married.i think my married life will not be happy.no one tell nothing to me after seeing my horescope.i want to know what my horescope says?what is the significance of kal-sarpa yoga in my life?
my mail-id is tarunvyas85@yahoomail.com in
sir,please respond.i will wait for your reply.
Guru ji, i have a ring of snake biting its tail, there is little bit kalsarp yog on me, i want to know in which fingure should i wear it for maximum benifit. I will be grateful if i will receive your reply.
Thanks a lot Guruji for your guidance. Hope everything is fine at your side also. I am really grateful to you for your kind reply to my queries.
Would definitely like to disturb you again in future here @ the forum and would also like to show my indebtedness and gratitude to you someday, if I get an oppourtunity to meet you in person.
Pranaam Guruji,
My DOB: 17.7.1978
Time: 10:45 PM
Place of Birth: Kolkata (West Bengal).
In my Ascendant Chart:—
1st House: KETU,Lagna
2nd House: Nothing
3rd House: Nothing
4th House: Jupiter
5th House: Mercury,SUN
7th House: RAHU
8Th House: Nothing
9th House: Moon
10th House: Nothing
11th House: Nothing
12th House: Nothing
I have Rahu in the 7th House & Ketu in the 1st House(House of my Lagna). Some said I may have Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga. Is it true??
I was married on 4th February,2010. But after two months, My wife left me, and we are separated. She wants Divorce now.There is no Dispute from my side.But it happened.
After that I also lost my Job. Still now I am jobless. I am trying my level best but could not find any good Job yet. I am totally depressed don’t know what to do?
1. Can I get any Government Job in my Life? and when I will get Job? If not Government Job which Job is best suitable for me?
2. Will my married life happy in future if I get married once again? Or I should not marry in Future. If I get married, which time is suitable for me?
I started wearing Gomed(7.26 ratti) and Yellow Saffire(3.7 ratti) from 20th May 2010. But still could not get any proper result.
Please, see my chart and tell me Guruji as I am very very sad now and totally depressed.What will be my future?
With Regards ,
Respected Guruji,
I thank you and pray for you on behalf of everyone who has benefitted from all the information and your support that has been received through this site.
Am currently going through an extremely difficult phase in personal and professional life. Am on a verge of considering solvency, of assets (if any) as well as self. These problems are of the same nature and have been repeating themselves over a period of a decade now, but in altogether different settings. Though, by definitions, my kundli doesn’t fall into Anant Kalsarp I am facing problems identical to this condition. My kundli details;
Date of Birth – June 12, 1979.
Time of Birth – 12:05 hrs
Location – 20N;73.52E
I shall be highly grateful if you can throw some light on the situation and guide me for coming out strong. My soul desire is fulfil all my duties towards life before I step into the next stage.
Thanks a lot
God Bless
Dear Sir,
My Name : B Vijay Bhargav Nagaraju
My DOB : 18-Jan-1985
Place : Bhadrachalam (Nellipaka)
I dont know my Time of birth , My parents says i had Kala sarpa dosha, would u please let me know my Time of birth, what KSP i belongs out of 12 and how my life is effefted. I had observed many UP and DOWN untill now and i dont know how it will effect my future. would u please help to figure out my situation.
My Mail ID: badam.vijaybhargav@gmail.com
Respected Sir,
Myself Kunal vishwakarma, Yesterday i meet one jyotish and he informed me that i m suffering from KAL SURP Yoga,
My DOB – 1981
Rashi name start with – KHE
Place of Birth – Mumbai.
I have suffering alot since chilidhoodm,every year there is accident in my life/ some health issue etc.
I seek for your valueable guidence.
Kindly help me,
Sincerely yours.
Kunal Vishwakarma
email : vkunal@gmail.com
Dear Sir,
My date of birth is 12-09-1954 and time of birth is 15.15hrs. and accoding to my horoscope I am having Anant kalsarp yog.I was recommended by an astrologer to wear a snake pendant embedded with Gomed and Cat’s eye. However, when I put this pendant, my businesss became very weak and no new opportunity is coming my way.
Please advice what I should do.
Kindly give your advise.
Shankar Pillay
Dear Sir,
I would like to inform you my DOB 25th June 2000, 04:15 PM at Gujarat Dist- Mehsana, Taluka- Kadi. I need your help & solution for this.
please tell me the effect of ksy in my raashi
Pranaam Guruji,
My DOB: 17.7.1978
Time: 10:45 PM
Place of Birth: Kolkata (West Bengal).
In my Ascendant Chart:—
1st House: KETU,Lagna
2nd House: Nothing
3rd House: Nothing
4th House: Jupiter
5th House: Mercury,SUN
7th House: RAHU
8Th House: Nothing
9th House: Moon
10th House: Nothing
11th House: Nothing
12th House: Nothing
I have Rahu in the 7th House & Ketu in the 1st House(House of my Lagna). Some said I may have Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga. Is it true??
I was married on 4th February,2010. But after two months, My wife left me, and we are separated. She wants Divorce now.There is no Dispute from my side.But it happened.
After that I also lost my Job. Still now I am jobless. I am trying my level best but could not find any good Job yet. I am totally depressed don’t know what to do?
1. Can I get any Government Job in my Life? and when I will get Job? If not Government Job which Job is best suitable for me?
2. Will my married life happy in future if I get married once again? Or I should not marry in Future. If I get married, which time is suitable for me?
I started wearing Gomed(7.26 ratti) and Yellow Saffire(3.7 ratti) from 20th May 2010. But still could not get any proper result.
Please, see my chart and tell me Guruji as I am very very sad now and totally depressed.What will be my future?
With Regards ,
i wana know abt my future,and how will go this year and next year..my date of birth is 28/03/1978 in bangladesh,barishal.
Respected Sir
Please let me know do I have kalsarp yog…Can I marry during this yog…If no what will be the consequenses..If yes what is the best possible remedy…My date of birth is 29th June-1976..time 3.15pm place of birth :rajgangpur(orissa)
Hi Brad
How was ur exam(s) ??
Hi Amit M
Please provide the name of the location instead of the coordinates.
Hi jagannath pradhan
You don’t have KS.
My date of birth is 29-01-1983, Time 07:05AM , Do i have kal Sarp yog. I am facing lots of problems in my career n marriage.
Dear Moksh
No KS. though u have not provided POB, still.
Your good time will start from 25-11-2012
sir ksy is a wonder ful yoga which make a men successful though after struggle person with this yoga achive higher position in life after strugle my question is if the success is possible without struggle certainly not so this yoga helps man to achive some thing big in life The person with these yoga are extra ordinary person like nehru and gandhiji
Respected Sir,
WRT my query on June 8th, 2010
Place of birth is Nasik.
Shall be grateful to read your reply.
….Though, by definitions, my kundli doesn’t fall into Anant Kalsarp I am facing problems identical to this condition. My kundli details;
Date of Birth – June 12, 1979.
Time of Birth – 12:05 hrs
Location – Nasik (Maharashtra)
Thanks a lot
May God Bless
My DOB is 28 december 1986
birth time : 13:45 NST(+5:45)
birth place gorkha (28o4’12 N 84o32’24 E), Nepal
1 (Ascendent) : Aeries
2,3,4,5 vacant
6 : ketu
7 : venus
8 : Moon/Saturn
9 : Sun/Mercury
10 : vacant
11 : Jupiter / Mars
12 : Rahu
Nakshatra : Vishakha – 4
Rashi : Scorpio
I also have KSY please tell me its effects on my studies, career, marriage and abroad travel. also point some remedies …
dob 29/12/1961.time 9.17pm birthplace amritsar punjab india since 1977 i am facing problem problem all time preasure of money witch i cant earn if there is any hope then i will try to fight with this situation otherwise iam fedup kindly give me right bold advice
I have been advised to do the kalsarpa puja at Nashik -Tryambakeshwar. I am not clear if my horoscope has a Kalsarpa yog/dosh or not. Some astrologers who have seen my horoscope have said it is a ardha i.e. half kalsarpa yog. I would be highly obliged if you can spare some time to have a look at my chart as i would do the puja only if it is really required. My details are as follows:
Name : Jutika Milind Thakre
Date of Birth : 11/11/1983
Place of Birth : Mumbai,Maharashtra
Time of Birth: 08:05 AM
Day of Birth: Friday
Nakshatra:Uttar Ashada
Name parteek
Birth date DD/MM/YYYY 30 jan 1987
Time Of Birth _23_:00:00 hrs
Place Of Birth _moga , punjab_, india
In my hooscope ketu is in 6th house _and rahu is in 12th house. i m wearing a gomed riang as well a yellow hakeek ring. I am always suffers from misfortune . From last 4-5 years i could not able to pass in my exams. everytime i go for some good work it always never happen and some bad is always happen. i used to go to lord hanuman’s temple every thursday . give me some tips so that i can succes and able to clear my exams and will get a good job.
Dear Prateek
There are some more things u need to do in addition to the above said remedies :
You are suffering from:
A.)Father’s Debt-
Remedy are 🙁 any one will do)
1-You should collect equal amount of money from all your family members and donate it at a religious place.
2-Get any religious place around your house cleaned.
3-If there is a Peepal or Banyan tree around your house then take care of it and pour water in its roots.
B.)Kin’s Debt-
Remedy is : You should take equal amount of money from all your family members and give it to a doctor so that he can treat the poor people for free.
c.)Debt of Siter and Daughter-
Remedies are 🙁 any one will do)
1-Take yellow shells (kaowdiyaan)from all your family members and then burn them and float its ash in water.
2-You should take equal amount of money from all your family members and on a day of Wednesday, get halwa (Indian sweet) and bread made in ghee and feed it to 101 girls and also give them donations.
d.)Nature’s Debt-
Remedies are 🙁 any one will do)
1-You should take equal amount of money from all your family members and feed 100 dogs at one time.
2-Take the blessings of widows and take care of them.
Please do these remedies as mentioned and then see the effects. Also update here ur observations after doing all the things as suggested.
All the best.
kavita jaiswal dob is 23 feb 1985 time 1:45 am place kanpur
i also has kalsarpa yogya
my fiance sushant gujarathi dob 26 may 1981 place lonavala time 8 :01 pm
my marriage is fix 4m last 2 yrs but wnhever our family plan to take out the dates some accident happened earlier my uncle expire ,than my would be father in law met an accident and now my fiance grand maa expired
can u pls help me to knw whether any dosh is thr and if pl let me knw remedy
hi gurji..
im having a hard life since 1990 till now..
rawang malaysia
1,2,3,4,5,- nothing
6th- rahu, moon
i do believe i have a ksy
pls suggest remedies..
thks in advance
Respected Sir,
I want to know the daily Jaap for Vishakt Sarp Dosh or in simple words i want the Vishakt Sarp Jaap.
Hi Gurji,
Name :Trinadh
DOB: 27-June-1977
Time of Birth: 13:00(Mondy after noon 1 PM)
Place of Birth:Narasapur, Andhara pradesh.
I don’t know weather I have Kala sarpa yoga or not, but since 1994 June I have been suffering with Chronic digestive system problems though I have tried many treatments still the problem persists and I was not able to tolerate this problem I got frustrated with life Please tell me what is the problem in my horoscope and also please advise me the remedies.
Thanks ~ Trinadh
my date of birth is 16 mar,1980
please tell me , i stheir kaal sarp yog in mu kundi or not? if yes, then what should be i do to secure my life
i have been told i have kala sarpa yogam.. pls advise me as to i fall under wht category.i need help.mY birthday falls on the 31/07/1982.And my time of birth is 0654hrs (singapore timing).Please help me n let me know wht i am going through.
Pandit ji
plz mujhe jyotishi batate hai ki meri kundli me kalsarp yog hai ( D.of.B 05-06-1980 time 11.45 AM Unnao, UP, Mai mansik rup se kabhi-2 bahut nervas ho jata hu asa lagta hai ki jindgi me sab problem hi hai aur meri marrige life bi bilkul thik nahi chal cal rahi shadi ke 3 yers hone wale ha koi santan bhi nahi plz koi achcha upay batane ki kripa kare
hello,sir.my D.O.B.is 22 dec 1986,Auraiya(u.p.).birth time 23 hours.i want to know that what i have .kalsarp dosh. plz tell me.
Namaste Panditji,
Please Sir I want to know whether I have Kalasarpa Yoga
or not???????
My Details:
DOB: April 5th 1979
Time: 6.55 pm
Day: Thursday
Place: Cuttack(orissa)
Plz sir help me I am very confused.
Namaste sir
Please look in my chart and help me to know what types of doshas are there in my kundali which is making my life worse and very struggling and type of remedies for each dosha.
DOB: 04/04/1975
Time: 15:30 pm
Day: Friday
Place: Azamgarhm, (U.P).
dear sir
my ketu is in lagna and raahu is in 7th house. is it kaalsarp dosh or yog?
My date of birth is 28 June 1982
My ketu is in 9th house rahu in 3rd with sun
I have checked from many places but nobody has said that ks yog is in my horoscope
But an astrologer told me there is khandit ks yoga in my kundli.
What is khandit Kaal sarpa yoga / will it affect my future??
Dear U.Yogi Sir,
Do you kindly remember me? It’s me Pukar. Sir we did conversation in this site at first at Jan29th 2010 and last time at May 8th 2010.
Sir I want to thank you again for your kind response to all my query.
To remind you kindly,
My birth date details is:
date:1988sep 12
Place: Kathmandu, Nepal ( latitude: 27°43’0’’N and longitude 85°19’0’’E)
Time:9:27pm(nepali time)(it is UTC 5:45)
According to MB janam kundali, I am Kanya rashi, Hasta nakschetra, and Mesh lagna
I have following in my birth chart.
1st, 3rd 7th, 8th and 10th house empty.
Guru in 2nd house, Shukra in 4th , Surya and Ketu together in 5th house and Chandra & Budha together in 6th house.Shani in 9th house. RAhu in 11th and mangala in 12th house.
Sir as my previous question, my this question is also concerned to my career. Sir, after my +2 level education, it have been already 3 years , I couldn’t been able to rejoin my further study. Now I have decided to join it any how. As you suggested to join either CA or mathematic course, I have decided to take physics with math. Sir, how will be this? Or I should rethink it?
And sir, when I study, I need to do certain job also, so for that I am planning to open one tuition (or education) centre, how might be this?
Sir, I have very strong desire to do something in field of science , but sometime I feel confused that: “do my desire is just due to the attractive field of science(in regard to money and fame)?” or “do I am born to do something in field of science?”
I hope you will also make clear in this.
And last question is , after 3 years gap, should I still need to read or something else? Please do guide me in this question also.
Sir, life is so so unpredictable. So, please don’t say to me that: “ this guy is so confusing man”
Sir, it is not like, my life and my family situations are not improving, I feel that it is improving slowly. But still I can’t being able to rejoin my study.
I hope you will help me with your so kind and so valuable suggestion.
Kindly yours,
Dear Deepak Kumar
It appears that your trouble started from July/August 1996. Please confirm.
If it is yes, then:
1) Start having your meals in kitchen.
2) On any Saturday, float wooden coal equal to your body weight, in the river.
Dear Sir,
please suggest where should i perform the puja of kaal sarp dosh. At which jyotirlingas from the 12 is better.
Thanks & Regards
Dear sir,
My DOB 02.08.1954(male),Birth place- Dehli-sabsimandi,and TOB is 14.15 hrs. Request you to please suggest me
1) do I have KSY in my kundali?
2)please tell me KSY is formed when all the grah are in between Rahu to Ketu or Ketu to rahu.
3) If my kundali formed KSY, please suggest me the remedies for me.
Thanks and regards
Dear sir,
In my home, problems are mounting and that too unnecessarily every day, one issue everyday and of without any reason. It may be because of kal Sarp yoga in my kundli. My every work delays and without any reason. i will be thank full if you please suggest some remedy.
My birth details are as under
Dear sir,
I am not progressing well in my career as well as personal life. There are lot of delays and hindrance for everything I do. Please see if I have a kalsarpa yoga in my kundali
My details:
DOB : 11-08-1978
Time : 20:20
Place : osmanabad ,maharashtra
Dear Sir,
First of all accept my regards for making such a nice and informative website on astrology. It is the best one i have found till now.
I also have a KSY ie. rahu in second house and ketu in Eigth.
Is it true that i really has a KSY???bcoz really i face a lot of health problems mainly of eyes, nervous system,lack of concentration and confidence, sleeplesness & stomach related.
Sir, i am facing lot of problems nowadays in my job and my main problem is that no matter i try to do the good for the people they always blame me and consider me as there enemy. This is causing my social life a great setback.
Plz help me sir and tell me the methods to overcome these problems????????Also plz suggest some measures and gemstones that i should wear.
Thank you!
My details:
DOB:22 September 1982,
Time: 21:20:01 hours,
Place: Kota(Raj.)[75 50 E,25 11 N]
Respected Sir,
I am meenakshi Sharma for HP, I have kalsarpa yoga in my kundli. Ketu in 12th house and Rahu in 6th house and all the planets are hemmed on one side of the axis, i.e. between the 12the house to 6th house (6th rahu,5th surya, budha, 4th Shukra, Shani, 3rd mangal and guru, 2nd chadra, 1st empty, 12th ketu, 11th, 10th, 9th,8th,7th are empty. Sir I am working very hard. Iam BSC MCA, working in contract basis with very low salary and not finding suitable match for marriage which leads to very delays in marriage as well as carrier. I didn’t find success in my life, people always deceives me. Kindly tell me and suggest me something to overcome my this situations.
Respected Sir,
I am nilesh I have kalsarpa yoga in my kundli.
My details:
Time: 02:50:pm,
Place: ahmedabad
Can you tell me if i have kalsarpyog or partial kalsarp, and if yes what type? ANd if there is any other planetary problems in my horoscope. The details are as follows:
Date of birth: 13 june 1979
Time: 4.10 am
Place and country: Pamplemousses, Mauritius
Thank you
My son born on 1 june 2012 at 11.37 a.m. uganda time (born in kampala uganda0)what is the name rashi.
I am very much thankful to you for your usufel information. In this connection I mwant to know :
Please let me know the kalsarp yog is to be find out from the Rashi Kundali or Janmakundali.
2nd How to verify the Shubh kalsarp yog and Ashubh kalsarp yog.
Your reply will be highly appreciated and will be useful to all the interesting persons in this Yog.
Thanking you.
Can you tell me wheather I have kalsarpyog and if yes what type? ANd if there is any other planetary problems in my horoscope. The details are as follows:
Date of birth: 11.9.1983
Time: 10 am
Place and country: KOLKATA . INDIA
My birth date,time & place is 27July1955, 23:50hrs, Indore MP India respectively.
Do I have Kalsarpyoga in my kundli, if yes then what is its effect? Is it beneficial or harmful?
Pl suggest remedies if afflicted.
Do I have any other dosha in my kundli? If yes, how these will affect and pl suggest remedies.
Name: Raghava BK, Place of Birth: Tumkur, Karnataka, India, DOB: 02/11/1981, Gender: Male, Time: 6:50am
My birth date,time & place is 27July1955, 23:50hrs, Indore MP India respectively.
Do I have Kalsarpyoga in my kundli, if yes then what is its effect? Is it beneficial or harmful?
Pl suggest remedies if afflicted.
Do I have any other dosha in my kundli? If yes, how these will affect and pl suggest remedies.
iam having ketu along with venus and sun in the 12th house and rahu alone in the 6th house and moon alone in the 4th house and lagna with guru and shani in the first house and mercury and mars in the 11th house.
iam having dhanur lagnam and my rasi karkada.
iam born on 5th night at 24.00 hours in mattanchery kochi kerala.
kindly inform wheather wearing a gomend stone will bring peace prosperity and good health with good relations with all.
please advice and thanks.
iam eagerly waiting for your advice and comments please.
with regards,
Dear guruji, I am born on 22-07-1968, 11.15pm at SIRSI-Karnataka, INDIA, Do I have Kalsarp yoga in my kundli, if yes then what is its effect? Pl suggest remedies if afflicted.
Do I have any other dosha in my kundli? If yes, how these will affect and pl suggest remedies.
dear all experts,
can you all show me its evidenace in bhragu sahimta, or ever this yog namly KALSARPA YOG discussed by shre naradji, gargji, or mahamuni vashisth. this is rediculas to afraid a innocent people by this yog.
28/11/1978 is date of birth
9.30am morning tuedsay
my husband date of birth is 11/11/67
i have 2yrs old baby name venktrammanna morning 7.02am on thursday date of bitrh is 03/06/2011
Since 1993 i hear sounds ghanti and payal 24hrs.always i see in dreams lord durga or lakshmi sometimes i see about the next day.
some says its evil some its good spiritual power and
always we fight specially on amavasya or every month 12 to 20th on mensus time. he dont do anything he work hard but the whole money collects my brother in law if we need we have to beg him.
I am not getting good job.
Iam worried about me and my family my child.
what to do? i dont have money to do some shanti pooja my hubby never gives me anything i cant beg my brother in law. And my mother family they are very poor. iam in great trouble plz help out from this
namaskaar can you please help me i need to know about my self 20/10/77
My D.O.B. is 8th March,1964
at Bhiwani(Haryana)
please tell me about myself and remedies
Your troubles will get over by 8th of October 2013.
Have patience.
sir i have taksha kalasapra yoga/dosha when it will get over in my life? life is horrible 03/04/1973 born in chennai chengalpattu tambaram mor 11.31am
hello sir i was born in 16-11-82 in mubai. and what is the vasuki kal sarp yog. i m not well in job n besiness. so please advise me.
dob is 28/11/1978 tuesday morning 9.30am
worried bout my hubby married life me n my job.
sir, my dob 5/02/1976,pls tell my future.im getting loss in business.pls help me wat to do.
Dear Sir,
My DOB 29/03/1983 i did’t get lovable life,i want happiness in my marriage life and i need good job.pls guide me
Dear sir,
My Birth Date 14/10/1983 & Time in morning 5.15 am. I m married ( 3 years) but i want to be a mother but not possible today onwards.
so, please tell me i have the kalsurpa yog or not.
kindly reply as soon as possbile.
Respected Sir,
I have been having problems in my career since last 8 years. And i am giving a major exam in october this year. Please tell me a lucky day for me in october this year when should i book my exam?
My name: Harmandeep Brar
dob:august 30th 1984
place:moga, punjab
I will be waiting for your reply
Much Regards to you.
My 6th house has rahu and Chandra together.and 12th house kethu all other planets in bitween.
What is my position
Thanks for replying.
My seld Sanjib Kumar Paul from Mumbai I am born on 22nd Oct,1974 at Dhubri Assam,there is a court case related to Service Matter on promotion, I would like to know whether my case will be admitted in the High Court
my name-rajesh jaglan.date of birth-16-02-1989……suggest me a stone for education and career.
my self-rajesh jaglan.date of birth-16 february 1989.time-2:25 Am at panipat(HARYANA).i m worried abut my education and career……please suggest me gem stone.
Guru g,
DOB: 08 September 1989 GMT +5:45, Time 01:30 A.M, I would love to know about myself everything which could help me in future.
I am born on 11 August 1969 at 11.03 am can I wear Pukhraj.
My name is mohini
Time 23.20
Pls tell me which stone is good right now suffering too much family problame
My son name is anup his birthdate is 24/9/1981 birth time 10.39 AM in Hong Kong He want to get marry but problem is that when we suggest him he refuse us were he like people refuse him wt to do .please let me know thanks
Full details
Name : Srilatha Lella
Gender: Female
DOB : 10th July, 1986
Time : 11:05 A.M.
Kindly let me know if I have kala sarpa dosha in my kundli, and how does it reacts in my marriage life, career and Health. As I am very much worried about my Career break.
If yes, how should I solve my problems.
Please help me.
Kalasarpa yoga only effects bad when you stop education. School children those who are not suffering Kala sarpa bad effects. I have been studying so many horoscopes of school children with Kalasarpa yoga’s but they are not suffering. As a school teacher I am doing so many researches. If any one who involves with education or serve to religions they are not suffering any bad effects of Kalasarpa yoga.
Gamini Wijesinghe
following r my birth details
sir,my date of birth is 11-05-1980, near jalandar,punjab, iam not geeting married, i am facing too much of difficulty in competing any job i take,pls suggest solution for it.
from nepal. my birthday is december 16 1987 . i m also have kalsarpa yog what can i do for the reduction of its adverse effect
Dear Sir,
My self Soumitra Chakraborty from Howrah, West Bengal and my date od birth is 16 December 1980 time of birth 4:30 am at Howrah.
From choldhoof I lodt my father and struggle so hard and in the year 2006 I got a job in freight forwarding company and became married in 2008.but 2012 13th of November my brother has been die by an motor cycle accdient.not only thst my mother went for Hospital and one by one incident has coming. Finally I lost my job two months ago and yet I did not find my job and automatically my financial conditionn is become very poor and regular wise quarrel eith my wife.
I need your opinion and suggestion please Sir.
Sorry sir my comment is very long but I did’t find any other way.
sir, I born on 30-03-1967 by 00.10 am in srikakulam my raasi is vruschika 4 th padam i am private employee married but no own house. let me know may i have own house please tell ks 9493166835
rekha, dob-8/10/1986, time-5.45am, birth place-new delhi(delhi), i want to know about kalsarp yog in my kundli.
Dear sir i was boron on December 17 1987 in kathmandu nepal at the time of 13:27 i have heard that i have also ananta kalsapra yoge in my kundale and also have a magalik dosh please help me.
My name is mansingh
D.O.B – 18th july 1990
Timing – 19:05
Want to know about my kundli
Srikalahasti temple is suggested by many for kalasarpa dosha nivarana by doing rahu pooja during rahukala
Date of birth: 16th October 1974
Time of Birth: 12:45 pm
Location of birth: Hyderabad, AP
Need help with remedy
Dear Guruji
My date of Birth is 23.01.1964 , time 07.58 am , place of birth – Mumbai. I am married – 2 daughter and one son.
I am facing financial & heath problem. Some one told me You do Rahu Bhuarspathi Sandi Shanti & Kalsarpa Yog Shanthi before 6 month then only all problem will be sort out .
You are requested to advice me what to do, it is necessary . Please mail me in details and approximate expenses for the same.
Waiting your valuable reply .
Thanks & Regards,
Dinesh Kaushik
Dear Guruji My Date of Birth is 30.10.1982
Please tell me the problem of mine i have problem in my family
Dear sir,
My DOB is 7-1-1980 at 5.20pm,Female,Hyderabad
My marraige is not getting settle
Please suggest
My DOB 19-10-1978
Birth Place : jalna Maharashtra
Time : 6.50 AM
Which kalsarpa is in my kundali and remedies for that
please tell some future perspective also
my sisters baby girl born on 29/07/2013 time 11:00AM . in nizamabad .andhrapradesh so kindly inform me that time have any (kala sarpa dhosham) thanking you sir …
what is my future
date of birth 15oct 1990 time at 8:50 am in mumbai maharashtra
what is my rasee
Which rashi is my……?
And tell me about my 2014…..
This was such a fascinating read. I am very interested in Indian Astrology as it seems far more comprehensive as compared to other traditions of astrology. Thank you for sharing – and inspiring. 🙂
pranaam guruji
my date of birth 16.8.1982.
time 2.30p.m
place of birth tehran(iran)
guruji,there is kaal sarp yog in my kundli.im married.what effect does it have on my life.i
what are its remedies.
Namaste…..pls muje mere. Aage ki life ke liye btaye ki mera future kaisa hoga or kya muje kaal sarp yog bi hai kya ..agar hai to uske liye kya krna hoga
Date of birth 20–4–1985..time 8:57am..new Delhi
..indu Chawla
Pranam Guruji,
Details are mentioned below:
DOB: 16 March 1985
Place: Allahabad (U.P.)
Time: 22:27 pm
In my kundali Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga – (Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first) mentioned. Could you please suggest some remedies. Also having problem in marriage. How is my future, any suggestion from your end would be definitely helpful to take the decisions.
My dob aug 23rd 1990 1:30 PM thursday please help me if i have any dosh
My date of birth is 22nd december 1987, timing 9.44 p.m. Birth place kolkata. Please tell me out of the twelve my kalsarp yog is of which kind and what could be the adverse effect of it in my personal life,love life,marriage life, professional life. And what is the remedies of it. Thank you
i had a reading for me done and it said i did not have Kaalsharpa in my horoscope. I want a remedey please.
06/13/1964 7:08 am Kansas city ks usa female
DOB-15.09.1984 Time of birth-04:13AM Place f birth-Kanpur,Utter Pradesh.
I hv kalsarp yog or pitradosh or not? when i will get married?love or arranged? who will be my future life partner?
Hi, I wanted to get marry to the person who is having takshak kaal sarp dosh , can you please tell us if their is any remedy for this dosh to be rectified so that I Can marry ?
Dob:-28/04/1998, time:-8:15pm, birthplace: – darbhanga (Bihar)
Please tell me about my future.
Surendramohan choudhary
DOB:10 TH JULY 1985
Hi,my date of birth is 12 november,1986,time is 10:15p.m and day is wednesday place of birth is Tezpur,Assam,I want to know in which shall I get married and if there is any dosha in my kundali and if there is then what is the remedy for it.
in vrishabh lagna,6th guru-rahu,8th sat-moon in 12th house budh-ketu’s combination..
Sameet das born on 9 december,1980 at time 9:35 pm, poorvashada dhanus rasi, sagittarius suffering from kalasarpajoga.horoscope name is dhananjay.is this good or bad in future.till now so many years nothing had gone in right manner.disturbances,troubles
I want to know my career and job prediction
Pls help me i am not getting job
I was born on 15 th dec 1989
My rasi poosam birth time 6.30
I was born on 13 august 1980 birth time 1.15pm.
Pls tell me about my career.
my name is kusum my date of birth is 9-6-1986 time-12:40pm place jaipur tell me about my future,marriage and job.
Spiritualism is the only solution to all obstacles antaryami spiritual healer
Born 23/5/1980 12.05midnight .pls tell about my future.i have KSY.i have order to buy hessonite+cat eye on pendant to improve faster my aura and my life.will this help me
pl fidn details
wehn will i get married
Sir my name is Ramakrishna Rao born on 19th of july 1974, time of birth around 11.30 am, place: Hyderabad. Past two years i am facing lot of problems and troubles.
Dear Sir,
I am affected by Vasuki Kalsarp dosha. Can you pl. tell me how will be the life after the affecting period? I am 37 years old now.
i have born on 3rd october 1996 in tirupati. do i have kalasarpa dosha? please tell me sir.
Neelam patel born on 27th january 1995, time of birth around 4:45 am, place: gujarat (mahava). me & my family we both fight day-to-day life and i am to disoppointment with my life, why i do that thing which wrong for me always i thing about. altimately i loss my confidence front of all people how i face. sometime i thing i am not better to live hear. i suffering my health also and lots of mental thing which distrubing me losts
Dear Sir,
My birth details is 12/01/1988
Place Chennai
My problem is nothing happens according to my plan no matter how deeply i think and plan
I think i have sarpadosh
My mother acts very strange
My father is partially bedridden
my career and profession is having lot of problems.
My hardworks fruits are taken by someone else.
I sometimes feel i should run away from my place to an unknown one.
plz suggest what’s happening will wearing Gomed and cats eye in left hand muddle finger help me.
Looking forward to here from you soon.
Pranam Guruji,
My details are mentioned below:
DOB: 25 March 1980
Place: Rahuri, Dist Ahmednagar ( Maharastra)
Time: 01:30 am ( 24th March’s midnight )
In my kundali Kalsarpa dosh is mentioned. Could you please suggest some remedies. Also I am not getting right job and facing so many problems. How is my future, is there any chance to go abroad for work? please check my details and guide me to live good life.
Please reply on my email Id amthaware@rediffmail.com. I am eagerly waiting for your response.
CommentWhen will i get job?
Namaskar Guruji,
My details are below
DOB – 17 Nov 1968
Place – Bhubaneswar
Time – 16:05:00 Hrs
Pl suggest when I will get a new job
sir…my d.o.b is 27 -05-90 .. sir i have kalasarpa dosa is … i m having problem with my life and career …can u suggest any remedies
Sir, my DOB is 18.10.1980 at Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, India. at 10.40am. I have KSD. My present life passing through hazards. How can I overcome this?
Pl oblige-Nibedita.
i have kalasarpa yoga. Ketu in 4th house and rahu in 10th house. I had a fairly good performance in Office life.
I had gone to triambakeshwar n did naga narayanan bali. i visited kalahasthi n did rahu pooja.. i had to pledge my property to meet some expenses. this was done on the belief that a propery belonging to my wife will sold and the loan can be setoff. but not able to sell house. I have Budhan in 11th house n i am told i will debt always !!. now i am under going kesthu dasa. any remedies?
Name: M S Manish Kumar
Date of Birth: 11th Jan 1974
Time: 8.10 A M
Place: Narayaguda,Hyderabad * Want to know about my kundli
Wife: name: Sandhya
04th Oct,1983 12.00 PM Hyderabad
Daughter:name Sideeksha
03th July,2015 Friday 3.26 Afternoon
Question: 1) Stable Job for me (manish) for betterment of life 2) if any dosh is their…its remedy
Sir, in my birth chart Rahu in 12th house and kety in 6th house, is it KALSARPO YOUG or not, if yes what is remedial.
My name is Rajib
born in 12-09-1979
time-2:21 pm
Place of birth- Siliguri
Day : wed
Dear Sir,
I want to know in which shall I get married and if there is any dosha in my kundali and if there is then what is the remedy for it.
I didn’t get any good job..I want to know what pooja I have to perform to get a good job
NAME : B.Vishwanatha
Place Bellary Dist.
Time 8.30 Pm
DOB 23.01.1975.
REGARDS about our Marriage and Kalasarapa Dosha finding
I am 30 yrs old unmarried I was born on 09/ 10 / 1986 in place of birth cuddalore tamil nadu (11 pm star moola this period was navarathiri Durga pooja day) .astrologer s say I have shankalp yoga .Till now i have faced only disappointments in life I am trying for government job but all my attempts in recruitment exams is a failure .when my life will change and when i will settle down or this will continue.
No jobs.health kuda bagunta ledhu.sir.please sir.
Date of birt.9-03-1984.
Phone no.9491480465
Thanks alot for such a valuable and useful information about Kaalsarp Yog Puja.
If anyone is suffered because of Kaalsarp Dosh the Perform Kaalsarp Yog Puja at Trimbakeshwar. Pandit Devkumar Sharma is one of the best Pandit for Kaalsarp Puja to perform Kaalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja. Contact on +91 9890391437, +91 8605659769. Visit us at http://www.kaalsarppuja.in/
My DoB: 02.10.2002
Time: 11.40 AM
Place of Birth: Bhadreswar, West Bengal
Please tell whether the Kalsarp yoga is dangerous for me and whether I would be able to complete studies up to graduation without break. I have already failed in Class IX and transferred to another school and got Computer Application as my elective subject.
Respected sir,
My DOB -4 June 1976
Birth place Ranchi
Name-Anita Dhar
Birth time-12:15pm
In my janm kundali ,lagna &rashi is Singh,position on 5place
1- guru,ketu
2-surya ,budh, sukra
Is there is kalsarpa yog??
All things in so delay…..
Dear Sir, My name is Hima, DOB: 01-11-1988, time. 6.15am, I am facing problem in progency, even after trying for 2 years, please provide a solution.
I want to know type of my kaal sarp yog, it’s duration and it’s bad effects.
Name:Deesha Mahajan DoB:26-11-1983 time:0:22 AM Place :Jammu city
I give my correct basic details as below:
I wish to know what is preventing me from settling in life in all aspects?
1. Name of the person concerned: VENKATARAMANACHARI RAMESH
2. His/Her Gender: MALE
3. His/Her Date of Birth: [AD] Anno Domini 16-12-1968 Anno Domini [AD] COMMON /
4. His/Her Month of Birth: DECEMBER
5. His/Her Year of Birth: [AD] Anno Domini 1968 [AD] Anno Domini COMMON / CHRISTIAN ERA
6. His/Her Time of Birth (Hours: Minutes AM/PM):
STANDARD TIME 05:30 E Daylight savings time [DST] applied or not : NOT KNOWN
7. His/Her Place of Birth (Village/City, District, State, Country): Village :OOTACAMUND TOWNSHIP [OOTY]
[LONGTITUDE : 076 E 42 LATITUDE: 011 N 24]
8. Your Present Location (City, District, State, Country): City : CHENNAI
9. Your Mobile Number from which you’ll make a call (along with country code):+91-7448777651
Hi Sir,
My husband have kala sarpa dosha. Is it possible to perform kala sarpa dhosa pooja without my husband present?
Regarding Ring….Gomedh and CAT should touch skin (bottom Hole will Open) or Clos below the stones.Please suggest
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