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Unlocking Career Paths and Job Changes Through Astrology

By Kshitij Sharma, May 10, 2024

By analyzing key elements in a birth chart, such as the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and their respective houses, we can pinpoint both an individual’s career inclinations and potential shifts in their professional life. Astrology provides valuable insights into career paths and changes in jobs, drawing from ancient texts. The principle of determining a career from a horoscope that I have found working very well is taken from Phaladeepika, Chapter Karmajeevadhyaya.

When examining the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant in a birth chart, we look for the strongest influence among them. This dominant influence guides us to understand an individual’s inherent strengths and inclinations towards particular fields of work. Let’s break down this process:

  1. First, assess the strength of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant. Identify the strongest among them.
  2. Then, consider the 10th house from the strongest of the three.
  3. Examine the planet ruling this house, and mark this planet as the dashamesh.
  4. Next, locate this dashamesh in the navansha chart.
  5. Pay close attention to the planet and sign where the dashamesh is positioned in the rashi chart. This combination of planet and sign indicates the area of work.

Some examples of the planet and sign where dashamesh falls in the navansha chart are:

Sun/Leo: If dashmesh falls in Simha in navansha, individuals will excel in roles related to administration, leadership, management, or fields like medicine, healing, and metal works.

Moon/Cancer: If dashmesh falls in Karka in navansha, individuals will find success in professions related to water, such as marine biology, fishing, or careers involving the sea. They might also thrive in fields like jewellery making, import/export businesses, travel or tourism, etc.

Mercury/Gemini/Virgo: If dashmesh falls in Mithuna or Kanya in navansha, the individual will shine in analytical roles requiring sharp intellect and communication skills. This could include accounting, mathematics, software development, or even fields like astrology.

Jupiter/Sagittarius/Pisces: If dashmesh falls in Dhanu or Meena in navansha, individuals will do well in law, finance, teaching, preaching and religious practices.

Saturn/Capricorn/Aquarius: If dashmesh falls in Makar or Kumbha in navansha, then the main areas of work are agriculture, mining, timber, consultancy and advisory, naturopathy

Venus/Taurus/Libra: If dashmesh falls in Vrishabha or Tula in navansha, the main areas of work are sales and marketing, dealing in luxury items, jewellery, art and entertainment, interior design, etc. Additionally Libra also indicates legal profession as Libra is indicative of balance.

Additionally, considering the mid-point of the 10th house and examining the nakshatra it falls in provides further insights into an individual’s professional inclinations.

The above are only a few examples. The entire list can be found in Phaladeepika and also in The Stars and Your Profession book.

Job Change, Promotions & Demotions

The two main houses for changes in the job are the 5th house and the 9th house. It is counterintuitive to think of these two houses as detrimental to the job because these are the two main important houses in the horoscope and are considered very auspicious. However, from the point of view of the 10th house, these are the 8th and 12th respectively and are hence considered obstacles to the attributes governed by the 10th house in the horoscope. The 5th house is the 8th from the 10th and is responsible for changes in the conditions at the place of work and work itself. The 9th house is 12th from the 10th and governs change in rank and status at the place of work. These are the two houses primarily responsible for resignations- either voluntary or forced. If these two houses are closely linked together and there are other planets creating yogas with this house, the individual will change jobs frequently.So, whenever these two houses get involved in a yoga, job changes should be predicted in the corresponding dasha/antar/prayantar dashas. If auspicious houses like the 2nd, 7th and 12th houses get involved, then the job change is accompanied by promotions and higher pay. However, if the 8th and 12th houses or their lords get involved, then the job change is accompanied by loss of pay and status.

These main separative planets: Saturn, Rahu/Ketu and Sun can cause separation from job if taken into consideration with the above logic. Job loss due to lack of discipline can be associated with Saturn. Ego issues mean that the Sun is involved. Mars’ eighth house Drishti or Ketu’s Drishti can mean suddenness. Rahu’s involvement makes the whole deal murky. If there are any subsequent dasha with 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th house combination, then it will help in getting a new job.

If only the 5th and 9th houses are involved and separative planets are not involved, then job change with higher pay and promotion should be predicted.

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